The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, May 24, 1907, Image 2

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    Corvallis Times
Official County Pape.
llCreat Prospects for the Coming Live-
- 1. Cl Montr Prtat flfforprl
The general committee is busy
:3n the preparations of the big live
stock show that is to be held in
Corvallis June 7th and 8th Five
lmndred dollars has been raised to
be given in prizes, and it is ex
pected to bring to town on the
days mentioned all the fancy stock
in "the county. It is also expected
that exhibits from other connties
"will participate in some of the ya
Hious classes in which competition
is open. It was originally planned
to make the exhibits include poul
try' but fanciers declared the sea
son inappropriate for a display of
birds and that feature was elimin
ated. The entries will according
ly be for horses, cattle, sheep and
hogs. The exhibit of sheep
and hogs will be in pens, and for
this purpose permission of the city
council has been secured for use in
one of the . side streets, perhaps
along that section of thoroughfare
extending from the postoffice to
the City Hall. Full two days will
Tie required for the program, and
the list is becoming so extended
that the committee even fears that
the period will not be sufficient for
their purposes. Assurances already
received indicate that owners of
torses, cattle, sheep and swine in
all parts of the county are becom
ing interested in the show, and
there is not a bit of doubt that the
successful horse show of last year
will dwindle into insignificance
compared to the event for which
the committee is now preparing.
.A full list of the prizes offered will
appear within a few days.
Quoted as Low as Four and a Quarter
Portland Market
A drop in the price of beef is bad
news for stock men. The Port
land market tumbled a few days
ago from five and five and a quar
ter to four and ahalf. and followed
it up yesterday by dropping from
four and a half to four and a quar
ter. The high prices caught the
notice of California stockmen and
a considerable number of cattle
were shipped from that state. It
is also stated that many Oregon
cattle were hurried to market
while yet in poor condition and
that this became a factor in the
drop. At present prices no more
California cattle - will be imported.
It is estimated tnat tnere is 500
head of beef cattle m Benton Coun
ty about ready for shipment.
New Theatrical Attraction.
In ' 'The Bogus Prince' ' which
is to appear at the Opera House
next Wednesday, May 29, we have
a musical comedy treat. All the
way out from New York this com
edy has been a laughing success
The piece itself is a satire on the
social climber, who would resort to
any means to become a social
leader. -
Wm. Kobmson, tne star come
dian of the company, has the " part
of a supposed African potentate,
who is exploited by Madam Astor-
bilt, and the scene following the
sudden rise of the humble negro to
a position of brilliance, furnishes
many opportunities for bright
The chorus is one- of the most
captivating, beautifully gowned and
clever dancers that have ever vis
ited . this city, and their winning
ways are bound to make a hit.
L L. Brooks .will buy oats in
car lots, get his prices before sell
ing. Sacks furnished. ' When in
, need of farm orv garden seeds of
of any kind, call at the seed store.
A large . quantity of clover, Alsike
and Alfalfa inoculated, all valley
grown seed. Sowing can be
done up till June 26th after heavy
rains are over. Land plaster, rape
timothy, kale, . field peas, barley,
artichokes, and potatoes. Both
phones at store.
Annual Picnic.
The Saver Camp of M. W. A.
. will give their 7th annual pionio at
Bidder's grove 2 1-2 miles sooth of
Saver Msy 25. y '
High - Mass at ' the Catholic
.Church Sunday at 10 A. M. Ben
ediction at 7:30 P. M.
University of Oregon and 0.
Track Meet This After-.
A. C.
The annual track and field meet
between O. A. C. and the Univer
sity of Oiegon teams occurs on col
lege field this afternoon. It is gen
erally conceded that the state uni
versity men will have the best of
the argument, and the spirit of the
contest is centered mainly in how
small or how large the margin will
be between the two scores. Pub
lished articles in the metropolitan
newspapers say the university ath
letes expect all the places in the
weights, two places in the sprints,
good places in the quarter, half and
mile, all the places . in the broad
jump, the best places in the hur
dles, and first and third in the pole
vault. In the latter event there
will be conaiderable interest be
cause Claud Swan, the O. A. C.
vaulter and Muellen the university
man in that event are very evenly
matched. In two indoor meets
Swan has defeated Muellen and
the latter has once- turned the trick
on Swan in outdoor meets. The
0. A. C. men figure that Wolff, the
valiant freshman will take a place
in the shotput, and that Hall will
take a good place in the hammer,
tb at Bennett will be heard from in
the discussion of the discus, - that
Schroeder will give Moores a run
for his money for second place in
the 109 yard dash and 220, and that
m some events the U. A. C. men
will give an excellent account of
themselves. The meet begins at
15. " Roy Heater, the well known
athlete and trainer will be the
The Contract Has Been Awarded
Work Begins Soon.
People who go to the Opera
House after August 15th will , be
confronted with changes and im
provements. .ITbev1 contract has
been let for putting in an inclined
noor ana a new tront. The rear
portion; ot the floor will be thirty
inches higher than the front. Each
row to the rear will be two inches
higher than the one in front ot it.
There will be three aisles, one down
the center and one on each side.
That means that the seats will
be divided into two sections in
stead of three as at present. The
main portion of the lower floor wilt
be fitted with folding chains. . The
front will be changed to meet the
new conditions inside. ; A platform
extending nusn wita tne inner
edge of the sidewalk will be con
structed with steps for entrance
from the north and . south. The
arrangement of the vestibule will
be practically the same as at pres
ent. Charles . Heckart has been
awarded the "contract and he has
from the 10th of June to the 15th
of August to finish the work. '
by the undersigned that he has
purchased, as of date April 16
1907, the saw-mill plant- and busi
ness of E. W. Strong at Corvallis,
Oregon, heretofore operated under
the name of Corvallis Saw-mill
Company and that he will continue
such business under the same name.
5211m Percy Au.en
To Sheep Owners.
Until fuither notice it is import
ant that we dip only infected sheep
in our county. All sheep that are
free from infection will be exempt
ed for the present and at a later
date the entire federal force wil'
ivisit the Willamette Valley and in
spect any and all sheep, and should
the percentage of disease appear
slight and the work done appear to
have been effective, the general dip
ping of non-infected sheep may be
waved. All infected sheep will be
reported and dipped at that time
that may have escaped notice.
It is especially desired that we
use our best efforts to eradicate cas
es that may be in existence in or
der that the county may be in a sat
isfactory condition and the federal
authorities will see fit to waive the
general dipping of uninfected sheep.
Sheep lector" of Benton Co.
National Steel Ranges, at
Kempin's new store north of
Hotel Corvallis.
Dress Making. Sewing done rea
sonable. Two doors south of the
water works, on First St. ' tf
FOR SALE Jersey Bull, three
years old.eligible toregistry. Gen
tle, a fine individual." Will ex-
change for one of equal breeding.
W. F. Curry; Corrallis R.F.D.I.
- ft
A cablegram from him an
couDcad tae arrival ot J. M. jxoian
at Queenstown, Wednesday morn
ing. -The ladies of the Epltopal church
gave an ice cream eocial at the rec
tory Wedneadav evening. I be net
proceeds were, $26.10.
The Coffee Club is to celebrate
its twenty-sixth anniversary next
Monday evening in Firemen a ball,
with a card party. Members aie
expected to bring their fritnds. '
The Oregon Development League
will hold its next convention Tri-
day and Saturday, Jane 21et and
22d in the rooms of the Portland
Commercial club, second floor Sixth
and Alder streets. This date meets
the approval of a large number of
persons who want to be pres' nt.
C. A. Mallett and family have
removed to the Van Hooeen resi
dence next door north of the Wil-
banks home. Clay Grlbert and
family now occupy the Temple of
Justice, which has been converted
into a neat and comfortable dwell-
A. P, Stover, a government ir
rigation engineer, a graduate of
Berkeley, California, was in town
yesterday, perfecting arrangements
for irrigation experiments to be
conducted by the college in connec
tion with the government research
in that line.
Miss Millie Handy, aged I5,
fell half way down the stairway at
the Christian church Wednesday
afternoon, and had to be carried
home on a stretcher. A bad shak
ing up aid painful bruises kept ht-r
confined to btr b d for a day but
she is now well aloog the road to
A wedding occurred inthe county
clerk's office Wednesday noon, in
which Ihomas J. Hamer and Leo-
na Parser were the contracting par
ties, and John Withycombe and
Claude Zamwalt witnesses. The
couple left on the afternoon train
fnr Summit to reside. Rev. V'ncent
titd the- knot. 5f v
Albany Democrat: some one
who read the testimony in the New
York railroad case fays that Harri
man swore that be bad bought the
Corvallis and Eastern road, in or
der to keep others out of ; the field
that he wanted for his syndicate.
If so this settles the ownership
question so olten discuBsed.
; A representative of the Gener
al Electric of Schenectaday.was at
the college the other day, seeking
graduates in the electrical course io
the coming or past classes whom be
wanted to enter the employ of hie
company at Schenectady. . Sever
al men are understood to have been
recommended by Prof.- Co veil.
Albany Herald: A' spoiled child
grown up is generally warped and
inharmonious, he and the world can
never -agree, when he marries.' hi
expec ts to marry his mother or
wonun like his mother, to humor
hie whims and 'when she - fails to
humor,, him, there is inharmony
dit appointment,' failure, life he
cornet a burden, death a relief and
stilr the parents claim to have loved
the child.
fc 1- '
Entries are pouring .in at the
college of high school track teams
that are to compete in the big meet
to take place on O. A. C. field a
week irom next Saturday. Among
those already entered are. Baker
City, Union, Pendleton, Island
City. X Grande, Portland, Hill
Military Academy, East Side High
school Portland, Astoria, Salem,
Eugene and Rosebarg. A gold med
al is to be given the winner of each
event, and a silver medal to the
winner of Becond place. Most of
the teams will arrive on Friday and
remain until Sunday. A reception
is to he given ' the evening ' before
the meet, and a party the evening
after. The high schools torn : out
some of the . best athletes in the
state, and the meet will have ex
tremely interesting features.
A story is in circulation at the
college, that Forest Smithson, the
well-known O. A. C. sprinter, now
at Notre Dame, broke the world's
record in the 100 yard sprint in a
triangnlar meet recently between
Notre Dame, Wisconsin und Chica
go. The time attributed to him is
nine 9 2-5 seoonds. Application is
said to have been made to the A.
A. U. for measurement of the track
and the recognition of the record.
Four watches are declared to have
agreed on the time. Smithson is a
registered A, A. U. athlete and if
the track proves to be regulation
and the time is confirmed the re
cord will become official. Smith,
son's great epeed has always been
known here but of the phenomenal
character of the time in : 'which the
distance is to have been made caus
es many to await a confirmation
before accepting, the hews as final.
Fresh strawberries served with
sundae' at the Palace of - Sweets.
Wheat is 75 cents in the local
Mrs. E. H. Taylor is suffering '
wirh an attack 01 appendicitis. 4
A neat two story residence is
being erected on the corner of
Seventh and Washington streets
by Charles McHenry for Recorder
Emery J. Newton. It is to be
ready for occupancy on July 13th
and is to contain seven rooms.
A new bungalow with base
ment is to be built on the south cor
ner at the end of Main street, on
lots just east of the ice factory.
Miss Ella Johnson is to be the own
er, and it is to be a home tor her
self and her mother. The exca
vation for the basement has already
begun. Taylor Portei is to be the
Contractor Charles Heckert
has begun the erection of a new
residence for Fred Buchanan on
the latter's farm a mile and a half
west of town. Mr. Buchanan it
will be remembered bought 127
acres out of the Samuel White
side larm. l ne new dwelling is
to have six rooms, pantry, bath,
two porches and a basement. A
big barn is also to be built.
REWARD. A suitable reward
will be paid for the return, or id
formation that will lead to the re
covery of a small black Cocker
Spaniel dog, which has been
missing since May 19th. George
Keir, Corvallis.
SMB WOOD At the Corvallis
sawmill at $1.50 per load, strictly
cash on delivery,
Notice of Administrator's Sale.
Hotiee is hereby given that the undersigned.
administrator ot the estate ot T. Ezenton Hoesr.
deceased, pursuant to an order ol the County
Court ot Benton uounty, state 01 Oregon, made
an entered In the matter of the said estate ou
the 13th day of April, 1907, will from and after
the 26th day of May, 1907, oiler ior sale and pro
ceed to sei, at private sue, ior oasn in nano,
subject to the confirmation ot said County Court
the following described real property belonging
to said estate, towit:
Lots Five (o) ana six (6) in Block Five (5) and
Lot One (1 ) in Block 81x (6) in the town of Cor
vallis ; Lots Fire (5) and Six (6) in Block Two (2)
of fractional river block in Avery's Addition to
corvauis, Benton county, uregon.
The following; property situated in Polk Coun
ty Oregon, towit: Beginning at a point twenty
six (26) rods east of the southeast corner of Lot
numbered Three (3) in fractional block One (1)
in nm e laaiuon w uie town oi xnuepenuence,
in Polk County, Oregon: running thence north
Four (4) rods, thence east to the Willamette riv
er, thence south Four (4) rods, thence West to
the place of beginning.
That certain river lot four rods wide by eight
rods long and the building thereon, and situated
directly north of and adjoining the river lot
formerly owned py mitn s vanauyn, and con
veyed Dy mem to 1 . ugenion Hogg, both or said
lota, the one here described, and the one con
veyed by said Smith & Vsnduyn.beine situated
on the west bank ot the Willamette river at In
dependence, In Polk County, Oregon
The following real property in Lincoln coun
ty: Let numbered Two (2), section Thirty-one
(31), and southwest quarter of the northwest
quarter of section Thirty two (32) : Lot No. One
(1) section Thirty-one (31); Northwest quarter of
the north west Quarter of section Thirty-two f 32):
East one-half of the southwest quarter of section
Twenty-nine (29), and east one-half of the nortbr
west quarter of section Toirty-two- (32); the
wett one: hall of the son lowest quarter of sec
tion TWenty-nine (29); Lots Three (3) and Fou
()of section Thirty (30); -Lot No One (1) ot)
section nineteen (19) . Lot nnumbered Two (2 '
section Nineteen (19); Lot numbered Three (3)
of section Nineteen (19) t and the southwest quar
ter of the southwest quarter of section Twenty
(20) and west one-half of the northwest quarter
of section Twenty-nine (29) and lots One (1) and
Two(2)of section Thirty (30): the south one
half ot, the north-eastj quarter of the southeast
quarter of section Foarteen (14); the southeast
-quarter of the southeast quarter of section Twenty-three
(23); the southwest quarter of the south
west quarter of , section Twenty four (24) ; the
southeast quarter ot the northwest quarter, the
south half of the northeast -quarter, and the
northeast quarter of- the southeast quarter of
section Twenty-six (26) ; the northwest quarter
of the northwest quarter of section Twenty-six
(26) ; the northeast quarter ot the northwest
quarter of section Twenty-six (26) the southeast
quarter of the northwest quarter of section Twenty-three
(23) ; the north half of the southwest
quarter, and the southeast quarter of the south
west quarter ot section Twenty-three (23); Lots
i , a, ana is m section zs. Ail oi tne tide and over-flowed
lands on the shore of YaquinaiBey in
front ot Lot Eight (8) in section 27, and Lots
1, 2, and 3 in Section 28, and lying between the
meander line of said lots on . Yaquina Bay and
low water mark, covering ahout 23 60 acres; the
undivided one-half Interest in lots numbered 1
and 2 and the south half of the northwest quarter
of section 10. all situated in township 11 South,
Range 11 West ot the Willamette Meridian in
Lincoln County, Oregon.
Also the following real property situated in Ben
ton, Polk and Lincoln Counties, Oregon, to-wit:
All of Section Thirty-one (31) in Township 10
South, Range 6 West; South Halt of Northeast
Quarter; Northwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter
aud Northeast Quarter of Southwest Quarter of sec
tion 11, Township 11 South, Range 6 west; Lots 1
and 2 and the North Half of the Northwest Quarter
of Section 15 in Township 11 South, Range 6 West;
the West Half of the Southwest Quarter, East Half
of the Southeast Quarter of Section S3, Township 12
Souh, Range 6 West; the West Half of the North
west Quarter of Section 19, - Township 11 South,
Range 7 West; South Half of Southeast Quarter,
and South Half of Southwest Quarter of Section 29,
Township 9 South, Range 8 West; all of Sect'on 31,
Township 9 South, Range 8 West; all of Section 33,
TownBhlpO South, Range 8 West; North Half of
Northwest Quarter, Southeast Quarter of North
west Quarter ot Section 8, Township 11 South,
Range 8 West; East Half of Southeast Quarter,
East Halt of Northeast Quarter, Northwest Quarter
ot Northeast Quarter and Northwest Quarter of Sec
tion 19, Township 10 South. Range 9 West; all of
Section al, Township 10 South Range 9 West; all of
Section 23, Township 10 South, Range 9 West; North
Malt ox southeast quarter ox section so, -lownBnip
11 South. Range lo East; Southwest Quarter ot
Southeast Quarter, West half of Northwest Quarter
and Southwest Quaiter ot Section 19, Township 12
South', Range 5 West; South Half ef Section 9,
Township II South, Range 9 West; Southeast
Euarter of Northeast Quarter of Section 1, Town
dp 11 South, Range 8 West; Southwest Quarter
of Northeast Quarter, of .Section 1, Township ia
South, Range 9 West
offers for the-purchase, of .said real property
may be made to me in -writing at my office in
the Zieroif Building, Corvallis, Oregon; from
end after the 25th day -of Hay, 1907; and the
said sale will be concluded by me on Friday,
the 31 si day of May I907, .at my office for the
best effer by me received up to and at that time.
Dated this 26th day of April, 1907.
1-.. - . J.rRKD.XATES,
Administrator of the estate 01 T
1 Egenton Hogg,
deceased. -
; : Notice of Final Account.
" Notice is hereby given that I have tiled In the
county court of the state of Oregon, for the coun
ty ot Benton, my final account as administratrix
ot the estate of Harvey Eugene Burns,
deceased, and that Saturday, the 8th day
of Tune, 1907, at 10 o'clock A. M., and the court
room of said court, have been appointed by said
court at the time and place (or the heating of
the final account and the settlement thereof.
Administratrix of tae estate of Harvey lurena
Jfurnf. - -
Date of flrst publication, stay T, 1907.
Pal af last pghaastsaa, iter H. iser.