The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, April 05, 1907, Image 1

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    life a if mum
fames Btrry 4
Vol. XX-No.2
By B. F. Irvine
. 35T3D SBlI-'7
We Are; Now "
1 Diwiarfid to Outfit Thft
I Man and The Boy
Oui reciept of clothing this spring are nobby.
Big assortment.
Prices That Defy Competition!
Shoes P. B. Kerths" are up to date in style and
the best wearers
Our Lnejof MediunrPriced Shoes
Are from the bsst factories in the country and all
are guaranteed shoes. Oar line of hats embrace all
the new styles. Oar prices are right and we ask an
inspection of the above lines.
Rival Witnesses Crime Unknown
; Man Deserts Girl and Bans
When Murderer Draws
His Gun.
Portland, April 1. Portland
Oregonian: Goaded to desperation
by her ficklenees, Roscoe H. James,
teon of C. E. James, superintendent
of the Oreeon state penitentiary,
last night shot and instantly killed
Grace N. Disney, bis sweetheart,
on West Park stree, then placed
the revolver at his head and fired a
bullet through his own brain. He
cannot live more than a few houre.
Young James was a student at the
Portland academy, where he has
been taken a business course.
James' successful rival, a young
man whose name the police have
learned is Hal Reed, was an eye
witness of the tragedy, as was also
Henry E Hiatt, a friend who was
with Jam's when he spied the girl
and her other lover on tneir way
home from a stroll a few minutes
after 11 o'clock. Miss Disney's es
cort showed the white feather and
Call and See
!.'.'HARRIS." ' '
companion, James . Foster, . in the
Northern Pacific railroad yards in
this city at an. early hour this
'The murderers were immediately
surrounded by a posse of citizens,
beaded by Town Marshal Stratton,
in an empty box car, where they
had taken refuge. In making a
desperate attempt to escepe, the
younger Baxter was shot through
the body and is in a critical condi
tion. The father receiving a slight
flesh wound in the left leg, returned
to the boxcar, where hi was held a
prisoner until the arrival of Sheriff
Kirby and a posse of citizens from
Kalama, a few hours later. He
then surrendered without further
resistance After an inquest the
Baxters were charged with fir6t de
gree murder. ' . The Baxters were
taken tonight to Kalama and lodg
ed in the county jail. .
Foster was murdered shortly af
ter midn'ght. While returning
home, L. W. Flanders, section fore
man of the Northern Pacific Rail
road company heard ' the shooting
and witnessed the tragedy at a dis
tance of only a few steps. ' ' "
Sheriff Kirby and a posse : of elx
men soon arrived, making the trip
of nine milea from Kalama on a
handcar. With the reinforcements
then on the ground, Marshal Strat
ton approached the car and, open
ing the door, commanded the elder
Baxter to surrender. LimDing to
the door, the father beg rot to be
shot and was hurried away to the
Direct Confliot of Opinion as to His
Present Mental Dondition Re
port to Court After Final
Examination . "Today ,
" Other News.
New York,. April 2. It was an
nounced today after a session whioh
lasted from 10.30 o'clock this morn
ing until 6:30 P. M., that the lunacy
commission inquiring into the pre?
ent mental state of Harry K. Thaw
will conclude its labor tomorrow
and report its conclusions to Justice
Fitzgerald before the hour set for
the Thaw jury to report in court on
Thursday morning. Ther.e will be
a brief session tomorrow to hear the
testimony of an ailanist offered by
District Attorney Jerome and then
will . follow a private mental and
physical examination of thi defend
ant. Only the members of the com
mission and the official stenogra
pher will be present at Thaw's or
deal, attorneys for the defense and
the district attorney being barred.
The' annourc ment that the com
mittee desired to reuew its private
examination of Thaw came at the
that be intended to incorporate)
Bomeofthem in his summing up
address.. The aileuiets.for, the de
fense in testifying declared ' they
had the ad van tege of constant per--W
sonal examination of the defendant,
while the prosecution' witnesses
had not. The Tombs physicians,
two chaplains of the city prison,
several guards and a probation of
ficer took the stand and testified
that Thaw in prison had acted and
spoken like a rational man; -: v
The commission today decided ta
admit the testimony of Dr. Allen
MoLane Hamilton, who said he
made four examinations" of Harry
Thaw, the laet in July, 1906. ; Ho
concluded then that saw was suffer
ing from chronic delusional insani !
ty or paranoia and still held that
belief. On cross-examination Dr.
Hamilton admitted hi had not ex
amined the defendant recently.
The defendant's counsel fought
against Dr. Hamilton's testimony
to the very lest. Failing in the plea
of professional privilege as a bar,
they argued that his examinations
of the defendant were too remote to
be of any value at this time. The
commission decided to allow the
testimony. 1
Members cf the commission crosB-
examined several cf the district at
torney's alienists at length, inquir
ing as to the consistency of their
testimony that Thaw is now insane
and has been so for several years
Ias against their testimony at the
trial, when in answer to a hypo-
We Solicit Comparison.
Just received a full linef Spring and Summer Novelties.
The Famous Packard Shoe, Sold by
Dealer in men's Furnishings.
Wouldn't .
Thrones with
a King.
Fisherman's luck means a wonderful catch once in a blue
moon. But all moons are alike to the man equipped from our
superb Sporting Goods stock the latest in Rods, Reels,
Dandy Minnows, Hooks, Bicycles, Sundries, Cultery, Sewing
Machines and Sewing Machine Supplies, Edison and Victor
Talking Machines, Records and Supplies. The hunter will find
himself in a paradise of his own when he lands in this fine
Sporting Goods stock. You are welcome to. buy, for admire,
just as you choose. Unmatchable prices now.
The Finest and most complete line ever brought to the city.'
Also a Full line of Base Ball Goods.
.v..i'' vs-sVo: :: j.-,
Oldenburg Coacher, Weight 1550 winner sweepstakes at Nebraska State (air and first prizes at Illinois and Iowa state fairs
Owned by Fawcett & Ireland, Corvallis, Oregon.
took to his heels wbeD he saw the
pistol was drawn, and tbe bloody
deed was done before Hiatt could
When he overtook the couple,
young James wasted not a moment
in taking his revenge. With tbe
laconic remark, "So here you are,"
be pulled his pi-tol from his pocket
and fired two thots into tbe gul s
back as she turned, then put anoth
er into his owned head back of tbe
right ear. The girl, with ons
scream of fright and agony, sank
to the pavement and died.
Tbe corpse of Miss Disney lay
acrost the sidewalk, while that of
her Blayer wa9 stretohed out on the
graes1 beside her. Finding that
James, who: was groaning in agony
was alive, the police placed him in
a wagon and took him '. tp: St; Vin
cent's hospital, where ' it was an
nounced that the wound ' would un
doubtedly proVe fatal. ' : H5 ?
' '-An examination of Hies Disney s
bodymade at the morgue, showed
that the' fatal "bullet ' entered- her
backi 'ftiiW Inches' b&Iow the 6honl
der blades, fractured the' spinal col
umn! piercea' the;1leaH;jftnd made
its Si exiV throu gh the . left' breas t',
passing entirely tbroogb' the body.
Death waB instantaneous. '
Woudiarid," Wash.'1, "March 3I,
As a result of a quarrel over the
proceeds of tbe sale of some cheap
jewelry, tos trampe, Tom Baxter
and George Baxter, father and son,
deliberately murdered their hobo
town jail. v .
On reaching the place Coroner
Bell took charge of Foster's body.
An examination dclojed that
Foster had bem shot four times
with a 32 caliber revolver. Two
bullet had lodged in hh breast
within a radius of two inches, anoth:
er had passed ' through ' his head,
while tbe fourth was found in his
leg. All except the one in his leg
had made wounds that were fatal.
The deliberate and cold-blooded
character of the crime is apparent
from this disclosure, since the mur
dered man must have been shot
three times after falling to the
groupd following tbe first shot.
"I left Forbes' saloon about 12
o'clock midnight," said Andrews,
the eye witness s of the tragedy.
"When I reached the depot I eaw
three men coming down the track.
I continued f! my way.
ome and ' went to bed.
"Afterward," Bays Foreman An
drews, "I got up and going outside
the car in which I Bleep, I eaw the
same men sneaking along some
freight cars a few yards distant:
When they approached - to : within
3O yards of me one of them eaid:
-,. yoa wui never do that again.'
' "And then the firing -: began." . I
think five shots were fired. I
jumped back into the sactioh car
and peeped through the door. After
the ehooting'ceased I saw to men
move away a few tteps and fit down
on some ties. 'Presently ,lhey re
continued on page 4
end of a day of many witness' sand
it was in the nature of a surprise.
The decision was . probably due to
the conflicting character of the tes
timony heard today. It was anoth
er battle of a:l-risit8. " Those en
gaged by the district attorney de
clared Thaw absolutely incapable
of understandirg bis condition, of
realizing the nature ot the charge
charge against, him, or of rationally
conferring with counsel, while thoee
engaged by the detecee d-clarei
Thaw throughout the tiial bad act
ed in a rational manner: and ra
tionally advised his counsel in their1
hearing, and iully 'unoeretooa aca :
appreciated ev ry thing Onnected
with the trial. ! 1 j
- The experts for' the prosecution
admitted that they had reached
their conclusions as to thaw's pres
ent state of mental unsoundness
from distant observations of him in
the courtroom ' and from writings
alleged to have eminated from bim
during the trial. Among the latter
were ?4 pages ' of newspaper clip
pings and memoranda written by
Thaw as suggestions to his chief
attorney, Delpbin M. Delmas,' for
his summing up address to tbe jury.
Mr: Jerome's experts declared these
writings were those of an insane
man. The experts for the defense
declared there was absolutely noth
ing in the writings upon which to
predicate an opinion.
Mr. Del mas himeelt took tbe
stand and declared many of Thaw's
Buggestioas were most -valuable end
thetlcal question they declared that
Thaw kiiew the nature and quality
of his act when he shot and killed
Sianfoid White aud knew the act
was wrong. Dr. Austin Flint de
claied that Triaw was insane from
tbe rlieoiei'a point . of view when
the homicide occurred, but was Sot
insane in tbe lacguasje of the law.
Mr. Jerome's experts one after
another agreed that Thaw is a par
anoiac and that his case is incura
ble. Dr. Flint gave a new touch to the
form cf insanity from which it is
alleeed Thaw is suffering by de
claring that former paranoiacal de
lusions of persecution rapidly
change into delusions of grandeur.
New York, April 2. Commander
Robert E. Peary has now the $200,
000 necessary for his coming expe
dition to the Far . North, and ex
pects to set sail about the last of
June, The Roosevelt, his ship, is
receiving necessary repairs.
Bridal Veil, Or., April 2. West
bound Freight train No. 55 was
wrecked at 6 o'clock ' this evening
at Oneonta five miles east of here,
because of a broken wheel on one
of the cars. Seven care were ditched.
No ope wes injured. The wrecking
train from Albina arrived at 10 o'
clock and it is expected the track
will be cleared by daylight. A epe
cial train carrjiog empty coaches
from Portland transferrad tbe pas
sergers from No. 1; wtstbound.