The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, April 05, 1907, Image 3

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    It's to Your Interest to Know That the Smartest Spring
Fashions for Men and Young Men
Are now here ready for your inspection, and try-on and that we offer you and your friends the first opportunity
of viewing the largest and most magnificent display of Spring apparel we have ever had. If you can't come to
morrow, come the day after. If you wish to dress well at little expense if you want a Suit or Overcoat of smartest
style and of strict high quality. Its to your interest to come
here at once and make an early selection.
which we show in all the most fashionable fabrics in a
broad variety of handsome weaves. Look where you may
you positively cannot find values to equal those we offer in
eewti6f"tM tv f Mutt. 6.'
iijiMuua, tcm
Spring Sack Suits for Men and
Young Men at $12 to $25
of most advanced single and double breasted style, with
every detail as derfect as if exclusively custom-tailor-made
with a special offering of selected styles and fabrics fully
equal in value to most $20 suits at $15
Judge McFadden arrived yes
terday from a business trip to June
: tioo.
Mrs. Thomas Leese is a guest
at the Portland Sanitarium for a
few weeks.
! Mrs, H. W. Kaupisch returns
tonight from attendance at Grand
' Opera in Portland.
Mrs. John Smith went to Port
land Wednesday to attend the
The Ladies Social Whist C4ub
is entertained this afternoon at the
home of Mrs. L- P. Wilson.
Some of the rooms at the
public school were dismissed yes
terday afternoon on account of the I
funeral of little May Mattley, a pupil
whose death occurred .Tuesday
During the late stormy days,
all athletic activities at the college
have been suspended, for fear the
athletes might get dro wned.
Rev. Mock, piesiient of Dal
las College, will preach at M. E.
church Sunday morning, and Rev.
! Lindsay of Hillsboro in the evening,
j Special music has been prepared for
tne occasion.
Marriage licenses were issued
today to Ernest A Kyle and Sadie
V. Seits, and Charles H. Dodson of
Portland and Olive Witham Alkine
of this city.
Shortly after noon today, a
heavy gust of wind blew out one of
the big windows in the council
chamber in City Hall.
Fitter Lavin, of Columbia
University, will preach at the
Catholic church Sunday at high
mass at 10:30. Evening devotion
at 7:30. All are invited.
For Chief of Police.
In response to the request oF many
citizens, I hereby announce mjself a
a candidate tor ihe office of chief of
l-olice, of the city of CorvalHs, subject
to the decision of the voters at the
coming citv election. If elected, I shall
consider nay oath of office binding, and
shall do my duty without fear or favor.
J. D. Wells.
" SanFrancisco" the new song
at Gearharts. 25 cts. per copy.
WASTED Bids for hauling gravel and
rock in district number 2, according
to soecifications filed at clerks' office.
The right is reserved to rejact any or
all bids. E. E. Smith Supervisor.
The new spring styles in Hats, both stiff and soft $1.50 to $3.50
Tomorrow is Spring Opening day. Gome early!
Frank Hubler has arrived for
a brief visit at home. He has been
a meat cutter in an Astoria
market, and is to return in a day
or two to resume bis duties.
Arrival of homeseekers from
! t'ne East has been more slack
I in the past few days than when
the low rates first went into ef
fect, but a renewal of the increased
numbers is expected. The low
rates continue through ' the month.
E. E. Wilson has been ap
pointed administrator of the estate
of Nancy J. Slagle with a bond fix
ed at $800. Nancy J. Slagle died
in Umatilla county in Februrary
1875 leaving an estate in Benton
that is valued at $16 ooo. The
heirs are a husband and daughter
residing at Siloam Springs, Arkan
sas, a son in Manila, P. I. and a
daughter in Wichita, Kansas.
WANTED A dining room girl. Apply
at Cauthorn hall. Independent phone.
HAND made soft center choco
lates at the Palace ot Sheets.
1 tfo
MONEY to loan on approved security
Apply to S, L. Kline agent.
Get good garden, timothy, clover
all kinds of field seeds at Zierolf's.
The People's Store.
Established 1864.
Perfect Time Inspires Pesfect Confidence! A watch which cannot be trusted
to tell perfect time is worse than no watch at all, as it mis-leading and causes un
necessary trouble and loss of time. Get a watch that you can depend on at all
times, the best on ihe market, to be had in all grades and styles. At PRATT The
Jeweler's. Optical work of all kinds a Specialty.
For advertisements in this column the rate
of 15 cents per line will be charged.
We have also received our Spring lines of JMen's Ox
fords, etc, in ali the latest shapes.
Call ana Save 5 Per Cent.
Of your cash by trading with us
When you see it in our ad its so
CorvalHs . - - - Oregon
'Till further notice ALL glasses fitted by PRATT The
the Optician will be ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED for
Subject for Sunday evening at
the Church of God " "Tradition in
the Church.", A. W. Darby.
Mrs. Ambrose Houck of this
county was taken to Portland
Friday for a surgical operation.4
A. L,. McFadden well known
in Corvallis and Benton county,
where ha was once a candidate for
representative, is working at the
carpenter trade atGoldfield Nevada
ana is receiving $s a day, wages.
Miss Belle Bonney of Wood-
burn has been elected salutatorian
and Darwin Thayer, valedictorian
of the graduating class to go out
next commencement.
The junior OAC debating
team, consisting of Clark, Stebinger,
tnd Cale, left this noon for Mc
Minnville to debate thesubsidy ques
tion with the.McMinnville college
team tonight.
John McDougal who recently,
resigned his place in the faculty at
the college left Tuesday tor Cali
fornia, to remain. His position is
temporarily filled by Earl Hawley,
a last years graduate, who arrived
a couple of weeks ago from a year's
training in the General Electric
at Schenectady New York.
After a visit of two weeks with
S. L- Shedd, his brother, Willard
Shedd left Tuesday for his home
at Fairbury, Illinois. He came to
this county in the same company
with R.' C. Kigerhr i860, but re
turned to the East to live in 1865.
Fully determined to wait, next
time till the bloom is on the rye
and the floods not all . over the
country, Miss Mel Elgin arrived
yesterday from California, after be
ing two weeks delayed in her re
turn by the freshets in the Golden
Abe N. Lock, a " member of
the pioneer family of that name,
is gravely ill at his home in the
northern part of town. Sunday
evening he was suddenly attacked
with a paralytic stroke from effects
of which he has not yet emerged.
Yesterday his condition was no
T-E. E. Wilson arrived Wed
nesday from a visit to the Union Ex
periment station in Eastern Oregon
The published statement that
there are twin kids at Frank
Francisco's is strictly true, but
but they are little goats.
Elsewhere E. E. Smith the
supervisor is calling for bids for
hauling gravel and rock in district
number 2. Three roads are to be
improved, the Sol King road, the
Oak creek road and the cemetery
hill road. About 800 or 900 loads
of the material is to be hauled.
The specifications are to be seen at
the county clerks office.
It is said that the report cf
those charged with correcting the
extensions on the tax rolls has been
completed, and is ready for filing
with the court. Its contents have
not been given outi and probably
will not be on account of official
courtesy untirfirst submitted to the
county court which authorized the
corrections to be made. It has
leaked out, however, that when the
roll was turned over by the clerk
the sheriff was only charged with
taxes aggregating about $87,000
and that when the correcting ot
extensions was totaled up it showed
about $93,000.
Corvallis has the greatest
water system in Western Oregon.
There is no better in the world.
It is an asset on which to buil i a
town, and the town is building.
New buildings are going up. New
people are coming in. The college
is growing. The county is grow
ing. Fancy sheep, fancy horses,
fancy cattle, fancy hogs and fancy
dairy products are coming in from
the farm. Why not add that ex
tremely valuable feature of tidying
up the streets and beautifying the
dooryards? Would it not,- in the
midst of this growth, be a splen
did investment.
We have opened an office over the
First National Bank, where -we
are prepared to handle all kinds of Cit-v
property for sale also good farms, stock
ranches, small tracts, near the City. If
yon can't find what, you wont come in
and seems, and talk it over. McHenry
& price. Uorvalns Oregon.
Bring your Eggs clean and
and we will give you a
1 1 r .1
deal tor them.
Tonight at 7:45 the Philomath
college frst team and the Cor
vallis High school team will play
a game of basket ball in the college
armory for benefit of OAC cham
pions. There will also be a game
between Philomath second team
and High School second team.
The funeral of little May Mat
ley occurred from the family home
near the Southern Pacific station
at two o'clock yesterday afternoon.
Aftet a three weeks illness of tuber- i
cular meningitis the little one died
Tuesday night. She was aged n
years, and was a favorite in the
home and in the public school.
The family has the sympathy of
many friends in this new bereave
ment. The interment was in Odd
Fellows cemetery.
c Services at the Presbyterian
church Sunday morning and even
ing. At the morning service will
be the reception of members, the
ordination of elders, and deacons,
to be followed by Holy communion.
Every member of the church should
be'JllJ eti t, arid " all
are invited to attend this solemn
and impressive service. Do . not
fail to be present in the evening
and hear one of the ministers of
the Evangelical church who will
preach at that hour.
' Farming operations are much
retarded by the continued rains.
Occasional day? are available for
ploughing, but seeding is complete
ly knocked out for the present.
The coldness of the temperature is.
however, holding back fruit blooms,
and the result is that weather con
ditions are not an unmixed evil.
FOR RENT. House of eight rooms.
Enquire at residence of A. W.
FOR RENT good house, reasonable to
right parties, Independent phone. 35
Hill line.
A big Eastern shipment of popu--lar
music just received at Graham
& Wells.
Clover and timothy at Zierolf's.
For Sale.
For Sale -or Exchange.
10 acre tract bearing Italian prone
trees, 2 and one half miles east of Cor
vallis 00 main road. Fruit dryer on
Mr. and Mrs. Schriber arriv
ed Tuesday from California after
an extended absence. Mrs. Schrib
er went East last summer and re
turned to California to spend the
winter at Berkeley, where she was
joined by Mr. Schriber several
months ago. After the absence
they like Oregon better than ever.
They brought home more than 100
cilia lillies for use in decorating
the church for the United Evan
gelical conterence. now . in session.
Spraying for San Jose scale
has been at a standstill for 10 days
on account o rain. . The statemnet
of the fruit inspector is that it is
not too late yet to spray in most
orchards. Until the blossoms open
it is all right to apply the lime
sulphur solution, the inspector says.
One four acre prune orchard west
of town has been cut down during
he campaign and many old trees
have gone the same way.
The work of making out tax
receipts and sending them to var
ious parts of the county, and to
non-residents in various parts of
the country, is still in vogue at the
sheriffs office. The rush in the
last days of collection was so ex
traordinary, that a large mass of
receipt-making was left as a legacy
for subsequent days. Many tax
payers even in the county did not
come to the office but took ad
vantage of the lists of taxes sent
into the precincts by Sheriff Bur
nett and remitted their taxes by
mail. The clearing up of this
business is now faking a lot of
place. Address E.
dependence, Oregon.
E. Eaddock, In-
FOR SALE nice Phenomenal Berry
tips 10 cents each at Habere Schmidts,.
Phone, I5 Kiger line. '
FOR SALE span of good brood mares
and a span of three vear old draft colts
W. L Kice, Corvallis RFD 3.
FOR SALE affine team of mares, weight
3200 Matthew Thompson C. & E.
FOR SALE fine team of 7 year old bay
horses, weight 2.300. Price $4oo. See
or phone E. A. Miller Philomath Ore
gon. FOR SALE As I am going out of the
business I will sell my grain ware
house at a bargain or would exchange
for good residence in Corvallis or a
(mall farm of equal value. Handled
47 000 bn of grain this season. R. N .
Williamson, Wells, Oregon.
old, goods
Hedge plants one
roots. Phone 439."
FOR SALE one nearly new top buggy
leather top and cushions, nick le plat
ed hub irons costing $85.00, will set
for 60 dollars if taken before April 1
also seven tons cheat hay baled.
Phone. 655. L. L. Brooks.
Largest stock of , Edison phono
graph records in . the Valley at
Graham & Wells. -
BEST BREAD and pastry can
obtained at Starr's Bakery.
EGGS from thoroughbred b rows
leghorns, fifty cents per setting
Independent phone, 421 Cor vallis.
Garden f-eeds, timothy and clove r
and all kinds oi field steels t Zi u