The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, May 24, 1907, Image 1

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II Ill 'II I II I tl 1' 1Kb a 111
IV.': .
-'-tie .
Vol. XX.-No.
By a F. Irvine
S .' - -
We Are Now
Prepared to Outfit The
Man and The Boy
Oai reeiept of clothing this spring are nobby.
Big assortment.
Prices That Defy Competition!
Shoes P. B. Kerths" are up to date ia style and
the best wearers
Our Line of Medium Priced Shoes
Are from the best factories ia the eountiy and all
are guaranteed shoes. Oar, line of hats embrace all;
the new styles. Oar prices are right and we ask an
inspection of the abyve lines.
Giim Experience of jirlQgP;;rJk
erton Detective Use'CSeurV.,
Boise, Idabo. May 20. tfofra
tithe of the txperiecces of Charles
A. Siringo, a.Pinkerton operative,
now ia this city, has ever een published.
As a witneea at Wallace duriDg
I the trials of men who were arrested
Call and See
This Man bought
his Fishing
Tackle of ,4
A Complete Line c' S" j vl
ing base ball goods at popu
lar prices.
ooraenEDKewKKSiaxKC 1
Special Sales
Men's arid Boys Suit broken sizes at less than cost
The only exclusive men's Furnishing store in Benton County.
Wouldn't :;
Thrones with
a King.
Fisherman's luck means a wonderful catch once in a blue
moon. But all moons are alike to the man equipped from our
superb Sporting Goods stock the latest in Rods,xleels,
Dandy Minnows, Hooks, Bicycles. Sundries, ulttiv.-
Machines and Sewing Machine Supplies, Edison and otoKl
i auong macnmes, records and Supplies. . I he hunter will find
himself in a paradise of his own when he lands in- this fine
Sporting Goos stock. , You are welcome to buy,: or . admire,
just as you choose. Unmatchable prices now. ; ' " : ? i
for the blowing up mining plant
and on other charges, Siringo mere
ly told of what he bad seen end
learned, but of hia own hair-breadfth
escapes from death or torture he
bad said little.
Details given in the following ac
count of Siringo' a experiences while
acting as a spy in the Miners fJn
ion at Gem, Idaho, in 1892, were
furnished by a detective in the em
ploy of the state. ' who is a warm
friend of the Pinkerton oper
ative and has bis confidence in a
marked degree Siringo is fcmall
aod wirv. with tbla features and ft
dwk complexion, with black trous
ets and a black Blouch bat with i
broad brim.
His "areenal" consists of a "saw
ed-cff barrel 44-caliber revolver,
which is nickel-plated and of the
single action variety. It is raid
that be can hoi a this at the hip,
with the trigger pulled tight to the
guard, and "fan" the hammer with
the other hand eo rapidly that he
can empty the weapon of , its six
shots much more rapidly than could
be accomplished with a double ac
tion revolver, and yet with such ac
curacy as to place the bullets, at
distance of 20 or 3O. feet, within
radius of two incnea.
Oae day a meeting of the union
held, at wmcn tnere was consiaer
abU talk about stooping the pumpi
at a Wardner mill and allowing it
to become flooded. Lter tha pres
idtnt of the union suggested to Sir
ineo that he bad better cut this
page from the minutes ot the meet'
ipg a he was ' cf etaryj and be did
eo, inclosing it withiis next report
to the Mlueowners' -Association
The Association gave out consider
able information to the papers
amons the items beloe an assertion
that tbcminere bad cog'.impUted
n Kiainz toe mm ai waraner. i.nis
caused fau, on Singo,
or "Allison ' as be was known.
': An cffioiaf ot tbe' .'Butte Mint
TJukn, named Dalla?,-was tent for
and asked to f errttTout who was re
sponsible for socb tbioeajteUinz In
to print. At the-oejrt cueetinv of
the anion at Gem! Sirfngo failed to
make bis appearance on time. The
dark an 1 Kowin? sees about bim
and the fierce eUnV ies which he en
countered showed nim that the least
false move would mean, bis death
"Mr. President," sseer'ed Dallas,
risioe from his sea, - "I desire to
tay inat 1 nave obtaioea iniorma
tion that among tts js a traitor,
paid spy of the Mintoffnets' A-so
ciation. He shall never leave this
room alive."
Vociferous applause greeted tb
denunciation, in : which AilisoD
joined, seemingly, with a will. He
was then invited to step down, wbile
tttvsttu men, including Dillae, ex
ffilBd bis books. He did eo and
tbete aen went over bia books ca e
faHy, frequently mutteriog in un
dertones. The secretary finally in
quired as to what was the cause of
their perplexity, suggesting that he
might be able to explain anything
wbion puzzled them.
"Ye?," menacingly remarked one
of the men, "there is a lief missing
from the minute book. Can yon
explain that?"
iringo replied that be could and
would. . He then ent on to ex
plain that the president of the un
ion bad instructed bim to remove
"fiat's a lie!' Angrily shouted
the president, rising from hia chair.
tHold 00, sir; not so fatt,". re
epdMed tbe secretary-spy, "you
will .remember, if you think a little
that at the last meeting a good deal
was said about flooding tbe mill at
Wardner, and.-that you afterward
told me it would -be better to cut
tne page on wmcn this was men
tioned cut of the minute book." '
The president sat down and
promptly apelpg1zd, saying that hf
bad done as tbe Secretary said, but
bad for tbemomtct , iorgotten the
feet. This probably saved Siringo's
yfe. and m any rof tfia members ex
pressed their sympathy that be had
for a while been placed in "so tight
a box." Bataiflask and eevsral
others war 'btrVltfsfied by any
means, ana theirerlbrts
to prove that ftirsecretary was in
the service of the Mineowners' As
sobiation. "
Little by little they obtained the
evidence which enabled them to
work up a strong sentiment against
bim, and at daylight on tbe morn
ing of Jnly 12 he walked down from
the FriEco mill, on theeve of the
riots which followed, and "found a
guard on the bfidge acngss the
tream flawing through th canyon.
be men permitsdhim to pase, and
he went on, knowing foil well that
he was placing hia life in jeopardy .
Instead of going .--directly to his
room he proceeded rtrsfe6 a hotel
and then crawlea tbtoui$a-ia window
into his room tbertWojldings ly-
m close together; .?iti
PnHMedicgfttti&'?' procured
bis rifle and another revolver. He
cautiously raised a wlnCow a trifle
abd glancing .d0.isa.;ee arm
ed men under the wiridwii At this
juncture a clerk vbo baffaistoom in
a nouae 5U ieer autani awng me
canyon raised u window M thrust
out nts neaa, isT?sS
"Watch me UxJffliSs guy's
V 4
b09S,' iiid Obit yft
Raising hie tmmmF The
clerk fell back?? Ifiiringo
thought he bad'jbeen P t It af
terward developeopC v bullet
bad not struck .mnf?Thi8 shot,
however, seemed tb JbiB tbe signal
agreed on for the Ironble UTbegin.
Siringo ran down stamfcra. met a
woman who told him tl itne min
ers had been drilling boL 11 night
with tbe intwuon of bio fig up tbe
Frleco mill.' v .t
BEST BREAD and pas"
. : ' 1
1. 'k
IT- :
tJ - i.
- . v; bay!, f
"... Do you.ikMrwJcujaEs&engerj.or
JNo. 9 meets all lnV-and out going
trains? ' N6! Yesta'nd he tends to
all your baggage and small' parcels
with prompt deuvery. Please call
Res. 2.r or. office 130.
High Price-1
: on
J. A. Folger & Co.
; San Francisco :i
Times for "Job
.... i : , . ...
Notice of Final - Settlement.
What You See' is Worth
Twice WhYouReMi
As you are now coming to matStfrtunity
comparing values, we ask you to see our lines.'-,.-
'Wehvi a boo1:;.! Itaj of. L1II25 ail InMu
which we arelo'sinj oit at riinrkibly hy
fore your size is gone.
of I
on; ;r be-
Also some remnants in Dress Goods, Wash Goods, etc.
at bottom pnees.
:- Our new Spring and Summer Stock is arriving and is ready
for your inspection. Make money by buying our lines, and save
money by getting ourjwices.
Henkle & Davis.
t the Place
Where they jjiy$ something for nothing
But, with every 50 cent can of Baking Powder, you
can get FREE the Finest Piece of . Decorated Ghina,
you ever got in' this city.
f :;Come in and be convinced
A Boulden
Grocery Store Corvalhs,
In the Vatter of the Estate
James Hayes, deceaaed.
; Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
administratrix ol the estate of James Hayes, de
ceased, has filed her final account as aach ad
ministratrix, with tbe clerk of the county court,
of the state of Oregon, tor Benton county, and
the said court has fixed Saturday the 8th day of
June, 1907, at the hour o( ten o'cloct In the fore
noon as the time, and the county court room -in
the court house In Corvullia, Oregon, as the place
lor neanng any ana aii oojecuons 10 me saia ae-
couut and for settlement thereof. j Y
Hated this May.10, 1907. . , '
7 . . . tS . ' ( CABOMSE. HXYES,
Administratrix of the Estate of James Hayes,
i" ' Deceased: - - - a -
Special Announcement
One Week
Graduating Dress
We have set aside the entire week, from Monday
May 26th to Saturday June 1st in which we shall offer
our entire stock of White . Goods Consisting of French
Organdies, French Lawns, Me rcerkftd. Chiffons i Persions
Lawc, Swiss Goods & all figured White -Goods at a saving
t o you of at least the price of making up, : V
60 ct White Orgaudie 72 inches wMe Special 49 cts. :
75 cu " 1 " ' ' '", 65 cu "
. $1.00 " w. . i : 89 cu ' ' .
35 cts " French Lawn 50 inches wide Special 71 2-2 eU.
50 cts M " " ; ": " -M " : 43 cu -
50 cu " Mercerized Chiffon " " " 39 cU. ;
35 cts " Figured Goods " " " 29 cis.
30 cU " " " " " " 25 cU.
- 25 cu ,. ' " ' . " " ... ". 21 cu
All White Cotton Dress Goods reduced porporiion-
ately for this week and on Display making choosing easy
.for you,; ;;vv';::,;:l: ; -z,.;:': i
JM Nolan ScSon
1 L i
Shoes I' "Si&