The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, April 19, 1907, Image 1

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    Vol. XX.-No,
'By B. F. Irvine
We Are Now
Prepared to Outfit The
Man arid The Boy
Oui reciept of clothing this spriDg are nobby.
Big assortment.
Prices That Defy Competition!
I Shoes P. B. Kerths" are up to date in style and
I the best wearers
I Our Lwe of Medium Priced Shoes
8 -B
Are from the best factories in the country and all
I are guaranteed shoes. Oar line of hats embrace all
I the new styles. Our prices are right and we ask an
inspection of the above lines. , ?
Death arid Ruin
Disturbances . Continue and
Daatbs Multiply.
Call and See
1 w ng nil no an
This Man ou
ght his Fishing
Tackle of
A Complete Line of Spauld
ing base ball goods at popu
lar prices. ' ?
li II
am nn an mm no nn n I
nn i nn tin nn n i tm pj
I .1
The - "Pink Domino,; Burglar
Apprehended and Lodged in
Jail Other News.
Galveston, Texas, April 16. For
a whole day- the Mexican coast
cable lines were silent aa the ; result
I of the seismic disturbances through
lout Southern Mexico. The cables
' 15- 1.31 :' ' .5
are sun worKiug naaiy, anu oper
ators report the wildest rumors
from outlying districts to the south
of Vera . Cruz. .;, The .natives are
panic stricken and report great loss
of life.
Along the coast below Tampioo
one severe and three light shocks
were recorded between 11 A. M.
and 1 o'clock Sunday night. Ves
sels arriving at Vera Cruz and Coot
zacoalcos report a terrible upheaval
in the southern gulf 'early eunday
evening." ' Shipmasters declare the
gulf rose like a mountain, and then
sunk ia the'icenter like a volcano
and that treacherous seas were run
ning after this. The sky was clear
but the gulf was greatly agitated
Colima, the ancient volcano in
the state of Colima, has been vio
lently active for the past three
days, according to dispatches from
the interior. The natives are flee
ing from the valley fearing tbfc
downpour of lava.
Earthquake shocks continue at
intervals of about half an hour all
over the affected territory. The
towns of Chilpancicgo and Chilapa,
farther down the coast, are reported
to have been totally destroyed by
the earthquake shocks. The death
list in these two cities is placed at
500. Reports from, smaller towns
throuchoat the southern part of
Mexico indicate great damage and
loss of life from the quake.
The entire southern part of the
republic, from Mexico City south
and from coast to coast, has tell se
verely the effects-of 4he earthquake
The people of ' the destroyed towns
are living in the open. and many of
them have appealed to the Govern'
ment for teote. . ,, .. t
Telegraphic communication has
been partly restored in many places
connections being made by the lo
cat operators wherever they can
find the fallen wires and establish
a circuit. Many Of the lower towns
in the ' earthquake belt have not
been heard from.
We Splicit Comparison.;
Just received a full linsof Spring and Samper Novelties.
The Famous Packard Shoe, Sold by
Dealer in men's Furnishings. i
Seattle, ApriL 16. Edna Court
ney, 20 years of age, a waitress
the family boarding-bouse conduct
ed by Misb K. E. Taylor aged 26
at 124 Broadway, was in love with
the same boarder that her landlady
fancied. When the landlady die
covered the fact, Miss Courtney
claims, she spread unfavorab
stories - about the waitress, at the
same time witholding the girl
wages, which have been unpaid
since laBt September
Today Miss Courtney demanded
.u. ' i..i. i : r l . i ii
x landman a mus. means a wonaerrui eaten once m a blue
moon. , But all moons are alike to the man equipped, from our
superb Sporting Goods stock the latest in Rods, Reels,
Dandy Minnows, Hooks, Bicycles, Sundries, ultery, Sewing
Machines and Sewing Machine Supplies, Edison and Victor
Talking Machines, Records and Supplies. The hunter will find
himself in a paradise of his own when he lands in this fine
Sporting Goods stock. You are welcome to buy, f or admire,
just as you choose. Unmatchable prices now. .
M. M. lOrJG'S
an accounting, both in her love
fairs and in tne matter or money
The. waitress was willing to take the
money and go back - to Missouri
abandoning the affair of the heart
to her employer. Bat, she claims,
Miss Taylor refused the' money,
and spurned the compromise.
Thereupon Miss Courtney weut
out and secured a revolver, return
ed and shot thn e times at her em
ployer, wounding: her in the jaw.
One ballet fractured the jaw and
MiBS Taylor was carried to the hos
pital. '.
, Miss Courtney went to a neigh
bor's home and asked for a police
officer to arrest her. She was accommodated.
confronted by the three officers drew.
revolver and fired, but , ma band
was stayed and the weapon wrested
from ; him. j :He waa -handcuffed,
but in desperation reached ' toward
his ; hip pocket and whipped out a
second revolver, which was taken
from him. With two pairs of handcuffs-on
him, the prisoner tried to
get?, a r third, weapon Into play, but
waa defeated In .his plans and was
unable to Injure any one, as he evi
dently wished to.
Davis, , not yet. willing to sur
render, put up one of the most des
perate fights in the, history of the
police department. He smashed
Captain Stovers glasses, catting the
omoerjs nose, and : made . each, a.
struggle for liberty, that it was necessary-
for the . policemen to club
mm into suomisaion Deiore ne
would submit to go to headquar
ters ' . ;. :; : ;V
The police have no hesitation in
branding Davis, the youthful pris
oner, as tne celebrated "pint don
inof burglar, and they declare that
evidence is at hand to prove that
he is the' man who, on March 26,
entered the home of N. W . Roun
tree, 60 Ella -street, and so brutally
bea and choked Mrs. Nellie Roun
tree, after she gave him her valu
able diamonds to save herself from
bodily harm at his hands. A re
ward of $1,000 is oat for his arrest,
that sum having been posted by Mr.
Davis is also declared by the po-
ice to be the man who has contin
ued to terrorize the residents of
Nob Hill district as no other burg
lar lias for years succeeded in doing
and they declare him to be the per
son' who visited the home of P. C.
Patterson, 771 Everett street, April
2, at which time E, C. Giltner fired
several shots at iinu -
Another Sensational crime charg
ed against him was the daring rob
bery of Henry Hahn, at the latter's
residence at the head of Loveioy
street ,two s weeks ago, when . Mr.
Hahn, after submitting to the af
fair, turned his weapon upon the
highwayman" and. emptied the con
tents at the fleeing criminal.
Numerous crimes, the complete
number and particulars as yet un
known, are counted . against the
youth, but the latest and most sen
sational of the entire Beries was the
binding, gagging. and robbing. of J.
M. Dufresne in the latter s apart
ment in Moore's photograph , gal
lery at an early hour yesterday
morning. He tied the victim hand
and fojt with strings,, quickly man
ufactured from lace curtains; which
he tore from the windows. He es
caped from a cordon of police by a
hair's breadth.
Divis is also the man, it is de
clared by the police, who entered
the home of William Sherlock.
Twenty-third and Washington
streets, the night of April 3, and
who was confronted by Miss Sher
lock at the door of her room, and
frightened way by her piercing
screams. The intruder in that in
stance wore the pink domino mask.
Numerous Ismail crimes in the
burglary line are said to lie ! at
Davis' door.. He bad jewelry from
a front-street store that wbs "bur-
J 1. .
gianzeo- several nignts ago. and a
watch that is evidently stolen prop
erty. , The revolvers are thought to
be etoleh property also. There
were two rifles in his room that
were taken from the Portland Hard
ware Store recently.
. .Frank Davie, aged 19 years,; the
notorious "pink domino" burglar,
who has created a reign of tenor in
Portland for two months, was : cap
tured in his , room at the Cosmos
house, Third and Morrison streets,
at 2 o'clock this morning by Cap
tain of Police Slover, Headquar
ters Detective Hellyer and Tom
Hammersley, formerly; a member
of the police' force, but now proprie
tor of tne bouse in which the pris
oner was taken. ,' . '
Da via was trapped in his room
juEt as he was entering it, and when
What You See is Worth
Twice What You Read!
: As you are now coming to market with the opportunity of
comparing values, we ask you to see our lines. '
We have a broken line of Ladies and hildren
which we are closing out at remarkably low prices,
fore your size is gone.
! be-
Also some remnants in Dress Goods, Wash Goods, etc.
at bottom prices.
Our new Spring and Summer Stock is arriving and is ready
for your inspection. Make money by buying our lines, and save
money by getting our.prices.
Henkle & Davis.
- A No Prizes go with our
Chase & Sanborn High Grade
In fact nothing-goes with our coffee but cream, sugar and
- . Sole agent for J
Chase I Sanborn High Me
San Francisco, April 16. A con
spiracy which puts4ntoiheBbade
the $5,UUU,UUU affair that recently
arouBed. tbe .inmatss of the White
House nae evolved trom tne pro
ceedings in San Francisco, and, like
the ; conspiracy in Washington, it
has its headquarters in Washing
ton. -. Moreover, one oi the leaders
of the $5,000,000 conspiracy is one
of the chief actors in this latest
plot. - :' - . . - - I
!In short, - the - big corporations,
which have sighted the ' specter of
indictment, have banded together
against the common foe. ' Combin
ed, they represent one of the most
powerful .forces that America has
known, and thy are prepared to
expend, a large share of the unlim
ited capital they control, iThe
United. Railroads, ah $80,000,000
corporationr the Pacific States iTel
ephone & Telegraph Company; the
Jiome leiepnone ; Companv, 'and
lastly the Southern Pacific Com
pany, have joined hands to fight
down tne graft prosecution. ;
The plot was hatched shortly af
ter tne arrival of Patrick Calhoun
president of the TJ,nited Railroadc
. , North of Hotel Corvallis , .
I have a brand new line of Furniture, Carpetsi Matting
Wall Paper, Window Glass, Trunks, and Valises. And I
make picture frames to order. Please give me a ' t " ,
' Yours Respectfully
A H Kempin
Corvallis, Oregon.
This Isn't the Place
Where they give something for nothing
But, with every 50 cent can of Baking Powder, you
can get FREE the Finest Piece of Decorated Ghina,
you ever got in this city.
Come in and b convinced
T. A.
Grocery Store
with his atto.ney, P. D. Atterbdry.
Mri Atterhury baa left fox New
York, and be will manage : the de
fense from that point until bis chief
is brought to court. It is to be: one
of the most stupendous legal battles
the country -has ever known, and
all that money and influence can
do will r,be employed to discredit,
intimidate and : block Francis J.
Heney and Jbie co- workers.
"Your leading citizens are your
worst enemies", said Lincoln Stef
fens, the well-known writer on civic
degradation and reform, in address
ing ; the students at Stanford Uni
versity yesterday, aad the people
of San Francieco have tegun to
think there is some truth in this
The head and front of the pi it are
reputed to ba Patrick Cilhoun and
E.- H. Harriman It is no secret
that above all others it is . the de
sire of Mr. Heney to direct the fire
of the prosecution against. Calhoun
and the men who occupy the eeate
of the mighty in the councils of the
Southern Pacific. Harriman's rep
resentative on thej Pacific, W. F.
Herrin, is one of the .chief objects
of Mr, Hehey's investigation. Mr.
Herrin has always refused to come
to the open and even ' now, with
public attention centered upon him
he remains in the back ground.
In a remarkable interview given
out just before he left for New York
Mr. Atterburry, the United Rail
roads attorney, tipped off his hand.
' SanFrancisco" the new song
at Gearharts. 25 cts. per copy.