The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, May 10, 1907, Image 4

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Dr. and Mrs. Harper are
spend Sunday with Albany friends.
Miss Helen Crawford went to
Albany Wednesday to attend the
funeral of a triend.
Rev. Handsaker went to Silver
ton yesterday, and preached last
night at a rally held in a church
newly dedicated in that town last
Rev. C. L. McCausland will
preach at the M. E. church, fc-outh
next Sunday, this being the time
for the third quarterly conference.
Susy I say Jennie, what's a
naturalist ?
Jennie I'm not sure. A man
who catches gnats, isn t It ?
After a visit of several weeks
at the Withycombs home Miss
Florence Tongue left yesterday for
TafforcAn nrVifirA cVlA Mil TTI CI t" friAtlHa
before returning to her home at
A number ot Albany people
attended the Barnacle skating
party last night. Among tbetn
were Mr. DeVarney, Mr, and Mrs.
Woodruff and Miss Sox.
"Do you think they approved
of my sermon? " asked the newly
appointed rector, hopeful that he
had made a good impression.
'Yes, I think so, replied his
wife." they were a!l nodding."
Preaching at the Presbyterian
church Sunday morning and even
ing by the pastor Rev. J. R. N.
Bell. Morninsr topic "The Trans
figuration and Epiphany" The
evening topic "The Millionaire"
All made welcome.
The services in the congregation
al church next Sunday will be as
follows: 10 a. m. Sunday school,
z i a. m. preaching by the pastor,
Albert W, Monosmith. Topic.
"Conditions for Growth" 7. p. m
christion endeavor; 8. p. m. even
ing subject "To Know Christ."
More than usual local interest
is manifest in the track meet to
take place on the O. A. C. field
next Monday afternoon between
the Washington State College and
O. A. C. The Oregon men seem
to have a little the best of it on
paper, but paper battles do not al
ways come out according to
of some of the events, notably the
mile run in which the two best
men in the Northwest will try
conclusions, and will make the
continued from page 1.
Mongolian type at a Le'ght of lo,
000 feet growing ne. wheat, oats
and bat ley, and when at 12,ooofet,
they saw a villege where human
emgs were living in tut9 with
while goats, fowle, marmots at d
-strange animals. About 14,ooo feet
' the WorkmaDB saw only a species
of partridge. The doctor said above
-l5,ooo leet there was practically no
Immense Stock
Our immense stock of wall paper with so many new
and exclusive designs and patterns, enables us to
supply the people of Corvallis and vacinity with
paper for the home, in either plain or figured, at
a small -xst : : : : ; : : -
We Guarantee to Save You
Money on Wall Paper.
We have a large assortment of 15c and 20c papers
as good as you will see in many stores for 25c,
some also at 8c and 10c per double roll. In view
of the fact that we have such a wide range in
PRICE, PATTERN and DESIGN, you can select
wall paper with much less time and trouble that at
the smaller stores. Come and see us and be con
vinced : : : : : " : : :
Hammocks for Everybody, Prices from $1.50 to $3.00.
Ho Hen berg & Cady.
And if you don't believe it, come and see
EGGS, Chickens and Butter taken in exchange for mer
chandise, can handle some wheat
DEALER IN EVERYTHING, Corvallis, Oregon.
'Oregon City, Or., May 7. Atter
more than 52 years' absence from
4 he metropolis of the United States,
George R. H. Miller will leave on
Thursday of this week for New
York City, to remain for two
'months, visiting his sister, Mrs.
Elizabeth Hyde, of 246 Warwick
street, Brooklyn. Mr. Miller came
here long ago,, and is one of the
beet onown of Oregon pioneers, be
ing an Indian war veteran ol 1856-
.7- '
Mr. Miller will be heard from in
the Eaet as an Oregon booster. He
will take with him a box of prime
Oregon apples, a box of Oregon
guinea, some canned salmon and
-iauuut 10 pounds ot the virgin soil
ut the state from Falls View. He
viil procure eome roots of Oregoa
-jgfape, and says that his sister will
1 jiiunt the sprigs of the etate flower
Mu tjoii of .he state. Mr. Miller will
also take eome of the board of trade
Vdackamas county, pamphlets aod
panoramic vi wa of Oregon City
And vicinity. '"''.
G. Bf. H. Miller was five times a
member of the Oregon City council,
fie took a great deal of interest in
the purchase of the present water
sy-stem by the city eni for many
years was the only man in town
who built houses to reot. He an
ticipates considerable pleasure from
liia trip. : ;
been forecasted and was expected.
A evidence of how the Bo'se
peopl view the trial, cm local bus
iness man w bo was a venireman 00
the pfiael and has pi lied to be ex
cused from serving, explained to
the court that he is a member cf a
gun teim which is scheduled to
participate in a Bhootihe match be
ginning Thursday. This excuse
hardly suited Judge Wood, but the
altomejs for both sides agreed and
be was excused, leaving but 25
men in the triginal venire to be
present t court tomorrow: To
morrow ths trial begins and the se
lection cf a trial jury will ba under
way by night.
. Governor Gooding has personal
charge of the yrosecuti jd, but Jr H.
Hawiey is field marshal for the
Etate. . His leading associate is
United Slates Senator Borah, one
of the greatest criminal lawyers in
the west. Birah'a friends charge
that it is because 0, his association
with the prosecution of thir case
(bat charges against him in connec
tion with the land investigations
have be 'o made.
. Attorney J. H. Nugent bias charge
of the active preprration of tba case
for the deteose. He established of
fioes here soon after the arrest of
the prisoners and has practically
1 ved here continuously. Clarence
Darrow of Chicago, a leading law
yer of radical opinions, identified
with. ex-Mayor Dance's advocacy
of municiaal ownership, is one of
the most prominent among the
caunsel for the defense. .
Folger's S
Golden Gate 1
V Extracts
Sold ' V True to name J
A Uniformity
ON V ' 7
Packed la rS
Measure . I r
Bottles ! '
J. A. FOLQER I ftflM
San Francisco. : jgHiSl
Call for City Warrants.
There is money on hands wirh City Treasurer
to pay all endorsed warrants in general fund, np
to and Including December 1, 1903. Intereaf will
atop on same from una date, My e, 1907. i
" . City Tteasurer.
Buenos Ayres, May 8. A dis
patch from MoDjividf o, published
here today, announces that the
French transport maritime steamer
Poitou, from Marseilles, April 6,
for this port, has been wrecked off
the coast of Uruguay. One hun
dred of her passengers and crew are
said to have perished.
A dispatch from Montevideo
says, "The French Steamer Poitou,
from Algiers, is ashore off Sin Jose'
Ignacio. It is feared that there
has been serious loss of life.
"The Poitou struck . 3o yards
from the shoae, at a spot called Rin
con de Herrero. A panio broke out
on board the vessel when she
grounded, and a great nnmber of
people jumped overboard and were
drowned. Some - of them swam
ashore. Customs officials at Rin
con de Herrero saved 50 ont of the
200 passengers who are said to have
been on board. How many others
have been saved is not known."
Notice of City Election. -
Corvallis. Or.. May 10. 1907.
Notice is hereby given that the ann ul election
ior me uuy 01 uorvauis. uregon, win Da ueia on
the 20th day oi May. 1907. beginning at 9- o'clock
A. M., and continuing until 6 o'clock P. M. ot
said clay at the city hall of said city, tor the pur
pose ol electing one mayor to serve for a. period
of two years, one polled judge, one chief oi-police
and one treasurer, each to serve for a period oi
one year: hlrbt Ward, one councilman to serve
for a period of three years, and one councilman to
serve for tw-j years ; Second Wtrd, one- council
man to serve lor a period of three years; -Third
Ward, one councilman to serve lor a perljd ot
three years; one councilman to serve for a peri
od cf two years, and one councilman to serve lor
he common council of said city has appoint
ed A. G. White of the First Ward. Joseph Yates
for the Second Ward, and R. H. Colburt, of the
Third ward to he judges of saw election, ana u.
A. Gould and S. L. Henderson, to act as clerks of
said election . .
Dated May 10, 1907. L
Police fudge.
'Boise, Idaho, May 8. Judge
APremont Wood today : denied the
motion of counsal for Haywood, ao
cueed of complicity in the murder
-of Governor Steunenberg, for a hill
ot particulars. The plea was elab
orate, but the court held that ap-
' plication should have been made
. before the trial date was set or the
defendant had made a plea of noh
' guilty. The defense took an except
tioD. which the court recorded. The
' trial will proceed Thursday ; wi t
. the selection oi a Jury;
None of the attorneys on either
ide will comment upon the judge's
decision, which, while it is an iui-
iial victory for the prosecution, ha d
; Order of Sale.
In the county court ot the State of Oregon for
tne county ot Denton.
In the matter of the Guardianship of the person
ana estate oi uertrude A. ueckler, a minor.
Order to show cause. -
The court havlnar read the netition of Annie
Seckler, the duly appointed guardian of the said
ueriruae & owaier, asKing tnat tne court grant
an order, to sell lots one and two, in block seven
teen, In the original town of Harysvllle, now
Corvallis, Benton county. Oregon. In which said
minor has an undivided one-half Interest, and
me court oeing inuy advised in the premises,
that it Is necessary and for the best Interest of
said minor.
It Is therefore hereby ordered. That the next ot
kin of said minor, and all othei persons interest
ed in said estate appearb ef ore this court on the
8th day of June, . at ten o'clock A. M., at the
court loom ol the county Judge of said county,
in Corvallis. Oregon, and show cause whv an or
der should not be granted as prayed tor In the
And it is further hereby ordered, ' That a copy
of this order be published io the Corvallis Times.
a newspaper of general circulation published in
said Benton eouuty, Oregon, at least once a week
ior lour successive ana consecutive weeks.
Dated May 7, 1907
- County Judge. -
V Too Much Soda in the Bis
cuit-' at the Opera House, Friday
May 17th.-... . , .-. . ,
period 01 one year.
.Notice of Final Settlemeftt.
In the Matter of the Estate
James Hayes, deceased.
Kotlna is hereby siven that the underslened
administratrix of the estate of James H lyes, de
ceased, has filed her nnai account as sucn ad
ministratrix, with the clerk ot the county court.
of the state of Oregon, for Benton county, and
the said court has nxed Saturday me eta aay 01
June. 1007. at the heur ol ten o'clock in the fore
noon as the time, aud the county court room in
the court house In corvallis, uregon, as tne place
for hearing any and au objections to tnesaia ac
Dated this May 1U.1WJI. - .
Administratrix of the Estate of Jamta Hayes,
.Deceased. . 3,
For Chief of Police, t
In response to the request of many
citizens. I hereby announce myself as
a candidate lor the office . of chief of
to the decision oi the voters', at the
coming city election. If elected; I shall
consider my oath of office binding, and
snail do my duty witnont tear or lavor
: . J- u. wens. . ;
BEST BREAD and pastry can be
: obtained at Starr's Bakery.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
a Favorite. j '
. "We prefer Chamberlain's Cough Rt
to any other for our children," says 3W.
J. Woodbury, of Twining, rllich. "It i,.
also done the work for us in hard colds tm
croup, and we take pleasure in recommend
ing it." For sale by Graham & Wortham.
Are the greatest and best selectors of Tea values. They
know good Tea from the poor and indifferent kinds not
by taste and smell, but by look and touch. We pride
ourselves upon the exceptionally high grade line3 of Teas
and Coffdea which we have in stock, and we are sure that
the most captious critic will approve both. They are
great money savers to the householder, too, as a small
quantity goes a long way.
i We Are Headquarters For
Uptons, Teatlys, Folgers, Schillings Tea
PHONE 203. ' "
The Grocer.
; We, are not inclined to spend much time in
writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods
and customers speak for themselves.
G; 3. Borning
Physician & Surgbon
Offico, room 14, BaaK .BIdg. Boom
A :i o ma and a to 4. 4
Phone, office S13 Residence 1 SO.
ConraUis, Orates.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office ap stiirs in Burnett Brick Bei
idence on the coiner of Madison and
Seventh et. Phone at honse and office.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over poatoiEc. Residence Cor
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Honrs 10 to
12 . m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graham -'ham'11 drug uUa.
General Auctioneer. A Square Dea
and charges right
Corvallis, Oregon.
Zierolf Building.
Phone Ind. 384.
Dr, Hanford
Successor to Boweh Lester
Burnett BIdg. Corvallis, Or.
F. C. M'Reynolds
Teacher of Violin, Mandolin, Banjo,
Guitar, Viola and 'Cello OAC School
of Music Music furnished for all ocj
casions. Large'or small orchestra.
Willamette Valley :
Banking Company
Corvallis, Oregon. ,
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Bays County, City and School
PORTLAND f The Bank o
SEATTLE f California
MEW TORK Messrs. J. P. Morgan A Co.
CHICAGO National Bank of The Repnb
LONDON, ENG. N M RothHStlUds Bon
CANADA .Union Kank of Canada
r .... ..
I 1 ' Watch this space for Bargins m ; V
"No 608-T-43 acres, 30 b cult, balance pasture and timber, some finebot
. torn jand, house of 5 rooms, small barn, young orchard, 2 1-2 miles of
a good town, price if sold soon, $2000. This is a bargain.
598160 acres 35 in cult, some good timber and pasture, good house
. and barn, fine orchard, well watered, this is a good stock ranch price
$1 700. School house on place.
383 10 acres, all in cult, fine orchard, all level, good house, fair barn 1-2
- mile to good town, good garden land, nice little home, price $ 1 700. .
Notice to Creditors.
NOTICE is herehy el ven that the undersigned
has been appointed administrator of the estate
ol Elizsbeth V. Taylor, deceased, - All persons
having claims aeaiiist said estnte are hereby re
quired to present the same duly verified as by
law required me or at tne omoe or . t. laws
Corvallis, Oregon, within sis months from the
date of this notice
Dated April 5, 1907.
Administrator of the estate of Elizabeth V. Tay
lor, deceased.
Notice to Creditors.
KOTIOE is hereby trlven to all whom It may
concern that the undersigned has been duly ap
pointed administratrix of the estate of B. F. Hy
laud, deceased, by the count v court of Benton
county, Oregon. All perse ns having claims
against the estate of said B. F. Uyland, deceased
are.nereoy requirea to prosert tne same, wim
proper voncners inereior, auiy vermea a oy
aw required, within six months from the date
hereof, to 'he underslened at the office ot Mc-
Fadden & Brysnn, attorneys, Corvallis, Oregon.
Dated at uorvauis, uregon, wis zytn aayn
March, 1907.
Administratrix of the estate of B. F. Hyland, de
ceased, - ...
Notice of Sale.
Public notice is hereby given, that the under,
signed, as the administrator of the estate of Pe
ter Wilson, deceased, by virtue of an order ot
the county court of Jackson county, Oregon, sit
ting In probate, said order being et date the 26th
day of April, 1907. win from and aiter Monday
the 3d day of June, 1907, md at and from the
hour ot 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, offer for sal&
and sell ail of the right, title and interest of the
said estate in and to all ot the following de
scribed real property, situated in Benton county,
Oregon, to-wit: . .
The North-east ouarter of section 18. in Town
ship 12 South, Range 6 Went, containing 160
Said sale will take Dlace at the law office ot E.
E. Wilson In Corvallis, Benton county. Oregon,
and will continue until the highest possible
price has been received for said tract of land.
and said property told, Said property will be
liens and Incumbrances what-
the 3rd day
sold tree from
Dated at Oorvaulis, Oregon, this
ot may, van .
Administrator ot the estate ot Peter Wilson,
Notice to Creditors.
la the Matter ot tha Estate
Eliza A. Knight, deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all persons concern
ed that the undersigned has been duly appointed
administrator of the estate of said Eliza A.
Knight, deceased, by the county court of the
state of Oregon for Benton county. Allperscns
having claims against said estate ot Eliza A.
Knight, deceased, are hereby required to pre -sent
the same, with proper voucners therefor,
duly verified as by law - required, within six
months from the date herof to the undenlgnea
at his law office In Corvallis, Oregon.
DatedApnl 30, 1907. g
Administrator of the Estate of EUza A Knight,
deceased.- - . . -