The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, May 24, 1907, Image 3

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    fY fo Interest to Know That the Smartest Spring
Fashions for Men and Young Men
Are now here ready' for your inspection and try-on and that we offer you anl your friends the first opportunity
of viewing the largest ard most magnificent display of Spring apparel we have ever had. If you can't come to
morrow, come ihe day 8iter. If you wish to dress well at little expense if you want a S m ( j ( -wi
style and of strict high quality. Its to your interest to ccme
here at once and make an early selection.
which we show in all the most fashionable fabric3
broad variety of handsome weaves. Look where you rna
I you positively cannot find values to equal those we off a ! n
Vf L J
Spring Sack Suits for Men and
Young Men at $12 to $25
of most advanced single and double breasted style, with
every detail as derfect as if exclusively custom-tailor-made
with a special offering of selected styles and fabrics fully
equal in value to most$20 suits at $15
J :n iXt I
i il l
Gat your Lunch Boxes for the
Senior Excursion at Hollenberg &
W. D. DeVarney came up from
Albany last night on a brief busi
ness trip.
E. J. Bellinger arrived here
Saturday evening to accompan y
his wife and baby borne, who have
been visiting friends and relatives.
Next Monday and Tuesday,
1 f o 7 11 nvr i SI Tti- T rhiso tlta mall
known optician will be at Hotel
uorvauis. Have mm test your
eyes for glasses, 18 years experi
ence. You are cordially invited to
call at Hotel Corvallis next Mon
day and Tuesday and have Dr.
Lowe the eye specialist test your
eyes. If you do not need glasses,
ne will tranfciy tell you sr.
The Independent telephone be
gins tomorrow the stringing of a
trunk line to Peoria. The poles
are already set, and it is expected
that the line will be in operation
Rev. Hand'aker and T. T.
Vincent leave tomorrow morn'ng in
charge of seventeen lads that are
ticketed to Salem to attend the
Youths' conference to be held in
that city tomorrow and Sunday.
Tuesday, the 28th, is the date,
the Congregational church is the
place and Rev. B. H. Lingenfelter
cf Seattle, is the speaker, for the
union Cbni tian Endeavor Rally.
There will be other attractions dur
ing the evening. Program begins
at 8 o'clock. All are invited .
The new spring styles in Hats, both stiff and soft $1.50 to 53.5 )
Tomorrow is Spring Opening day. Coirieearlyt
The People's Store.
Established 1864;
Perfect Time Inspires Pesf ect Confidence! ; A watch which cannot be trusted
to tell perfect time is worse than no watch at all, as it mis-leading and .- causes un
necessary trouble and loss of fame. Get a watch that you can depend on at all
times, the best on ihe market, to be had in all grades and styles. At PRATT The
Jeweler's. Optical work of all kinds a Specialty.
We have also received our Spring lines of Men's 0
fords, etc, in ali the latest shapes.
tall ana Save 5 Per Cent.
: ; , Ot your cash by trading with us
; f : When you see it in our ad its so
Corvallis . Ore arm
For advertisements in this column the rate
of 15 cents per line will be charged, .j
rrai further notice ALL glasses fitted by , PRATT The
the Optician will be ABSOLUTELY ; GUARANTEED for
W. J.Willbanks and J. H. Har
ris left Tuesday for an extended
fishing trip in the vicinity of Marys
Peak. They are to return tonight.
Mrs. James Harper leaves to
morrow for Portland where she
goes to meet a cousin who will ac
company her to Corvallis for a two
week's visit.
Rev. J. W. Armstrong, of
Pern, Indiana, has accepted a call
from the Vestry to the Rectorship
of the Good Samaritan Episcopal
Church and is expected to take up
his duties about the first of June.
Preaching at the M. E. Church
South next Sunday by the pastor,
Rev. G. H. Gibbs. Snbject at n
A. M. "Nature of Rest and How
to Obtain It." At 8 P. M. "Ja
cob's Ladder and What it Teaches,
The Annual Rose Fair of the
Presbyterian ladies takes place
Wednesday, June 5th.' The prize
list lor displays will appear Ine
week. The list is an attractive one
and is certain to call out many ex
hibits. A dinner is to be served at
the Opera House in connection
with the Fair.
-r-The removal of the heavy cyl
inder press in use at the Times of
fice, and the change of motive pow
er from steam to electric involved
difficulties and delays that , brought
Tuesday's issue to press "behind
schedule time, and marred "its ap
pearance. The removal from the
old office is about complete now,
and noj further delays or trpubles
are expected " ; ' ;'.'
Miss Mabelle Mallett of . the
class '07 has been appointed 1 3 the
chair of floriculture and botany in
the Idaho Industrial Institure at
Weiser.. A few weeks ago Deau
Morrison of that school spent a day
or two quietly casting about for; a
suitable person for the departments
mentioned with the result that Misi
Mallett was selected. ' Miss Mallett
Is the daugtter of Hon. C W. Mal
tett, of Ontario, who is prominent-,
ly connected r: with the . .National
Irrigation Congress having beta
appointed .by. the governor; t j
Sixtyone dollars was the gross
receipte at the entertainment by the
W. C. T. U. the other night.
One of the best pleased men in
town over - the- result of - the city
election is J. W. Ingle.- Though
defeated for chief of police, the run
made, he says,, is a source of satis
faction, and he proposes as a result
to retire from politics. If elected,
Mr. Ingle would have made an effi
cient officer.
The annual picnic of the Iowa
society occurs June isc in Avery's
grove on Marys river. There will
be the usual dinner, speeches,
music and other features. Though
the picnic is conducted by the Iowa
colony, everybody is invited to attend.
The irrigation experiments to
be conducted at the college in con
nection with the government, men
tion of which is made elsewhere,
are to ascertain the effect of irriga
tion on Willamette Valley crops
In the present test, potatoes, corn
and Plfalfa!will be the subjects of
Will Dunlap was la town Wed
nesday to bring his sisters from the
farm, where they went on the death
of their father "several days ago,
Mr. Dunlap' s jaw which recently
sustained three fractures is itsalf
again, with no preceptible marring
of its efficiency or appearance. He
is to return to college next year.
The Willamette Grange is to
give a big picnic Saturday, June
21, the program lor which is now
being arranged. Among the fea
tures will be an address by Mrs,
Waldo, lecturer , of the state grange
Farther particulars with reference
to the program will be announced
later. ,
Growers look with favor on
the result of the wool sales in Pen
dleton, where Eastern Oregon wool
brought an average of about 20
cents per pound. Local
are noping tnat tne fact presages
better prices for Willamette Valley
wools. 1
All the new furnishings for
Hotel Corvallis have arrived and
every room in the garret is now
equipped witn new furniture, new
linen and other of the furnishing
incident taa firstclass caravansary
The new management is fast -com
ing into favor with the traveling
public and the house is filled most
of the time to its capacity.
United Evangelical Church.
The Annual Memorial Service of
the G. A. R. and W. R. C. will be
held at 11 A. M. The Post and
Corps will attend in a body and the
sermon will be suited to It be occa
sion. In the evening the W. M. S.
will have charge and Mr. Roberts
of the College Y. M. C. A. will
deliver an address. C. T. Hurd,
pastor. ,
Demanding That Quarter Sections out
of the S. Hirant be Sold to Them.
What are known as the O. & C.
lands inQsegon have been the sub
ject of excited attention in Cor
vallis and Benton for several days,
and the interest is still at fever heat.
A lawsuit of large proportions is
apparently brewing in which the
people of the state will be the plain
tiffs and the Southern Pacific Rail
road company the defendants, All
through Western Oregon citizens
are moving to oust the company
from ownership of the lands, and
the movement in its sweep has
drawn into its vortex amy Benton
county people. From 130 to 150 of
them have prepared papers de
manding that the corporation sell
them 160 acre tracts of the land
at the price of $2.50 per acre.
The contention is that when con
gress made the grant to the O &
v-. company, it was with the pro
viso that the land be sold to actual
settlers at $2.50 per acre and in lots
of not more than 160 acres. This
is alleged to have set up a relation
of trusteeship in which the com
pany became trwstee ot the gov
ernment for the sale of the lands to
actual settlers That happened
more than 35 years ago, and in the
meantime the O. & C. interests
have passed into the hands of the
Southern Pacific and a claim of
ownership seems to have arisen on
the ashes of the trusteeship. It
is on this point 1 that the persons
w.o are after the lands stake their
hopes of making the corporation
pait with the grant.
The claimants make a tender ot
$2 50 per acre lor the lands, and at
the same time demand that certain
quarter sections which they specify
shall be sold to them under the
terms of the law. Tbey expect the
company to refuse, and that will be
a signal lor a resort to the courts t
All the claimants join their issues
together, and rely upon the court
decision for the re -t. If the decis
ion is favorable they figure that the
cost of the attorney s fees and the
00 to be paid ,. will be the total
cost of a quarter section. Some off
the quarters are of course wort a
thousands of dollars.
The fact that they will probably
have to live on the land for a tkne
has deterred a few people from try
ing to get claims, bnt so many have
sought , them that it is said all the
railroad lands in Benton have been
taker. The outcome of the contest
will be watched with much interest.
Three law offices in Corvaliis have
been running almost day ajd nighi
for two or three days preparing pa
pers for the claimants. Oi her ma
& a 1 : - .1 & . m k.
found in an articte on another page,
prepared for Tuesday's issue, but
unavoidably left out of the paper in
the clamor and bang of the removal
of the times office. .
Mr. Winkley has made ar
rangements for reports of base ball
gane3 and track events on OAC
field and will hereafter report them
on a bulletin board in front of the
Palace of Sweets where those busi
ness people unable to attend can see
the results.
Negotiations for the purchase
of the Old Soldiers monument are
in progress. Perry Eddy of Kings
Valley was in town Wednesday at
the reauest of the Monument Asso-
growers cjation with reference to a new kind
of monument for which he is the
agent. It is known as white
bronze, and is a metl monument.
If is said to preserve its appearance
of newness much longer than is the
case with marble or grani'e, and on
that account is coming to be much
' Building operations in town are
scarcely less active than they have
been in the last two years, during
Benton County delegates are to
leave tomorrow for Hood River to
attend the Oregon State Grange;
They are. Mrs., Whitby and Mrs.
Porter of Willamette, Mr. and. Mrs.
Thorp of Alseav : Mrs. Whitby
and Mr. Thorp are delegates and
Mrs. Porter and Mrs, .Thorp alter
nates. Mrs, Whitby was named
by Corvallis grange as its represen
tative. ' The county has five
granges. . ' . ' "
' Preaching at the Presbyterian
church Sunday ' morning , by . the
pastor, Rev. J. R. N. Bell. Morn
ing topic; , ' Our Complex, Rela
tions." 'At the evening, service
a talk on John Howard . Payne's
"Home, Sweet Home." The song
as originally composed by ; the au
thor, will be sung ar a solo and
chorus by the choir. .All made
welcome to all of these services.
-' I which Corvallis has seen the great
est growth in her history. One
contractor r" has six houses under
way, and all others are crowded
with ; work that is of greater vol
ume ' than they are able to take
care of with promptness." Every
carpenter , is driven from pillar to
post with demands fcr his services,
and the music of the hammer and
saw is everywhere. The town has
no boom because its people are not
boomers; but it has a steady,
straightforward : growth such as
town situated in one of 'the most
delightful spots on the green earth
deserves to have. - '
In the probate court: I. H.
Jackson has been appointed as adr
mimstrator of the S. W. Jackson
estate with a bond fixed at $12001
The appraisers are W. T. Wiles, S.
H. Henderson and John Rowland..
Ella Berreman is the executrix of
the James W. Berreman estate and
W. F. Caldwell, George A. Ben
nett and J. E. Henkle, appraisers.
The administrator of the estate of
Alexander Bennett has been given
authority to sell the personal prop
erty at private sale. fl,afayette
Stewart has filed his bonds of $500
as guardian of the estate of
Jehial Stewart, insane. Mary
E. Avery " has been appointed
administrator of the estate of Eliza
L,OST. between Main street and
the S. P. Depot on Wednesday,
a pocket book containing $175.
Finder will be liberally reward
WANTED Teams to plough on
the streets. Apply to J. B.
Irvine, chairman of street committee.
WANTED at once. A man to
contract logging with teams at
at saw mill "on P. A. Kline's
west of town. Enquire of S.
H. Moore, Corvallis.
For Sale.
Times Office
.for Job ;Work.
LOGUE contains something of
value and interest to everyone
needing harvesting machines. Call
and secure one at Huston's hard
ware Store.
FOR SALE. All kinds of rough
r lumber at mill on P. A. Kline's
' ; ranch, also slab wood . 4 . f t.
length Before buildipg see S.
H. Moore, Corvallis. - . -
FOR ' SALE, IFurnlture, carpets,
wall paper.opposite Hotel Corvallis.