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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1907)
not k "ratio fee COBVAIiUS, OREGON. TtJESPAY EVENING, APRIL 9. 1907 ' - Vol. XX.-No.2 By a F, Irvine; iv wi nun u ; .tl uu w mjiuv - . .i: j,'iitwr.-'. -o-, t.j . ... HIB We Are Now - f a... Prepared to Outfit The 1-jr4f -.It Iff l.aM.u .nawrit- J. The Boy TT Out reciept of clothing this spring are nobby. Big assortment. SHARKS BITE iS FELT AT MANILA BV AMER ICAN SAILOR. 1 Prices That Defy Competition! I Shoes -P. B. Kerths" ,are:up to date in tne vesi wearers style and I Our LmeZof MediumZPr iced Shoes m I 1 Only Two Causes for Death When,, ; , Proper Anti-toxin Treatment r. .is Evolved, Says a Baltimore , -Washington, March 26, An in cident reported in the mail just re ceived at the Insular Bureau from I the Philippines ia that as one of the boats belonging to the gunboat jw Cano was being rowed oat to the ehijR in Manila Harbor, 'February 9, the plus came oat. and to pre vent the boat from being swamped, J, J. Dunlap thrust his forefinger, into .the hole, ' The ringer was im mediately bittn off; bv a shark. The jsailbr will have!to ber!retired4 Are from the bastiactories in the country and are guaranteed shoea. ' Oiir line of hats embrace the new styles.' Oar prices are right and we ask inspection of the aboye lines. all' alL an Gall rand See Corvallis, ;:, . , --..., ,, ., ,f V... I Oregon I n ... . We Solicit Comparison. Just received a fuU lineof Spring and Summer Novelties. the Tamons Packard Shoe, Sold by ; a.; K. RUSS Dealer in men's Furnishings. . - Wouldn't Change Thrones with a King. Fisherman's luck means a wonderful catch once in a blue But all moons are alike to the man equipped from : bur superb Sporting Goods, ,' stock the latest in Rods, Reels, Dandy ; Minnows, Hooks, Bicycles, Sundries! Cultery, Sewing Machmes and Sewing Machine Supplies, Edison and Victor Talking Machines, Records and Supplies. The hunter will find himself in a paradise of his own when he lands in this fine Sporting Goods stock. You are welcome to buy, for admire,' just as you choose. Unmatchable prices how. M. M. LONG'S moon. S-- iu . Baltimore, April 5. According to Dr. H. Barton Stephenson there should be only two anpreventable causes of death accident and . old age. "!! "" He believes that all germ diseases are curable by anti-toxins, and. that the" production of anti-toxins ought to be the first thought of the medical profession. j. While some anti-toxins can be secured from animals, there are others., that can . be secured only from Ihuman beings, r By way; of snggestibn he asss wny-'not give persons convicted of crime the 'al ternative of going to prison or sub mitting to become SBti-toxin 'fac tories,.. The,' possibilities of fatal results. Dr. Stephenson says, are very remote. J -"" fx SavB Dr. Stephenson: "A toxin la the poison of a disease germ When such a 'germ' enters the body, nature, to combat it, provides in ineDiooa a suosiance wmonr-fliurai ize the action of the germ's poison Xhia eubBtance is termed an jantl toxin. "' ' 1 i' "We say of aiphthetia ' that runs its couree in ' Be ven aays, in typhoid fever that it runs its coarse n twenty-one days. We mean; by this that with diphtheria it requires seven days for the body to form the anti-toxin which renders ! the germ's poisou harmless, and-with typhoid., it requires twenty-one days. By the inie'ctioh' of ahti-tox id In the early stapes of -diphtheria the poison is conteracted at once, the disease does not have to ran its course, and the attendant dan gers are done away with. 1 : ' As a result ot this great discov ery man's alloted tnreescore : ana. ten will soon cease to be a myth. It will make disease a harmless in- disposition and make death by ac cident and old age only, burgery, electrotherapy and Roentgen rays are daily -demonstrating the fact that hitherto unconquerable dis eases ere yielding to treatment, and sernm-theraphy is becoming a reality. " f :, "The theory upon which l- sernm- theraphy is based has been' proved to be correct beyond a doubt. The chief difficulty in the -way of its more general application is the fact that such anti-toxins as have come into common use are obtained from the domestic animals, and only a few of the domestic animals are bub-. ceptible to the diseases which , hu man beings are heir to. i 'The anti-toxin for diphtheria, for instance, is obtained from horses. The process is this: A horse is inos culated with diphtheria germs., He gets the disease. More and more germs are .inoculated, until finally theyr? produce no effect. No. signs of ' the ' di6eaee ll show themselves. That coriditidn proves that the an- IJ-IUA1U USB UOOU UiUUUitlUlUiqU 1U 'mi hofBeB oiobd sufficient to make TOria "immune. Then atf amount of With the work io the, hands of ex pr fenced rheit 0hc n for the med lcal.,acbmen, and not by political lnnuence," a human-produce anti toxin, couldr be., furniehed which woqld'eapply the medical prpfesBion for'ali, or nearly all the kBOwu dis easetdtre tfr getmeu v AodiitAWooJd noyie JSangeroas ito Abejjulnecjg, either..- . .-.t . -' ,' the AboTO'jejpggtl' ;top rautcai jor auoption m ine preseni state of public opinion, muob good. can? sua be done 11 the State and National: -Ooyernm9hts-Vwiir co-opn i; 'il. . . ' L- t.: . nraw wium ioe meajpai proiession in' the works-, ot ; investigation - ap'd m, in fitture. Anti-foXln produded by-corporations -are ;placed. at . so high a figure that tbey, are ,eyond the reach of the pot-,and.are soph a drain on the. ricb.that a, disidcll nation to. their ttse ieifodwcff.'r''! " ""The state 'now ;giyes many thou sands to the-'Collegei v ansUExneri- rmental ; Stations in -.order "'that methods ofc forcing,,, sriring" 'onions may be found, or means to kill a plant lpuse"discovered. -? Why -not give as'tnany thoQBandsta an anti- toxin iostltutloa to .protect the lives or us crituren. - , , . ,4,: v 1 ; . . - . - ' --J-i . J. I Berkeler, Cal.V April 6, A I3- y ear-old school girl, . Gelda Mc Chesney, a pupil at the Lincoln school, was atreBted this morning oil (Complaint of the government authorities charging her with hav ing attempted to- raise a postoffice money ; order which i she,; tendered for payment at the South Berkeley Dostoffice, She admits having at- tempted casti ; the raised order, claiming that she needed the money to;i purchase--a pair, of- eyeglasses When accused by Detectives Henry Jamison and Bert Fraser, she de nied he't guilt .at first, but later broke aown-ana-admittea navingr attempted: to rals.ejthe money orders Mise McChesney is the daughter of G. G.McCbesney, a harness-mak er.,' Shortly after t&- o'clock ! she entered the' South Berkley postof- fiee, ' The face of the order readily shQW'ed that f 2 bad' been: paid 1 at the Reiving' station.' raThe ufaot that the ink had. hot been blotted ever the extra olphers wh5ch tte girl: had added led to the immedi ate discovery of the trick. ' . Liter Miss MbChesney' was released j and allowed' - to ' return to the home of her parents. ' ' f -Qi:;,' ' Hagefstown; Md, April 6. Af ter reaching this4 town peanilei '.. a v" 1 . 1. j j . ana nuugry, uutuurubscu us irnmps and having beaten their way acrof s the contioent oa.freight trains, Mr; and Mrs.- I,yon JJenson started to night fpr their old home inTacoma; WoohliKiInn . - - . ...v The prodigals Mrs. Benson's parents,-who have forgiven the-runaways '.-who left home that they, might be married. She was only 16 and ; Benson . 2I when they ran away-' Benson' fur nished the old male enit ia which hia'ewee'theart traveled with hinov rj ; . iMarylahd1 mtUa'cted "the .ouag coeeattee 'of its' broadsiaz rige.,lawsv lM BeTson'ei;fir8t- move was io secure- work arid ' then; they w4re married'. ' -Tbey '-ead enough to establish" themselves jmforta-i bly, , The parents relented a and sent' for tfthe cdttple. ' Benson : re tbrDS lb wotk'for hi father-in-law, y - '"I"' ,-ft-fl --,f bU.t J . i' ifvdl ..-; . .... - . , New . York, April 6: That the oneest drawn-out trial, now in- Its ' twelfth week, will be finished this coming week now seems certain;; There no signs of any more de lays. . " . ; ""I K - v( : , Dr. Alien' MoLane Hamilton; the ilienist who Was bh the staod when the case Was suddenly -interrupted by the District Attorney'e shgges tiom for the appointment of a com mission in lunacy" will probably, be recalled Monday;. This lunacy com 1 ' 1 . ij. -j.j . . 1 mi mission navim? aecraea tnac iobw is now. sane, Mr.' Jerome ; probably will .be prevented from aekiog Dr. Hamilton regarding his opinion as to Thaw's1 present sanity. "There fore there is little that hscah croes- examine the alienist on. "Whether the defense- will.' call more witnesses is problematical. ; It is stated' that Thaw's attorneys .ex- pect to 5 require"-no 1 more- than an hour, to complete their case. - If this, is true there is no reason why the case should hot go to the Jury Thursday.' ,v ' -:.. ; , District Attorney- Jerome said onight " that' he ! had no mor e wit nesses. ' Under 'legal procedure in New York: 'the sur-r'ebuttal- of the defeiiBe ends' the' case; ' The only way in which the piosecution can get evidence befofe the jury after the defense closes its enr-rebuttal is by special rjer'mifisibu-bf 'ithe- oart on the ground that eviaence ! is newlv discovered or tbe witneBaes were iitit within the-jurisdiction of tHe'cnuTt-wheh: the prosecution iw'as putting fn its direct Case. ,,ii :iT i " ' Some weeks ' ago - 'at one of the manylimie's .when' the case eemfed hearing its' clofe, it -was Agreed' be tween the attorneys that each should hayd ' full1 day- for summing up; iti!dtber Words, that neither: should be forced "to' break iisaddjeBB in tube middle. ' Mr s Drlmas stated at that Xpe that he would not require more inan one day tor ' bis argu ment. It is said now, however, that he may require two. If this is the case' he: will . probably begin Mon day, He should finish Tuesday. "- Mr. Jerome fiays, that he will not require j more -. than r one day, and therefore at the latest he should . Justice Fitzgerald' s charge to the; fury should not require more than, three or four Hours, and it is there fore very probablethut iheicase-wlll be in the jury's bands Jhorsday.' r i Mr. Delmas wiU plead for abeo-"1' lute acquittal oh the ground that Thaw's- mind, .was. , unbalanced. , at the tiqae he" committed the" crime, and, that in, vie w of ' the ' fact, that ha has since .'recovered1 hi mental balance ho should be allowed to. go free: -Mr- Jerome, p& other : hand,;wiU :,argue Thaw, waa sane within the meaning 6t the faw whea be .killed Standford ' White, that the crime tob planned and premeditated, ' and . that . he should suffer the extreme penalty, of the law. of in- -f r... Real Estate Transfers. -'' -' New deeds filed at the recorder's! office are as follows: S. E. Ellsworth and hus. to W. P. Caldwell;, ons and; onerthird lots in Philoma h, $1100. Isabelle Gellatly"to Adam Keast ef et al, right of way, $1. - , C. P. Hodges to H. T. Ridders 108 a. near Wells, $3797. J. M. Howard to W. A. WilliamT son, one .and one-half lots in b!k If, $1025. M. E. Pangburn to O. Howard, 80a. near Monroe. $i. .240 a. are returning to enjoy the .fatted calffextended by j d ;ra'plete his argument Wednesday. Anna Hill to H. Parker near Summit, $2500. ' " ' Thomas Whitehorn to W..T. & C. E. Small, party wall agreement, $35o. . . t ; S. X. Henderson, and wf to W. T. & C. E- Small, party wall agree merit, $350- .. " . . - ! . - .1 ' . . A. J. Hodges and wf. to W. E. Rodgers 1.8 a. near1 Albany. $4. , The colonists rates on the rail roads," under which people can come ' from the Missouri Valley to Western. Oregon f6" i$25,p'and to Eastern Oregon ' f of' $22J 50,' Expire with this month. The, Portland Commercial -iuo uigiug jrcgomans to write letters to' their friends'.in 'the East 1 urging .them to' tome While the rates are', still "'in effect, s to" the . Wonderland of the r" West to' reside -in. ft a n Invitations have been received in Corvallis for the marriage of Miss Anita -'Harking! ; formerly of Corvallis, to Dr. C. L. Masters, at thehome of the bride's father at Loomis, Wasnmgron on Saturday, Apriiv 13th'. ." Miss" Harkin is a grand-daughter of Mrs. C. P. (jreffoz.-- After the. wedding, a re ception is to be given in their hon "or at the home of Mrs. Herbert Gregg nee Carolyn Harkin. nn hu un nn wa ' nf 'L--'.-.Xi LXl vzm.m , . t'Tl h ' '''3.' ii'iijtl The Finest and most complete line ever brought to the city. Also a Full line of Base Ball Goods. a ana serum 'eeparated f rom ;iti for it is in the etum:that!the anti-toxin, lies. TBS semrh isr tnejeaav;':for inoo. Milft-i inftmatf ;beings '- afflicted Mlh?aipmneria.I9 m :w .. " Swyjsglitfordiph " erftti'Wl6liotii w for many oiner uiayases.-i-. innorse is not .'sa&epilb'le to them,," f 1iilH,?o o. - iikai"n1a less, Caniife s using the crimlnais" la 'Ohrperiitentiaries for the.' production pf anti-toxins.; A law making the punishment of cer tain crimes optional with the con victedimprisonment on tbe one hand; iuocculation with certain die ease germs on the other would solve the problem for ell time. I Mill . 'mmm Fir turn &&r&2s"C: VMLTr 1 liaaP8a.f .'Klvi ifA ... '.vv.4 r .... JKcy usually, want something from .! -5.-;: YolTfemcmber the hunger you had Home cooking . counts: for much in the. child's- health; do not imperil. it.;tj&70;.Cod-by' tneiise. of ooorbakina powder; .Haveyadelicio'usp ready whea they come in; ToJpe sure of the purity, you must use ": , Royal makes a' difference in your home a difference in your health. ,; ft a cuiierence in yowr cooiaiig.