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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1907)
Corvallis Times CORVALLIS, OREGON, ' '" FRIDAY EVENING, APR. 12, 1907 Judge Boivi Salem Statesman. In the death of Judge R. P. Boise, which occurred at his home in this city Wednesday, Oregon loses one of her most distingushed pioneers and citizens; a man 'who f6r more than fifty years was in public life in this state, and whose name was an honored one during all the years of his labors. Never a whisper of scandal was there against him. Judge Boise was an honest man. God's noblest work. As a law maker, as a patriot to his country's cause, as a law enforcer, as a judge interpreting the law and administer ing it, as a private citizen, as a neighbor, and as s. husband and father, he was upright in all his activities. . " To the men of Judge Boise's company, whose ranks are grow ing thinner on this side of the line, Oregon as a commouwealth owes a great debt of gratitude. They laid the foundations of the state broad and deep. Here was, a man whose life was a success, and whose example is worthy of emulation. "CHRISTOPHONE." Installed in United Presbyterian Church at Albany. Conversions by telephone will be made possible in Albany commenc ing next 8unday. The time has passed when it is necessary to at tend' church to get the benefit of the minister's sermon, or enjoy the music of trained choirs, " No longer will the faithful church member be compelled to go through the wintry weather to his chosen house of worship. The Christo phone, the epitome ot modern tele phone invention, has been installed in the United Presbyterian church in this city, and patrons of the Home Telephone Company who so desire, can now lie abed f Sunday mornings as long as I they wish. To hear the sermon and the . entire church service, the lazy man or the sick person will hereafter only have the labor of taking down the telephone receiver. When the.col- lection plate is passed you won't need to begin searching tor the coin you thought you had, but can lie quietly in bed and listen to the jingle. : The minister will not be discouraged in the least if he ar rives some Sunday morning to find no one present besides himself and the organist and choir, c ; : : : The service will go on : just the same for the minister will; -know thathe has hundreds of auditors hanging on to the end of telephone receivers in all parts of the county. Albany will be the first city on the Pacific Coast to have one of its churches equipped with the Cbristo phone, Manager DeVarney tf the Home Company, is- now . engaged in installing this wonderful inven tion in the Presbyterian church and expects to have it in wotking order by Sunday.morning. Herald The Grand Council of the Masonic order of the State r held its annual meeting r in ' -Corvallis Wednesday afternoon and evening. Officers were elected as follows: H. H. Parker, Portland, H. I. G. M.; G. O. B. DeBar; Eugene; D. G. M. : S. S. Spencer. Eugene, P. C. W.; S. Bullock, Portland, grand treasurer, S. L. Pope, Port land, grand recorder; Jw H. Irvine, Lebanon, grand chaplain.' M. S. Myers, SalemC of. B. Seorge H. Burnett, Salem C. of C. J. H. Richmond, Portlan. G. M.: J. M. Howe, Eugene, G. Steward; S. L. Kline, Corvallis, G. Sentenel. A telegram received in this city by relatives announces the mar riage of Miss Grace Gillespie of Portland, and Ross C. Finley. The wedding occurred at n" o'clock Wednesday, at Ogden, Utah.' A few days will be spent at Salt Lake City before returning to their home at Elyi Nevada, where Mr. Finley holds a position as assay er with the Nevada Consolidated Copper Co. The bride is a former teacher inthe Baker City public schools, and is an accomplished young lady. -Chamberlain's Cougb Remedy a Favorite. "We prefer Chamberlain's Cough R-. to any other for our children," says J. Woodbury, of Twining, Mich. ' "It htu. also done the work for us in hard colds and croup, and we take pleasure in recommend ing it." v For sale by Graham & Wortham. POSTMASTER JOHNSON. Gives Notice That Roads Must be Im proved or Rural Service may be Withdrawn. Editor Times: There are sec tions of roads leading out of Cor vallis over which rural delivery routes are in operation which are sadly in need ., of improvement, and I desire space to briefly call the attention of patrons of these routes to the urgent need for early action in getting these sections repaired. In a recent communication from the Fourth Assistant Postmaster General, division of rural delivery I was requested to bring the matter of road improvement to the atten tion of the patrons and the county court, informing them "the depart ment requires all roads over which rural delivery service is established to be maintained in condition to be traveled with facility and safely at all seasons of the year, and that unless some jction is taken within the next thirty days, or as soon as conditions of weather and ground will permit, to improve the roads the department will seriously con sider the withdrawal of rural serv ice therefrom." Further, I am di rected to report results to the de partment after a reasonable oppor tunity has been given the parties interested to repair roads. While all of the roads on which rural service is maintained are in need of repair, I desire to call par ticular attention to pieces or sec tions of roads that have been im passable during the past winter. On three ot the routes the carriers have been compelled, on account of the condition of the roads, to leave their teams tied by the roadside and deliver mail to their, respective patrons afoot. The sections refer red to are as follows: On route No. i, from the Moun tain View school house to the May's corner, particularly from Bicknell's west. On route No 2. from E. L. Da vis' to the Beaver Creek school house. ' On route No. 3, from the With am school bouse to the C. G. Davis place. " On route No 4, from Bruce around to Inavale a considerable portion of the road has been in a de plorable condition all winter, Much of the time the carrier has been compelled to travel through a pri vate gateway in. order to serve his route. This road is in the foot hills and on account of the nature of the soil it will be necessary to do considerable intelligent work this spring H a decent road is to be maintained throughout the winter months. The attention of . the County Court has been called to the mat ter and its members are disposed to co-operate in an effort to get -the roads mentioned t above properly improved. But it will also be nec essary for the patrons on several routes to materially assist in the matter if the desired results are to be attained, 1 i'-m s -. '-m .. ' ' The government is spending mil lions annually for the maintenance of rural delivery service but it is granted only ' on condition that roads over which it is established can1 be traveled with-facility and safety at all.seasonssof the year. -I have had so many:. assurances of appreciation of the seryi.ce from rural patrons of this office, that it is unlikely that their attention will have to again be called to the mat ter. ' At the end of the . road mak ing season I hope to be able to re port to the Department that .the patrons of the four Corvallis rural delivery ; routes are as progressive and " enterprisfng as any in the whole country and that they have manifested their appreciation of the service by putting the roads over which carriers travel in excellent condition. Respectfully, B. W. Johnson, . . Postmaster. Notice of final Settlement.. In the County Court of the Stale of Oregon for Benton county. In the Matter ot the Est it 3 , . -of ' Ann Comptrn, "deceased. - NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned as executor of the estate and last will and testa ment of Ann Compton, deceased, has filed with the Clerk of the above entitled, court bis final account as such executor and the said Court has filed and appointed Saturd ay the 11th day of May,- 1907, at the hour of 11 o'clock In the fore noon of said day as the time, and the CouDty Judge's office in the County Court house In Cor vallis!, said Benton County as the place for bear ing objections, if any, to said account and the settlement thereof. All persona interested and desiring to object 'o said account are therebv to titled to appear and Ale their objection In writing thereto at said time and place. Dated this 12th day of April, 1907. JAMES J. FLETT, As executor of the estate of Ann Compton, deceased. Skin Disease of Twenty Years' " Standing Cured. I want yon to know how much Chamber Iain's Salve has done for me. It has cured my face of a skin disease of almost twenty years' standing. 1 nave been treated by sev eral as smart physicians as we have in this country and they did me no good, but two boxes ot una salve has cured me. Mrs. Fannte Griffen, Troy, Ala. Chamberlain's salve is tor sale by uraliam & Wortham. SATURDAY, NIGHT. The Jolty Comedy "Hello Bill," It is with pleasure that we an nounce the appearance of the jolly comedy success. "Hello ; Bill", that extremely funny concoction of funny lines and and humorous sit uations which for , the past three years has made the entire eastern country shriek with laughter. To tell the , numerous funny situa tions of "Hello Bill" would be im possible, they follow one another with such startling rapidity as to keep the auditor mystified ps to how the author can get his charac ters out of the seemingly impene trable maze but he does, and his manner of doing so is said to dis play one of the most cleverly con structe farce-comedies ever written. For this seasons tour new songs have been secured, and the pro duction is not excelled by any similar rganization on the road. Seats are now selling. MEETS NEXT WEEK. Annual Convention of Benton County W. C. T. U. The Programme. Annual convention of tbe Benton County W. C. T. U. to be held in Corvallis, April 19th, at the Chris tian church. The program follows: Friday, 9:30 p. m. Devotional, Mrs. McCausland. Words of welcome, Mrs. Higdon. Response, Mrs, Henkle of Philo math. ...... Appointment of committees. Reports of officers and county su- ! perintendent. Report of local unions. Business drillState President, r Election of officers. ' Noontide prayer, Mrs. Handsaker. Adjournment for basket lunch.. : Friday, 1;30 p. m. How our Finances can Best be In creased. a Systematic Giving, Mrs: Lumm. b Increase of Membership, Active and Honorary, and how best Secured, Mrs. Cauthorn. i c Self Denial Week, State -, President. d Collections, Donations, Miss Campbell. Friday, 3:00 p. m. Question box. Friday, 3:15 p. m. Paper How Best to Fight - the Cigarette and Tobacco Evil. Friday, 3:30 p. m. Paper Our Work with and for the Children, Mrs. Lumm. . Friday, 3:45 p. m. Report of Committees. Adjournment. Evening Session,' 7:45. Song and praise service, Rev. Hand saker. :: ,1 .. Scripture and Prayer, Rev. Gibbs. Lecture Word Pictures from f the Triennial of the World's W. C..T, TJ. with a General . Overlook and Outlook, : State President. Free will offering. Music. Benediction. "HELLO BILL." Tomorrow Night. If you are in doubt about "Hello Bill", ask those who have seen it produced. . Nearly two years have passed since it was played here, yet many persons recall the ap- pparance with pleasure and ex press much enthusiasm over its return. . This company is to play a week's engagement in Portland.' commencing . Sunday ' ; night, The cast is headed by Miss Caro- lyne McLain and Mr. Ferdinand B. Ashby, and the supporting company is one . of artistic merit. That the: -local public likes this sort of plays, is very evident by the large advance sale. Bids Wanted. "Ri r? a will Ko Karinittarl lvr tn 1n4- clock a, m. of said day for complet- : a.x rr - j ir. c.i iu uic uuuuiMueu portion oi in e wagon ton County, Oregon, according to speci fications now on Hie with the countv i uni i niiiiiiiu i i wuhi i vi iniTiium in nuna clerk at the Court House. The right to reject any ana all bids, by order of Clerk. TIMES FOR JOB PRINTING Garden seeds of all kinds at Zierolfs NEW FURNITURE STORE ; m North of Hotel Corvallu I have a brand new line of Furniture, Carpets, Matting Wall Paper, Window Glass, Trunks, and Valises. And I make picture frames to order. Please give me a tria. Yours Kespectf ully, A R Kempin on. No Prizes go with our Chase & Sanborn High Grade COFFEE In fact nothing goes with our coffee but cream, sugar and SATISFACTION P. M. ZIEROLF. Sole agent for Chase & Sanborn High Grade COFFEE What You See is Worth Twice What You Read! As you are now coming to market with the opportunity of comparing values, we ask you to see our lines. We have a broken line of Ladies and hil drens Shoes, which we are closing out at remarkably low prices. ome be fore your size is gone. Also some remnants in Dress Goods, Wash Goods, etc. at bottom prices. Our new Spring and Summer Stock is arriving and is ready for your inspectton. Make money by buying our lines, and save money by getting ourprices. Henkle & Davis. This Isn't Where they give something-for nothing But, with every 50 cent can of Baking Powder, you can get FREE the Finest Piece of Decorated Ghina, you ever got in this city.. Come in and b convinced T A Bottlden Grocery Store Corvallis. R. J. MOSES. Some thin g Doing Beginning March 9th there will be something doing in our De partment Store you will find us as Reduction Sale for,March. Call R. J. MOSES & SON the Place L J. MOSES. usual up and a-coming in our great in and we will convince you. Air. T. AT on Pan. nn "YrKirion fori mtn. TJOnnder Of Chinese mariirinoa Biirp.BDft. oth elate Hong Wo Tonpr, of Albany, uregon, is now prepared to lurniBh Chi nese medicine to all. Tbe undersigned raumuieaus aim ana guarantees satis faction. Gall or write him at Nn. tit WhI Ron. ond Street, Albany, Oregon. Jim Westfall. EGGS from thoroughbred b rwn leghorns, fifty cents per setting Independent phone, 421 Corvallis. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office: Roseburg, Or., Feb. 190T. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled 'An act for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory,' as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892, James W. Walters of Monroe, county of Benton state of Oregon, has this day. filed la this office his sworn statement No. 7S17 for the purchase of the north 1-2 of northwest l-4of section No. 3 In Township u S, Range No. 6 V, and will offer proof to show that the land fought is more valu able for its timber or stoue than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before county clerk and clerk 01 county coun o Benton county, at his office at Corvallis, Oregon, on Thursday the 1 6ih day of May, 197. He names as witnesses: Ellis Hammer of Monroe, Oregon Stanley Buckingham o ' " Bvron Woolridge, ol " " Clyde Graves, of " ' Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands re requested to file their . claims in this office on or beiore said lBth day of May, 1907. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. Notice of Property Tax Levied to Pay For Street Improvement. NOTICE is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Corval lis has determined the proportionate share of the cost of the improvement of Harrison street from the center of Second street to the East side of Ninth street in the City of Corvalils, Benton County, Oregon, to be assessed upon each of the several lots or pans theieof or parcels of land abutting or fronting upon such proposed improve ment, and has assessed upon each lot or part thereof or parcel of land afore said liable therefore its proportionate share of such cost and that the fol lowing is a description of said several lots or parts thereof or parcels of land, a statement of the names of the owners thereof, if known, and of the sum assessed upon such lots or parts thereof or tracts of land. In Dixon's Addition to said City of Corvallis: Block No. 5. Property Owner. Amt. Lot 6, Minnie L. Denman $ 8.82 Lot 12, Annie Hodges 8.82 Block No. 6. Lot 1, Annie S. Bryant 8.82 Lot 7, J. E. Cronk 8.82 In the County Addition to said City of Corvallis. Block No. 1. Lot 6, Arthur J. Moore 4.41 Persis Jane Linderman. . 4.41 Lot 7, The First National Bank of Corvallis 8.82 Block No. 4. Lot 6, Thomas Whitehorn 8.82 Lot 7, T. H. Gragg 882 Bettie M. McLain 882 J. P. Gragg .Shi D. V. Gragg 882 F. S. Elliott 1.764 Marion R. Elliott , 882 Earnest Elliott 882 Ida Tortora 147 Mary Woodworth , 147 Emmett Elliott 147 ; Seth Elliott 147 Maud Elliott 147 Annie Elliott 147 M E. Gregg 882 Block No. 5. Lot 6, Isabella Gellately 8.82 Lot 7, Isabella Gellately 8.82 Block No. 14. Lot 6, J. S. Spangler 8.82 Lot 7, Turin D. Campbell 8 82 Block No. 15. Lot 6, Lucy G. Yates 8.82 Lot 7, Lucy G. Yates 8.82 Block No. 24. Lot 6. Pauline Klino : s v. Lot 7, Pauline Kline 8.82 in uucon s second Addition to said City of Corvallis., Block No. 13. Lot 1, Sarah F. Elgin 8.82 Lot 7, Gottlich Boehringer 8.82 Block No. 14. Lot 1, O. B. Long 1.26 M. B. Long 1.26 H. W. Long 1.26 J- I. Long ' 1.26 M. M. Long , 1.26 Maud Kitridge ........ 1.26 Hattie Davis 1.26 Lot 7, R. H. Colbert 8.82 Block No. 19. Lot 1, J. H. Albright 8.82 Lot 7, E. M. Gould .......... 1.764 John L. Whitaker ...... 1.764 Fannie E. Whitaker .... 1.764 Alice M. Porter,......., 1.764 Nellie Campbell 1.764 In Rayburn's Addition to said City of Corvallis. Block No. 1. Lot 1, A. B. Cordley 8 82 Lot 12, A. B. Cordley 8.82 Block No. 2. Lot 1, Gordon V. Skelton .... 8.82 Lot 12, Gordon V. Skelton 8.82 Block No. 3. Lot 1, Fred S. Elliott, 2.528 Marion R. Elliott '. 1.764 Ernest Elliott 1,764 Ida Tortora .294 Mary Woodworth 294 Emmett Elliott .294 Sethi Elliott 294 , Maud Elliott .294 Annie Elliott 294 Lot 12, E. Woodword, Lee Hen . , kle and William Robin son as Trustees of the United Evangelical Church of Corvallis 8.28 The foregoing assessments were en tered in the docket of City Liens of the City of Corvallis on the 16th day of. March, 1907, and if the sum as sessed as aforesaid upon any such lot or tract or part thereof is not paid to the City Treasurer of the City of Cor vallis within five days after the date of final publication hereof, .the date of 'such final publication being March 29th, 1907, the same will draw interest at the rate of eight per cent per an num thereafter and a warrant will is sue directing the Chief of Police of said City to levy upon and sell such lot or tract or part thereof as the case may be tp satisfy such assessment. - J. FRED YATES, Police Judge City of Corvallis.