The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, April 05, 1907, Image 4

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    A piece of ma sic
Miss Mary Gellatly is
Gerhard's. The piece
"San Francisco" with
written by
on sale at
is entitled,
words by
Miss Gellatly and the music by the
Metropolitan Music Company. It
is published by a New York music
house. There are five stanzas, and
both in conception and construction
they are good. .
Woods Jackson, an oldtime
Benton citizen, died this morning
after an illness of several weeks,
aged 77 years. He came to the
county from Illinois in 1851, but
left shortly afterward for the Cal
ifornia mines. He returned to
Benton in 1853, and on December
of that year married and settled on
what is now known as the Baker
place on Sonp Creek. Mrs. Jack
son died in 1893. The surviving
relatives are, Ike, Dock and Gene
Jackson of Benton, sons; Mrs. Neat
hammer, Sheridan, and Mrs. Bates
Pomeroy, Wash., daughters. The
funeral will probably occur Sunday.
Mr. Jackson has long suffered with
rheumatism. There are many who
will miss the kindly old gentlemaa
who has long been a familiar figure
on the streets.
' C-irlston Radamaker, a brother
of Mrs. Pnllip Phile, is confiued to
the bouse Buffering from weakness
of the heart, however, be expects to
be out in a few days.
W. H. M. T edamann, a Port
land merchant, arrived a couple ot
days ago to visit his relatives Mr.
and Mrs. Philip Phile. Mrs. Phile
has been confined to the house lor
feveral days suffering from a severe
attack ot neuralgia in the head.
Trie suits have arrived for the
O. A. C. base ball team, Thesh r s,
pants and caps are ma
roon, aod theetockings haveorarge
stripes. O. A. C. in orange is on
the breast of the shirts". The whole
effect ia described as "swell." The
team is counted a very stroog one,
and will contest for the Northwest
chamnionshiD. The schedule in
cludes games with Pullman, U. of
O., Willamette and othtr strong
aggregations. The new suilB are
on exhibition at M. M. Longs.
At this week's session the coun
ty court turned down the petition
of the sheriff and superintendent
tor type writers. Last year $180
was paid by the court for a book
type writer for clerk Vincent and
recectly a similar machine, was
purchased for the recorder at $100.
Petitions were filed by the sheriff
and superintendent for machines,
and after being continued for a
term or two, the petitions were turn
ed down. The latter two tfficlala
do not understand the reason f. r
the discrimination, and ' it is the
rumor that they will bring 6uit.
Three adding machines were
at the court house for the county
court tj make a purchase of ens at
this week's session, and as many
experts were on hand ta display the
good points of their respective ma
chines. A petition of all the coun
ty officers asking the purchase of
an adder was filed last year, as will
be remembered, and at that time,
denied. When informed that
the machines were at heni and
that perhaps it would be desired to
examine them, the court replied
that there was "no official informa
tion" concerning them before the
court, and accordingly no examina
tion was made. The machines were
all shipped to Portland today.
The following real estate trans
fers have been filed for record: Ai
med a Murray and husband to E.
W. Langdon, I40 acrts in Ki igs
Valley, lloo; M. P. Barne t, sheriff
to Bertha Greenberg, block 27,
Avery's addition, $1. Moses Neu
igaaa to Bertha Greenberg, eame
property, $1; M. Bnrnap to M.
Scherin, two lots in block 2cj,$3oo;
Sertha Greenberg to M. C. Miller,
block 27, $10; M. C. Miller to M.
C Hayes, 4 lots ia block 27, $1600:
C. P. Hodges to H. T. Ridders, 18 i
acres near Welle, $37c7; J.M.How
ard to A Williamson, one and ode
balf lots in block L, $lo2s; M. P.
Pangburn to O. Howard, 80 acres
near Monroe, $L.
Mrs. Eliza A. Knight, who has
resided in Corvallis Bines 1861, died
at her home on Main street last
night. She was the widow of the
late J. A. Knight, formerly a Cor
vallis u ndertaker, a pioneer resident,
"who located in Corvallis in the '5o's.
Mr. and Mrs. Knight were married
in Albany in 1861, that place being
then the home of the latter. The
funeral is to occur from Wilkin's
undertaking parlors at two o'clock
tomorrow and the service will be
directed by the Bebekabs. The in
terment will be in Odd Fellows
cemetery. Surviving relatives are
a sister, Mis. Crittenden in Port
land, and a daughter, Mrs. Fitzpat
rick, of London, England. Mrs.
Knight was about 72 years of 1 age,
and during the last years of ber life
was an invalid.
Mew Etetoire
In the history of this flourishing . city
was there ever such a large display of
Carpets, Art Squares and Floor Cov
erings as can be seen now at our store
Room sized Rugs in Body Brussel,
Velvet Brussels, Axminster, Tapestry
Columbia Brussels and Ingrains.
Large Invoice of New
We are better prepared than ever be
fore to furnish your home with Fur
niture, Stoves, Ranges, or anything
pertaning to house furnishing.'' Our
goods are bought in large ; quantities
and we are therefore enabled , to sell
as low as consistant with reasonable
profit & ' J
Hollenberg & Cady.
Dixie Jubilee Singers
Opera House, Sat fipri 6th.
Have showed in Europe and throughout this country.
They gave a most pleasing entertainment last April.
Tickets 50 and 75 cents
Now on sale at Graham & Wortham s.
Mrs, Philip Phile who has
been ailing for a couple of weeks
is much improved.
M. Tiedemann of Portland,
was called to Corvallis the first of
the week by the illness of hi3 uncle
Mr. Radamaker.
Four councilmen are to be
elected at the coming city election
which takes place the third Mon
day in May. The retiring council
men are, Covell, Irvine, Wiles and
Francisco. The latter has another
year to serve, : but his removal to
the farm four miles west of town,
renders his office vacant. Two are
to be elected in the lower, and one
each in the two other wards.
A work train is repairing and
renewing bridges along the C. & E.
just west of Corvallis. It embraces
a pile driver, a cook, a bunk, and
several fiat cars. Piling six to 30
feet long is carried : on the fiats
and used in the construction work
The train makes its headquarters
at corvallis, coming in each evening
and going out of mornings.
Mrs. Grant Elgin is so much
improved since her late operation
that Mr. Elgin returned yesterday
from the bedside, , where he bas
been since Sunday. She is be
lieved now to be practically out of
danger. Mrs. H. F. Fischer left
yesterday to be wit,h her daughter
during the remainder of her con
valescence. - ;-.v ; - ,. I
The marriage of Horace Bro
die and Miss Maud Roberts, oc
curred in Portland Sunday. ... Both
are well known graduates of OAC,
both having figured conspicuously
in college debating teams. Mr.
Brodie was in fact one of the very
best debaters OAC: has ever pro
duced. r Two brothers of the groom
who are students at the college
went to Portland to be guests at
the nuptials. :
Captain Dentler, who was
formerly commandant at ' OAC is
now a major. He received his
commission, for promotion March
12th, and is transferred from the
1 itb to the 23rd infantry; He has
been in Cuba since the occupation
of the Islands by the United States
troops, but goes now to : Madison
Barracks, in the ndrthern part of
JNew Y orK state. Jle will be join
ed there by Mrs. Dentler and cbil
dren who are at Fort Leavenworth,
Matting Jnst in!
5 .;'
The C. & E. has new officers.
They were elected Wednesday af
ternoon at a meeting of the board
of directors. They are: A. B.
Hammond, president; J. K. Weath
erford, vice preaident; Guy W.Tal
bot, general manager. T. W. Walsh
superintendent; George Nevins,
general freight and passenger agent
and auditor; John Stevens, su
penntendent of bridges; B. H. Boles
train dispatcher. The election
seems to indicate, first by the re
tirement of J. C. Mayo as general
passenger agent, that the Astoria
road has passed into Hill's hands,
and by the personnel of the new of
ficers that there has been no sale of
the C. & E. to Harriman.
Miss Bertha Davis entertained
twenty five ladies Thursday after
noon in honor of Miss Essie Bell,
turned to the fide of the prostrate
man and knelt down. '
"I went at once to inform Mar
ehal STitton and with other citi
zens returned to the ecene of the
shooting, but in the meantime the
two men who had done the shoot
ing had disappfared. We struck
some matches and whilewe wtrtx
- 1 t I f r -
amining xne lace or tne dead man
we heard a noise in the car beeide
which the body lay. We crawled
under the car arid the deeperadot s
came out.
Garden seeds of all kinds at ZierolPs
Notice to Creditors.
NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned
has been appointed administrator of the estate
ot Elizabeth V. Taylor, deceased. All persons
having claims against said estate are hereby re
quired to present the same duly verified as by
law required to me or at the oflioe of i. F. Yates,
eorvaiiiB, uregon, wunin six months from
date of this notice
Dated April 5, 1907 1
Administrator ot the estate of Elizabeth V. Tay
lor, aeceasea. .. . .
- Notice to Creditors.
JNOX1UJS18 nereoy gipen tet 'Ul.w&om it may
concern mat we unuemrgneaTiaa tjen aujy ap
pointed administratrix of the estate of B. F. Hy
land, deceased, by the county court of Benton
county, Oregon. All persons having claims
against the estate of said B. F. Hyland, deceased
are hereby required to nrosecit the same, with
S roper vouchers therefor, duly verified as by
w required, within six months from the date
hereof, to the undersigned at the office of Mc
Fadden & Brysnn, attorneys, Corvallis, Oregon.
Dated at Corvallie, Oreeon, this 29th dav of
March, 11)07.
Administratrix Of the estate of B. P. Hyland, de-Ceased.
I Want Your E g
Alway Pay Highest Market Price
and You get Full Weight
and Measure!
I Handle Everything. ComeSc See
Are the greatest and be3t selectors of Tea values. They
know good Tea from the poor and indifferent kinds not
by taste and smell, but Tjy look and touch. We pride
ourselves upon the exceptionally high grade line3 of Teas
and Cofftje9 which we have in stock, and we are sure that
the most captious critic will approve both. They are
great money savers to the householder, too, as a small
quantity goes a long way. .
We Are Headquarters For
Uptons, Teatlys, Folgers, Schillings Tea
PHONE 203. ;;
B, Rorning,
The Grocer.
We are not inclined to spend much time in
writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods
and customers speak for themselves.
v B Horning
Watch this space for Bargins in
No 608 43 acres, 30 in cult, balance pasture and timber, some fine bot
tom land, house of 5 rooms, small bam, young orchard, 2 1-2 miles of
a good town, price if sold soon, $2000. This is a bargain.
598160 acres, 35 in cult, some good timber and pasture, good house
and barn, fine orchard, well watered, this is a good stock ranch price
$ 1 700. School house on place.
38310 acres, all in cult, fine orchard, all level, good house, fair barn 1-2
mile to good town, good garden land, nice linle home, price $1 700.
g s and Butter
Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, BanS Blag. Hoarst
lO to 12 and a to 4.
Phone, office S 1 S Residence ISO.
Corvallis, - Orego.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office np stairs in Burnett Brick Res
Idence on the coiner of Madison and
Seventh Et. Phone at honse and office.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoiBca. Residence Cor
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m.'- ' Orders may be
eft at Graham & v sham's drug stow.
General Auctioneer Ar Square Dea
' and charges right- t
Corvallis, " Oregon.
Zierolf Building. . ,'
Phone Ind. 384.
Dr, Hanford
Successor to Eowen Lester
Burnett Bldg. Corvallis, Or.
F. C. M'Reynolds
Teacher of Violin, Mandolin, Banjo,
Guitar, Viola and 'Cello QAC School
of Mosic." Music furnished for all
Large'or small-orchestra.
Willamette Valley
Banking Company
Corvallis, Oregon.
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Bnys County, City and School
Principal' Correspondents.
PORT LA NO f xhe uanfc 0
SEATTLE f California
MEW YORK Messrs. J. P. Morgan A Co.
CHICAGO National Bank of The Kepnb
LONDON, ENG. N M RothseiUlds ft Son
CANADA . Tinier Rnlr of Canada
Notice of Filial Settlement
Notice is hereby given that the under iened has
Sled his final acconnt for settlement of the estate
of Eliz McFadden deceased, in the county
court of the'stnte of Oregon for Benton county,
and the saH court has fixed the hour ol ten o'
clock a. m. Saturday the 6 day of April 1907, at
the Court room of sal i court at Corvallis, Oregon
as the time lor hearing all aud singular the
matters In said settlement and all persons Inter
ested therein are hereby notified of said fact.
W. 8. McFHdden
Administrator of the estate of
Eliza McFadden, deceased.
Dated March 8, 1907,
Nojtice to Creditors.
In the Matter ot the Estate)
Margaret Eadlr, Deceased. 1
Notice Is hereby given to all persons concerned
that the undersigned bas been duly appointed
executrix of the last will and testament ot Mar
garet Badir, deceased, by the county court of
Benton county, state of Oregon. All persons
having claims against raid estate of Margaret
Badlr. deceased, are hereby required to present
the same, duly verified as by law required, with
in six months from the date hereof to the un
dersigned at the law office of . E. Wilson In
Corvallis. OregOD
Dated this March 22. 19CT.
Executrix of the last will and testament ot Mar
garet Radlr, deceased.
Notice of Final Settlement,
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has filed his final account for set
tlement of the estate of John T. Slate,
deceased, in the County Court of the
state of Oregon for Benton county, and
that said Court has fixed the hour of ten
o'clock a. m. of Saturday the 7th day of
April, 1907, at the court room of said
court at Corvallis, Oregon as the time
for hearing all and singular the matters
in said settlement and all persons inter
ested therein are hereby notified of said
fact. " .
j. E. Henkle,
Administrator of the estate of
John X. Slate, deceased.
Ddted March 8, 1907.
Notice of Final Settlement.
NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned
administratrix ot the estate of Thomas J. Wright,
deceased, has filed In the county court Of Ben
ton county, Oregon, her final account as such
administratrix of said estate and that
Monday, the 6th day of May, 1907,
at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. has been fixed by
said court as the time set for bearing objections
to said report and settlement thereof.
Dated March 19, 1907. '
Administratrix of the estate of Thos. J. Wright,
FRUIT TREE spray any quanity at
Smith & Dawson's next to J. R.
Smith & Company.