The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, May 03, 1907, Image 4

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O C has a track meet with Pa
cific University in Corvallis, Satur
day of next week.
The OAC base ball team plays
Chemawa on OA.C field tomorrow
Kline's base ball team left at
noon to play the Philomath college
tzam. .
A. mock ceremony, many pres
ents and general good cheer were
incidental to a surprise tendered
Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Wellsher Tues
day ia honor of their 25 wedding
anniversary. About thirty persons
joined in the function.
Rev. J. C. Goodrich, one of the
professors in the United Brethren
College at Philomath, Oregon, wilt
preach in the M.-fi.' Church South
in Corvallis next Sunday at 1 1 A.
M. and 8 P. M.
A light shower of rain fell last
xiight, but it was not enough to be
of value. There is a general de
sire for more moisture, but it is
trouble borrowed, for Oregon won't
fail to do her duty on that score.
The Annual Rose Fair of the
JPresbyterian ladies is soon to oc
cur. The date has not been fixed,
and will, in a measure, depend on
the whim of the roses. When they
-are at their best, the show will take
place. The recollection of the suc
cess of ether fairs of the sort by th
same people is a guarantee of what
the coming one will be.
Preaching at the Presbyterian
church Sunday morning and even
ing by the pastor Rev. J. R. N.
. Bell. Morning topic '"Natural and
.Revealed Religion Government."
In thj evening there will be,
a short talk, to "Business Men
and Women." General topic will
be specialized. Splendid music.
Everyone invited and made wel
come. Here is a case of public spirit to
interestCorvallis. A letter containing
a. check for $10 was received by E.
E. Wilson, yesterday. The ac
companying letter read about like
this: "We noticed that a fund is
being raised in Corvallis for the
purpose of completing the Y. M. C.
A., building at the college. We
enclose $10 to be added to the iund
and hope that a sufficient sum may
ibe raised to meet all requirements.' '
: The signature is Morris Brothers,
iby S. K. Williams, attorney. Mor
xis Brothers are Portland brokers,
who bought the Corvallis water
bonds. Their interest in the town
springs from that source. Their
contribution was unsolicited, and
unexpected. That makes it a good
story as well as a valuable hint to
-'Corvallisites as what successful bus
iness men think of such enterprises
.-as the proposed Y., M. C. A. build
, ing at the college.
Wlo Pays?
An exchange asks and answers
- a pertinent question as follows :
"Who pays for the advertising of
the merchants and other business
men? Not the advertiser, for the
. :ost is returned to him fourfold in
increased profits. Not the purchas
er and has a better assortment and
fresher goods to select from. Who
then pays the advertising bills? The
non-advertiser, of course, because
-le loses business to the advertiser. ' '
r3orvalli3 & Eastern Raihoad Co.
Will rub following special trains
between Corvallis and Albany on
"Wednesday, May 1, 1907, account
UORRIS & RO WE circus exhibit
i"r, at Albany afternoon and' even
in j tt tiiis da'e. 1
3?rom Corvallis From Albany
v6:3o A. M.
6:oo "
12 .53 P. M.
5:oo "
I0.00 " .
"Train schedultd to leave Albany
at lo:oo P. M. will not depart until
-alter the close of the night perform
ance. ' . :
TICKETS at special rate o! 55
cents, for adults and 25 cents for
children under 12 years of age will
ite on sale May 1, 1907, good for
fbls -date only. ;
H. H. Ling, Agent,
Geo. F. Kevins,
- Gen Pass. Agent.
"Neglected Golds Threaten Life. .
From the Chicago Tribum. ;
"Don't trifle with a cold, is good advice
rSbr prudent men and women. - It -may be
-vital in the case of a child. Proper food,
-good ventilation, and dry, warm clothing are
-the proper safeguards against colds. . If they
iare maintained through the changeable
-weather of autumn, winter and spring, the
chances of a surprise from ordinary colds
-will be slight But the ordinary light cold
-will become severe if neglected, and a well
-established ripe cold is to the germs of diph
theria what honey is to the bee. The great
- -st menace to child life at this season of the
.year is the neglected cold.". Whether it is a
-child or adult, the cold slight or severe; the
-very best treatment that can be adopted is to
give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It is
safe and sure. The great popularity and im
mense sale of this preparation has been attain
ed by its remarkable cures of thisailment. A
cold nerrr results' in pneumoriia when it is
ijiven. Vor sale by Graham & Worlham.
Immense Stock
Our immense stock of wall paper with so many new
and exclusive designs and patterns, enables us to
supply the people of Corvallis and vacinity with
paper for the home, in either plain or figured, at
a small cost : : : : : ; :
We Guarantee; to; Save You
Money on Wall Papier.
We have a large assortment of 15c. and 20c papers
as good as you will see in many'stores for 25c,
some also at 8c and 10c per double roll. In view
of the fact that we have such :-a -wide range in
PRICE, PATTERN and DESIGN, you can select
wall paper with much less time and trouble that at
the smaller stores. Come and see us and be con
vinced : : : : ' :' : : :
Hammocks for Everybody, Prices from $1.50 to $3.00.
Hollenberg i& Cady.
Dangers of Chicken Raising.
An elderly man and a yonng man
were conversing, according to
' ' Harper's Magazine. ' '
"Yes" said the young man "I
am going into chicken farming. I
am convinced that there is no bus
iness in the world in which there
is more money to be made. ' I have
figured on it, and know what l ean
do. Why, look at the way they In
crease. In four or five years I"
"My friend," said the old man,
"I have had experience with the
business. Be warned; do not em
bark iri'ff." ' . ; . '- ' y- !
"What" said the young 'man;
"have you tried it and failed ?' '
. "1 mean to tell you that I tried it
and gave it up," answered : the
other. "I got ten hens intending
to get rich. I installed them in a
coop and awaited returns. But be
fore they bad laid an egg I happen
ed to pick tip a pencil and a bit of
paper and did some, calculating. ; I
saw that each of my hens could
raise three broods the first summer.
Allowing one bad egg for each set
ting, there would be. twelve chicks
to each brood. Calling half of them
pullets this would give six of each
brood, of i8 to each hen for the
season, or 180 for the; entire flock
Adding my original hens I would
have 190 hens at the end of the
first summer. Figuring at the same
ratio I saw that I would have 610
at the end of the second summer,
I was encouraged, and went on to
find that I would have 68, 590 when
the third summer closed. I sharp
ened my pencil and bent over" my
paper with feverish interest. The
fourth summer I discovered would
leave me with i,30.2iolikely hens,
When the : autumn leaves of - the
filth dying summer should swirl
about me I should - then : have
24,600,990 cacklers.'r Another year
of joy and sorrow my. sixth,
would find me surrounded by 470,
457,810 live and enterprising hens.,
Once again when the glorious sum
mer would fade into' autumn, I
found that a matter of 8,938,717,
390 distinct hens and a rooster or
two would be with me in the gal
linceous flesh. The inspiring fig
ures of the eight year I have for
gotten, as, likewise, I have those
of the ninth. , I only know I found
that at the end of ten years! would
have more prime hens than there
was space for on the face of the
globe, counting the Arctic regions,
and supposing , roosts . across "the.
rivers, and twenty fowls in each
tree, . I was 'dumbfounded 7 But I
did not j hesitate." ' I saw what I
owed to the human race. - I seized
an axe and harried ' to: the coop.
My boy, -1 loved those hens but 1
loved the human rice more; ? and I
led them to the block like a Spkrtan
and ! chopped roff Weir-- heads." I
breathed more freely when it wss
all over, and the horrible vision was
eone of the whole " earth four' feet
deep in hens; and every blessed, one
of them cackling. x Young man; do
not goj into the chicken business;
it leads to awful things-' -
. Chamberlain's Congh liemefl
a Favorite. Vy, ' r ".
, "We prefer Chamberlain's Cough
to any other for our children," says 5i
T tIT . H m 1 lit. :
. vvoouDury, 01 x wining, lcicn. ..vat iiuc
also done the work for us in hard colds and
croup, and we take pleasure in recommend
ing it." For sale by Graham & Wortham.
Notice of Administrator's Safe.
Notiee i hTby. g'ven that the undersigned,
administrator of the estate e ' T. Eenton Hogg,
deceased, pursuant tn n ordwr of the County
Court of Hontnn (Jounty, State of Oregon, made
rj(" entered jn the mutter of the said estate oil
the 13th ty of April. lWW, will from and after
the 25th day of May. 1607, oiler- for sale and pro
ceed to sell, at private sale, for, cash In hand,
subject to the confirmation of said Comity Court
the following described real property belonging
to said estate, lowir:
Lots Five (5) and six (6) in Block Five (5) and
Lot One (1 ) in Block six (6) in the town of Cor
vallis; Lots Five (6) and Six (6) in Block Two (2)
of fractional river blocks tn -Avery's Addition to
Corvallis, Benton County,- Oregon. - 1 ..
The following property situated In Polk Coun
ty Oregon, towlt: Beginning at a point twenty
Six (26) rods east of the southeast corner of Lot
numbered Three (3) in fractionate block One (1)
in Hill's addition to the town of Independence,
In Polk County. Oregon: running thence north
Four (4) rods, thence east to the Willamette riv
er, thence south Four (4) rods, thence West to
the place of beginning. -..--,, ..T ,
That certain river lot four rods wide by eight
rods long and the building thereon, and situated
directly north of and adiolnlner : the rlvnr lot
formerly owned by Smith & Vanduyn, and con
veyed by them to T. Egenton Hogg, both of said
lots, the one here described, and the one con
veyed by said Smith & Vnnduyn, being situated
on the west bank of the Willamette river at ln-
cepenaence, in folk tscunty, Oregon.
The following real property in Lincoln coun
ty: Let numbered Two (2), section Thirty-one
(31), and southwest quarter of the northwest '
quarter of section Thirty two (32): Lot No. One
(1 ) section Thirty-one (31); Northwest quarter of
the northwest quarter of section Thirty-two (32);
Enst one-half nf the southwest quarter of section
Twenty-nine (29), and east one-half of the nortbr
west quarter of section Thirty-two (32) ; the
webt one: half of the soathwe".- quarter -of -'section
Twenty-nine (29); Lots Three (3) and Fou
()of section Thirty (30); Lot Mo. One (1) -of)
section nineteen (19) Lot nnumbered Two (2
section Nineteen (19): Lot numbered- Three3)
objection Nineteen (19); and the southwest quar
ter' .f the sou th west quarter of section Twenty
(20) and west one-half of the northwest quarter
of section Twenty nine 29 and lots Oue ( 1) and
Two (2) of section Thirty (30): the south one
half ut the north-east quarter of the southeast
quarter of section Foarteen (14); the southeast
quarter of the southeast quarter of section Twenty-three
(23); the southwest quarter pf the ftouth
west qutrter of tectlon Twenty four (24); the
southeast quarter ot the northwest quarter, the
south naif of the northeast quarter, and the
northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of
section Twenty-six (26); the north weM quarter
of the northwest quarter of section Twenty-six
(26) ; the northeast quarter of the northwest
quarter of section Twenty-six (26) the-Southeast
quarter of the northwest quarter of section Twenty-three
(23); the north half of the southwest
quarter, and the southeast quarter of the south
west quarter or section- Twenty-three (23); Lots
1. 2. and 3 lu section 28. . All of the tide and ov
er-flowed lands on the shor? of Yaquiua Bay In
iiqutoii.ot mgnt in section 27, and Lots
1. 2? and S In Section 28, and lying between the
meander line of said lorg on Yaquina . Bay and
low water mark, covering about 23 6u acres ; the
undivided one-half Interest in lots r umbered 1
and 2 and the south half of the northwest quarter
of section 10.-all situate 1 in township 11 tinuth,
Range 11 West ot the Willamette Meridian In
Lincoln County Oregon. ,
, Also the following real property situated in Een
ton, Polk and Lincoln Counties, Oregon,- to-wit:
ail at section inirty-one (31) in Township 10
South. Ranee 5 West: South Half of Northeast
Quarter; Northwest .Quarter of Southeast Quarter
and Northeast Quarter of Southwest Quarter of sec
tion 11, Township 11 South, Range 6 west; Lots 1
and 2 and the North Half of the Northwest Quarter
of Section IS in Townshin 11 South. Ransre West:
the West Half of the Son th west Quart! , Eat Half
oi tae sontneast quarter ot section 33, Township 12
South, Range 6 West-, the West Half of the North
west Quarter of Section 19. Township 11 South,
Range 7 West; South Half of Southeast Quarter,
and Mouth Half of Southwest Quarter of Section 29,
Township 9 South, Range 8 Wust; all of Section 31,
Townshin 9 South. Ramre 8 West: all of Section 33.
Township 9 South, Range 8 West; North Half of
.uurtuwcab y uaruer, oouiueast quarter oi Jortn
west Quarter ol Section 3, Township . 11 South,
Range 8 West: East Half of Southeast Quarter.
ast Half of Northeast Quarter, Northwest Quarter
of Northeast Quarter and Northwest Quarter of Sec
tion 19, Township 10 South, . Range 9 West-; all of
Sectional, Township 10 South Range!) West; all of
Section 23, Township 10 South, Range 9 West; North
naii oi Boutneast.Quarter ol Section 26, Townsnip
11 South, Range lo East; - Southwest Quarter ot
Southeast Quarter. West half of Northwest Quarter
and Southwest Quarter of Section 19, Township 12
South, Range 6 West: South Half of Section a.
Township ii South, Range 9 West; Southeast
quarter 01 nortneast yuarter 01 section 1, Town
ship 11 South, Range 8 West; Southwest Quarter
01 iiortneasi quarter 01 section 1, Townsnip 12
South, Range 9 West - - . , j,
Offers for the purchase of said real property
maybe made' to me in writino- -at mv -office in
the Zierolf Building,- torvallis,- Oregon;, from
and after the 23th a ay of May, 1907; and the
said sale will be concluded by me on Friday,
me 31 ai aay ot aiay 1007, at my office tor the
uesi oner oy me received up to ana at tnat time.
uuucn uus 20m uay 01 April, 1907 . ' .-.
T. Prkt, Vatis."
Administrator of the estntA of -I- Kcrenron Tfncrsr.
For Chief of Police.
In response to? the reaneHt- of manv
citizens, I hereof announce mvself I as
a candidate for the office of hief of
ix)lice, of the cltv of Corvallis. subiect
to the decision of the voters ? at the
coming city election. If elected, I shall
consider my oath of office bindinp;," end
snail qo my cuty without fear or favor;
- J. D. Wells. :: i -
For Chief of Police.
I herewith announce myself as a can
didate for the office of. Chief, of police,
subject to the will of the voters, J. W.
Groving Fastest with Least Fuss
And if you don't believe come and see
EGGS, Chickens and Butter taken in exchange for mer
chandise, can handle some wheat
DEALER IN EVERYTHING, Corvallis, Oregon.
Are the greatest an belt selectors of Tea values; They
know good Tea from the poor and indifferent kinds not
by taste and smell, but by look and touch. We pride
ourselves upon the exceptionally high grade line3 of Teas
and Coffee9 which we have in stock, and we are sure tnat
the most captious ,critic? will approve ...both, They, are
great money savers to the householder, too, as a small
quantity goes a long way.
I We Are Headquarters For
Uptons, Teatlys; Folgers, Schillings Tea
The Grocer.
, , We are not inclined
writing ad vertisements - -
and customers speak for
6; B
Watch this space for Bargins in
:- No 608-45 acres30 in cult, balance. pasture and timber, some hnebot-
. . torn land, Jiouse, of rooms, small barrX young orchard, 2 1-2 miles of
r . " a good town, 'price if sold soon, $2000. This is a bargain.
598 160 acres, .35 b cult, some good timber and pasture, ' good house
;and barn, fine orchard, well Watered, this is a good stock ranch price
$1 700, School house on place. r'-r- - -383-10
acres,' all in cult, fine orchard, all level good house, fair bam 1-2
j; -.!'. mile to good town, good garden land, nice little home, price $1700.' ' '
to spend - much time in
we prefer tq let our goods
s. I. i
Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, BanR Bld. Boom
lO to 12 and a to 4.
Phorm. OffiM 212 Rasidaneo 1 so
CorralUs, Oreieo.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office np suirg in 'Burnett BrlcV "Res
idence on the coiner of Madieon and
Seventh et. Phone at house and oflBce.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over nrstni?.rHli. f RMiHonn rv
Fifth land Jeffereod atwefs; Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graham & v -ham' drnj; etor.
j. a: woods
General Auctioneer. A Square Dea
and charges right.
CorralUs, . - .. ' . . - Oregon.
Zierolf Building-.
Phone Ind. 384.
Dr. Hanford
Successor to Eowen Lester
Burnett Bldg. Corvallis, Or.
F. C. M'Reynolds
. Teacher of Violin, Mandolin, Banjo,
Guitar, Viola and 'Cello OAC School
of Music Music furnished for all ocj
casions. Large'or small orchestra.
Willamette Valley
Banking Company
Corvallis, Oregon.
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Buys County, City and School
PrinciparCorrcspotidcnts. '
PORTLAND f The Bnk o '
SEATTLE f California
BTEW TORE Messrs. J. P. Morcan A Co.
CHICAGO National Bank of The Bepnb
no. . . -
LONDON, ENG. N SI KothwoUds ft Son
CANADA . TJnloif Ksnk of Canada
Notice to Creditors.
NOTICE is herehy giren that the undersiened
has been appointed administrator or the estate
ol Elizabeth V. Taylor, deceased. All persons
having claims against said estate are hereby re
quired to present the same duly verifl-vi as by
law required to me er at thft office of J. F. Yates,
Corvallis, Oregon, within six months Irom the
date of this notice
Dated Aprilo, 1907. .
Administrator ot the estate of Elizabeth V. Tay
lor, deceased. "y
Notice to Creditors.
NOTICE is hereby given to all whom It may '
concern that the undersigned has been duly ap
pointed aamimttratrix ot roe estate oi a. e. up
land, deceased, by tho county court of Benton
county, Oregon. All persons having claims
against the estate of said B. F. Uyland, deceased
are hereby required to prosert the same, with
proper vouchers therefor, duly verified as by
law required, within six months from the date
hereof, to the undersigned at the office of Mc
Fadden & Brysnn,. attorneys, Corvallis, Oregon.
Dated at Corvalllf, Oregon, this 29th dayof
March, 1907.
Administratrix of the estate of B. F. Hyland, de
ceased. : r -
Notice of Sale.-
Public notice is berety given, that the under;
signed, as the administrator of the estate of Pe
ter Wilson, deceased, by virtue ot an order of
ting In probate, said oider being ef date the 26th
day of April, 1907. will from and after Monday
the 3d day. of June, 1907, md at and from te
hour of 10 o'clock. A. M. of said day, offer for sale,
and sell all of the right, title and interest ot the
said estate in and to all of the following de
scribed Teal property, situated In Benton county,
Oregon, to-wit:
The North-east quarter of section 18. in Town
ship 12 South, Range 6 West, containing 160
Said cale will tale place at the law office ot E.
E. Wilson in Corvallis, Benton county. Oregon,
and will continue until the highest possible
price has been received for said tract of land,
and said property told. Said property will be
sold free from all liens and Incumbrances what
soever. Dated at CorralUs, Oregon, this the 3rd day
otMay,1907. j
Administrator ot the estate of Peter W llson,
deceased. -- ; ' i . -f
Notice to Creditors.
" i 1 ! ! '
In the Matter of the Estate
Eliza A, Knight, deceased,
Notice is hereby given to all persons concern
ed that the undersigned has been duly appointed
admlnlbtrator of the estate ot said Eliza A.
Knight, -deceased, by the county court of the
state of Oregon for Benton county. All persons
having claims against said estate ot Eliza A.
Knight, deceased, are hereby required to pre
sent the same, with proper voucners therefor,
duly verified as by law required, within six
months trom the date herof to the undersigned
at his law office in Oorvallls, Oregon.
, 30, 1907. -R1IWTrso
Administrator of the Estate of Eliza A Knight,
- r deceased. . . , f :.-,!,...