The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, April 02, 1907, Image 3

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    It's to Your Interest to Know That the Smartest Spring
Fashions for Men and Young Men
Are bow here ready for your inspection, and try-on and that we offer you and your friends the first opportunity
of viewing the largest and most magnificent display of Spring apparel we have ever had. If you can't come to
morrow, come the day after. If you wish to dress well at little expense if you want a Suit or Overcoat of smartest
style and of strict hish Quality. Its to vour interest to come
here at once and make an early selection.
'owwlfef mfmi torn mrtw '
JlINE clothing
which we show in all the most fashionable fabrics in, a
broad variety of handsome weaves. Look where you may
you positively, cannot find values to equal those we offer in
Spring Sack Suits for Men and
Young Men at $12 to $25
of most advanced single and double breasted style, with
every detail as derfect as if exclusively custom-tailor-made
with a special offering of selected styles and fabrics fully
equal in value to most $20 suits at $15
fit iitftmX I
The new spring styles in Hats, both stiff and soft $1.50 to $3.50
Tomorrow is Spring Opening day. Come early!
The People's Store.
Established 1864;
Miss Mary Sutherland left yes
terday for the East.
Mrs. Kaupischand Mrs. Frank
Irvine left today for a brief visit to
O. V. Hurt left yesterday for
the Coast. He expects to return
in a few days for Mrs. Hurt who is
to be taken to some place yet to be
selected for the benefit of her
health. '
The regular meeting of the W.
C. T. U. next Thursday is to be a
"Mothers" meeting All mothers
and friends of mothers are cor
dially invited to attend. 3 p. m.
Mrs. Taillandier leaves Satur
day for her old home in Iowa to
visit relatives. After Commence
ment, she will be joined there by
Prof. Taillandier and together they
will go to Europe for the su mmer.
John McDougal has resigned
his position as instructor in elect
rical engineering at the college to
accept an important position with
the General Electrical Company in
San Francisco. He is to leave in a
day or two. The vacancy has not
yet been supplied.
Mr. Noyes and family of Jobs
addition, who left nearly two weeks
ago to return to Kansas to live,
were in Albany last Friday night.
He started via the southern route
and got down into California
where the floods blocked further
progress. . He came north, and
when at Albany wasenroute north
ward to go via the Union Pacific
Miss Mel Elgin wants to get
back to Oregon. She left several
weeks ago to visit her sister at
Marysville, and after beine there
for awhile went to visit San Fran
cisco. On the return to Marysville
she encountered the California
floods and at last accounts was de
tained at Red Bluffs. She has writ
ten Mr. Kline, her employer, that
if she ever gets back to Oregon she
will stay here.
Three Easterners bought prop
erty in Corvallis sometime ago.
and after a time became dissatisfied
concluded a better place might be
found. They made the trip as far
south as Ashland, taking in all the
towns along the way. As a result
of their trip they . have ' become
perfectly satisfied with Corvallis and
are here now to stay. Mountain
water is said to be one or the rea
sons that brought them back
After once having it, they couldn't
stand the stuff they drink elsewhere
and call "water.
Miss Ella Johnson was a busi
ness visitor in Portland yesterday.
V. I. Bogart returned Sun
day from a trip to various Southern
Oregon towns, and has resumed
his duties in . Phillips blacksmith
1 Miss Mabel Muldrick, who is
attending school at Monmonth,
was the guest over Sunday of her
brother, John Muldrick.
FOR SALE fine team of 7 year old bay
horses, weight 25oo. Price $4oo. See
or phone E. A. Miller Philomath Ore
gon. FOUND. A pup, B. F. Burnett.
For Sale or Exchange.
10 acre tract bearing Italian ornne-"
trees, 2 and one half miles east of Cor
vallis on main road. Fruit drver on
place. Address E. B. Paddock, In
dependence, Oregon.
FOR SALE nice Phenomenal Be rrv
tips 10 cents each at Hubert Schmidts,
Phone, 15 Kiger line.
WANTED A dining room girl. Apply
at Cauthorn hall. Independent phone.
WANTED. Girl or woman for
companion for young lady. Five
months employment. References
exchanged. Independent phone.
547 Residence 11 n, Sixth St.
WANTED- one foreman and six wood
choppers. $ 2.5o per day. Tools fur
nished. Good board 4 dollars per
week. Write to Assistant Gen. Mgr.
orSupt. ofC&E R. R. Albany, Ore.
HAND made soft center choco
lates at the Palace ot Sheets.
Perfect Time Inspires Pesfect Confidence! A watci" which cannot be trusted
to tell perfect time is worse than no watch at all, as it mis-leading and causes un
necessary trouble and loss of time. Get a watch that you can depend on at all
times, the best on ihe market, tote had in alt grades and styles. At PRATT The
Jeweler's. Optica work of aQ kinds a Specialty.
We have also received our Spring lines of. Men's
fords, etc, in ali the latest shapes.
For advertisements in this column the rate
of 15 cents per line will be charged.
S Call ana Save 5 Per Cent.
Of your cash by trading with us
When you see it in our ad its so
Corvallis - - ; - Oregon
'Till further notice ALL' glasses fitted by PRATT The
the Optician will be ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED . for
' Born, Saturday to the wife of
Wm. Brod.ers an eight pound girl.
Mis3 Erma Sutherland - of
McMinnville arrived Sunday for a
few day's visit with Corvallis
- - ..
' The second debating team , of
UAC is to debate a team represent
ing McMinnville college next -Friday
night. The contest will take place
at McMinnville. The OAC debaters
are, Stebinger, Cale and Clark.
The question is " Resolved that
this country should subsidize our
merchant marine." , The OAC. men
have the affirmative. They de
bated the question with a select
ed team in the college chapel Satur
day night before a small audience.
A popular method of fooling
people yesterday was with candy
prepared for the purpose. It was
in the shape of chocolate caramels
put instead of being candy, to;
Content Was" soap, onion sefs, pep
per or any other old thing. .The
expression on the face of a victim
after the teeth have punctured the
mixtures a few times is a sight
worth traveling 40 miles to see.
The number of people who were
caught by the plan was very large
and the resultant fun very wid e-
spread. - .-
The Kline fountain is to be
in a position on the public school
block by the end of the current
week. , The cement foundation and
the plumbing -work is all ready
for the superstructure to be placed,
save that a little time is required
for the cement to harden. . If all
goes well,' everything will be com
pleted by Thursday. If so, there
will be an informal dedication dur
ing the recess hour, when the
donor will turn over the gift, to
the school board and to the' pupils,
the latter of whom will be ' made
guardians to- see Hhat no ; harm
comes to the fountain.; ; Toe . site
is in the southeast corners of tha
old block. - "V- '.-
MONEY to loan on approval security
Appiy to a. l. iLime agent.
Get good garden, timothy, clover anl
all kinds of field seeds at Zierolf 's.
We have opened an office over the
First Nations! Bank, where we
are prepared to handle all kinds of City
property for pale also good farms, slock,
ranches, small tracts, near the City. If .
yon can't find what j ou wont come in ,
and seems, and talk it over. McHenry
& price. Corvallis Oregon.
Pay your city water rent at
the office by the 1 oth.
M. M. Davis was an Albany
visitor Saturday.
Born Sunday to the wife of
Frank Francisco twin boys.
"Oh, look at that ship.. Is
that a man of war?" ,
"And that little tiny boat in
front of it?"
"Thats her tug." ; ',' ,
. " Oh, yes ! A tug of war - I've
heard of them."
Leder Brothers began yesterday
morning the rerhaval of the build
ing occupied : by Small's , bakery.
It goes to a lot on north Main
street where it will be converted
into a dwelling house. Abont a
week will be required in the re
moval. The building occupied as
restaurant is to be disposed of but
the plan of how it will, be done is
not definitely settled. It will proba
bly be cut in two, and a part cf it be
left on the rear .portion of the
present site to serve as a ware
house and woodshed. Work on
the new brick which is to replace
these buildings will be commenc
ed by W. O. Heckert, the con
tractor, as 0 n as the old buildings:' performed immediately on arrival
Captain Frank Pendergrass
has received a letter from Coach
Taylor of the University of Califor
nia, asking that OAC adopt the
Rugby game of football, and re
sutne. relations with the Calif ornians
He says the students there after a
years trial like the game as well cr
better than the regulation Amer
ican game, and that it is being
widely adopted in the ; institutions
of California and Nevada. It is
not probable that OAC will change
its style of play, but will retain the
bid game so as to be in harmony
with the Northwest institutions.
Coach Taylor was coach of the
OAC team in 1894
Another surgical operation f o.
appendicitis wps performed on Mrs
Grant Elgin in Portland runday
nights : It was expected that such
an operation would be necessary
when a first one was performed on
Mrs. Elgin several weeks ago. Her
health meantime . had been much
improved, but after being at a social
gathering at the Jacobs home Sat
urday evening, she ' was suddenly
seized at four o'clock in the morn
ing with violent pain, as a result
of which she was hurried to Port
land Sunday, and the operation
Bring your Eggs clean anc
fresh and we will give you
square deal for them.
FOR RENT. House of eight rooms.:.
Enquire at residence of A. W.
FOR RENT good house, reasonable to.
right parties, Independent phone. 35
Hill line.
A big Eastern shipment of popu
lar music just received at Graham
& Wells.
Clover and timothy at Zierolf's.
For Sale.
FOR SALE span of good brood mares
and a span of three vear old draft colts
W. L Kice, Corvallis RFD 3.
FOR SALE aftine team of mares, weight
3200 Matthew Thompson C. & E,
are out of tbe old block
v A big crowd had a goad time
in the Armory Friday eight. Aj
triple bill of , amusement was pre
sented. Two teams of basket ball
consisting of boys from 11 to 14
years old, one in Chinise and the
other in nee'o costume, the latter
with faces blacked, were the open
ing performance and they afforded f
infinite amusement. JNext came
the "Fats" and 'Leans" in a. bask
et ball game, which like the open
ing number brought down the house
F. L. Miller, Grant Elgin, A. L.
Stevenson, Charley Peterson. Pug
Huntly and Link Chambers were
star players for the " Frts." and
Victor Moses, Roy :Hollenberg,
Colley Cathey, and Shorty - Wade
played a magnificent ;: game for, the
"Leans. . The game was refereed
by Mayor Johnson. -1 The Negro
boys won, 18 to o, and the ''Fats''
were victors, 9 to 8. .;.'.&n;'.'. indoor
base ball ffame betweeri the collet
basket ball players and - Klmes ! parqs.-nav tnree Kings; get em Dear,
men end acrobatic and gymnastic j lpsem money. '. All sem hops, Jes
performances by. Prof.: ' IIartson'.s gamble,, that's' all," And Jim's
students addei much ..interest .and laugh at his philosophy could have
at the hospital. In the trip to the
city Mrs, Elgin was on a cot and
accompanied by hef- husband and
Dr. Pernot. Latest news from the
bedside is to the effect that the op
eration was successfully accomplish
ed, and there should be a speedy
and permanent recovery.
Jim Sing, the Chinaman, is a
philosopher. He is cook at the
Occidental. He has had the job
for a long time. He has also a 50
acre hop yard near Wells. It is
in connection with the latter that
Jim manifests his , philosophy. For
his last season's crop he was at one
time offered 13 1-2: cents. Later
he was offered 15 1-2 cents. Now
he can't get above 10 1-2, if that.
A buyer is coming this week to
see them at. that figure. "Oh, all
sem' in i oo years," said Jim ; "no
sell em at 15 1 2; can't get more
than 10 i.2 now. All . sem. No
tlouble. JuJtsem gamble. Play
FOR SALE As I am going out of the
business I will sell my grain waie
house at a bargain or would exchange
for pood residence in Corvallis or a
f mall farm of equal value. Handled
47 000 bn of grain tliii season. R. N .
Williamson, Wells, Oregon.
FOR SALE. Hedge planls one
old, goods roots. Phone 439,
FOR SALE one nearly new top buggy
leather top and cushions, nickle plat
ed hub irons costing $85 00, will sel
for 60 dollars if taken before April 1
also seven tons cheat hay baled.
Phone. 655. L. L.. Brooks.
Largest stock of
graph rerords in
Graham & Wells.
Edison phono
the Valley at
BEST BREAD and pas'ry can be
obtained at. Starr's Bak-:ry.
amusement to the occasion. '"
been heard a block.
EGGS from thoroughbred b rown
leghorns, fifty cents per setting
Independent phone, 42 1 Corvallis.
Garden seeds, timothy and clover
and all kinds ot lield seeds at Zi eiel's
What to Do When Bilious.
The right thing to do when you feel bil
ious is to take a dose of Chamberlain's Stom
ach and ' liver , Tablets. They will cleanse
the stomach and regulate the liver end bow
els; 1 Try it. Price 25 cents. Samples free
at Graham & Wortham's drug 6tore.
" V'