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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1907)
"WEEK i ! CORVALUSr OREGONi:BIDAYVENING, JVIAY 3. 1907. we Are Now Prepared to Outfit The Man and The Boy Oui reciept of clothing this spring are nobby. Big assortment. Prices That Defy Competition! Shoes P. B. Kerths" are up to date in style and the best wearers I Our Line o f Medium Priced Shoes I 1 Are from the bast factories in the country and all are guaranteed shoes. Oar line of hats embrace . all., the new styles. Oar prices are right and we ask an inspection of the above lines. PARDON FOR "JANUARY ROOSEVELT ; SENDS A NOTE TO DEPARTMENT OF JUS- T1CE IN HIS BEHALF. Hie Career After, His, Escape From Penitentiary Hia Life Which He Lead .Was an Honest and Faithful One. Washington, April : SO.-rPresi-dent Roosevelt in a note to the de- I partmenf of justice, expressed , the opinion that John William Janua ry, ot Kansas City, Mo., should have his sentence commuted at once or be pardoned outright. , January was convicted 12 years ago of robbing a postoffice in Okla homa and served the greater por tion of a five-year sentence at Fort Leavao worth. He then escaped and after nine years of liberty was re-arrested in Kansas City and re turned to prison. Many petitions have reached the president asking for his pardon. ,. He had lived in 4 Kansas City under the name of S W. Anderson during the time he was at liberty. . . SEVEN POUND RESCUERS . REACH , MINERS AT FOUSTWKLL. Corvallis, Call and See X M. HARMS. Oregon BO" DB iThis Man boii- Ighthis Fishin Tackle of GUN HODES a s I i A Complete Line of Spauld I ing base ball goods at popu- lar prices. .. ":;.' ' r CQfTOGHTED 806 9f IW MOGTON W. Cft We Solicit Comparison. Just received a full linsof Spring and Summer Novelties. : The Famous Packard Shoe, Sold by Jt A. K. RUSS ' Dealer in men's Furnishings. Woullffl Thrdrieswith a - , isfrinan,s lck means a wonderful catcri once in a blue moon. But all moons are alike to the man equipped from our superb Sporting Goods stock the latest in Rods, Reels, Dandy Minnows, Hooks, Bicycles, Sundries, ultery, Sewing Machines and Sewing Machine Supplies, Edison and Victor 1 alking Machines, Records and Supplies. ,The hunter will find himself ma paradise of his own when he lands in this fine Sporting Goods stock.- You are welcome to buy, or admire, just as you choose. Unmatchable prices now.. -: . M. M. LONG'S Leavenworth, Kan.,' April 26. Things are - looking brighter for William January, alias Charles W. Anderson, the modern Jean Val jean, who was recaptured and , sent back to prison afier being a fugitive nine years, during which; time . he changed his name, led an exempla ry life ana married. , ine prisoner has made a detailed report to Ma jor McClaughey, warden of the Fed eral penitentiary, covering his where abouts and employment ever since he dropped over the fence to liberty, He gives the names of employers from time ' to time and - makes a straight and clear record. The re port was sent this morning to Con gresamen E. C. Ellis,, who will. for? ward it to Washington with ; other papers and petitions for the presi dent. i v ..... -j i The statement of.January opens by telling how he and another pris oner, Walter A.' Axton, escaped oo the night of October g, .1898. After scaling the wall they walked toward Atchiuf OQ and ' hid in ' the timber the next day reacbtog Atchinson the second night., i There they sep arated, when January.! caught a freight train and beat his way to Wichita. . .. .: o; r i i i Three days after arriving in Wi chita, January .found that , Axton had followed him, and j they left there together and secured work in a rock quarry at Winheld,, ' They worked there two months, when Axton either accidentally shot him self or committed suicide with a re volver. January worked in the quarry another taohtb . ifiarly in loaa, January says, he started to sell tea and ccffee He traveled through Sjuthem Kansas, part of MicfcOuri and into Oklahoma with a man who owned ahoise and light wagon.: This be did for more more than a year and then went to Kansas City, , where he solicited for an insurance company, ' saving his money, and later engaged ' in the same business for himself for more than two years.' This was followed by employment with the Metropol itan Street - Railway company for over a year. . January was married in 1901 and lived in Kansas City from that time until his arrest, . operating a small restaurant. Major McClaughey is satuhed that January made a true etatement and that , he conducted himself well while at liberty. There was forwarded tonight to President Roosevelt a petition ask ing a pardon for January. It bears 40,000 names, and it iB believed the man will be speedily pardoned and sent back to his wite and baby girl and little restaurant. .There it universal sympathy for January and his family, and equally wide spread execration of the former con vict who betrayed him to the' offi cers. However, it is figured that it wilt be better In the end,- aa Janr uary caa then go ahead without the fear of arrest always hanging ; over him. ' : i' ':.. ..;..., ' ': ' His friends are' conducting his restauraptv-during his. absence and popular feeling , is t such. , that the place is crowded at all hours and has proved a veritable gold mine. EGGS from thoroughbred , brown leghorns, fifty cents per : setting Independent phone, 421 Corvallis. Swimmers Carry Food and Drink Undergronnd But Cannot U Bring Them Out Other ; .. -. : News. -7" Johnstown, April 3O. After be ing entombed since last Friday noon in the Berwin-White Coal Co mine No. 38, at Foustwell, near here, the .seven, miners - who were shut off from the world by a sudden rush of water caused by the break ing of a wall of an abandoned mine were rescued at ten o'clock tonight. The men were greatly exhausted. Owing to their weakened condition it was deci ied not to bring them out until after the mine had been drained. The men were reached at "10 o' clock by Stiney Rodon and Charles Ream, who made a dash through 5o feet of water-filled - headings. Early in the day John Bolya, broth er of one of the imprisoned nen, and three comrades made futile at tempts to. reach them. They came back, half drowned and reported that portions of the headings were still completely filled with water and that more pumping would have to be done before the imprisoned men could be reached. The efforts at pumping were then redoubled. . . At lo o'clock the water had so far gone down that it' was reeolved to make obe more attempt to break through to .the' overcast, where it was believed the men were still .alive. ; ',' 7,7'. ,.V! ; V'. i ,-, p4op and Ream volunteered for the service. Over an hour elapsed before, either, man was heard from and then Ream came back swimi- ming through the beading, bring ing tne nrst news irpm tne impris oned.seyen,., ,lhe trip nearly, exi hausted Ream. He , reported that the seven, men were alive and all in good condition, but that until more pumping waj done tne .passage . to the place where . thev had taken re fuge was Impassible to those who could not swim.. , 1 ben it waB re solved tp allow , tnem to remain where they were until the heading had been pumeed out. : ';' !.; . f j , Ream and bis comrade carried to the imprisoned men simply a flask of brandy and a little water. He reported that Mike Bolya had, since the breaking of the walls between the abandoned workings, been in charge of the movements of ; his comrades.' Bolya is 'acquainted with evry turn of the mine. When the flood broke out, he led his com rades to the furthest point in the BANKING BY MAIL r v, ; ; , . YOU MAY KEEP AN ACCOUNT WITH US IN PORTLAND, OREGON AND YOUR NEIGHBOR KNOWS NOTHING OF IT 4 INTEREST WRITE FOR OUR BOOKLET ON BANKING BY MAIL UNCLE SAM S POST OFFICE MAKES OUR BANKING BY MAIL SYSTEM A SUCCESS SAVINGS BANK OF THE itt (Guarantee & thrust 240-244 Washington Street, Cor. Second, Portland, Oregon heading, where the "overcast" was eituated. V Under Bolya's direction each man before fleeing seized his lucch basket.' When 'they arrived at the ""overcast" every lamp but one. was extinguished and one by one the lamps .were; "each Tburned out until, when they were reached by Rodan and Ream, there was but a single light remaining, and that in danger of running low at any time; ' ' : .. j ' Wben stock was taken of the available supply ot provisions, it was found that 4hree baskets were but 5 half emptied. ' This ecanty store of rations was husbanded un til Monday morning,' since when the men had had nothing to eat. during the whole" time they had gone without water, fearing to drink the water from the abandoned workings. ;if.I;-;v,-r ''''' iri j -Read said that at the place where the men had sought reiuge there had been a supply of ties left for track-laying purposes.. With these Bolya and. his comrades bad built a platform upon which they had Bought refuge and, when found, they were not.only high,! but dry. onortiy - alter l o'clock Delaney made his way to the place where Bolya and his comranes had sought refuge and returned with' more de tails, concerning their condftionfand experiences,' Within After a .ehort time after the flood broke loose, ab cordiDg to': Delaney'a. story, -Bolya and his companions had rigged op a pump, which they found "and be gan to pump tne water tnat lay be tween tnem and the pit " month, in to a din en the other side of them. At 1 o'clock ; this 1 morning' the men had not been . brought ', out of the mine, although a spscial train was ready to take the party to the hospital. ,. ' , , , . Altnougo tne seven men are now : What You See is Worth Twice What You Read! ; As "you are now coming to market with the opportunity of comparing values, we ask you to see our lines. . We have a broken line of Ladies and hildrens Shoes, ! which we are closing out at remarkably low prices, on s be fore your size is gone. . . Also some remnants in Dress Goods, Wash Goods, etc. ; at bottom prices. Our new Spring and Summer Stock is arriving and is ready for your inspection. Make money by buying our lines, and save money by getting our prices. . Henkle & Davis. ( ' - v .-. This Isn't the Place Where they give something for nothing But, with every 50 cent can of Baking Powder, you can get FREE the Finest Piece of Decorated Ghina, you ever got in this city. " Gome in and b convinced Bottloen Grocery Store Corvallis J in' good spirits and in .apparently good condition, the doctors at Jhe pit mouth fear that, when tbey are brought ou into the light, the af ter effects may prove serious. : For Chief of Police. I hereby, announce mvself as a candi date for the office of .. Chief of Police of Corvallis, subject to the' Kill of the voters at the coming election .;' - . ; LINCOLN ' CHAMBERS. Bids Wanted. Bids will be received by the County Court up to Wednesday, May 1st. no' clock a. m. of said day for complet ing the unfinished portion of the wagon road around Digger Mountain in Ben ton County, Oregon, according' to speci fications now on file with the county clerk at the Court Hoose. .The right to reject any and all bids, by order of the County- Court. T. T. Vincent. Clerk. BEST BREAD and pastry can bej, obtained at Starr's Bakery.