.!'! IS.ll ,.. -. .-r ,. ,! t.,..-.--, ' - . 1 - - It's to Your Interest -tolCnb w That the Smartest Spr in q Are now here ready for your inspection, and try-on and that we offer you and your friends the first opportunity' of viewing the largest and most magnificent display of Spring apparel we have ever had. If you ' can't .come 'to-, it yuu vvioii tu uieaa yhvix at inw.w e-speuot; u yuu wano a ou.it ui uvereottim smartest iTi'Mo.W inri nvo.i-joY firm . ,. y .. ;, j style and of strict high quality.. Its to your interest to come . -Wffii. ) here at once andake ahearlv selebiion. j j ''f'-Pf .morrow, come the day after. MICHAELS STERN FINE CLOTHING wneat oo: oats-35 to 40. B'dft Seayef arrived last Wht f om a weeks visit in Portland. 1 Frank kane left this morning for Eugenerafter a brief r visit. ? in this city. " " ... : , t--.J'f i . Judge McFadden arrived last night from a business trip : to Port land, ' -;;J: . , ' v;' -i Mrsj:WilIiaot Cree -who has been seriously ill for two weeks, . is convalescent. iz-;t . t vi.; ,-; -. ;! CHINA CAPITALIST.? which we show in'4 all the most fashionable' fabrics in broad variety of handsome weaves. Look where you may you positively cannot find values to equal those we offer Spring Sack Suits for Men and Young Men at $12 to $25' Michaels-stern fINE CLOTHinSi of most advanced feingle an4 double. breasted style, 'with ; every detail as derfect as if 4xclusiyely cubtom-aUor.-made "Mi. 4t I' equal in value to most $20. suits. at: $15 I... jMlCHACLO-STCR V?INC CLOTHIN The new spring styles in Hats,5 both stiff and soft $1.50 to $3.50 Toinbrroty' is1 Spring Openihg tiay. I 1 Come early!1 "!; ' 7 ; ; ! I! TV -fi t Dr,,.!,. v, ..,-.. f... .... . : ': The People's Store. ,n , ,. - H, .. ... -..; -.-.Lti-XiOOAL LORE. Jl Watches,1 Clocks Jewelry repair ing pmpTly'lahd cotrecgfy; done at Pratts The Ueweler & Optician. siECIAiTIES IN H , :.-..nti iy- . . i ?.: . j. , - a K- . : , i.'-y ;d v, ; .. . ., , - . 1 .... . LOCAL LOBE. For advertlsemenb in this column the rate of 15 cents per line will be Charged. ( . WANTED a rflleiUgiHaU cook. Enquire at FOR WOMEN ;', MISSES AND CHILDREN ' , We, have also received '.fords ill l.-i-r our.Sprinff lines of Men's Ox-, etc in! alitthe latest hapet.tMlf! t WnM: Saw 5 Per Cent. ui your casn oy iraoing wxin us - vr When y6ii see it in our"adits so .,g 'Earl Landers returned to Rose burg Wednesday after a few days' visit with Corvallis friends.": 1 iv.;i'.f,U i0 ; 'Till further notice? ALL glasses fittetf by" PRATT The the Optician will be ; ABSQLUTELV, GUARANTEED . for, ONE YEAR against BREAKAGE of ANY KIND. Miss AnnavThompsbn "has re turned from a ten , days', visit with Portland, relatives and friends. She. was accompanied by her piece, Miss Anna Ebner. .. :. ., , i .. . .. 'r iJ ; -Horses are advertised for sa le, glrls are wanted,' money is ofiFe rd for loan, and many other annOuncee merits of interest are get forth in the classified colamriw Read- about it, and read all the;' advertisements in the papeH r tThey1. mean . something and they. interest yau .. ' : Mrs. F.i Pi Sheasgeen returned to Portland Thursday morning; af ter a few days' visit in Corvallis, ' s j w' Leder Brothers have bought another house-moving outfit from Perry M. Conn, "of Albany. The amount .paid was, $300. j, J-! ; The incident happened in the alley" that thirsty pilgrims so often travel. ( TheyTUsuaUyentet it back of Horning' s and go south,' Within a short, distance hey turn' east and disappear among the sheds and tdifii&sJfOhleng $he latter this time, three pilgrims appeared. pi hey had W package. It - was un rolled. Then it was uncocked. Theriv they had refreslltnent ..all j round. They disappeared: then," gQjjig south. Shortly afterward, nt morejthan a half ai ttjir.j one lone pilgrim appeared from- the shedsand buildings.. Under!, his arm was a package, xolled'up in ;a paper. From the shape, it appear- ,ed'tbS;a;qriart ho1:tleof vinegar. Where there is ' hdfteyV:there!i the bees go. Why shouldn't they. 7 : Another change has aksn place with reference to insurance ratesTaccordlfiff Ib'Portla'nid'nainiir:.' Ageri,?tliere are said to be Trice&i; tog ltistructjons privately froinj their companies to-ebateithe 25 perfect excess a'ddeoTto f'ate'k after the 6an Francisco earthauake. the i rebate Wmp mm Jahuarsf'-lasijMosf tlie'ek&ssJ t6 'their doHcy holders: 1 and alp new btisUn-is! being writ ren'ac tno ngures lnr'oguej petore theearinqoake. .Odd Corvallisj sll fignts Mfe ujEideiSod:. W paying thtezxebatevi tod writing new j Ktlsi-, ness at the lower rates. Sometime ago the Board of Underwriters' , re- sdndedjifsttctipn ordering ,rfe-j Date. r i" It "hasn't been said here for' a long time, but it is still a fact that the date after your name in the' ad-, drf ss on your -TiMES shows to what time your subscription ii paid, and the. neighbors are still able , .to see therefrom whether or not you, are in arrears. . ' J '. ; James Steel,; who isolated- j for the appointment as ; state. bant ! ex aminer a positioQ; provided, for in1 new law by rthe. T ''late ,-lamented"t as v Col.r Hofer, calls it, left, yester day after a day's busiijess:1visit ' to Corvallis. a Mr. Steel was for many years cashier of the First ,liorial in Portland, vr; m ! They have a.H new": wrestling Mass at the college, in. the 'physical culture department, 'arid thereto oangs an epioae. rue worKS: sistant !'J DirectorEHattsbn; Who handles the qew''cla"ss.3x?,Tlie! j first lesspu-Maf-.; .wpUrefca Wedries 1 Miss Eda Jacob? and Mrs Mc Mahon arrived yesterday , from at tendance at Di .trict, convention 6! the Rebekahs beldT at Harrisburg and 3rownsvilIe..;; 7.', ' T. L.' Underwood and family left last night for Lebanon . toresidei'i Many' mends here regret their - de . parturel J " !"':- '-' ' Deputy Gima , Warden Wells wtnt to Lincoln county , Wed nes- i .day, and it is. supposed that. trouble is aneaaior, someDoay . in tnai country,' "',.V "f '. 1 .;;v' , ' For the present Assessor Davis is listing Corvallis tax (payers for the new assessment, and is making eodd progress.: He J will take to the Country precincts when Toads and' weather are better. ; ; The. Corvalfis Grange will hold a meeting Jiri the administration building tomorrow afternoon at 2:15. A very interesting program has been prepared. - . . ; The high winds the other day blew down hop driers; on the farm. of John Burton near Independence, causing a loss bf; $1,200. The in cident is a remarkable one in Ore- The total hop' crop of Oregon last year was 1474066 . bales, great er by' ,000 bales than any former vear. The advanced estimate.. 01 the crop was 112,000 bales. Cali fornia was;the nearest rival . wi.h 109,000 tales. ; . i,: "7 , ' . ;I Plans have been prepared for a new iresidence. . E.: .J. - Harrington will erred on lots recently purchas ed.in the southwest corner of the Block1 iusi north of the court house.: It'is' to ; beJ a 0 modern A borne with about 10 rooms. Work ! will begin as soon as the weather set--les ', and 'it is hioped W have ' it ready for occupancy early in 'tlie summer.:-'!;.; !'..:: M . & As will be ' seen by the city treasurer' $ notice elsewhere.- ' a call has been issued for city warrants There is suificient money on hand to pay off all street fund warrants indorsed and outstanding." -; In the case of 5 the general fund, ' air war rants indorsed up to March 29th, loot are called, in. The city is exactly four years in; arrears. , A curious accident befell I. A Peak; the Bellfountam mail carrier last Tuesday d morning. -He was about to start with , the mail, arid was in the act -of.: carrying from the house a jug of hot- water which he was to take alone with him on the' trio. The -iue-- suddenly ex ploded,' and the boiling water flood ed his lace burning him so: badly that serious results . were , aimost threatened." "'The' day was spent by the ' family " in application of remedies and a measure v of relief was finally afforded. A correspotdu t - writes that several days will, elapse before he can:? resume j his ijusual duties. ... 5 There is to be a fat and . lean man's basket ball game in the Armory1 tS'riighe ia whicbl down town' people"1 will j participate. The bill will be.: a triple affair with pra 4injmary'eventS'tttf,sfaapte of an Indoor base ball gade" and a - basket dodtesL n AcCbrdipg y rtp1? the hand bill; advertisements, the ("Leans'.' wpl be E. E. Wilson. Roy Hol lenbergS T'.T Viricent.'Al J.. Metzi. ger,4 'C611y "l Cathey.t 'Shorty" kWade, and J.. CU.Hajaimel. Te ?, p ats T j according io; .. . ine same authority are, F. L. 'Millet,'? Pug Huntley. Grant Elgin, Dr.- Bell. Charles Peterson; IraGiiggs, "Gun Hodes,'-' and i ? Abraham i j Lincoln Stevensan. ";, V- A.inah 'gpt-,wfathy the other He Wanted a Hop Yard Small Yards r : Wete not big Enough for hi ' "i - Sack. ' ' ; " " A ! Chinaman wo bores with v a big augur was in town yesterday looking for a hop yard. He had opportunity to lease a yard or two of ordinary size but he refused to consider them because be said they were not large enough. After such a refusal, he was asked by a real estate man how large a. yard be replied, "l no care; may. be 200 acre.' may be more, nodifflence." His name is Chan Chaip,: that at least was the part of the alphabet that he used when asked to.- spell his name. He has been for some years. operating at Independence ' a 187 acre yard which he has p?rted with.; The statement of a man whb knows is that Mr. Chaip cm bring all kinds of money into the field if opportunity for a big hop. yard is presented. Chan Chaip was; form erly .an operator in the mines in liastern Oregon, where he is said to have laid up a handsome sum. NEW ATS TODAY. WANTED A dining room girl. Apply ; at Cauthorn hall. Independent phone. 73. - - - . - V - FOR SALE spaa oE good brood mares and a spaa of three vear old draft colts W. L. Kice, Corvallis RFD 3. WANTED. WANTED. Girl or woman for companion for young lady. Five months employment. References exchanged. Independent phone. 547 Residence 11 11, Sixth St. WANTED- one foreman and sixVwood .choppers. $2.50 per day.. Tools fur nished. Good board 4 dollars per ' week. Write to Assistant Gen. Mgr. . or Supt. : of C&E R. R. Albany, Ore-.. HAND made soft center choco-. , lates at the Palace ot Sheets. MONEY to loan,on . approved security Apply to 8. L, Kline agent. . . Get good garden, timothy, eTover all kinds of field seeds at Zierolf's. and1 LOST. ; REAL ESTATE -. We have opecej an office over the First National Bank, where 'we are prepared to handle all kinds of City property for pale also good fa-ms, stock ranchee. small tracts, near ibi-City. If you can't find what jou w nc come in and seems, and talk it over. McHenry ' & price. Corvallis Oregon. i EGGS. Bring your Eggs clean and' fresh and ' we will . give " you square deal for them, -i ? dayffertQri theernel ! wa3i AI ' ' iT thatthaleit moralng'-vm of fohe!:ffice ' to .abuse boys hobbled np to" the collettf onW"'' 9sMlr5.?w;pPfc p to" the college three legs.The. enthusiasm 9t?the instructor,' pervaded, the learners' and the- foundations; for; jithet frifei?7! f tf y , 1 us jai l w:if lictiu, bV01 All V,e. Kr.... .'r,XiAr.' Ail JiJii varying : from. misslngi skiii -dnd bftirsedf;;T 'iMicAits: tifni stiff1? Sck' 'itht) vfelilowtUl-'&i01 or FrahkPndergrasslmheriJ a J sVunt' of a'i n'dtrf'ktlWiiflUitfE Ob the! ijia'ts;-Iheboys .were' sent throng bja task' & basketJ1all; ' In'ftietr'1 Mirhei"ar'onnd the-indnnrrtra 'in thQ tO.miCTT AM1. nil .M.W1 BlU UiUI mat. speii.on! ttte ,,honzontal biW" h -b FOR RENT. House of eight rooms. , Enquire at residence of A. W. ;'. Herbert. : FOR RENT good house, reasonable. ." right parties, Independeut phone. ! Hill line. .. -. to as A big-Eastern shipment of popu lar music just receivedat : Graham & Wells. - Clover and timothy at Zierolf's. For Sale. FOR SALE afinie team of-mftres, weight 3aoo Matthew.' iThompson C. & E. - crossing;.;: f; ' f ... - ,.. FOR SALE . As I am going out of the .business I will "sell my grain ware ," house at a bargain or would: exchange for good residence, iri' ."Corvallis or a f mall farm ot equal value. Handled 47 000 bu of grain this season.. R. N . , Williamson Wells,. Oregon. - if FQR SALE, old, goods Hedge, plants one, roots. Phone 439. '. year tng'room.i He saw tbftjtrenupus ey'piutrpnS tbe;"opefators; were go-r: ingj..Wrdtr(li"; T!Wiidn,tt' have tin"tiate:;dbr.:AIl';; 'over! fhe'boaMy there were,:calls; for therd nnft'f'hp-tf dirlrt'Sliawe! tima'to- ilook nrejtig?3fe4 tot y min- mte m; wonderment, it was a sight ot tretttiotis 'activity, such s - he 'had JfcWexfe&ted tb'see." iiJRfo anger oftehea Wt6; & ': smile- and-' he . left r 4 piace'ueiermineu never , more- 'it II I'll i'TUertf'wash'tf'oa hit -I6f a'Prfelident J tokveff sllV?, hMe I bosi-'f PfAO 'NING5 'tlbTto Marxist.1 FOR SALE one nearly new. top buggv a leather top and cushions, nickle plat ' ed hub irons tosting"' $85.00; Will sel :" for '60 dollars if taken' before April 1 also; seven ton' cheat hay: .'baled, i. Phonej 6554 h-j.hf.i Brooks. ,- "" Largest stock of Edison phono graph rerords in . the Valley at -Graham & Wells'." ; " ." .', BEST-BREAD and pastry can obtained at Starr's Bakery. be 6f instruction which all ed'bnthusfasm in..hisdepart'mnti "ot;lr,4ough'e'in:iairg'radiesi'of difficulty." thei)Ovs;st)Sak--in' nnmlxt hi FtankiAv -WhUet Phone.; Tio.s. EGGS frotri thoroughbred' ? b rown ''.; JeghPrii?; fifty cents per-; setting .'jIndendentphonejiir Corvallis. TEA '5J ING .' an) ed . -AU :ld nds .' of jobs . ' in i earning done. .-'Residence Ninth. . . . tu Jack op.' ' Independent phone. O. T ' Murphy,-Corvallis.' ' ,. '