The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, April 19, 1907, Image 3

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    1 J .
Mohair 28 1-2.
It's to Your interest
Fashions for
Are now here ready for your inspection, and try-on and that we offer you and your friends the first opportunity
of viewin the large st and most 'magnificent display of Spring apparel we have ever had,' If you ; can't come to
morrow, come the day after. If you wish to dress well at little expense if you wantja ;S!ait or Overcoat of smartest
1 -' '- u . i i i '. I - . ......
style and of strict high quality Its to your interest to come "
here at once and make an early selection.
- .-I
f i
Mioii arcan efc)
which we show in all the most fashionable fabric
broad variety of handsome weaves. Look where yo j "
you positively cannot find values to equal those we off;.
Spring Sack Suits for Men and;
Young Men at $12 to $25
of most advanced single and double breasted style, with
every detail as derfect as if exclusively , custom-tailor-mado
with a special offering of selected styles and fabrics fully
equal i value to most $20 suits at $15 ' ; : ' : '
Wool, 20.
- Have, you , cleaned your prem
ises today ? v-. ! f i
-.. - v n . ,
- Don't miss the lecture of Gov
ernor LaFollette next Tuesday evr
Subject at the church of God
next Sunday evening "I was in
the Spirit on the Lord's day." A.
W. Darby, elder.
ine wortnv grand matron is
to pay an official vi it to the East
em Star lodge next Tuesday and
preparations are being made for an
interesting evening.
R R- Selleck, the well known
student, has been in Portland tak
ing me civil service examination
Washington, D. C:
i'.i &;t
Foriaer Corvallis Afan Heart' Disease'
' ' the Cause Expired on Streets of -Portland.
Keeler H. Gabbert, a' newspa
per man of long experience, aDd
who was for two or three ; years
employed on the Times as reporter
and compositor, is dead. He died
suddenly on the streets of Portland
Wednesday.' The factV are told as
follows in the Portland Journal of
Wednesday : , ' ' ' ' ' '
' Keeler Gabbert, a well-known
newspaper man of " Portland , and
vicinity, dropped dead of heart dis
ease this "morning about H o'clock
at the corner of First & Washington
streets. He was picked up by by
frr a nntitinn cc . sianaers ana was tanen to rimers
icr a position in the patent office at j .. 1 L , . .
Washington. D. C: JHW - undertaking establishment by ( the
- police. , ,
Mrs. Horner and Mrs TV ttj Gabbert was well known in Port
went to Portland yesterday as delr- laud and, was about 50 years ot age
gates from the locU Preshyten'an i At various times he has been em-
church toattend the Northern Pres-' ployed by The Journal, Oregonian
byterian Board, now
the metropolis.
Rev. G. H. Gibbs. pas'or, of
the M. E, church Sautb. w ill oreach
Sunday on the following sub jects
11 a: m. -The Light Bearing
Christian. '- 7:30 "Christ and
Abundance of Life "
Services will be held in the
Congregational church next Sun
day, as follows: 10 a. m., Sunday
Fchool; 11 a. m., preaching by the
pastor. Aioert w. Monosm'th. topic
l He Key to Power.' 6:30, C.E.;
7:30, subject, "The Price of a
Man..' . . - , . .. ... .
int.. tuoTmrnj
The new spring styles in Hats, both stiff and soft $1.50 to $3.50
Tomorrow is Spring Opening day. Come early!
The People's Store.
Established 1864:
'" Perfect Time Inspires Pesfect Confidence! A watch which cannot be trusted
to tell perfect time is worse than no watch at all, as it mis-leading and causes un
necessary trouble and loss of time. '- Get a watch that you can depend on. at all
times, the best on ihe market, to be had in all grades and styles. At PRATT The
Jeweler's. Optical work of all kinds a Specialty.
3 H
For advertisements in this column the rate
of 15 cents per line will be charged, i
We have also received our Spring lines of v Men's Ox
fords , etc, in all the latest shapes.1 f s
Call ana Save 5 Per Cent.
Of your cash by trading with us
When you see it in our &lits 3
Corvallis . - v - : : Oregon :
'Till further notice ALL glasses fitted" by PRATT The
the Optician will be ABSOLUTELY ; GUARANTEED for
MXss Vesta Wallace of Albany
is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Woodcock. - ;
Senator Robert M. La Follette
opera house, Tuesday evening
April 23. Corvallis Lyceum Course.
t Senator Robert M. La Fallette
opera house, luesday evening
April 23. Corvallis Lyceum Course
Senator Robert M. La Fallette
opera house Tuesday evening,
April 23. Corvallis Lyceum Course.
B. J. Hecker, of Albany, was in
Corvallis Wednesday, the guest of
his sister, Mrs. Arnold King.
R Turney, of the Gazette, is
' laid up" from an affection of the
left ankle. 's The trouble arose from
an injury sustained the first of the
year. The necessity of aa oper
ation has ; been threatened but at
present the symyptoms are more
favorable. 'p, '"c:
Mrs.. T.; H. Moore sent to this
office this morning a fine " sample
of loses . which are now blooming
on her lawn. They are rich cream
colored roses, of the Marie Van
Houte variety, and are believed to
be the first of the season. , I
v.; At ao adjourned session of the
county court the unexpended bal
ance in Road District 2 was order
ed spent on the cemetery hill road.
Viewers in the Summit and Little
Elk road matter were given until
May 1. to make their report. " In
Road District 23 John Reese resign
ed and M.Holmes was appointed to
fill the vacancy. : . . . :
If you see a man on the street
with a "hunted, hungry look, if the
light in his eye is of that faraway
kind f that ' sometimes suddenly
blazes op like' Old" Faithful, v the
geyser; if at that point in his anat
omy about amidships - where there
ought to be a nice . rotundj bulge,
there is a noticeable: sink; if his
general appearance is that of a man
who wouldn't pare a whoop wheth
er it was a speeding locomotive or a
fighting grizzly bear that he tackled
if in short." as you. look, you gather
: .!.-- 1
luc luiLucssiuu iaat nere is ; a; man
who doesn't care a tinker's d
it school keeps. or not. that man is
married, and his wife has the skat
ing craze. He's dangerousbeware.
"-Frank: Ward, in his time one
of the, most popula r ;. stud ents that
ever attended O C,' now a .J:$alem
druggist, was in town last night
to attend the K. P. banquet. ;
, Virgil Watters ; today bought
the Bethers place of 262 acrea own
ed by Thomas Cooper, . paying for
it $50 per acre. The place is to be
divided into five-acre . fruit farms
and placed on the market at once.
' Rev; Frank Belknap., a Ben
ton county boy, . now pastor of the
Methodist church at Hillsboro,
left vesterdav alter a two days'
vi3it at the old homestead in Bel
knap settlement. .V
"The Approach of the Glor
ious Keaeemer is tne morning
subject, and "Jealousy,, the Father
of Vice and ; Crime." the evening;
topic at the First Methodist church
Sunday. . . ' "-' '
At a special meeting of the
city council Monday night, D. A.
Osburn tendered his resignation as
night watch,' to take feffect May
13th, which is the date for the next
regular meeting of the council.;
.'..-T-Preaching at the Presbyterian
uuuicu Quuuay.iaurnmg ana ev
ening by the pastor Rev. J. R. N
Bell, ii: ; Morning . topic, - - Hope-
Patience, and JoV. Evening, VHow
to avoid Earthquakes." Sunday j
school at . 10. - Senior"' Endeavorj
at 6:30. " Prayer meeting and Bible
study Thursday ;, evening 7:30,
Everybody. , jnvited;;and. made;.td
feel at home. ' ';;'-
c A subscriptibn 'paper' is in cir
culation on the street r asking 1 i for
contributions for . the old , soldiers
modurrienf to be, erected in Crystal
Lake cemetery by th6 Old : Soldiers
Monument Association1, .v.The'plan
of the organization has- beerir, ex-!
plained in the Times in past issues.
The association is tryiug to j raise
$1,000 for the purpose, having se
cured from contributions by , the
soldiers themselves V about $30o
The subscription paper is meeting
with a srenerous resoonse. ) as it
ought to. -' j v-!--inia.
The following sales of realty
have been consummated by Am
bler & Watters: ! " J.'M. Pinkerton
to Robert Gailbreath of Canada.
157 acres three miles east of. Cor
vallis. ' $6515. ' Mrs! I. Gellatly to
J. G. and F. R. Norton of Phoenix
Ore., 120 acres 112 miles south of
Philomath $4000. j
i I
Miss Stocker of Eastern Ore
gon, a student at the college who
resides at theTedrow home, cornet
Ninth & Jefferson, sustained a dis
location of the shoulder in a fall at j
..the skating rink Wednesday. She
is cut of college for. a day or two,
out expects to be able, to resume
her studies "with the beginning: of
next week. . . ;
v rrOscar. Long ..of "Corvallis is
soon, to graduate in ' medicine at a
Knoxvule; r.Tennesee, medical
college, i Some of his : final . exam
inations have all ready been passed.
and in them he stood at the head
of his class. There is a prospect
that he, will remain . in Knbxville
for a year as resident physician at
the hospital. The medicos of ; the
institution have a baseball team, and
he is captain and first base.. r
in session at and the Telegram. He was also
the editor of the St. Helen's Mist
three or four years ago,' but sold
that property to E H. Flagg. the
prc-eDt editor. For some time past
he has been a newoaper corres
pondent at Oiegou City. !
Mr. Gabbert manied Miss Stella
Rowland of Rost burg, but was sep
arated from his' wife some time ago.
Mrs. Gabbert is now living at Eu
gene. The deceased has two listers
in Portland, Mrs. Lulu Kramer and
Miss Ethel Gabbert. A brother al
so resides in Salem. As yet no
disposition has been made of. the
body, Coroner Finley having tele
graphed to the brother to ascertain
hi3 wishes.
jNEW ads today.
LOST, a Llewellen setter, white
and yellow. Answers to the name
of Prince, Disappeared Sunday.
Wore a wide leather collar . with a
city license tag attached. Liberal
reward for his return to his owner.
Walter H. Kline, tf
WANTED Bifls for hauling gravel and
rock jn district number 2, according
to specifications filed at the clerk,
office. The right is reserved to re
ject or all bids. Bids will be opened
at any : office of the county clerk at 2 -p.,
m. April 2otb., E. EL Smith Sup- -ervisor.
. . ' ''''' : ' ' :
Ed Strange assumes charge of
the steam laundry tomorrow. He
is going , to . completely overhaul
and remodel the Sestablishment.
new washing machine is to be add
ed, and electric ; irons for the hand
ironing.' A small' dynamo may be
added to the plant also. Monday
a brand new . delivery wagon will
be put on the route.. - Ed Strange
is a man who always does things
in the' right way, Land ;the laundry
under his ownership will unques
tionably turn out only 'Srst class
work.- f";v ; w.r
. J Tbe Womans building at the
college is last becoming a reality
The second story joists are nearly
all laid,, and, in some'; places the
brick work on the upper story is so
far advanced that! window frames
are already in position..'? In a few
weeks more the brick work will be
completed. Plasterers are at work
cementing the outside and plumbers
are at wcrk.on'the inside. Cop-
tractor Shook' himself; is " taking
hand at the brick laying," due to
the scarcity of brick masons. .Twen
ty men in all are employed. At
the present stage of affairs, it looks
as if the structure would be' all com
plete and ready for occupancy by
the opening of college nextSeptem
ber. '. ;
Alta Additon, an OA.Q gradu
ate of -10 or 11 years agor.3s!reput
ed to be the leading cyanide:expert
on .the Racine Coast. He' IS wide
ly kudwn io that capacity "' by j syn
dicates and wealthy, miningT cprpor
ations, and is employed by .them to
investigate new properties and to
give , opinion tast to whether or not
it will pay to- dovelop them, j As
result 01 ms judgment, : cosuy ma
chinery is purchased and the devel
opment Tihdertaken.r ;!j He usually ;
purchases "e 'WacltineT and super
intends its', jnsteiladn" 'injaking
tests of the fii'st firodtictg' bf the
mine, and then turns the business
over to others, turning his attention
thence to other new prospect$.V;-He
is said to command a very large;
salary. He is installing machinery
in a new mine in Northern Califox.
. For Chief of Police. 7
I hereby announce myself as a candi
date for the office of Chief of - Police
of Corvallis, subject to the will of the.
voters at the coming election . .-
FOR SALE, incubator; gocd' as
: new. , , For further ' iniormatioa
address H. ' B. Cramer. ; RFD 3. -Independent
phone. 703.
HAND made soft . center choco
lates at the Palace ot S eets.
MONEY to loan on approved security
Apply to S. L. Kline agent. - ''
Get eood garden, ti'mothy' clover and
all kinds of field seeds at Zierolf's.
; real Estate 'l
We have opened an ' office 'over the
First ! .National SBank.i where we
are prepared to handle all kinds of City
property for sale also good farms, stock
ranchep. small tracts, near the City. If
yon can't find what jou wont come in
and seems, and talk it over. : McHenry
& price.-Corvallis . Oregon, ,
U ! : EGGS.
Bring your Eggs dean and
and , we ; will give you a
squarq deal for them.;
1 1 .
Clover and timothy at Zierolf's.
For Sale.
FOR, SALE nice : Phenomenal Berry
tips 10 cents each at Hubert Schmidts,
, VPhone, I5 Kiger line. . ;
FOR SALE span of t good, brood, mares
- ana a spaa ot three vear old draft colts
W'i L'J4iCe,r Corvallis , RFD ,3.
FOR SALE aitine team of mares, weight
32,00 Matthew, Thompson C. & E.
-I crossing...'.' , , . . . , , T -
FOfe SALE, one nearly new top bugury
' j. leather top and enshiona. nickle plat
ad hub irons costing $85 00, will sel
'' for6o dollars if takea before April 1
c.'aleo-seven t tons cheat hay baled.
- Phone.' 655;' L. L. Brooks. '