Corvallis Times CORVALLIS, OREGON, FRIDAY EYENING, APR. 26, 1S07 HATCHING CHINAS. County Clerk's statement 01 the financial condition of Benton County, Oregon, on April 1st, 1907. DEBTOR. October 1st, 1906, To County warrants outstanding .and unpaid $13,403.55 March 31st, 1907, To war rants issued for six months ending March 31st, 1907... 12,794.03 Simpson's Busy Season is Now On at the Pheasant Farm Gene Simpson is a busy man these days. His China , pheasant farm just at this time requires much attention because it is the begin- -ninfr of the hatching season. The first brood of the season was ex pected today. Mr. Simpson has one hundred China pheasants now laying, and from past observation and experience he is led to estimate that from these he will obtain 4000 eggs this season, or an average of 40 eggs for each bird. It is not un usual for a China hen in captivity to lav 60 eggs in' a season and they have been known to lay as high as 80. It is said that in captivity they lay a larger number of eggs than in the wild state. Pheasant eggs are sold by Mr. Simpson at $3.00 per dozen. The trade in eggs is confined exclusively to points on this coast, as the eggs will not bear shipment as great dis tances as will chicken's eggs. Last season Mr. Simpson reared 400 birds, the earlier part of the season being unfavorable, but this season with ordinary luck, on ac count of having a larger number of birds he expects to bring 600 to maturity. About 90 percent of pheasant eggs hatch, but only 40 percent of the young birds survive the first two or three weeks. Af ter this, under Mr. Simpson's methods they become thrifty and are likely to come to maturity. Total $26,197.58 CREDIT. April 1st, 1907, By County warrants redeemed $14,295.23 By Road warrants redeemed. 3.139.14 By Warrants cancelled 8.85 Total amount of warrants redeemed and cancelled for 6 months ending March 31st, 1907. . .$17,443.22 April 1st, 1907. Total amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid $ 8,754.36 LIABILITIES. April 1st, 1907. Warrants outstanding and unpaid... $ 8,754.36 Bal. State Tax for year 1906. 15,705.00 Total liabilities RESOURCES'. Cash in hands of Treasurer applicable to the payment of County warrants and State Tax : $18,914.20 Cash in hands of Sheriff, $7, 573.93, amount thereof esti mated applicable to pay ment of County warrants and State Tax Cash in Road- Fund applic able for payment of County warrants HORSE SALES CONTINUE. No Cessation in Demand for Good Draft and Driving Horses. April 1st, 1907, Resources exclusive of unpaid Taxes. $23,465.18 RECAPITULATION. April 1st, 1907. Total Lia bilities $24,459.36 Total Resources 23,465.18 Taxes, 1905-06, Li brary Fund' Rec'd from Sheriff, Taxes, 1905, Road Districts 4,997.21 Rec'd from Sheriff, Taxes 190 5, School Districts. Rec'd from Sheriff,. Taxes 1906, City of Corvallis Rec'd from Sheriff, Taxes, 1905,- City of Philomath.... Rec'd from Sheriff, Taxes 1905, City of Albany Rec'd from School Sup't, Institute Fund Rec'd from Re corder fees Rec'd from Clerk, fees Rec'd from Re demption Taxes from 1897 to' 1908 Rec'd from part payment on poor farm 2,730.00 $24,459.36 , Rec'd from state Fair exniDii Rec'd from Poor Farm Rec'd from other sources Rec'd from J. P fines Rec'd from Road Fund Bal. on hand last report, School Districts Bal. on hand last report, Indemnity Fund Bal. on hand last report Institute Fund . ...... Bal. on hand last report Road Fund Bal. on hand last 384.38 5,504.20 4,000.00 550.98 5,315.22 766.10 4.77 728.20 522.10 24.59 50.75 194.72 6.15 51.00 156.36 10.75 3,533.76 52.50 5.23 4.38 63.1e Net Liabilities ! State of Oregon) (ss. County of Benton) I, T. T.' Vincent, County Clerk of Benton County, Oregon, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true' statement of the claims allowed by the County Court for the six months ending March 31st, 1907; on what account the same were allowed;' the amount of warrants redeemed and cancelled dur ing said six months, and the amount of Countv and Road1 warants outstand- In and about Corvallis there is ine on the 1st dav of Awil. A. D 1907, something doing. every day in the as appears from' the records in my of- 994.18 report, Road Dis- trusts .iwt.j-o Bal. on hand last .report, Library Fund 373.00 $65,187.22 $32,970.78 j rr r . .. i- . - ' xramc 01 norses. ror a long time the draft on Benton county for big horses has been severe. To those who know only of the many ship ments from here it appears that the supply would long since have been exhausted, but somehow the flash of a sufficient number of twent-dol-lar gold pieces brings the desired goods to market. The heavy de mand elsewhere for heavy draft 1 horses and driving animals creates a local demand and consequent higher price for smaller draft ani mals and inferior driving stock of all ages.' A number of buyers from points in Oregon and Washington were in Corvallis this week in search of good draft and driving horses and the offerings in cash have been so tempting that it was difficult for owners of such to re tain their property and a few did not do so. This morning there was quite a boat-load of horses for Portland, flee and in my care and custody, Witness my hand and official seal this 15th day of April, 1907. t. t.-vincent; County Clerk of Benton County, Or egon. . SHERIFF. Semi-annual statement of the Sher iff of Benton County, Oregon, showing amount of cash received, amount paid to the County Treasurer, and the bal ance on hand for the six months end ing March 31st, 1907. DEBIT. Oct. 1st, 1906, To cash on hand- $ 4,456.48 To amount cash collected'. . . 77,177.05 51.00 Total $81,633.53 CREDIT. By cash paid to County Treasurer $74,059.60 By cash oh hand 7,573.93 Total $81,633.53 State of Oregon) County of Benton ) I, M. P. Burnett, Sheriff of Benton whence a portion of them are tobe,ullty- reSn do hereby certify that conveyed to other points from there. Jesse Wiley sent several below. Among recent sales were a draft mare by Walter Brown to G. A. Brown, of the Overland Trans- fer Co., of Portland, for $230; large mare by Sol King to same party. Other purchases by various parties were from John Whitaker, a draft mare for $300; from Jesse Brown a bay driving mare at $1,80; also from Jesse Brown a span of three-year-old draft colts for $500. the foregoing statement is a true and correct statement of the amounts re ceived, the amount paid to the County Treasurer, and the balance on hand for the six months ending March 31st, 1907. (Signed) M. P. BURNETT, Sheriff of Benton County, Oregon. Underoou-Un sale all this week at Nolan's. TROUT SEASON NOW OPEN. Want to go fishing on North San tiam and tributary streams? Th C .rvallis & Eastern R. R, Co. will have a special train leiving Albany at 2 p. m. Tpsday, April 30, 1q)7, arriving at Detroit about 5:30 p. m and re urnine leave Detroit 9 a. m. Thursday, May 2. arriving at Al bany 12:30 p. no. '. This service, in addition to regular trains Nos. 3 and 4, on these da'ea will" allow those who desire an opportunity to take advaDtape of the first fishing of reason. Tickets at rate of one fare for the round trip with mini mum of 9j cents from Corvallis and one fare from Albany and stations east will be on sale Apijl 3oth, good gning this data only, return ing 00 May 1 or 2. - Geo. Nevins, Gbd. Paes; Agt. H. H Lng, Agt: Corvallis. : H. H. Cronise, Agt. Albany. Annual Picnic. The Saver Camp of M. W. A will give their 7th an Dual picnie at Ridder's grove 2 12 miles sooth of Saver Miy 25. COUNTY CLERK. Report of the County Clerk of Ben ton County, Oregon, showing the amount of county warrants drawn, as per order of the County Court, and on what "account the same were allowed from the 1st day of October, 1906, to March 31st, A. D. 1907, both inclusive. County Court $ 546.90 Circuit Court 393.90 Justices'. Courts '. 101.15 Sheriff's Office 814.98 Clerk's Office 834.00 Amount paid out' and on hand from October 1st, 1906, to March 31st, 1907, inclusive. . . Paid on County Warrants ....... $14,295.23 Paid Interest on Co. Warrants.... 454.84 Paid part State Tax 1905-06 11,015.00 Paid part State Treasurer viola tion game law . . Bal. on hand Co. Fund, applicable . . to payment Co. warrants, less $3,- 568.65 ' belonging ' to Rpad districts. 22,482.85 Paid on School Or- ders Bal. on hand: School Fund Paid on Library Orders Bal. on Library I Fund ! Paid for Institute j use Bal. on hand Insti j tute Fund Paid School Dis- I tricts ' Bal. on hand . School Districts.. Bal. on hand In demnity Fund... Paid City of Al bany Paid City of Phi lomath Bal. on hand City of Philomath . . . Paid City of Cor vallis 5,037.79 Bal. on hand City of Corvallis..... Paid Road Orders Bal. oil hand Road Fund .......... Paid Road Dis tricts Bal. on hand Road Districts' ;. ..... . ; You need a good vehicle. Call and see the line of buggies, hacks aud wagons carried by 1. $x3,153.69 13,435.48 357.88 I 399.50 8.00 107.65 4,906.80 601.78 10.75 4.77 T35.25 30.85 2,7.43 3,139.14 550.98 1,817.07 ' 5,284.2 f $65,187.22 $32,970.78 County of Benton ) ' (ss. ' State of Oregon ) I, W. A. Buchanan, County Treas urer of Benton County, Oregon, here Recorder's Office. .......... . 451 48 , by certify that foregoing is a true 249.99 44.25 68.22 814.94 897.83 43.07 Treasurer's Office Coroner's Office School Supt's Office.... 550.98 Assessor's Office 384.50 Assessment and collection of taxes 202.86 Tax ...rebate Current expenses, stationery, books, etc Court House expenses Jail -..'.-.v..-.:.; Care of "poor. . .'. Indigent soldiers Insane Reform School '. Bridges, for material, .etc...-. . Ferries Election expenses Scalp ' bounty . , ; . Roads Miscellaneous Witness fees, Pros. Atty. . . . . statement of the amounts received. the amounts paid out, and the balance on hand in the County Treasury for the six months ending March 31st, A. D. 1907. " ,". (Signed) W. A. BUCHANAN, County Treasurer. Don't Miss It. Musical and elocutionary enter- 8273 vtamment, Wednesday May 1st, in 40.00 LIie vpexa nouse tor the benefit of Village Improvement: Box office opens at Graham & Wortham's Monday morning. - 30.00 7.25 979.11 430.92 17.50 83.50 i ! Notice for Publication. 3,940.92, United States Land Office: i 25.85 Notice is hereby given that In compliance with Amount of warrants issued. .$12,794.03 the provisions of the actof ot,.. f i ...... v 1S78. entitled 'An act for th f ,ik. iJ 111 mo raw! in uaiuornja, Oregon. Nevaca, and Washington Territory,', as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August. 4. 1892, lames W. W alters of Monroe, county of Benton state of Oregon, baa this day . filed la this office um ewuru luucmem o. (sit for the purchase of the north 1-2 of northwest 14 of section, No. 82 in Township U S, Range No. 6 W, and will offer proof to tnow that the land fought is more valu able for Its Umber or ptone than for agricultural Semi-annual Kerort of County OH cers, Benton County,' Oregon, for Six Months Ending March 31st, 1907: COUNTY TREASURER. October 1st, 1906, to March 31st, 1907, fiSSS riS inclusive Co. School Fund Fund. Bal. on hand last report $ 1,255.95 $i2,231.68 Rec'd from Sheriff, Taxes 1905-06:.. 42,735.46 Rec'd from Sheriff, Benton county, at his office at Corvallis, Oregon, He names an witnesses: EUis Hammer -of Monroe. Oiesou Manny Buckingham o . Bvron Woolridge, of - ' Clyde Graves, of " . Any and all poisons claiming adversely the u uifi.-jw iRuudHi, 1 1 mifhwxi ro nie tneir 14,352.26 claims in this office on or beiore said 16th day of May, 1907. BKNJAUIN L. EDDY, Begteter. Notice of Administrator's Sale. Notiee is hereby gven that the' undersigned, administrator of the-estate ot T. Egenton Hogg, deceased, pursuant to an order of the "County Court of Benton County, State of Oregon, made anc" entered in the matter of the said estate on the 13th day of April, 1907, will from aud after the 25th day of May. 1907, oiler for sale and pro ceed to sell, at private sale, for cash In band, subject to the confirmation ot said County Court the following described real property belonglug to said estate, lowlt: Lota Five (5) and Six (6) in Block Five (5) and Lot One (1) in Block 8tx (6) In the town of Cor vallis; Lots Five (5) and Six (6) in Block Two (2) of fractional river blocks la Avery's Addition to Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon. The following property situated in Polk Coun ty Oregon, towlt: Beginning at a point tweutv elx (26) rods east of the southeast corner of Lot numrjerea rnree (3) in fractional block One (1) In Hill's addition to the town of Independence, in Polk County. Oregon: running th,-nce north Four (4) rods, thence east to the Willamette rlv er, thence south Four (4) rods,.' thence West to the place of beginning. That certain river lot four rods wide by eight rods long and the building thereon, aud situated directly north of and adj dnin? the river lot formerly owned by Smiiu & Vmdnyn, and con veyed by them to T. Egentou Hogg, both of said lots, the one here described, and the one con veyed by said Smith & Vanduyn, being situated on the west bank of the Wlllamtua riv.r at In dependence, in Polk CfUDty, Oregon. The following real property in Lincoln coun ty: Lot numbered Two (2). section Thirty -one (31), and southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section Thirty two (3J) ; Lot No. One (1) section ThlrtJ-one (31); Northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section Thirty-two (32) ; East one-half of the couth wet quarter of section Twenty-nine (29), and east one-half of the northr west quarter of section Thirty-two (32) ; the westone:haltof the sonthweat quarter of sec tion Twenty-nine (29); Lots Three (3) and Fou ()of section Thirty (30); Lot No. One (1) ot) section nineteen (19) Lot n numbered Two (2 eectiou Nineteen (19); Lot numbered Three (3) of section Nineteen (19) ; and the southwest quar ter of the southwest quarter of section Twenty (20) and west one-half of the northwest quarter of section Twenty-nine (29) and lots One (1) and Two (2) of section Thirty (30): the south one half ot the north-easti quarter of the southeast quarter of section Fourteen (14); the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter ot section Twenty-three (53); the southwest quarter of the south West quarter of section Twenty four (24); the southeast quarter Ot the northwest quarter, the south halt of the northeast aunner. and tha northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of ' of the northwest quarter of section Twenty-six (26); the northeast quaiter of the northwest quarter of section Twenty-six (26) the southeabt quarter of the northwest quarter of section Twenty-three (23) ;. the north half of the southwest quarter, and the southeast quarter of the south west quarter ot section Twentv-three (23); Lots 1 , 2, and 3 In section 28. All of the tide and over-flowed lands on the shore of YaqiluaJBav in f .-out ot Lot Eight (8) in section 27, and "Lots 1, 2, and 3 in Section 28, and ljing between the meander line of Eaid lota on Yaquina Bay and low water mark; covi-rlog about 23 SO acres; the undivided oue-half inter, t in lots numbered 1 and 2 and the south half of the north .vest quarter of Section 10. all situated in towasnin ll tjnuth. Range 11 West ot chs Willam its M ri iian lu Lincoln County Oregon. . . Also the following real property situated in Ben ton, Polk and Lincoln l-ounties, Oregon, to-wit: All of Section Thirty-one (:il) in Township 10 South, Range 6 West; South Half of Northeast Quarter: Northwest Quarter of houthusi. and Noitheast Quarter of Southwest Quarter of sec tion 11, Township 11 South Kange6 west; Lots 1 and 2 and the North Half of the Northwest Q larter of Section 15 in Township 11 South, lunge u '.t; the West Half of the Southwest Q iartei, Ea t Ha'.i of tbe Southeast Quarter of Section 33, T.,wnstitp 12 South. Range 6 We.; the West Half of the Nonh west Quarter of Section 19. Township 11 somli, Range 7 West; S.-ulh Half of Southeast Quirter, and South Half of Southwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 9 South, Bange 8 West; all of Section 3L, Townbh'.p 9 South, Range 8 West; all of Section 33. Township 9 South, . Kange 8 West; North Hilfof Northwest Quarter, Southeast Quarter jof North west Quarter of Section 3, Township ; 11 noulh, Range 8 West; East Half of Qua-ter, East Half of Northeast Quarter, Northwest yuirter of Northeast Quarter and Northwest Quarter of Sec tion 19, Township 10 South, Hange u West; all of Section 21, Township 10 South Ringe fl West; nil of Section 23, Township 10 Sou'h, Rangs 9 Wert; Nor b. Half of Southeast Quarter of Section 25. Township 11 South, Range lo East; Southwest Quarter of Southeast Quai ter, West half of Northwest Quarter and Southwest Quaiter of Section 19, Township 12 South, Range 6 West; South Halt of Section 9, Township 11 South, Range 9 West; Southeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter of Section 1, Town : ship 11 South, Range 8 West; Southwest Quarter of Northeast Quarter of Section 1, Township 12 South, Range 9 West , . .. ; - Offers for the purchase of said real property may be made to me in writing at my officein the Zierolf Building, Corvallis, Oregon;; from and after the 25th day ot May, 1907; and the said sale will be concluded by me on Friday, the 31 si day of May I907, at my office for the best effer by me received up to and at that time Dated this 26th day of April, 1907. : . J. Fred Yates, Administrator of the estate of T- Egenton Hogg, deceased. , NEW FURNITURE STORE North of Hotel Corvallis I have a brand new line of Furniture, Carpets, Matting Wall Paper, Window Glass, Trunks, and Valises. And I make picture frame i to order. Please give me a t . Yours Respectfully A H Kempin Corvallis, Oregon. No Prizes with our Chase 1 Sa nborn High Grade COFFEE In fact nothing jjopp with our coffee but cream, sugar and SATISFACTION P. M. ZIEROLF. Sole sgsut f jr Chase & Sanhora High Grade COFFEE Uodermuslin sale all thia week at Nolan's. R. J, MOSES. L. J. MOSES. Something Doing Beginning March 9th there will be something dbing in our De partment Store you will find us as usual up and a-cominj in our great Reduction Sale forMarch. Call in and we will convince you. R. J. MOSES & SON