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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1907)
-s--vn-'fc'-' J) f 's to Your Interest 1 to SAbiv37Mfiey5narfes5 Fashions for? Men and1 Young -.St i 'Are now" here ready for your inspection, and try-on and that we offer you and your fritends the first opportunity of viewing-the larg ett and mflaagnijficga tyjjf&jftyVV ffffPSfh :" If ya c11' coine to mo'rrowl come the day flcl. If yen wish to-dress -well aWHtlo, expense if you want a Suit or OverevUt.of smartest fief tm: 1 icre&t tu c(.m ; I style and of strict high quality. ItiTto yourin here at once and make an early selection. Sr. :::'".';! ",;-. ..r-: MICHAELS STERN PINE CLOTHING the most fashionable fabric 3 v which we show in all v .......... ....... ,...,,,., , .. . . . ; broad variety of handsome weaves. Look where yoy'rX . you positively, cannot find values to equal those, wo ... off y,, i j Spring Sack Suits Men and 'Young Men at $12 to $25 MICHAELS-ST lEINE bkUl n i i ... I l! of most advanced bin gle and1 double breasted style, with every ''detail" as derfecfas if exclusively custom-iiailor with a special offering of selected styles and fabrics fully vmWmichai equal lUr vame mup u. s.ui? wi-j9y. t . -p f itdi . ! jj;. vo mm mm , m. I Commencement at the college Vcurslune ktif?ilis j Mrs. T. M. Nolan accompanied i jhef husbaiic'as' far"a$1iT6rtland on Mrs. V. D. DeVarney arrived; yesterday to assume charge of the Independent Telephone office for an indefinite period. . . The Albany skating rink has' fctosed for the season and a crowd! of Albanyites went last night for skate at the i,ugene nnk. -.;. -Miss Marguerite Looney, of Salem, is a guest at the home of; Miss Mary Barclay. Miss Gertrude Barclay arrived J:tueday-5frHi a two) weeks visit a T 'the'Avt a AHeckerf home in Eu4 h i it:;-a zutx vt,-j r, 't n s.AiuuuAj Picnic. ;s L' , The Suver Camp . of M, W.' A. will Rive, their' 7th annual picnic at Rtdder'i" grove 2 12 miles south 'of Saver My25 .1 NEW ADS . ;i . ..,. j tiK i. TODAY. ".."Too ; Much : Soda; in !;the' Bis- cnil", at the Opera House, : Firiday," M .Vth ,.j':y.,r';. v ; ' 7 ; r,vToqvMuch Soda1 in ' the " B"is-: cuitA'at the Opera House," Friday' Mav nth j - i , FOR'5 SAlE; IFhfriture, carpets. Wall paper, opposite Hotel Cdrvallis:. A. H Kempin. - - - ...gene. f1 TvQtorIoses is adding a gal lery to supply the added -oom quired for his spring stock. Friend Is yourl husband i quiet man? Mrs. Wise Is hsf Why, he goes into a comatose conj ditiori every time Ij' ask' him for 4 d,ol!ar!':;7 : j , Francis i J.'f Hehey. states that he will place Singer' Hermann in an Oregon jail. 1 When" it is rememf bered how many times . that Heney hasj kept Ws word it looks rather seriots for Binger. . re LO T., . Wednesday , a. pu rse; c con tain;ng money and..; a; .cpil sprjng. Return to Times pffice and . receive reward.5 : v 12":';i:! J 2t v Mi rhm er! A ELS-STERN, CLOTHING. I ' Trie;ipring!:styles in Hats; both stiff and soft $l:50 ta $3,50 f ,u 1 Tbmorrow i Spring Opening day; r Corn : ij i.'iiii-1 t.'i ,UCu ,4iu.-.'j(.-.-.C.-i:j;Uii 'Jl'.C cj (-.G7J. OfK'.'r! JJiCJU ?" "v!?r.::!. 1 1 ! i ?1TOer"Pedple?s Stores ie: early 1'!.;;;? ij! v..i -i-'im Ki'iV .ij QA'tut .-u-i ..-' .s ,.. --! .... . i . T. - SI ' -7 1 I " X '!" '' t'Xv--.-1iil .ill-.ilu ( pjil .o;i iin j . lO J t.'J'.:J Ii-J;. ! !!. 0 I I V."' - ! n .:.- :. K ...! .!:. X II "n . - i : - -n f- , r..- ltlfeiMSIPi c. 0 S 3 V! O H q -.O YJl'l tilt I-'.w M Tti Perfect Time Inspires Pesfect Confidence! A watch which cannot be trusted to tell pferfett'time1 is worse thati twiiitjch at all, as it mis-leadmg and causes un necessary trouble and loss of rimeijoGei a watch that you can --depend- on at all . times,i the best-on ihe market,' to be had b all grades and styles. At PRATT The iewele'r's.'1' Optical work of all kinds a Specialty. Hon IN E S ;j.iJO.'- FOR , WOMEN 'misses AND CHILDREN For advertisements in this column the rate of 15 cents per line will be charged. l.l, '!', ..I. .We'havclso reeirl;orirpring lines of MeiirfOfi yjradmg wiA us ' a "' Of; your; cash 1 1 f -Jl b'r)r :li.-'-'J .i.Oij-j !'J vrl ( ill ' '!K i', :1; ::" ,t...- Tj iv.j: W. : 'j;fi tf. Jkir ;iy ,Jl J(, jXV 9 i 101 oor, When you see it in ouiPad itad -Jad on3 omos .loomii l i .rimgicd c ei f iilT .ooose I - . s T f i c i i Victor i " SV''ri,'"-IVV.rv)!.'CI.V-iV'.'- in rlt :'so Locg c a lit'i ,1&tJj 'Till further notice ALL: glasses fitted by PRATT The the Optician will be ABSOLUTELYCGUAITEED for ONE YEAR against BREAKAGE of ANY KIND. ''iDv.namrte Wot'flatrebpera' House May.'ist.. ! Fpr .'.Vjllagt.I.lii- in ;.-.ifi "Too Much Soda in the Biscuit" at the Opera House, Friday, Clarence Vidito, who , with Clarence Chipman is running , the Bay View Honse at Newport, was in town yesterday looking foe help for his establishment. The sum. mer travel has "already begun and the house is well filled. :. C s lonn uunman, ot jfortiana. , is jn town on a brief visit to old scenes He returns to the metropolis-' Sun day.r : Mrs. . Huffman has been in the country a week. Mr. Huffman conducts aa ) architect office ia the city. , " , '-3; i - 'The inside finishing' work is in progress on the Johnson -pank bnilding." The pTaste"rers are. 'now atwork pu jthe-jSmalLooni n thie i ear ui me uanKing department. Senator Joh.QSon expects the!puild-; ing to be, ready for occupancy by JunfeJiofli. jS Sunday services at the Congre gational church will be as follows; ipangggj) school; n, preachuig by the pastor, A. W. Monosmiih,, topic: "Christ's Estimate oflthelu dividual." 7 Christian .Endeavor; 8, evening serv:C2 subject: '-Essen- Floyd Bogue, of this cityV who entmtfcEngmeex;MilkrtoUewi iston to build a sewer system is; j.u! charge of a party of engineers, lay-ing-out own site oa Puget Sound! Ijots inlheplace are already sellj;ng at $300 to $1,000. The name of the newScity iS'SeconwR Work on the teW4stoa 6eweri'system is tam porarily suspended, pending adjuisc nJent;pfnancMlari;a5gejaents. V! Dr. Ostein, professor of mathi fematics, , in the state .agricultural college of Utah, was' in town for a few hours yesterday. He left last night, for San Francisco. Mr. aud Mrs. Percy Young, . Miss Emma Sox and . Mr. Gibson .came, over from .Albany, yesterday morning in Mr. Young's new tour ing car;-After'' ar spin "-' about the college campus they left for the re tnrn trip.t; - . In the probate court T. W. Hady'l'administfator'of the- Albert r Denny estate!, has 'been authorized to sell the personal property beloug ing'ito!'lhe estate 'Jat ;; private-' sale. Inthe estate of " James' Pi ;i McBee iihe executrix : has been ! ! ordered' to ay the;witiow $2566 and $150 for riiaintenaride of herself 'arid children ior me ensuing- year. J - - - Ji vsiij vii-.v rii. ;;. u-u.l . .'::," .-; T-Albany, :( Democrat: E... H, ;Riodeft auj-horizes the. Democrat to :g:i"if...r..'Doirty; o-wners agjqijiingtpis iqpj square reel; at he corner of First and Ferry, streets jwil give(h-im:ajbonus of $2,oob he willerecta modern JioteJ,. at the cost of, s$tq)oo9,j rjtp,, be; .known, as the FairmQunt,.a fane three-story build ing, . up-tp,-4ate , an its construction abuilding 1 thatwpuld double , the aJLu ot property around, fJiat.,. cor ner..,.,; ! ... ' J Mr; 1 William'sarrived last night from' Houston; ; "Texas'; and has-- as- sumed -charge -of the- saw -'mill -of whielF he is the ' general- -manager T: MiStaiidifei- if the 'Same olace iaslsa-at'rived and 'taken3 charge of Jthe books' of- s the establishment pThe hew owners ' have ' put wadded ;eapital:inta theJ enterprise, and will develop' and widefa its operations " Fd, Strong who has retired; as pwner. of the.Coryallis saw mill,'-; is to leave tomorrow for Polk county ief.e'he,is the 'ovpner ' of a hard WOp4 min.V ' ."His stay there,'' " how ever " will . not. ;be' . permauent, ' and ne wiiii return io,..orvauis. later, .Vhethef .he will jremain here or in vest elsewhere, j iaS j riot ', y et , I been ueiermineo, r " y.;; The O.ApcC. debating-.- team meets the i Washington , ' State; Col- ifege tea-m'rfin'i-aiirliscussibnb of : the ioentsatof ithenMonroe: Doctrine,: Mondayfriightsi'The O. ;Av C. Jnen $10; RE VA: Ri), ; jfor ' the ,. return ' of papers tound in a suit case that was removed from the Occidental hotel last week the suit case being mark ed with the natne; of the undersign ed. The .papers iare of no value whatever to any one except myself. The above reward will be cheerful ly paid fof their return. B. F. Jones ; ;; , . -, : .' ;.: : i Independeii.ce, Or. with temperature down to o, and irom the 25 down to the .30 .inclu sive there ' were lia-hf ' frosts ;: with temperature down -at-Vac ; ij -The highest iemperature! was So on ' the 26th arid 2 tstj 'and the lowest 32: on1 Jttje -iota.: :,The total ramf all for the :Vnnn!nJ V. 'J. Z ll ' L !- ' 1 1 i LL t! 'J -J V -irffil :': acPoDnts " of '.'Ed, Strong, jateproprletorcofr-the Corvallis saw thill, have, been ; plactdiB! fhe!,hai'rids of J, B, Irvine for collection.'-" - ' Arrangements kreVbeiag;' iiiade to run an excursion, from - Albany to witness the performance of .Murr ray & Macs at the CotvalUs . Opera House next 'Tuesday night; .-.This attraction does -not' appear. : in 1A1? bany. j Ij only playsj in three towns: in Oregon south of . Portland, ' and Corvallis is fortunate enough, to be one of them.i .: .--. .u;'...;; " ' ;--There; Were nine, rainy ; days in the month of April, during which 2.98 inches of ram lelh . The great est in .24 hours :lwas i.:84"!inches,, oh the 6th.j There w re I7 clear days; six part cloudy, and seven ' clondv7 On the 1 oth. there wa 3 , a heavy frostf defend tbe-policy and . the Pullman WANTED WANTED girl for general house work:! Forj further information apply to the Times office. 2t LOST monogram pin "P. L. S." Leave at Times office and receive reward, . ( - " '. . - ' tf. WANTED an experienced girl or woman tO' do general ' housework. Apply to Mrs. B. F. Irvme. tf WANTED, ' -a' girl- to 'do - general housework in small family. Tnde rierident phone 376, Corvallis,;' - t : Uddermuslio at Nolan'; :o Bale: all this wee k- MONEY to loan on" approved 'ectitity Apply to S. 1,. Kline agent;-' - c ;; : Cil - Get good gardep, timotiiy,.cloyer.,aiMl. all kinds of field seeds at Zierolfs.' ' " :)'-a Cola tickets ' ta-ken the ame a' at lbs' Palace 6PSweei:'-'J C :i , .::-::..i. -;,- :: r.:-i - .. ... . - REAL ESTATE , - ,We. nave opet'ei an office over the -First' "National '.Bank,' where ' -we -are prepared to handle all kinds of City property for sale also Rood farms,- stock ranchee. nna!l tracts, near the City. If yon can't find what j;ou; w6nt come in . and seems, and talk it over. McHenry- & price. ; Corvallis .Oregon.... Clover and timoti y at ZfiVolf's. . For Sale. f dfebatersi are-'to: argue fox:its:;aDarr- dmnent;q-;The local debaters:? are, -MarkWegthefford,-.v leader"-CO Ci Clarr-kr and iMc. SellecfcU.They :leave fOraU&utn; Sundays ntii ha:sc ' uild- s a- ,T0R SALE, incnbatori gocd as "I. hew. 7' For further information address H. B. Cramer. RFD 3. Independent, phone. : 703. FbR SALE Baled vetch hay. Al- so spme timothy. . R. F. D. i 'Corvallis. ; Phone 5; Granger. ;s Aim'thrrf'e current tti,HfieTrMBsi wilf? vacate; tte tiatJtesi fhat ave'libusedcthe es. tablishment feve .slnce5'T:he Fishie'i brieksasi btsilt, arid1- 'occupy the room -on Main, street lately1 vacated bysthesBello'telephoneKfDfficei: '-It is thought that with the office !on the ground floor subscribers would finjt, easier to pay subscription. Some of them seem n t to like I to climb a stairway. ' : .: i-Two ' aay's. "M," C'" A? B . !fne " -FuM: TauVasff.fn Cafvkifi Hi i!'rc.' ': -. r :i. .7.rr: pCuuuui:6iuutiiS ocpiemacr asianamounteao over $450'.", 'Man' -pea-A46.ww'.McKfe4; -kr cWributed ' eladlv. 0 JHrce f OR SALE- one nearly new top bugirr -''leather top and cushions, .nickle ulat ed hub irons costing $85 00, will sel r .for 60 dollars if taken before April 1 ' aleo seven tons cheat hay baled. .Phone. 655. L. L. -Brooks. , . Notice of Final Settlement. for Officia s ; at , the .'-W & ;E : ;ih WiiS&fri-iM X; a.:. T-ifV ?eii; mm!' Wo-rk0 wiif be continued W.,X.fvmXWmWmtmlW 'Weustcomplete he:::building announcement hp been made; f W,) W becoinin purpose, to; push, theline.throflffttiD sumcieni iorce ine jwi-couia.: eepti sBiiwi.waa m ivwu,ucu- 4onri4;ii pie3o to w'0oid:,dotf(nU'C.i; -In Ne wpoft:as; s. sum merrresorfe ih 1 JbfWS Craillis,jrntly, imiM'ifi'tfi &0.?iini- M 'h'iejnii'ortuTie to';lose;-' his .oaay.,'.',:bWtt"---i. iiaa ll i?uit." ue&f the' door .iVao'a -V:cv- ;c-vVf -ftftjtt1 Pnidertaian ionieprie iri- Ernest Lane, the pinkoTn- tftntipnw oerwf walked off ino boy who burglarized in Pdr&, .efforja" Vna3e3hC and gebr-rs vears:in- the Vitk Amjifv::::$TO tiary..5Iwas:seriienced i&fferedf 6r Return pC KHW -opemtW: made ibyvhisjaUorvneyouQlejaenfcy, umTa-of the Ym' -.The papers but -nocmercv lwatiihQltniU (She nt mVVoi'''ri.iJU W&&-Wft&$fa' one else, but are 'of muchimpoft; -) TrjTTrr-- 7- .i: r!?T:ui?-T'" "c lij vit jjnes. tne suit case referencejvas made to her, tears was plaihly,-mlrkerJ'withh name streamedowbeyi-xheeks. ! andddAiSi''o:;Mi'l.Jones and the Whea sseritence;uwasi pronounced,, person wha has if . Ought 'to find rib she felliu a amtrftn;.the.;aoor of, difficulty ia dove4ng the owner the coitrt room. Considering Lane's Perhaps he will, now-that there is effort while at OAC ta' lead an hon- , $10 robe made by return of the pa est life, the sentence 9eems severe, pefs. " In tliP Cnnnty Court of the State of Oregon ofwtun county. ... In the Matter ot the Estite .-7-:. :. - , ,' Of -,; .. nn Comptont'i3eceised. , r ' Z KOTICE Is hereby (?len-fhal the tiBderif?ned as executor ot the estate and' last will and testa ment of Ann Oompton, deceased, has filed with the Clerk of the above entitled court his . filial account as su h executor and the said Court has flxeil nnl appitfnttd' 8atni:?y tlnr nth- rtay of Maya HK)7. t the hnir tf If o!'-l"ck lu the fore noon of sill day as the time, and the .'County Jn ' ge' Mfm in th Oount 0nrt honsi In Cor vallis. sid But n Iouny si the Place for hear- -ing 6njc'ionn If ahy. u hain acriuut ' iri1 the settlement thnn of. All ptrfona lnterertet ana desiring to object to said account ure hereby uo tlfied to appear and file their objection In writing thereto at said time and place I'ated this 12th day of Aptll. 1907. .iii: .-. ) ! - ) Jaubs J. Flett. As executor of,Uie.,estate9f Aon Oompton, Ihl ,-!f,io xosa:v..X Picture ;fra nil es and . glass at JCem pius yew. SVore; '-iij-, , . . ,i"3-rorI .fci-a'a 'i 'io ---dj.j e;u m Urn ?I';Uudefmnflinak: all lthis week , lrii"cja Vf : - , j ; JjOr Itheumatic Sufferers.; . ,b line quick relief from pamanorded bj ap Lplving ChJUQberliri's Pain Balm makes it a rayoraewitn sutterers from rneumatism, sciatica,' , lame,,- back; . lumbago, and , deep seated .and tnuscular, pains. For, sale bjr AT.'V.-, f a TO !ti' in,. What to Do When Billons. ;, . The right ' thing to do when you feel bil ious is to take a dose of Chamberlain's Stom ach, and ; Liver Tablets. They will cleanse the stomach and regulate the liver end bow el?. Try it Price 25 cents. Samples free at Graham & Wortham's drug store. -