The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, April 26, 1907, Image 3

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(- ' !
It's to Your Interest to Know That the Smartest Spring
Fashions for Men and Young Men
Are now here ready for your inspection, and Iry-on and that we offer you and your friends the first opportunity
of viewing the larg est and most magnificent display of Spring apparel we have ever had. If you can't come to
morrow, come Hie day after. If yen wish to dress well at little expense if you want a Suit or Overcoat ofsmartest
style and of strict high quality. Its to your interest to ccme
here at once and make an early selection.
which we show in all the most fashionable fabrics
broad variety of handsome weaves. Look where yon r
you positively cannot find values to equal those we off;.
f 'tAMUfrtm'B kuttto am ,
Spring Sack Suits for Men and
Young Men at $12 to $25
of most advanced single and double breasted style, with
every detail as derfect as if exclusively custom-tailor-made
with a special offering of selected styles and fabrics fully
equal in value to most $20 suits at $15 -
The ladies of the M. E. church
South, will give a missionary tea
at the home ot Mrs. Wm. Currin
next Tuesday afternoon at 2:15.
All are invited. ,
The German Lutheran con
gregation will hold regular services
Sunday at 2 p. m. at Leder's resid
ence. All are welcome.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Locke
went to Portland Wednesday, where
Mr. Locke is to receive medical
' A. N.Locke, who is suffering
with paralysis, is much improved
A meeting of Corvallis Grange
occurs in the Administration build
ing at the College Saturday after
noon at. 2:1. A feature will be an
addres-s by Dr. Withycome on,
"What the Grange Mea;is to the
Farmers of Oregon."
Rev. G. H. Feese has sent out
quite a number of letters akiun
tne two following questions: What ences in the county. , Mr. Porter
kind of men should be elected to always kept it in good repair and
The Mack Porter Residence on State
Road No Insurance.
Wednesday afternoon the farm
residence of Mack Porter, on the
state road, with almost its entire
contents, was totally destroyed by
fire. Mr. Porter and a grandson
were in the building at the time the
flames were discovered, but being
in the upper story the flames were
not observed until it was so well
under way. that it was deemed use
less to undertake to stay its des
truction of the building. The oc
cupants lent their endeavors to the
rescue of lurniture but little of that
was removed to a place of safety
before the flames drove the work
ers from the house. The loss is
from two to three thousand dollars.
It is believed th.-n there was no in
surance. The houe was erected
more than thirty years ago and at
that time was one of the best resid-
the offices of mayor chief of police
and councilmen? What stioult be
their po'icies in conducing the af
fairs ot the city govermeni ? A
number ot these opinious will be
read during the service Tuesday
it was even at this
as a good structure.
lime regarded
f 'tomnim imt At the o" -v
The new spring styles in Hats, both stiff and soft $1.50 to $3.50
Tomorrow is Spring Opening day. Come early!
The P30ple's Store.
Established 1864.
Perfect Time Inspires Pesfect Confidence! A watch which cannot be trusted
to tell perfect time is worse than no watch at all, as it mis-leading and causes un
necessary trouble and loss of time. Get a watch that you can depend on at all
times, the best on ihe market, to be had in all grades and styles. At PRATT The
Jeweler's. Optical work of all kinds a Specialty.
uOOaL lobe.
For advertisements in this column the rate
of 15 cents per line will be charged.
We have also received our Spring lines of Men's Ox
fords , etc, in ali the latest shapes, ' c
Call ana Save 5 Per Cent.
Of your cash by trading with us
When you see it in our ad its so
Corvallis - - - nrPn
Till further noticVALL glasses fitted by PRATT The
the Optician will be ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED for
At a special meeting Wednes
day night, the city council voted
to tax the skating rink a license
fee. of $400 a year, or $100 per
The subjects ' to be discussed
by the pastor at the M. K. church
South, next Sunday as follows:
11 a. m. "Christ and His Bride."
8 p, m. "The Power of the Cross."
The pastor's subject for Sun
day morning at the First Method
ist church is, "A Great and Happy
Partnership." Evening, "The
World's Finest Romantic Story."
The East Willamette Associa
tion of Congregational churches will
hold their eleventh annual meeting
at the First Congregational church
.on April 30th and May 1st, -The
main topic of discussion will be
the proposed union of the United
Brethren, Congregational and Meth
odist Protestant churches.
" Preaching at the Presbyterian
church Sunday morning and even
ing by the pastor Rev. J. R. N.
Bell. Morning topic, "Manifold
Views.'' Evening, "Put, all your
eggs in . one basket, 'then watch
that basket." The evening kf inon
especially for young people. Ev
eryone in town not Worhiping
elsewhere," very cordially invited,
Seats free, obliging ushers and ex
cellent music both morning and
evening. All other services at this
church at the usual hours.
A cnarmine entertainment is to
be given in the Opera House Wed-1
nesday evening. The program will
include musical and elocutionary
numbers and concludes with a fun
ny farce to be produced under the
direction of Mrs. Bt" W. Johstori.
"A dinamitePlot" is the name 01
the farce, and there are many ludi
crous aud amusing situations.
Among tnose m the cast are. Miss
Mary Danneman, Myrtle Harrmo-.
ton, Bessie Danneman, Colly Cath
ey, Arthnr Boquet, Chauncey Har
rington, John Withycombe and
waiter Uagon. The proceeds t$
go. the benefit of the Village Im-
yiuvemeiu society.
How it Affects the "Four Hundred"
of Corvallis.
The insinuating craze made its
appearance in Corvallis about twoj
weeks ago, since which time it has
marvelously spread, and laid uc-
cesstul siege to the innermost cir
cles of our best society. The foun
dation of the disease for such it is
claimed to be by competent author
ity is said to be a peculiar mi-'
crobe, the character of which, it is
believed; is very similar to that
producing "brain storm." There
is no known remedy. It just has
to run it course.
The craze . has attacked,' with
great virulency, the organization
known as the Barnacle Club. At
the club's solicitation, the skating
rink was exclusively given over
two evenings to the members tn
order to allow them full scope for
exercise ot the various forms in
which it has taken hold upon the
Previous to these two events the
lady Barnacles had been haunting
the link morning and afternoon
hence the superior polish which at
taches to their gyrations as com
pared to those of the male Barnacles
(Jnejevening in the earlier time
of the epidemic was seen the lithe
form, of E. E. Wilson band-in-hand
with Tommy Jones, scaling the
outer circle of the rink, but before
the close of the session he had so
tar surmounted bis difficulties as
to glide in the inner cire'e. Upon
the second eveninghetore round and
round the room with a velocity
equal to Lhat of a real Kansas cy
clone, and seemed to have equally
as little regard for what was in his
coutse. buch was the marked
progress of Mr. Wilson.
The evening; performances par
took of the nature of a dime mu
seum. Much had been said during
the week by Prof, McKellips about
his performances on rollers, but his
reputation as a skater was clouded
at once when he shuffled onto the
floor in full dress suit and bearing
a bottle of arnica and a box of his
widely known pain pills.
It is strange how this form of
rollerism affects people. Bob John
son for example, when on the floor
imagined that he was a locomotive,
and he was evidently not intending
any fake business. When his wheels
those on his feet once began to
roll, he pniilrln'r srrm. npitbpr rnnld
A Y, M C. A, comtnitte was 1 he move tr nne sirJe. All he voa
organized last evening for the can- aye to do was to give the warning
vass to procure funds with which whistles to clear the floor.
to complete the Association's buildr Mawnr Tnrinsnn tore throno-h fho
ins already underway at the Oregon
A onniilhiral flnilpofia Qhirionte 1 . . u - i
"A Dynamite Plot" at the Opera
House May 1st. For Village Im
provement. Mrs. Haenel, of Monroe, who
has been visiting her daughter,
Mrs. Schubert for the past two
weeks, left Wednesday. She was
accompanied by her grandson,
Placidus Schubert.
It is understood that Hotel
Corvallis will open again for busi
ness about May 1st, after being
closed for a month pending the in
stallation of new furniture and
fixtures. : ,
Travis McDevitt has returned
to Corvallis temporarily, and is act-
ing as bookkeeper at the Kaupisch
creaa ery and ice factcro , A de
cision to remain here permanently
would be weleome news to Mr.
McDevitt' s many Corvallis friends.
Sunday services at the Congre
gational church will be as follows:
1 o Sunday school; 11, preaching;
topic, "The Call of God to his Peo
ple." 7, Christian Endeavor; 8, ev
ening services, "The Cost of Idler
ness. i
Murray & Mack Coming.
The two Irish comedians. Mur
ray & Mack anil the-r e osai mu
sical gayety, "A.ouikI the Town,"
will be the attraction at the Opera
House on May 7th. Ibis attrac
tion is brought to Corvallis under
a heavy guarantee, and the manage
ment ' assures a thoroughly first
class performance. They are to
appear at the Heilig theatre in
Portland May 4th and 5th.
Cora Cola tickets takn the same
as cash at the Palace of Sweets.
FOR SALE Baled vetch hay. Al
so some timothy. R. F. D. i
Corvallis. Phone 5, Granger
WANTED, a girl to do general
housework in small family. Inde
pendent phone 376, Corvallis.
Mrs M. H. Bauer.
at Nolan'sr
sale all this week,.
WANTED an experienced! girl" or -woman
to do general housework.
Apply to Mrs. B. F. Irvine. tf
LOST, a Llevrellen fetter, hite:
and yellow. Answers to the name--of
Prince, Disappeared Sunday,
Wore a wide leather collar with a .
city license tag attached. Liberal
reward for his return to his owner.
Walter H. Kline, tfc
FOB SALE, ircutatcr, gocd as-
new. For further
address H. B. Cramer. RFJ
Independent phone. 703.
MONEY to loan on approved security
Apply to S, L. Kline agent.
Get good garden, timothy, clover
all kinds of field seeds at Zierolf's.
We have opened an office over the
First National Bank, where we
are prepared to handle all kinds of Cit
property for pale also good farms, stock
rancheo. small tracts, near the City, li
yon can't find what yon wont come in
and seems,' and talk it over. McHenr j
& price. Corvallis Oregon.
Clover and timothy at Zieiolf's.
For Sale.
FOR SALE nice Phenomenal Berry
tips 10 cents each at Hubert Schmidts,
Phone, 1 5 K'perli.u
enthusiast to see s6ooo
May 26th. All are agreed-tt the
project muH ba ft success at Once;
Rev. J. R N. Bell, who was an
early worker for the college, says
"We must have this building. Cor
vallis and vicinity has always been
loyal," The canvass will begin in
earnest Monday,- April 29th.
-Mrs, B. L. Sherwia of Ash
land, prercnt worthy grand matron
ct tne order of Eastern star is mak
ing ner annual tour of the Chapters
of Qregoh. .."Last Tuesday evening
she was met by St. Mary's chapter
which is in excellent workine or
der, and she expressed much satis
faction at the Manner; in which the
work is done" and at the - greeting
she received. ' Her address on the
work of the order was : inspiring.
Just as the court house clock was
ringing out the first naif of the
night the banqueters left; the hall,
and on the afternoon train 6f : the
following day, Mrs. Sherwhr left
for Newport tw visit Pacific chapter.
raiseu Dy.;th ,,4 xvt
thf t nothing cpa-fqU'aX it except
it shows now being
staged by the original Happy
" B. W. Johnson, alscr has it in
rather an aggravated form. He
claimed exclusive right to the Wild
West features as against the pre
tensions of the mavor. The con
tention resulted in a compromise,
after which they toured the floor
as "The Johnson Stars."
Other participants deserve special
mention, and they know it, but a
number of these have sent in re
quests to omit their names because
of the effect itj would probably
have upon an application for life
insurance, while others in the re
quest, had in view the interests of
posterity. 11
FOR SALE one nearly new top bugy
leather top and enshions. nickle plat
ed hub irons costing $85 00, will sel
for Co dollars if taken before April 1
alfO seven tons cheat hay blecU
Phon. I55. L. L. B'ooks.
Notice of Final Settlement.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon
Benton uouniy.
In the Matter ot the Est He
Ann Compton, 'deceased. -
NOTICE Is hereby Riven that the rraderslS;nedP
as executor of the estate and last will and testa- -ment
ot Ann Compton, deceased, has tiled with
the Clerk ot the above entitled court hto flual
account as such executor and the said Court ha
fixed and appointed Saturday the 11th day ot
Mav, 1807. at the hour of II o'clock In the fore
.t . art Irl it.. JhA timfl. nXl& the OOUDtV
UIMJU 11 EX.. J -
Juige's office in the CouDty Conrt house In Cor--vallis.
said Benton Coun'y as the place lor W-
lint objections, tf any, to saia account nun
v.i tv.w.,.f ah nt-rsmiH interested ana
desiring to object to said account are thereby no.
tU.I. nn in Wr (Till
tinea to appear ana me iuni uujoiiKiu . ... c
thereto at said time and place.
'ated this 12th day ol Apni. isu
"FOR SAT.Ksnan of "eodd broad mares
and a span of three year ohi draft colts
W. 1 Klce, uorvauis 3.
FOR SALE aMine team of mares, weight
3200 Matthew Thompson C. & E.
As executor of
deceased. -
amf.sJ. FlErr.
the estate of Ann Oomptotr,
What to Do When Bilious.
The right thing to do when yon feel bil
ious is to take a dose of Chamberlain's Stom
ach and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse
the stomach and regulate the liver end bow
els. Try it. Price 2 cents. Samples free
at Graham & Wortham's drug store.