W T 1! TT I J jyiieB raunue juine arrivm Tuesday from a four weeks visit in -Mrs. Brady - Burnett 1 arrived yesterday from a visit to her former home in Caoyonville. ' - A ., narantd nioatina ia ' in hp held tomorrow at Fairmouot Grange hall. 'S Jfyeriotendent Denman and Prof. Baldwin are on the program. Small S Son have purchased a lot of Mre. Mary Jacobs near tte aw mill aud the re?taornt build log it to te moved on it acd .con verted into a dwelling. E. E. Wilson leaves tomorrow to go with the executive committee of the board of Repeats to inspect the work at the Union Experiment station. . ;.' Disoouragicg newa ba3 fcen received by relatives here Jrom the Los Angeles hospital where Harry DavU is pravely ill. The mother it? -with ber eon, and the hope is that care and meiical skill may not he 'in vain. --.- Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Hort are to leave Monday for so indefinite absence. They may bo gone a month, or three months, or be gone altogether. Mre. Hurt is ailing and the trio is iu the hope that achang- will prove beneficial. Tbey will go ' to some point on the beach, poetibiy in the vicinity ci waiaport, as a temporary experiment.- Those woo etrucK ine winter iiadequately . supplied with wood jare waLtioe natiently for betier weither and resulUnt better road f To them it will be a welcotre sight when the wood haulers appear again. From $5 to $6 a cord and even nore, lor wooa, is expensive living, yet those are the prices that have prevailed evtr since last autumn. . The only comfort in the premises is that down at Go'.dfleld, Nevada, the price is $70 per cord,, and wood iiard to gfft at tha. r; - .; . 5 College opened for the spring "term Tuesday, and matriculation as still in progress. The term en- ollment is now 60 above the open- tog ogure lor tne, spring term lasi ytar and two more than the maxi mum enrollment, for the entire 4erm. It will probibly : exceed i the figures of last year by " 7o or 8i. ' fiecitations began WedceEday. srorses recently brought to Corval- Hs oy Pawcett s -Ireland apptars. on the first page of this paper. He is one of the greatest hrrses in .the United States and it is greatly to the credit of Ben'on that it has uch livestock'. He and the other S torses owned by the same firm, the Whitaker boree and some others mean that lster on, Benton will be 'as to horses what she has lot g been in cattle, the place ' where seekers , for fancy ttojk tome to make pur- -cnasee. - . - Apropos of a hotel article else- to retire from the management 7of Hotel Corvallis on the 1st ingt. A portion of the furniture has been xianst'errad to the Occidental, and ,in?imainder willp&ffrltrea: for the ireeehi.:MrN&i in charge of the "Oacidentatv1. Mr, JHammePs plapsare :.asjet indefi- -nlte. He has a coucleof hor vards ., . - ( : i. n nB nanas, and they demand t , "iention to a greater or l less extent,' fatreet rumor eays he: is likely to resume the hotel business ia Cor . vallis, but Mr. Hammer, himself ..does not back up the rumor. Hotel Corvallis ia to. pass under the man . agement of R. F. Baker of Junction &hex Mr. Hammers retirement. i SOMETHING RUMOR SATS. B nt the Capite'iits .. Don't Admit , it- Proposed big Building Operations for this Town. ' Corvallis was never so fullas now ot uuuaing rumors. ine street is alive with them. Whether or not there is : foundation - for-- it the times is unable to say. . - When men who are supposed, to know ae asked about it they shake their heads and pot on a child-like and innocent look as though they wouldn't harm a kitten or ever . tell a story. Probably they-wouldn't; Still they get their heads together, several of. them and talk - very earnestly, looking around all .the time to see if any bpdy. is listening; The rumors that fjy,i, credit some body with a purpose.! of building a big hotel, a fine brick' structure, three stories high and to cost $50, 000. Everybody whose name is being connected by rumor -with it, says there is nothing, in the talk, but still the talk goes t busily . and presistently on. It even tells that there are to be 25 rooms with private bath, that there is to be every modern convenience and that Mr. and Mrs. Hammell will be in charge. Whether or not there is anything in the reports times readers must judge for themselves. All the paper knows about it anr probably some more is - printed here. ' ' ' - f At Billfouutain. J : A. W. Hiwley ha9 been selling seme of hie tiuiber and.u., T t Tne entertBinrnent g'.vcn by ' the Grand Circle W. O. VV. in this place VVedofS lay eveniug was an ecjoyable occasion aud well attend ed. ! The W. O. W. exp-ct a howling time at tbtr next regulhr' meeting, four rand id at-s are to ride the goat end as be has , e-o runii g at large fr several uiutiths the boyd" expect seme fun. Mrs. E. H Belknap is teaching in the public ,-nchoni, pending the r-coery of Mts. BvOt, who iB ill with poison oak. 1 . Mrs. JE Wiljiams returned the first c f the werfkCfrom Engehe where ehe attend' d tb vVcrmen of Wjod craft fioriventidn; j'i Cliff rd and Jennie Oaks return ed- the first of" the week from "Wash ington "where they have been work ing the last few months..: J. H. Edwards was in Alsea this week buying hogs. - -- Rev. Clark is to assist Rev. Bur- bank in the meeting at this plac this week. - .-A Real Estate Transfers. '. State of Oregon to George johes, 40 a. in Alsea..; $100. ; State of Oregon to Jesse D. Whit aker. 80 a.; inAlsea ? $201. Edward T. Merrill and wf. to M, J. Cameron 40 a. ija Kings Valley, $10. . , ;;. ,:. ;"."'; A. Wilhelm Sr. and wf. to Mary Miller, lour lots in : Monroe. $400. Oscar S. Noyes and wf. to Roy J. Keeney and wf .- 2 lots in blk 18, Wilkins add, $1350.- j ; r.- ! ... . Henry Ambler and wf. to Martha Ewing, two lots '1 in Philomath, J. Farnham and wf ' to W. J. Mitcholl one lot in Job's add.' $150. W J. Mitcheirto FraokM'Bu' lis, two lots in Job's add. . $150. ! I. H." Jackson and wf. to G W. Cummings, 1-2 blk, 13 - Wells & McElroys add.---- -.'". t - Melv'a McKinney to Uoa Jack son, two lots in blcck 2 'Wilkin's add.. - $1. :T,: l?.)r'--J...: -7- Eli Spencer et "al to Elnpra John son, lots 1 & 2 in blk'F. ' $135.: Mary E. G.winn et all to . James Bryden 80 a. .in Alsea 1400. ". " Jl B. Horner and wf.- to J." W. Handy two lpfs in blk.T 1$ in 'S!WU kin's add.:$io; l zsz-ciy; srj A. W. Hawley -and wf. to M. B Rankin,- 80 a.. :, near Bellfountain.. $10.: r.t ty 7 M, J. Wells and hus. ' to" H. J. Rogers, lot 12 in blk 1 Chases add. r San FnncifcC-, March 26. The attention of Fratcia J. Heney was called today ; to a dispatch from Portland, which f-tatf d that a fund was beins raieed there to finance an inv stigation in!o civic condi ttons aad that Mr. Here? and W. J. Burns : were t- be - requested to conduct the irqairy. The prosecutor said that bis time for the present w.nuM b f kea up with tn-Saa. Fra.ii;n? o n78iga tioK.. He added tha.t h. hd teceivwi no offiaial offr fcam Pcr4nd, and theref; ra could, not ettoei accept ot dtotine it this time He added: 'T 'ani Inot 'vety familiar with civic1 conditions in Portland. I have my opinion of certain officials there however.';- i: x.. When asked what sort , 'of graft might flourish in Portland he taid; "You know Ha'l--ey makes , "visits, thers." v ' ' Halsev was general agent of the Pacific States Telephone & Tele graph Company, and was recently indicted lor b ibing the San -Fran cisco supervisor . , p ! Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICE is barely Riven that the undersigned administratrix ot the estate oi Thomas J. Wright. deceased, has filed lu the county court Of Ben ton county , Oregon, her final account as such administratrix oi said estate and that Monday, the 6th day of May, 1907, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. has been fixed by said court as ine lime set lor pearing ODjecuons to said report and settlement thereof. Dated March itf, iwi. . -. -. i . - MELCENa WKIGHT. " ' Administratrix of the estate of Thos.' J.- Wrighti Deceased, r . - - - 5200. "If you "get a wrong number on Jthe telephone nowadays dont abuse '-'the phone girl. "The improvements ' being made so that"our service .'.will be bettered is "what causes the ; trouble. . Thousands; of dollars are ' being spent on telephone cables and wires and it is making' for"4Cor vallis model telephone system," but the disturbing of the lines : cannot be escaped while the work Is going on.' In a month it will all end-- Mean- rtime dont "abuse the girls.ej j'j ". ' .i'""V' 'r::"? -..; nirrii - : ' 'GSsXzxi Proebstel,!.. instructor in mining department at the college 'Chemist at the rhine of the Mt. Pittif,e Mining company near Asniana Jackson county, and : leaves . Sun day to take up his "duties. His salary is $ 1 50 a month,." and ; he has a two years , contract. The dine is an exterisivei one-and ;theTl sition xdesirahlev iTf ii j -' -s'lti Ben Woldt is halF owner in a big cigar . factory; in1 St. Johns. "The f irm employs men and - has r a pay roll of $300, ' a" vWeek". " They turn out 60,000 " cigars a month, J making stock that , wholesales at S2'; to So.s, ineir cniet . Drana is , the White Crow'' on which they have a heavy run, Mr. Woldt has his home in Portland and manages the business of the ; firm, doing the ; selling and collecting. He left this morning, "after a brief visit in Corvallis. - ' - :v M. ' J;-Wells' and-hus' td Charles and Iena R6gers,5 loti n;rblk 7ij Chase's add. $200.0 id i-zldd r J. O. Powell to Jesse Skaggs 60 a, near-Summit.7 sl?5fiT - Id Harris et al to -T.tc.t Baker , 40 a; north of .Corvallis.- $io. " Fred T-f Dent 'and' wf." to Charles Small one lot in Dixon' s add. $350. Thomas J. Childs and wf. to R! Tom,r40 a. -in Alsea.1; s $100 r jasper N, Hqgue to K. F. Chand. ler, 1 60 a. in Alsea. 2850". R. A. Clark and wl. to . , R Goodrich .1-2;; lot ' in Philomath, ' , IR." Goodrick and. hus, toceRv A; Clark 1-2 lot in Philomath. $16? D. J j Neglepte. Colds .Tbiten Wfe. rP - Don't trifle wifli' "a ccWis Cood advice - j . w-' : ; Uid sal., ujeuauu nuuicu, aimhtjuh the ease-of a child. roter food. e-ood ventilation, and dry, warm clathinft are the proper safeguards against colds. . If they are maintained through me cnangeaDie weather of autumn, winter and wnnir. tne chances -of it Surprise from ordinary colds will bAfliiffht.' Knt the orainarv lient cold will become severe if neelected. and a Well -established ripe cold is" to the germs of diph theria whationey is to tne oee- ane great est menace to child life at this season of the year is the neglected coId.!.'-:. Whether it is a ctuiq or aauit, tne coia sugm or severe, me very best treatment that can be adopted is to give Chamberlain's -3ongh'Eemedy. :-It is safe and sure. - i he great popularity and inv mense sale of this preparation has been attain ed by its remarkable cures of this ailment: A cold never results in pneumonia when it is given. For sale by Graham & Worthami , ; I f c What to Do When Bilious. . ' " .The right, thing to do when you feel bil ious is to take a dose of Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver- Tablets." They will cleanse -the stomach and regulate -the liver &nd bow els. Try it. Price 25-cents. -'Samples free at uraham x wortham s drug store. Notice of Final Settlement; , ' Notice is hereby given that the under signed has filed his final account for set tlement of the estate oft John . T. Slate, deceased,, in the Uounty '. Court of the state of Oregon for Benton ' county ; and that said Court has fixed this-- hour of ten o'clock :a.' m. of Saturday the-7th -day of April, 1907, at the court rootu of said court at Corvallis, Oregon as. the time for hearing all aQd singular the matters in said settlement and all persons- inter ested therein are hereby notified i.f said tact. x 'sr.'-j-J. :. T. E. Henkle, ' .-- -. Administrator of the estate of , John T. Slate, deceased. Dated March 8, 1907. ---. '-' 5 s:Noticd to Gravel CHaoler'f. ! ; v''Bid8""will Te i'FceiverJ (jp td-Aoril let, 1907. by the' undersigned for hauling gravel in road district :No. 12, six miles south of town, gravel to be put on euht iotehf s . deep and six feet wid?.-Tne Contract involves two miles tof-i gravel and bidders may lake it as a whOie or , by ihe quarter of a mile.- ' The ' right is reserved to reject anv or - all bids. . K.- C. McBEB, Sonervisor road district No. 12, Benton county. v :r -s; FRUIT TREE epray anv.! quanity at Smith; & Dwson's next to r J. B Smith & Cdiripany. . . . ' ; ' : : :i " ; .Call-for ; Warrants.'., , Notice Is hereby siven that there U money bh bands with the city treasurer to pay all general fund warrants that are indorsed from October 16 n lAttenttoni Farmers WantfYouti Eggs and Butter Atwayj ?Pay Highest Market Price and You get Full Weight and Measure! I Handle Everything, Come8c See VICTOR P. M0SE5 StilSOfc to Me street iraia 89. 1903. inclusive : also to Day all M imi ara lnoorMd; interest on the aboyewarrante wii?ease alter Et hi date, . Dated Corvallis, Or., MafCh ,4907. ' , . Treasurer. ' Notice to Creditors.' ; NOTICE is hereby given to all Whom if may concern that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed administratrix ot the estate of B. F. Ej- land, deceased, by the ceunty court oi Benton county, Oregon. All persons having claims against thestate ot said B. F. Hyland, deceased are hereby required to. Drosect the same, with proper Vouchers therefor, dufcjverlnedt as by Uw required, within six months; from the: date nereoi, to tne undersigned at the- office oi mc Fadden & Bryson, attorneys. Corvallis. Oregon 3 4axea at.uaryaui,,.. urecton. -tnis .4vtn . aay '-wuviifiavi, - - J ' I vt1.t -;-t.- VABT'A.-VntOltS.' Administratrix of the estate of B. F. Hyland, de- --veaaea." .: .5 ......... ;r.rf Th Expert Chinese Are the greatest and be3t selectors of Tea values. They know good Tea from the poor and indifferent kinds not by taste andjinell, , bnt by" look and touch, , We pride ourselves upon the exceptionally high grade line3 of Teas and "Coffees which we have in stock, and.we are sure that the most captious critic will approve both." They are greai money savers to the householder, too, as a small quantity goes! a long' way. 0 ? b We Are Headquarters For ; Uptons, Teatlys, Folgers, Schillings Tea HODES' GROCERY. . PHO NE 2 0 3. ' ' ' Notice of Property Tax Levied to Pay For Street Improvement. NOTICE is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Corval lis has determined the proportionate share of the cost of the improvement of Harrison street from the center of Second street to the East side of Ninth street in the City of Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, to be assessed upon eech of the several lots or parts1 thereof or parcels of land abutting or fronting upon such proposed improve ment, and has assessed upon each lot or part thereof or parcel of land afore said liable therefore its proportionate share of such cost and that the fol lowing is a description of said several lots or parts thereof ' or parcels of land, a statement of the names of the owners, thereof, if known, and of tne, sum assessed upon such lots or parts thereof or tracts of land. In Dixon's Addition; to said City of Corvallis: i .. : ? ; Block No. 5. Property Owner. Amt. Lot 6, Minnie L. Denman . . 8.82 Lot 12,. Annie Hodges ... . ". . . 8.82 - . Block No. 6. Lot 1, Annie S. Bryant .....1 8.82 Lot 7, J. E.. Cronk j 8.82 . In' the County Addition to said! City bf Corvallis. ' Block No. 1. Lot 6, Arthur J. Moore 4.41 Persis Jane Linderman.. 4.41 Lot 7, The First National Bank of Corvallis 8 82 . Block No. 4. Lot 6, Thomas Whitehoro .... 8.82 Lot 7, T. H. Gragg . .882 Bettie M. McLain .882 J- P. Gragg :. .88Z D. V. Gragg .882 F. S. Elliott 1.764 Marion R. Elliott 882 Earnest EHiott ...J 882 Ida Tortora 1 . . . . .147 Mary Wood worth ...... .147 Emmett Elliott . . .: 147 Seth Elliott i 147 Maud Elliott .. 147 Annie Elliott 147 M.; E. Gregg 882 Block No. 5. Lot 6, Isabella Gellately 8.82 Lot 7, Isabella Gellately 8.82 Block No. 14. Lot 6, J7 S. Spangler j 8.82 Lot 7Turin D. Campbell 8.82 -.. s " " Block No. 15. Lot . 6, Lucy G. Yates . , . 8.82 Lot ' 7; Lucy G. " Yates .". 8.82 ' ' ,.. Block, No. 24. Lot 6, Pauline Kline .... 8.82 Lot 7, Pauline Kline 8.82 In Dixon's Second Addition to said City of Corvallis. Block No. 13. . ' 7;-. . The IGrocer. Siortitng ; T- :: ' t cWe are hot inclined to spend s much - time- in - writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods v ? "and customers speak for themselves. vf (fjfft .fc,-n OUR TRADE IS GROWING FAST., ' ivv WAlSlT YOUTRADE;- ?S ; 1 ; 1 :WTLL ASSURE SATISFACTION - 6w B Borning 1 1 i i Lot 1, Sarah F. Elgin 8.82 Lot 7, Gottlieb. Boehringer 8.82 ' i - U Block No. 14. Lot 1, O. B. Long i.26 M. B. Long : 1.26 H. W. Long 1.26 ; J. I. Long 1.26 M. M. Long 1.26, Maud Kitridge 1.26 Hattie Davis 1.26 Lot 7, R. H. Colbert 8.82 Block No. 19. Lot 1, J. H. Albright 8.82 Lot 7, E. M. Gould 1.764 John L. Whitaker . . . . . . 1.764 Fannie E. Whitaker 1.764 Alice M. Porter 1.764 -ji r i i .Watch this space for Bargins in - - Skin Disease of Twenty Years .v.' -. Standine Cured. --i. 1 1 want you to know how much Chamber Iain's Salve has done for me. - It has cured my face of a skin disease of almost twenty years' standing. I have been treated by sev eral as smart physicians as we have in this country and they did' me no good, but two boxes : of this . salve has cured me. Mrs. Fannie Geiffen, Troy, Ala. Chamberlain's Salve is for sals by Graham & Wortham. . , ;N,6.P'4? cr?fc 3Q in, jculty balance pasture and timber, some finebot r o; on ' 5 rooms, imall bam, young orchard, 2 1-2 miles of ... a good town,- price if sold soon, $2000. : This is a bug m vi 398 r.!.6Q aaes, 35. in cult, some good timber and pasture, good house & " an balm fine orchard, weB watered, this is a good - stock ranch price -; ;; '..$! 700. .-School house on place. - 1 - 38310 acres, all in cult, fine orchard,: all level,' good house, fair bam 1-2 ) - - mile to good town, good garden land, nice little home, price $ 1 700. r . AMBLER z6t WATTERS Nellie Campbell In Rayburn's Addition of CoryaUis.. ... Block No. 1. Lot 1. A. B. Cordley Lot 12, A. B. Cordley . . . . . . .'. . " Block No. 2. Lot 1, Gordon V. Skelton Lot 12, Gordon V.' Skelton .... . Block No. 3. Lot 1, Fred' S. Elliott, Marion R. Elliott-..i... Ernest Elliott . Ida Tortora Mary Woodworth . . Emmett Elliott":...;: Seth Elliott Maud Elliott "Annie - Elliott . Lot 12, E..Woodword, Lee' Hen- i a -ikleand William., Robin son as Trustees of the United Evangelical , Church of Corvallis The; foregoing assessments were en tered Mn the docket, of City Liens of tne City Of Corvallis on the 16th day of March, "1907, and If the sum as sessed as aforesaid upon any such lot or tract or part thereof is not paid to the City Treasurer of the City of Cor vallis within five days after the date of final publication hereof, the date of such final publication being March sm, iwt, tne same will draw interest at the rate of eight per cent Per an num thereafter and a warrant will is sue directing the Chief of Police of said. City to levy upon and selLsuch lot or tract or part thereof as the case may be to satisfy such assessment. - i J.-,. ; - . FRED YATES, Police Judge City of Corvallis. . . 1.764 to said City 8.82 8.82 8.82 8.82 2.528 1.764 1.764 .294 .294 .294 .294 1.294 :.294 ; S.28 v Notice of Final Settlement Notice is berebv riven thfttthAnnrfovciflmori ,a. filed bis finsl Account fnr fint.tlcmni.vttf,A Mt,t. of Eliza Mo Fadden deceased, in the county court of thetstHte of Oregon for Benton county, and the said court bas fixed the hour ol ten o'- -- ..... w unj w 1 , 1 11 xw, B( vuuj h iwiu ui Rtti j court n tjorvaiiis, urejron as the time for hearing all and singular the matters In said settlement and all persons Inter ested therein are hereby notified of said fact w . a. ucFadden - - Administrator of the estate of T.'.'.. . wiza McFadden, deceased. Dated March 8, 1907. . Notice to Creditors. i In the Matter of the Estate) ' ' ot t , Margaret Kadlr. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given to all persons concerned that the undersigned bas been duly appointed executrix of the last will and testament of Mar- faret Eadir, deceased, by the county court of enton county, state ot Oregon. All persons having claims against told estate of Margaret Radlr. deceased, are hereby rt quired to present tbe same, duly verified as by law required, with in six months from the date hereof to the un dersigned at the law office of E. E. Wilson in Corvallis, Oregon- ,. Datel this March 2i, 1S0T. ELIZA P. SMITH. Executrix of the last wiU and testament of Mar .. garet Radlr.. decnated. .. WE CAN FI1,L your wants. Write us. Do you -want' to sell your a property, farms, or business. Call on us. We furnish partners V and ccash. Xoani v'your money, j- Sparkman & Ccmpany Main St, Corva'lisj' Oreg. -