The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, April 26, 1907, Image 4

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:Hl! t
MS co.'
Mr. and Mrs. John Winkley,
of Albany, this week visited their
sod and daughter. Mr. and Mre. H.
L. Winkley, of the Corvallis
'Palaoe of Sweets."
M"s. Amelia Sbubert has been
absent several day from her post
of duty, at Nolan's store on ac
count of illness.
Joseph Hcker was up from
Wells laet Wedne day on business,
od was the guest ovt-r night of
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold King.
The big 150-horse power just
installed at the Kaupisch creamery
was fitted up yesterday morning
and its performance was highly sat
isfactory. Julius Wuestefrlt was a Corval
lia visitor 'iuesdav. He is asso
ciated with Carl Hode in the wet
goods business at 2U9 Waehingion
street Portland.
Adam Graham came up trom
Portland the first of the wtek for a
few days visit, returning Thurs
day. A Sunday school will be organ
ized at Mountain View school bouse
next Sunday at 2:3o P. M. Ail
citiz n cf that community are ask
ed to attend. At 2:3 ) Rv. Hanrt
paker of the Christian Church iu
Corvallis will preach.
It is understood that the Hotel
Corvallis will open again for busi
ness after being closed for a moi ta
pendioK its installation of new fur
niiare and fixtures.
Franc-la McDevltt lias returned
j Co va lis tt mpor ir 1 nd is act;
log as ooukkeeper at tne Kaupiscb
creamery and ice factory. A de
cision to remain here permanently
would be welcome news to Mr. M.
Daviu'u many Corvallis friends.
Excavation for Small's bilk
was completed the first of ths week. I
and construction of cement piers is
under way. A considerable force
of workman began operations Thurs
day under supervision of the con
tractor W. O. Heck art.
Beginning next Sunday Rev.
Hanoaaker of tbe Christian Church
will preach a series of sermons on
'A Journey Through the Bible."
Next Sunday morning the theme
will be, "Creation." In the even
ing the topic will be "The Flood."
The cboir will render special music
t the morning service, at night
the male chorus will ping.
The U. of O. baseball team
tras beaten Wednesday by the Col
fax Trolley League team by a score
of 8 to 3. To the eighth, inoinj the
ame was excellent, the score 3 to
1, favoring Oregon. In the eighth
VJiinor5 went wua, giving nve sin
gle hits and one base on ball, tbe
team making three errors. Hath
way made a two-base hit and stole
third, but did not score for Oregon.
Batteries University, Clifford,
Johnson; Colfax, Parrisb, Kriet7,
-One of the lower rooms in the
ol3 Fisher brick is being repaired
and refit'ed for use of tbe Pacific
Telephone and Telegraph Co. as an
office. Among the more important
improvements is the placement of
a new glass front. Within a few
days the central office will be mov
ed from its present quarters in tbe
Palace Market brick. A new switch
board, now due from tbe factory,
together with furniture for tbe op
erating room, is to be installed at a of more than $5,ooo.
"The OAC basketball team wil
. "pirticipats in its first big game of
the season on the college diamond
tomorrow at 2:31. It will be with
the Willamette University teim and
it t romiees to be a hot game. The
li victories of the home team
over Silem high' school and Che
Tuxwa are evidences that tbe OAC
ih&va will make good this season.
'Tne Willamette team is a strong
aggregation and will work hard for
'the long end of the score. Admis
sion will be 25 eente.
WANTED Bids for hauling gravel and
rock in district number 2, according
to specifications filed at tbe clerks
"office. The right is reserved to re
ject or all bids. Bids will be opened
at any office of the county clerk at 2
p. m. April 20th. . E. Smith Sup
ervisor. For Chief of Police.
1 hereby announce myself as a candi
date for tbe office of Chief of Police
of Corvallis, subject to the will of the
-voters at the coming election.
Bids Wanted.
Bids will be received by the County
Court up to Wednesday, May 1st. IX o
clock a.m. of said day for complet
ing the unfinished portion of the wagon
xoad around Digger Monntain in Ben
ton County, Oregon, according to speci
fications now on file with tbe county
clerk at the Court House. The right
to reject any and all bids, by order of
the County Court. T. T. Vincent
Moneys Worth With Every Purchase.
We have a good Six-Hole No. 8
Eclipse Steel Range with large
copper reservoir, almost - as good
as new, that we offer very cheap.
Don't farget to see our Axminster
and Body Brussels Art Squares.
Hollenberg & Cady.
By a Great Man Senator La Follette
of Wisconsin in Corvallis.
One of the most remarkable
meetings ever held in Corvallis,
occurred Tuesday night. It was a
lecture, and Senator LaFollette was
the lecturer. It was remarkable
from several standpoints. No such
a philippic against centralized
wealth and the domineering meth
od of the over-rich was ever deliv
ered in Corvallis. A more absorb
ing word paintirg of the doings of
trusts was ever pictured here. A
more interesting speaker never
stood on tbe Opera House platform.
A man whose utterances bore more
of tbe earmarks of honesty and sin
cerity never hurled more powerful
sentences at a Corvallis audience.
A big audience never sat more pa
tiently and more interestedly and
listened to a speaker for so long a
Senator LaFollette spoke for three
mortal Hours, rle was late in ar
rival, and the audience had waited
for him nearly an hour when he
began. In all the people occupied
their seats nearly four hours. It
was a discusson of problems of
government, and the fact that an
audience sat so long and listened
with such consuming interest, tells
the story of the power of the speak
er. It was a cold audience in the
beginning, but long before the close
it was enthusiastic. The . telling
points in the address were loudly
applauded. In the closing moments
everybody was full of good humor
and enthusiastic. More than all,
everybody was the warm admirer
and deep sympathizer with Senator
Three hours covers a wide range
when the speaker talks as fast as
does this man from Wiscoasm.
What he said couldn't even be
hinted at here. His address would
cover two or three pages in fine
type in a metropolitan daily. It
would take an ordinary reader
more than half a day to read it
aloud. But there wasn't a minute
of it, nor a sentence in it that was
not full oi power and moment. He
told of the government in the be
ginning when corruption was un
known. Seventy-seven years ago,
DeToqueville, the French philso
pher, wrote of the American gov
ernment after a long study of it in
this country, "I have not heard of
a single case of corruption in' gov
ernmental affairs." ' That was a
description of affairs at Washington
in 1830. Corruption was unknown.
Nineteen years ago, James Bryce
in a similar book, wrote that the
corporations are cprrnpting the
government, and that their influ
ence on the dishonest congressmen
corrupted the whole, lump so far
as results are : concerned! With
such the trend, what is the condi
tion of affairs today, when corpor
ation influences are so vastly mag
nified? 'In the past 30 years there
have been but two congresses that
the railroads did not control,'' ex
claimed the speaker. One was in
1 887, when the inter-state commerce
bill was passed after it had failed
in 13 sessions, and the other was
in 1906, when the rate bill was pass
ed. 'Even the latter was not be
yond the pale of railroad influences
because the rate bill is ineffective,
said Mr. LaFollette because it does
not give tbe commission power to
what we have in the line of
Second Hend Goods. If you will
do so. you may find just what you
want und what you need. Beside,
you can save some money, not
only in second hand goods, but
in NEW Goods as well.
ascertain the value of railroad prop
erties for the purpose of fixing rates
Senator LaFollette declared h t
representative government is almost
dead in this country. In the be
ginning.the individual's vote count
ed for something, in that the re
presentative sent to Washington
carried out the wishes of constitu
ents. They do it no longer, because
after they get to Washington
enough of them are found for the
corporations to control them and
congress, and consequently control
legislation. He rscited the steps
by which corporations have devel
oped, first into competing compan
ies, but now into merged trusts in
which every corporation in an in
dustry is controlled by two or three
m.n. The cutput of industry
is actually controlled. The iron of
the country is bodily controlledby
the steel corporation. It has pow
er to fix thj price, and it ' fixeit
and requires the consumer to pay
tbat price. It put $400,oob,0o6 in
to its business, and in six short
years earned enough toco able is
capital. With but 400 millions in,
the beginning, it capitalized at
1,400 millions and paid big divi
dends on that sum, It is robbery
of the people, declared the speaker,
pure and simple. The same condi
tions are true of coal. The same
of oil, of sugar, of all the necessar
ies of life in fact, and the peopb of
the country are in industrial servi
tude. They have to pay what the
trusts ask.. They cannot avoid it
for the trusts control the product.
From the control of these products
the trusts have passed to the con
trol of legislation; and until the peo
ple throw off the condition their
progress is slow and painful to
what it would be were everbody
given equal rights before the law.
A most significant feature of the
address was the reading beiore the
audience of the names of senators
who voted to defeat desirable
amendments to the rate bill. ; One
of these was by La Follette and it
gave the commission power to as
certain values of railroar s for tbe
purpose of gving rates, Forty sen
ators voted against it, and 27 for
it. The vote he said is costing the
people of the country nearly $500,-
000,000 a year in the higher rail
road rates that have to be paid be
cause the commission cannot con
trol. Among -those who voted
against the amendment was Senator
Fulton of Oregon. When his name
was read, several grcans were utter
ed in various parts of, the house, a
noticeable murmur running through
the entire audience. Senator Gear
in was among the 27 who voted for
the amendment, and when his
name was read the reading was
interrupted by an enthusiastic
burst of applause. Another amend
ment that Senator La Follette of
fered the bill was one to prevent
a federal judge from sitting in the
trial of a railroad case wherein the
defendant owned, stock in the de
fended railroad. "It was an amend
ment," exclaimed the speaker,
"that simply provided that a judge
couldn't sit in the trial of his own
case, and one that I thought would
go through of its own weight with
all voting for it, but; strangely
enough the same 40 votes were
thrown against it. The reading
of the names on this vote disclosed
the name of Senator Fulton among
those who voted it down, " and that
of Senator Gearin among those who
voted for it.
Attention Farmers!
I Want Your Eggs and Butter
Alway Pay Highest Market Price
and You get Fuli Weight
and Measure!
I Handle Everything. Come8c See
Are the great93t and be3t selectors of Tea values. They
know good Tea from the poor and indifferent kinds not
by taste and smell, but by look and touch. We pride
ourselves upon the exceptionally high grade line3 of Teas
and Coffdes which we have in stock, and we are sure that
the most captious critic will approve both. They are
great money savers to the householder, too, as a small
quantity goes a long way.
We Are Headquarters For
Uptons, Teatlys, Folgers, SchillingsTea
PHONE 203.
We are not inclined to spend much time in
writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods
and customers speak for themselves. . .
6. B
C Watch this space for Bareins in
No 60843 acres, 30 in cult, balance pasture and timber, some fine bot
tom land, house of 5 rooms, small barn, young orchard, 2 1-2 miles of
a good town, price if sold soon, $2000. This is a bargain.
598 160 acres, 35 in cult, some good timber and pasture, good house
and barn, fine orchard, well watered, this is a good stock ranch price
$1700.- School house on place.
38310 acres, all in cult, fine orchard, all level, good house, fair barn 1-2
mile to good town, good garden land, nice little home, price $1 700. "
B. Borning,
The Grocer. . 85
Physician & Surgeon
Offlc, room 14, BanK Bldtf. Hourai
10 to tit a to .
Phone, office 8 1 3 Rat idance ISO.
Corvallii, Orejoa.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office op 1ain Is Burnett Brkk Bes
Idence on the corner of JJdifon and
Seventh tt. Phone at boote and office.
Physician & Burgeon
Office over XicoojiZ,?. Kiiec Cor
Fifth and Jefferaoa trets, Honrs 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Order nosy be
ft at Graham & v -hii dm tor.
General Auctioneer. A Square Dea
and charges right
Corvallij, Oregon.
Zierolf Ccildin?.
Phone Ind. 384.
Dr. Hanford
Successor to Eowen Lester
Burnett BIdg. Corvallis, Or.
E. E. WlJLSUrv
F. C. M'Reynolds
Teacher of Violin, Mandolin, Banjo,
Guitar, Viola and 'Cello OAC School
of Music Music furnished for all ocJ
casions. Large, or small orchestra.
Wiliamette Valley
Banking Company
Corvallis, Oregon.
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Buys County, City and School
The Bank o
NEW YORK-Messrs. J. P. Hornn A Co.
CHICAGO National Bank of The Bepnb
LONDON, ENG. N SI BothwaUds A Son
CANADA . Cnlcp Hank orOanaaa
Notice to Creditors.
In the Matter ot the Estate) '
Margaret Radlr, Deceased. )
Notice is hereby given to all perrons concerned
that the undersigned lias been duly appointed
executrix of the lust will and testament of Mar
garet Badir, deceased, by the county court of
Benton count;, state of Oregon. All persona
having claims against tald estate of Margaret
Radlr. deceased, are hereby required to present
the same, duly verified as by law required, with
in six months from the date hereof to the un
dersigned at the law office of . . Wilson in
Corvallis, Oregou-
Dated this March 22. 1907.
Executrix of the last will and testament of Mar
garet Radlr, dectated.
Notice to Creditors.
NOTICE is herehy given that the undersigned
has been appointed administrator of the estate
ot Elizsbet h V. Taylor, deceased. All persons
having claims against said estate are hereby re
quired to present the same duly variant as by
law required to me or at tnn omce on. i. 1 ates,
Corvallis, Oregon, within six months from the
date of tbis notice
Dated April 5, 1907.
Administrator or the estate ot Elizabeth V. Tay
lor, deceased.
Notice to Creditors.
NOTICE is hereby given to all whom It may
concern that the undersigned has been duly ap
pointed administratrix of the estate of B. F. Hy
land, deceased, by the county court of Benton
county, Oregon. All persons having claims
against the estate of said B. F. Hyland, deceased
are hereby required to present the same, with
proper vouchers therefor, duly verified as by
law required, within six months from the date
hereof, to the undersigned at the office of Mc
Fadden & Brysnn, attorneys, Corvallis, Oregon.
Dated at Corvallis, Oiegon, this 9th dayof
March, 1907.
Administratrix of the estate of B. F. Hyland, de
ceased. Notice of Final Settlement.
NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned
administratrix ol the estate oi Thomas J. Wright,
deceased, has filed iu tbe county court Of Ben
ton county, Oregon, her final account aa such
administratrix of said estate and that
Monday, the 6th day of May, 1907,
at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. has been fixed by
said court as the time set for bearing objections
to aaid report and settlement thereof.
Dated March 19, 1907.
Administratrix of the estate of Thos. J. Wright,
' Chamberlain's Cough BemeO;
a Favorite. .
"We prefer Chamberlain's Cough E-.
to any other for our children," says IVi.
J. Woodbury, of Twining, Hich. "It t.u.'
also done the work for us in hard colds an'l
croup, and we take pleasure in recommend
ing is." For sale by Graham & Wortham.