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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1907)
Corvallis Times CORVALLIS, OREGON, . FRIDAY EVENING, APR. S, 1907 Mayor Lane. The attitude of a bevy of demo cratic politicians in Portland toward the candidacy of Mayor Lane is usual but none the less astounding. The mayor is a candidate for re election, and be declares that if nominated and elected be will put the "public interest" above party. personal or any other interest. His attitude is one to appeal to most people as highly desirable. The public interest ought to be para mount to every other consideration. The reason for it is vividly illus trated by conditions in San Fran cisco. Mayor Scbmitz sacrificed the "public interest" to private and partisan interests, and behold the results. Tne sname 01 me Golden Gate city would seem to discredit forever any platform of a candidate other than paramountloy altyto "public interest," and that Is what makes the attitude of Port land politicians conspicuously in apropos. Whether they know it or not, it is a good way for them to aid the candidacy of Mayor Lane. The times are calling for good men for office. Public robbery as disclosed in many big cities has its meaning, and that meaning ought to be distinctly hostile to spoilsmen, place-hunters and bribing corpor ations. The charge against Mayor Lane is that he is opposed to such things, and that as an official he has not tolerated them. The op position to him under the circum stances many people will consider as a best reason for his reelection. Incidentally, the official who serv es the public best, serves his party best. Campaign Contributions. Mr. Harriman says he contribut ed $50,000 to the Roosevelt cam paign fund in 1904. He says furth er that the sum was a pait of $200.. 000 that he raised for the same pur pose and that the president knew of the fact at the time. Mr. Roose velt says Mr. Harriman is a liar. When the campaign was at its height, Judge Alton B. Parker made practically the same charge. He said the corporations were con tributing to Mr. Roosevelt's cam paign fund. Mr. Roosevelt, all will remember, promptly declared the statement a lie, and Judge Park er a liar. Mr. Roosevelt's pyro technic denial was one of the sen sations of the campaign. President Roosevelt's denials to the contrary notwithstanding, im mense sums were contributed by the corporations to his campaign fund. It was proven in the official investigation that frenzied insur ance companies contributed to Mr. Roosevelt's campaign treasury the sum of $178,120. High officials of the companies admitted it, and the books showed it. , It was funds that belonged to the policy holders of the company. Mr. Roosevelt's campaign managers knew it was the policy holders money. Perkins, one of the insurance officials who made the contributions, recently gave back to the company from whom he had been ousted for crook edness, $50,000 that he had as an official, contributed. The whole incident has its moral. Boodle from the corporations flowed into the treasury of Mr. Roose velt's campaign managers, and was used to corrupt voters. Judge Parker was right in his charge, and Roosevelt, wrong in his denial. If the president's denial was from ignorance of the facts, it ought not to have been made, and if it was made with full knowledge of the facts, it is inexcusable. In either event, the effect is to force the sur mise that the Harriman charge, in spite of Mr. Roosevelt's denial, is probably true. NEW TODAY, I have . established a ' junk business on Main street near the soda works where I will buy all kinds of junk, including rags, rubbers, lead copper, brass etc. J. J. Brown, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a Favorite. "We prefer Chamberlain's Cough Rt to any other for our children," says M. J. Woodbury, of Twining, Mich. "It ha also done the work for us in hard colds anl croup, and we take pleasure in recommend ing it." For sale by Graham &Wortham. WARRANTS BRING CASH. Paying State Tax-Sixty-five Thousand Turned Over to Treasurer by Sher iff in Benton. Benton county is paying cash as she goes. . When the warrant is presented to the treasurer, instead of indorsing it "not paid for want of funds" he draws a check for the amount, and the bearer goes off happy. The new arrangement be gan last week under a call for war rants by the treasurer which called in all county orders outstanding. The present is the fifth year in suc cession in which the county has made this showing. It is usual for cash tj be paid for three or four months, and then the money box gets empty and warrants are issued for the balance of the year. Last year, which was the final year in the four years of the Watters ad ministration the condition prevail ed for more than two months. It is believed that there is a sufficient sum available for the county to pay cash the coming three months. The sheriff has turned over $65,- 000 in cash to the treasurer on cur rent collections. Five thousand has been remitted to the state treas urer, and enough more, to make up half the state tax will be remitted the first of next week. The state tax for this year is $20,705. It is a large sum for a county containing a population of less than 7,000. It is nearly as great as during one of the years of the Lewis and Clark fair appropriation. In view of the generous appropriations by the last legislature it is likely to be as much or more next year, even in spite of the fact that Governor Chamberlain vetoed bills carrying appropriations of nearly a million dollars. If the legislature had pass ed the tax commission bill and the bill btinging the timber held by syndicates under taxation, these state taxes would have been largely reduced, but for some reason these and other bills providing revenue from other sources than by taxing farm and other visible property were turned down. Treasurer Buchanan will remi the last half of Benton's state tax next October, as he is by law per mitted to do . STEALING FLOWERS. Other Homes Were Visited add the Contents of Flower Beds Taken. Later developments indicate that the case of flower theft told of in Tuesday's Times was not confin ed to a single instance. It will be remembered that three young girls of 13 or 14 years entered Mrs. Bur nett' s dooryard and carried off near ly all the blooming hyacinths in the beds. The same depredation was practiced at the home of E. W. Pratt, where a beautiful bed of blooming flowers was left in pract ical ruin. Flowers were taken in the same way from the beds of Mrs. T. B. Irvine on Ninth street. At the Burnett place the girls ap peared at 7:30, and when Mrs. Bur nett came on the scene they fled in great haste. They went to Mrs. Irvine's at eight o'clock, but wheth er they were the same parties or not is not known. At the latter place only two girls were seen, but it was dark and another might have been in the party without be ing discovered. The beautifying of dooryards is a laudable enterprise . . It is the slogan of every city and town. More attention is paid to that feat ure of town life now than ever be fore. It is recognized as something that 'has been over-neglected. The attractiveness of it impresses all, including the investigating home seeker. It increases the value of property, and is financially a good investment, to say nothing of the pleasurable and elevating benefits. It will pay everybody well to have an eye for the protection of those who make these improvements and for encouragement of them, and the first essential is to teach children and grown-up folks too, to let other people's flowers alone. " If they want flowers they should be manly and womanly enough to ask for them. Or, what is better, grow them at home. In the growing, love of the beautiful is engendered. and that is a gentle and highly beneficial influence on character. . TEAMING wanted. All kinds of jobs j 11 learning uuuc. A-cstucuw muiu an Jackson. Independent phone. O. T Murphy, Corvallis. Skin Disease of Twenty Years' Standing Cured. I want you to know how much Chamber Iain's Salve has done for me. It has cured my face of a skin disease of almost tweDty years' standing. I have been treated by sev eral as smart physicians as we have in this country and they did me no good, but two boxes of this salve has cured me. Mrs. Fannie GRiFFEN.Troy, Ala. Chamberlain's Salve is for sab by Graham & Wortham. SOME EARLY HISTORY. ,A Shooting Scrape Oldtimers Will Remember Two Wounded but no Dead. The old building now on its way north through Main street was long a landmark in the business quarter. The oldtimer who watch es its progress to a let in the north end of town, where it is to be a dwelling, naturally recalls scenes that it has sheltered in the past. It was within its walls that Nick Beason was shot. The building was a saloon then. It was in fact most always a saloon, at least, in the earlier times. It was a place where faro, poker, and other games of chance flourished. Once a man named Stowell operated it, and then another named Davidson. In fact a long line of successors in the business mixed drinks and handed out benzine to the thirsty. What shooting scrapes it was the scene of away back in war times there is no one left to tell about. It had its quota in every line of the industry. Corvallis Was a very gay town once. It was the outfitting depot for packers and miners for some years. ' It was a great rendezvous for horsemen and other sports. Gold dust figur ed much as it figured in the Cali fornia towns in '494 fcGold balances with which it was weighed out in the transactions are still found in the archives of families whose heads figured in the business of those days. Baeson was shot by Joseph Mc Timmons. Baeson was at one time a leading butcher. He was once chief engineer of the fire depart ment. McTimmons was a bar tender when the trouble happened. John Mensinger and Sid Moore al so figured in the trouble. Moore was a big gambler and Mensinger a blacksmith. Moore and Baeson first got into an altercation and Mensinger took the scrap off of Baeson. on account of Baeson s diminutive size. The quick, sharp reports of a revolver one Sunday aiternoon, called bystanders to the place. They found Moore on his back in front of the bar and Men singer on top of him. Baeson was lying -as if dead in one corner and McTimmons held a smoking pistol. There was a pistol wound in Bae son' abdomen near the navel and another in Mensinger's jaw. They took a lot of wadding out of the wounded jaw and he spit the rest of it out. The firing had been at such close range that all the wad ding went into the wound. They always told it, that in relating the scrap a few minutes afterward, Mensinger would stop occasionally to spit out some of the wadding. Baeson's wound was not serious. The ball passed around instead of through his body, and within a few weeks he was entirely recovered. McTimmons served a year for his part in the trouble. SCARCITY OF TEACHERS. Le-ter From Former Corvallisite Salaries and Scarcity in California. There is a dearth of school teach ers all over the Pacific Coast. They say so in Oregon, they wail in Cal ifornia, and in Idaho they say any body can get a school if he wants to teach. Never has the scarcity been noted before. This condition arises from the higher requirements that the peo ple are making at the hands of trustees and teachers, and the great demand that business houses are making ior, stenographers, type writers and bookkeepers. Any young lady will not hesitate to take a respectable position in a comfort able office where the salary is quite the same as the school room offers and the position steady. In this connection, Mrs. Brown, ot '95 OAC, formerly known here as Miss Lulu Thornton, writes: "I know of no school in this part of the state, which pays less than $60 per month and some as high as one hundred dollars, with ten months as the school year. - Two schools in this county were unable to se cure teachers last fall and could not start. I am told the same condi tions exists all over the state. Teachers are so scarce here that very poor ones are allowed to con tinue teaching, because the trustees cannot otherwise fill their places.' ' Mr. J. Mon Poo, an experienced com pounder of Chinese medicines, successor othe late Hong Wq Tong, of Albany, Oregon, is now prepared to furnish Chi nese medicine to all. The undersigned recommends him and guarantees satis faction. Gall or write him at No. 117 West Sec ond Street, Albany, Oregon. Jim Westfall. What to Do When Bilious. The right thing to do when you feel bil ious is to take a dose of Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse the stomach and regulate the liver and bow els. Try it. Price 25 cents. Samples free at uranam x wortnam s drug store. NEW FURNITURE STORE North of Hotel Corvallis I have a brand new line of Furniture, Carpets, Matting Wall Paper, Window Glass, Trunks, and Valises.1 And I make picture frames to order. Please give me a tria , Yours Respectfully, A H Kempin No Prizes .Chase & S COFFEE In fact nothing goes with our coffee but cream, sugar and SATISPACTION P. M. ZIEROLF. Sole agent for Chase I r What You See is Worth Twice What You Read! As you are now coming to market with the opportunity of comparing values, we ask you to see our lines. We have a broken line of Ladies and Childrens Shoes, which we are closing out at remarkably low prices. Come be fore your size is gone. Also some remnants in Dress Goods, Wash Goods, etc. at bottom prices. Our new Spring and Summer Stock is arriving and is ready for your inspectton. Make money by buying our lines, and save money by getting ourjrices. Henkle & Davis. This Isn't the Place Where they give something for nothing But, with every 50 cent can of Baking Powder, you can get FREE the Finest Piece of Decorated Ghina,' you ever got in this city. Come in and b convinced T. A. Boulden Grocery Store R.J. MOSES. Something Doing Beginning March 9th there will be something doing in our De partment Store you will find us as usual up and a-coming in our great Reduction Sale for'March. Call in and we will convince you. R. J. MOSES & SON Corvallis, Oregon. go with our inborn High Grade : Sanborn High Grade COFFEE Corvallis. L. J. MOSES. Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby given that the undersigned filul 1. 1 u.i . . . . . . . vi riKut-iBDiiK, aeueaBea.m me county court of the state of Oregon for Benton county, and that BAid court hsn fixed thA hmi. m in clock 4. U. of Satarday the 6th day of April. WoT, .u? wurt uuu ui ruu court ai uorvauis, ur egon, as the time tor hearing all and singular tbAmRttBMlnuy tttrlknAn '. 1 .--..... ... wHinusut MlU 11 Interested therein are hereby notified of said Dated March 8, 1S0T. , . , , J. E. Henkle. Administrator of the estate ot Francis Slate, de ceased. Notice for Publication. United States Land Office: , , . Hoseburg, Or., Feb. 1907. notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of coneress of June 3, 18; 8, entitled 'An aot for the sale of timber lands in the states of California, Oregon. Kevaca, and Washington Territory,' as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4. 1892, James V. Walters of Monroe, county of Benton state of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 7817 for the purchase of the north 1-2 of northwest 1-4 of section No. 32 In Township 14 s, Range No. 6 W, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valu able for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before county clerk and clerk of county court of Benton county, at his office at Corvallis, Oregon, on Thursday the I6:h day of May, 19j7. He names as witnesses: Ellis Hammer of Monroe, Otepou Manley Buckingham o ' " Bvron Woolrldge, ol " " Clyde Graves, of " " Any anl all persons claiming adversely the above described lands re requested to file their claims in this office on or before said ltn day of May, 1907. BENJAMIN L. EDDYi, Register. Notice of Property Tax Levied to Pay For Street Improvement. NOTICE Is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Corval lis has determined the proportionate share of the cost of the improvement of Harrison street from the center of Second street to the East side of Ninth street in the City of Corvalils, Benton County, Oregon, to be assessed upon esch of the several lots or parts thereof or parcels of land abutting or fronting upon such proposed improve ment, and has assessed upon each lot or part thereof or parcel of land afore said liable therefore its proportionate share of such cost and that the fol lowing is a description of said several lots or parts thereof or parcels of land, a statement of the names of the owners thereof, if known, and of the sum assessed upon such lots or parts thereof or tracts of land. In Dixon's Addition to said City of Corvallis: Block No. 5. Property Owner. Amt. Lot 6, Minnie L. Denman $ 8.82 Lot 12, Annie Hodges 8.82 Block No. 6. Lot 1, Annie S. Bryant 8.82 Lot 7, J. E. Cronk 8.82 In the County Addition to said City of Corvallis. Block No. 1. Lot 6, Arthur J. Moore 4.41 Persis Jane Linderman. . 4.41 Lot 7, The First National Bank of Corvallis 8.82 Block No. 4. Lot 6. Thomas Whitehorn. 8.82 Lot 7, T. H. Gragg 882 Bettie M. McLain 882 J. P. Gragg 8iZ D. V. Gragg .882 F. S. Elliott 1.764 Marion R. Elliott 882 Earnest Elliott 882 Ida Tortora 147 Mary "Woodworth 147 Emmett Elliott .147 Seth Elliott Maud Elliott Annie Elliott M. E. Gregg .147 .147 .147 .882 Block No. 5. Lot 6, Isabella Gellately 8.82 , ixt 7, isaoeila Gellately 8.82 Block No. 14. I Lot 6, J. S. Spangler 8.82 Lot 7, Turin D. Campbell 8.82 I Block No. 15. ! Lot 6, Lucy G. Yates . . . I Lot 7, Lucy G. Yates . . . Block No. 24. S.82 8.82 8.82 8.82 Lot 6, Pauline Kline ... Lot 7. Pauline Kline . . . In Dixon's Second Addition to said City of Corvallis. Block No. 13. Lot 1, Sarah F. Elgin 8.82 Lot 7, Gottlieb. Boehringer . . Nn 14 8.82 Lot 1, O. B. Long 1.26 in. ts. lxmg H. W. Long J.. I. Lone 1.26 1.26 1.26 M. M. Long 1.26 Maud Kltndge 1.26 Hattie Davis 126 Lot 7, R. H. Colbert 8.82 Block No. 19. Lot 1, J. H. Albright 8.82 Lot 7, E. M. Gould 1.764 John L. Whitaker 1.764 Fannie E. Whitaker .... 1.764 Alice M. Porter 1.764 Nellie Campbell 1.764 In Rayburn's Addition to said City of Corvallis. Block No. 1. Lot 1, A. B. Cordley 8 82 Lot 12, A. B. Cordley 8.82 Block No. 2. Lot 1, Gordon V. Skelton 8 82 Lot 12, Gordon V. Skelton 8.82 Block No. 3. Lot 1, Fred S. Elliott, 2.528 Marion R. Elliott ...... 1.764 Ernest Elliott 1.764 Ida Tortora 294 Mary Woodworth .294 Emmett Elliott 294 Seth Elliott 294 Maud Elliott 294 Annie Elliott 294 Lot 12, E. Woodword, Lee Hen kle and William Robin son as Trustees of the United Evangelical Church of Corvallis 8.28 . The foregoing assessments were en tered in the docket of City Liens of the City of Corvallis on the 16th day of March, 1907, and if the sunn as sessed as aforesaid upon any such lot or tract or part thereof Is not paid to the City Treasurer of the City of Cor vallis within five days after the date of final publication hereof, -the date of such final publication being March 29th, 1907, the same will draw interest at the rate of eight per cent per an num thereafter and a warrant will is sue directing the Chief of Police of said City to levy upon and sell such lot or tract or part thereof as the case may be to satisfy such assessment. J. FRED YATES, Police Judge City of Corvallis.