The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, April 02, 1907, Image 2

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    Corvallis Times
Albany and Corvallis.
An Albany fraternal order came
to Corvallis last Sunday to worship.
The visit was an ; expression of
good fellowship. It was an incarn
ation of friendly relation. The
exchange of friendly visits by the
fraternal orders in the two towns is
frequent, It is the embodied ab
sence, of feudism and the disappear
ance of hostile rivalry. The (petty
rivalries common to towns and cit
ies similarly situated as are! Cor
vallis and Albany, are silly.. They
are too small to be encouraged
There is room and plenty of it for
both. There i3 enough trouble in
the world anyway, , without . the
canker worm of intertown hostility
of which there are so frequent and
so illuminating manifestations.
There is scarcely ever excuse for it.
and never honor in feeding and
keeping it alive.
It is better in the sight of God
and man for one town to help build
the other up instead of seeking to
drag it down. A cordial ; relation
- is pleasurable for both, and the
feud relation bitter.; for both.
Mutual good feeling and kindness
is testamentary to the common
sense and the opposite signifies
more or less of petty mindedness in
It is a good day for Corvallis
and for Albany when their fraternal
orders lead the way for mutual es
eem. May all the good people
- n both towns follow the example;
... They Came and Went by Special Train
Many in Uniform Their
. i Worship.
In accordance with an ancient
, custom, Knight Templars celebrate
Easter service with : appropriate
- ceremonies. This is -the custom
. the world over, where 'Knight
, , Templarism exists. Temple Com-
mandery at Albany ' usually wor-
- ships in the elegant Masonic hall
..ot that city. At times they have
sent to Portland, Salem, and cities
more remote ior prelate to officiate
on that special . occasion. .. This
year that distinguished office was
conferred upon Dr. T, R. N. Bell, I
..... pastor of tbe First , Presbyterian
, church of this city. ; And the hon
or ;was more significant for the fact
that the Masonic body accompanied
, by the Eastern Star of that city,
came to this city to worship.. Prom-
inently among the ; number were,
D. P. Mason! the patriarch of Ma
sonary in Oregon, W. R. Bilyeu",'
J- R. Cusick, Frank Miller, C.
..Winn and Russell Wyatt.
. The services at the Presbyterian
church were held at 3 o'clock so
as not to conflict with the services
of any other, church. Dr Bell's
sermon was a masterly effort. - and
the scene confronting him was a
, .! sight to behold, for it was a fore
ground of plumed Knights sur
rounded by the order ot , Eastern
. Star. Upon repairing to the Ma
. sonic Hall refreshments were serv
' ed by the ladies of the Eastern
Star. The local Knight Templars
and members of Oregon Council
No. 2 R. &. S. M. sought in every
'- way to make it pleasant for ' the
visitors. 1 he rest of the afternoon
was devoted to visiting and to the
cultivation of that fellowship which
is cordially harmonizing the rela
tions that ?x1'st between Albany
and Corvallis.
At the close of the exercises the
guests expressed the wish that the
Masonic bodies of Corvallis ' might
v, at some time in the near future re
turn the visit,
To Old Comrades.
The sixth annual reunion of
the Association of Veterans of
the First Oregon Cavalry aDd First
Oregon Infantry Volunteers will be
ieldiu conjunction with the State
Encampment of the Grand Army
a of the republic, at Newberg, Ore
:;. . gon, on Tuesday; June 25th I907.
All comrades and their families are
Cordially invited to be present and
participate. Comrades who
.: are unable to. attend, will , please
.send a .letter ot a card to the Ad
jutant to be read ' in reunion. ' A
' new Roster will be issued in June
A- and: a copy will , be sent to:. all
. .1 . comrades who respond to this notice.
Turner, Oregon.
J. T. Apperson, Commandeb,
Park Place, Oregon.
TF. A MING wanted. All kinds of jobs
in teaminsr done. - Residence Ninth
n TackeoD. Independent phone. O
T Murphy, Corvallis.
IiWeit Point Graduate Arrives ', in
. 'August He Inspects Cadets Next
Month. ; .
,Tbe war department of the
United States ljas appointed an offi
cer of the regular army to become
commandant and instructor in mili
tary science and tactics is made a
requirement , in instruction at the
college by the law of congress
which makes the appropriation for
maintainance. This appropriation,
by the recent increase of $25,000
per annum will soon reach about
$60,000 a year, and it is required
to be devoted to . instruction . in
agriculture, English, mathematics,
and mechanical, electrical, mining,
civil and other engineering courses.
The department also provides guns,
and paraphernalia for purposes of
The new commandant is Captain
Ulysses Grant McAlexander of the
13th United States Infantry. He
was born in Minnesota and was ap
pointed a cadet to the - United
States military, academy at .West
Point from Kansas in 1883. He
was graduated in 1887, was a sec
ond lieutenant in the army until
until 1894, and a first lieu
tenant until 1898 when he was
made a captain of volunteers. In
March 1899 he was honorably dis
cnarged from the volunteers to ac
cept a captaincy in the 13th Infant
ry, Captain McAlexander is now the
official inspector of the agricultur
al colleges, known in the federal
law as land grant colleges, by rea
son of the fact that they were en
dowed originally by grants of land
made by congress for their support.
He, begins his tour' of . inspection
within a few days at New Orleans,
visits the colleges in the various
southern states, reaches OAC about
May 8th, and on the return trip of
inspection goes through the north
ern states, reaching, Washington in
July. He then returns to OAC,
and is expected to arrive about
August 1 st. , Captain McAlexander
was especially selected for OAC by
Secretary, Taft.
Surmounted by Heroic Figure Monu
, ment for old Soldiers in Crystal
: Lake Cemetery.
A big monument for the old
soldiers plat in Crystal Lake ceme
tery was the occasion of a meeting
in Gr A. R. hall Saturday night.
The plan as the Times has hitherto
stated, is to raise $1,000 for the
monument, and $300 of the sum
has already been raised and the
monument association is gathering
funds as fast as possible . to com
plete the figure, ,rItt time a. sub
scription paper will find" it way
along the street and .of course will
meet with a liberal response. Of the
30 old soldiers in the vicinity each
have, pledged $10. The monument
planned is a base 10 feet high sur
mounted by a; heroic figure of tbe
theme. In connection with.'Satur
day's meeting a supper was" served
in connection from, which a neat
sum was realized for the monument.
The meeting was i enlivened by
tbe following programme: ... ' '
Song, "America," by "audience.
Remarks, S. L Kline.
Instrumental solo, Blanch Ham-
mel.. ; " J .... . '
Reading. Mabel Farmer. -Vocal
solo, Janet Blackledge. .,
Recitation, Cora Hubler.
Vocal trio, Moore Sisters.
Recitation, Mrs. Anna Jones. ,
Instrumental duett, Inez John-
son and Clarence Johnson, ;
Vocal solo, Blanch Ham mel. '
Vocal duett, Mcs. Peterson and
Mrs. Farmer.
. Reading, Mrs. ii. W. S. Pratt.
Solo, Mrs. R. N. White.
Recitation, Bessie Hubler.
Solo, Mrs. Peterson.
Address, W. S., McFadden.
Speech, Dr. J. R. N. Bell.
In This ToWWhat it Means An in
cident and a few Remarks There-
, on. .'.A .,'..'.'"
The cry in Portland is lor a
beautiful city.. The newspapers
there plead 'for adornment of door
yards . with t roses and flowers.
The movement everywhere is in
the same direction. , People real
ize as never J. before what flowers
and roses; mean. They are beauty,
and beauty; softens and . mellows
human life.5' " It elevates and thrills,
and at the same time; rests and
refreshes. It turns thought "away
from the cares of business and
makes the world more peaceful
and more pleasant.
And to the stranger who comes
home-TJeeking it is attractive. It
interests and delights hinu Where
the roses .bloom and the : flowers
smile through their tints of beauty,
hie. loves to .linger. Every flower
face and every blushing rose is an
invitation to him to bide, among
them. . v ; :
We. print costly pamphlets and
send them broadcast telling of " the
wonders of this wonderland of
Oregon.' We advertise : and we
sermonize bh our resources and
we urge the homeseekers to come.
Yet the one thing that is a means
of most powerful inducement to
them to remain is often overlooked,
and that is the beauty possible of
producing with flowers and roses.
And here is the point in these re- j
marks. There are children and
grown up people in Corvallis who
are wilfully destroying the flowers
and roses in the door yards of
home - owners. Three little girls
13 or 14 years old invaded a yard
last night about 7:30 o'clock and
nearly robbed a bed of its blooming
hyacinthys. Without permission
and with perfect disregard of their
rights in the premises, they stole
into the place and tore the flowers
from the bed. The lady of -the
house heard them and when she
appeared they fled just as sneak
thieves flee and just as burglars
flee. It was an outrage (because
the people who plant these flowers
want them for the beauty the
floweis give to their places. They
do not want them torn up an car-'
ried away.
Nor is this the only instance.
There are complaints all the time.
The effort to beautify the City Hall
park met with even worse dis
couragement. Grown up , people
tore up by the roots and carried off
highly prized shrubs and flowers
that had bsen procured at consider
able cost and great patience." The
practice was carried on to such an
extent that the effort to keep the
park beautified is about to be aban
doned. . . "'
" In the case of the three little
girls, thoughtlessnese more than
downright meanness is probably
the; explanation. Children' cannot
be expected to know all, that
grown folks, know. The Wonder
is, cannot all people in town be
come interested in the encourage'
ment. lof . a Corvallis beautiful.
Cannot the children be taught the
idea, and be made little guardians
rather than little marauders of the
flower plats. Cannot the public
school teachers, the college instruc
tors and parents all join in a move
ment for making Corvallis a "sight
ly town to see? We have the
best town in Western Oregon, we
have the most delightful site for
a town with the mos! beauti
ful- surroundings, can we not add
these artificial touches when nature
has given to us so generously ?
Conference of United Evangelicals
This Week What the Programme is,
The United Evangelical church
will be a lively place this week by
the presence of about 6o: delegates
to the annual conference .session
which begins the latter part of the
week.. These. delegates consist ox
ministers and lay representatives
from the churches of tbisdenomin-
atipn in Oregon and " Washington.
Following is the "program for the
week: . , ..
Tuesday, 2 p ; m. Meeting of
Board of Trustees of Dallas College.
7:30 p.. m. Preaching.
-a Wednesday, 9 a. m. Examin
ation of junior preachers. ,
2 p. m. --Meeting of 'the confer
ence, missionary society. S. M.
Wood, president."
Paper, 1'The Woman's Mission
ary Society Its Work I ar-d Rela
tion to the Oregon' Conference."
Mis3 Ideala Blouch. TJPar,u -
Question '.'The DpwIA
the 6tiges-?ncti fcy Con
traction and Expansion?'----. ,L
. Address, Bishop W. F. Heii "of
Bighlaad Park, 111. :
7:45 p. m. Annual Missionary
sermon. Rev. N. W. Sasrar: Dal-
Thursday, 9 a. m. Bishop Heil
will formally open the 13th annual
conference. After the communion
service he will deliver the annual
address to the conference. ; The
rest of the week will be taken up
with business. Preaching - every
evening. . '
Bishop Heil will preach next
Sunday morning and eveniDg in
the Evangelical church ' -.
... At 2 p,l m. Sunday, Prof. D.
M. Metzgar of Dallas College, will
address a joiht meeting of the Col
lege Y. M. and Y. W. C. A.
NEW TODAY, I have established a
".'junk business cm Main street near the
? soda worka where I will buy all kinds
"ot iunk.inclndinj; rags, rubbers, lead
( fc copper: orass etc. J. J. Brown ,
PIANO TUNING up to May . ist.
- at special prices. . Also music
tought in all grades of difficulty.
Frank A. White, phone. ... 405.
Corvallis, Ore.
North of Hotel Corvallis
I have a brand new line of Furniture, Carpets, Matting
Wall Paper, Window Glass, Trunks, and Valises. And I
make picture frames to order. Please give me a trial.
: " " - - v ; Yours Respectfully,
A, H. Kempin 53-
No Prizes go with our
Cbase & Sanborn Higb Grade
In fact nothing goes with our coffee but cream, sugar and
Sole agent for
Cbase 1 Sanborn Higb Grade
What You See is Worth
Twice What You Read!
As you are now coming to market with the opportunity of
comparing values, we ask you to see our lines.
We have a broken line of Ladies and Childrens Shoes,
which we are closing out at remarkably low prices. Come be
fore your size is gone. ' '
Also some remnants in Dress Goods, Wash Goods, etc.
at bottom prices. - ; "
: Our new Spring and Summer Stock is arriving and is ready
for your inspection. Make money by buying our lines, and save
money by getting our'prices. V . ..
Henkle & Davis.
This Isn't
Where they give something for nothing
But, with every 50 cent can of Baking Powder, you
can get FREE the Finest Piece of Decorated China,
you ever got in this city.
Come in and b convinced
T. A. Botilden
Grocery Store
Something Doing
Beginning March 9ch there will be something doing . in 1 pur; De
partment Store you will find us as usual up and a-coming in our great
Reduction Sale for'MarchT- Call in and we will convince you.
the Place
Call for Warrants.
NOTICE la hereby riven that thara la mnnn
on hand at the county treasurer's office to pay
al orders indorsed and marked not paid tor
want of funds, up to and Including those of
March 21, 1907. IntertSt wiU be stopped on same
from this date.
CotTallis, Or., March 22. 1907.
Treasurer, Benton Oouiity, Or.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has tiled his final nccount tor settlement of the
estate ol Francis 81ate, deceased, in the county
court of the state of Oregon for Benton county,
and that acid court has fixed the hour ot 10 rf
clock K. U. of Saturday the th day of April. 19o7,
at the court room of said court at Corvallis, Or
egon, as tbe time tor hearing all and singular
tbe matters in said settlement and all persons
interested therein are hereby notified of said
Dated Maroh 8, 1607.
.... J. E. Henkle.
Administrator of the estate ot Francis Slate, de
ceased. Attention Ranchers.
We are cash buyers of all sizes
of veal, and can net you more than
you are receiving. Exp-ess your
calves to our address, and mark
your address plainly to insure im
mediate payment on shipments.
For reference write or call Aber
deen Bank, or Corvallis Creamery
Co. West Coast Produce Co. Aber
deen Washington.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office:
, ; Roseburg, Or., Feb. 1907.
notice is hereby given that in compllnnce with
the provisions of the act of congress of June 3,
1S78, entitled 'An act for the sale of timber lands
in tbe states of Cnllfornia, Oregon. Nevada, and
Washington Territory,' as extended to all the
Public Land States by act of August 4, 1892,
lames W. Walters of Monroe, county of Benton
state of Oregon, has this day filed la this office
his sworn statement No. 7S17 (or the purchase of
the north 1-2 of northwest 1-4 of section No. 32 in
Township U S, Range No. 6 V, and will offer
proof to show that the land sought is more valu
able for its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to said land
before county clerk and clerk ot county court of
Benton county, at his office at Corvallis, Oregon,
on Thursday the 16th day of May, 19C7.
He names as witnesses:
Ellis Hammer of Monroe, Oregon
Manley Buckingham o ' "
Bvron Woolrldge, of ' "
Clyde Graves, of " "
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file their
claims in this office on or before said 16th day of
May, 1907. BENJAMIN L. EDDY,
Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, BanK Bldg Hourti
lO to 12 and a to 4.
Phone, office 212 - Residence ISO.
Corvallis, Oregon.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office up stairs in Burnett Brick Res
idence on the coiner of Madison and
Seventh et. Fbone at bonse and office.
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postofBce. Residence Cot
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Hours 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may in
ft at Graham & tham'fi drtis aW..
General Auctioneer. A Square Dea
and charges right.
Corvallis, ' Oregon.
Zierolf Building.
Phone Ind. 384.
Dr, Hanford
Successor to Bowen Lester
Burnett Bldg Corvallis, Or.
F. C. M'Reynolds
-' Teacher of Violin, Mandolin, Banjo,
Guitar, Viola and 'Cello OAC School
of Music. Music furnished for all oc
casions. Largeor small orchestra.
Willamette Valley
Banking Company
Corvallis, Oregon.
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Bays County, City and School
CI Warrants,
PORTLAND ( The Bank o
SEATTLE f CaUfornim
TAOOMA - : j
wn, vVDW J Wamm -T TP Hnrv. n A Cj
CHICAGO National Bank ot The Repab
LONDON, KJJG N M BothwhUda A Bon
CANADA TJnion Dank ol Osnada