The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, March 29, 1907, Image 1

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..1 ,C:MJ'!3T3 TACLT!
Vol. XX.-N0.2
a,. ;;i
B.r. iBvnra in:
and Proprlato
Prepared to Outfit
'I. i.v. . '
and-The Bov
J. .
.Out reciept of clothing this spring are nobby.
, ' : ; , Big assortment. -'j
Prices That Defy Competition
Shoes P. B. Kerths" are up to date in style and
the best wearers
Our Lne of Medium Priced Shoes .
Are from the bast factories in the country and all
"are guaranteed shoes. Oar? line of hats embrace all
the new styles. : Oar prices are right and we ask an
inspection of the above lines.' . : J; r , -:.
CaH afrdSee
i .. '. : --. '
; . t
' ' '.V: - '-! ';! '
Weeding Wife Breaks "News to;Htr
3 Husband HuBband Tries to 5'
'Chegt. Evelyn nd Says
" He Does Not Fear Result.
New York, March .,26. A com
nission appointed by Justice Fitz-
I erald, of the supreme court, will
I i'cide the question as to whether
Harry K. Thaw is now Bane. His
rial before a jury lor the murder
hi Stanford White will be inter
rupted pending the report of this
iomaaissiun. If the commission re
oorts that he is sane and : therefore'
capable of advising with coaneel
ind of understanding the proceed-,
logs against him,, the trial will be
resumed, but if it should be found
chat be is not sane nor capable iD a
legal sense, "application will ; be
made for his commitment to an
asylum, probably that at Matte
van for the criminal insane. -
Jostice Fitzgerald's - decision to
appoint a commidon followed a con
ference of the attorneys in the case
today. The justice told counsel
thst be had given the; various affi
davits careful consideration, but as
they were too widely at variance
he felt that he could not properly
pass upon them. Therefore he had
, '.Tnis thing is3 perfectly' satisfac
tory, to me. I am eure. T will be
able to satisfy the commission that
I am sane at the present time. Any
thing Justice Fitzgerald does is all
right. He has always acted in : a
fair and impartial .manner.'":' !L j
vr The Jaw under which' the com
mission was appointed today pro
vides that the commissioners must
take oaths as referees, thrymuet be
attended by the 'District Attorney
nd cbnnEel or the defendant and
may compel the attendance of wit
nesses. '
- ' , . ' " "i '
( Berlin, March 24: Captain Ie-
nace Rodica, of tu general staff of
the Austrian Hungarian Army, has
published a pamphlet -entitled
'The Prospects of the American
Japanese war." r . ., '
After discussing the armies and
navies and theatres of war, he con
cludes by saying that the unpro
tected Pacific Coast of the United
States offers excellent chances for
the. succees of Japan. ' He declares
Japan is working feverishly to com
plete her military and naval equip
ments, adding that daring the laet
few months 5o,ooo men have been
at work day and nigM in the arsen
als, turning put guns , and small
arms, and stating that, the cart
ridge, manufactories at Toklo, Where
in all about 20,000 men are employ
ed, have turned. out daily 500 rifles.
Captain Rodica also asserted ' that
the projectile works at .Tokio make
600 shells a day for' the field artiU
lery- :.,-.'7 " ':";; ;
. ; ' ' . SENSELESS.
no bp nn pn pn n a n m no 1 an 1 n
r r .1 v f 1- v" ' '. . - "
r.- Salem, Or-i March 26.4-George
Taylor, ,a cpnyiot whbjis serving a
Husband Finds Her Unconscious
in Pool of Blood on Returning
Home Thief . Overlooks ;
'-V$10,000 worth of Jew' ; ; '
s i.. :. ;, elry Rings Torn
From Eare., . r
.. Portland, Or., March 27. Ore
gonlan: One of the most dastard
ly crimes in the police1 annals - of
Portland was committed at the
home of Newton W. Rountree, a
wealthy real estate broker, about 8
o'clock last night, when a masked,
burglar entered the houee, 60. Ella
street, and murderously assaulted
Mrs. Rountree and ' left her for
dead.. ' The thug evidently bad
watched the house and witnessed
the departure of Mr. Rountree and :
bis son Robert, who left home about
seven o'clock to go to Ainsworth
dock, where the younger : man took
the steamship Columbia for San
Francisco en route to Tonopah,
Nev. Allowing the men to get well
away from the house,' the lurking
thug entered the residence through
aback window and ; proceeded , to
ransack the premises. , ' ' ' ;
Mrs. ; Rountree bad' retired for
the night, not dreaming of danger,
.v, ' - A;Uy . -----
--i-V "S S- .t.
two hours later Mrs. Roun tree's
throat was braised black and bice.
showing plainly the mark of her as
sailant' fingers. :. .. ' . .
While she . lay prostrate at bis
feet the thug jerked his victim's di
amond earrings, valued at f 200,
from her ears, another evidence of
the murderously brutal character
of the burglar, j ,
. On his return Mr. V Rountree
mounted the steps in a pleasant hu
mor, thinking of theenjoyable trip
his son would have to the Nevada
Eldorado. ; His happy thoughts
were dispelled on entering his home.
The first thing that greeted kis eyes
was the . disordered parlor. - The
furniture had been turned topsy-
turvy. Making a dash for his wife's
room, . Mr, Rountree was horror
stricken to see MrB. Rountree
stretched silent . and bleeding, ' ap
parently dead, on the floor of tha
room in a pool of her own blood.
without examining into her con
dition, he rushed to the ' telephone
and summoning Dr. James F. Bell,
who lives not far from the Rountree
residence. She soon recovered con
sciousness and waB able to tell what
had happened, Ths physician list
ened to the unfolding of the Etory of
the shocking crime, and by admin
istering stimulants kept the 'half
fainting woman from lapsing mta
unconsciousness again. -
The ameers searched the prem
ises from top to bottom and found
that evary hiding - place in tha
house had . been . thoroughly ran
sacked. At the conclusion of tha
search Mr. Rountree announced
that he thought : his wife's earrings
were the only, valuables missing
The rest of Mie. Rountree's jewelry
which is estimated to be worth
about $10,000, was secreted in the
family strong box, -which was not
found by the burglar. '
r- . - :ck. y-' t;,-r
; We Solicit Comparison.
Just receive J a full Hne.of Spring and Summer, Novplue$.H I -
Tha Famous Packard Shoe, Sold by .
Dealer infmen's Furnishings.
Thrones with
? , ki Fisherman's luck means a wonderful catch once in a blue
moon. But all moons are :alike to the man equipped from - our,
superb Sporting Goods ; stock the latest in Rods, Reels,
Daady Minnows, Hooks, Bicycles, Sundries, Cultery, Sewing
Madnnes and Sewing Machine Supplies, ' Edison arid Victor
Talking Machines, Records and Supplies. . .. The hunter will find
himself in a paradise of his own when he . . lands in: : this fine
apornng oooas stocK. 1 ou;-are welcome to buy, or admire, f
lust as you choose.- Unmatchable prices now. ?
sV. -. 1
. ! r
'.I !
Royal Belgian Stallion, 'weight 23 W,' firs prize w and
Iowa, state fairs,;owned by Fawcett & Jfelnd,CpryaHis;. ,
r ru.
i nn un in in im bu pn an nn p rot iuii iimi uh n
o , The Finest and most complete line ever brought to "the cityr
Also a Full line of Base Ball Goods,
"1 t;
. ' li
decided that it would be the best to
submit the entire matter ,to a com-,
mission iA lunacy, -As Thaws
counsel left the room, after the! an
nouncement ot the decision, one of
them said: V. ; V
"It could ribt be worfe."
Mrs. Evelyn Thaw was weepii g
as she left the room to go to the
Tombs prison. The commission is
composed of : Morgan J. O'Brien, a
for mer member of tfaeupreme court;
Peter B, Olney, a lawyer; and Dr.
Leop6ld, Pu'zell. " - ,
. i Mft;'"Evelyn Thaw broke the
new80f Justice Fitzgerald's decision
to her husband in the Tombs. pris-
uu Hia if ieruuuD, - ue watt .aumiuj-
pafifed: fo",;he ' Tomjbs by Messrs
artriMd.0'ejyyf of iTfeawf
cbdrifiand they, met Thaw in the
hospital 'ward, : as the conference
room Was occupied. ;; Mrs. , Thaw
had nerved herself for the ". ordeal,
btit her an nounoement. wa s greeted
by ber husband with condolence:
"It is all right, dearie." be laid
to :hisifei'I am not afraid jof a
commissionV I am a sane man' now,
just as sane as the "judge :biinsei&
and I am sure that any falr-mjnde j
commission will so declare me(.?',"
5. 57beof 11. Har tridge camel .poft,
he'decla'red:'- . - , .
u The fortitude of the boy (thaw)
astonishes me somettmee, bntit
certainly did: today ,-5cS"i
Later,Thawent put a ' statement
as follows:
three-year Bentence for. larceny from
a ,-itorej committed" fromMuitnoT
mah county,' September" 11, J19C6,
made a dariog attempt at escape
from the penitentiary abotfl 4 ..o'
clock yesterday afternoon,;; and, bad
it not been for the vigil" jof Guard
Irwin, on the east wall bfj the pris
on incloBurewould have. been sue-.
ces6fal.'-''-'i:!'-:;';,''-:i '):;:' ; :A
Taylor has been. 'working in .the
stove foundry i'ahd wbile tbe";Con
victs were marching to the" prison
proper and ihe guard in charge b&d
turned his back ha ran and plunged
into the flume wbich j fun6 through
the -yard . ; K Withtthe ' aid. ; if ' some
tir tit hApfe- oaw i nhinh ' hj .hfl
sawed? one of the'Sve-eiellths io,ion
bars ubder the -wa'fl .and crawled,
through. The current in the flumei
together with' its vztreme chilf and
depth, retarded his progress and
he bad .'not made much headway
I when discovered and baited at 1 the
poitt of a rifle, about J.O fnnu,tes,
after Ihe. Was missed .by the 1 goard
jl'O r J
-lor;; tie
;c-rine ,
K.5 i qf.job f nntmg 5y p
; ,7 f ; at Times Office--. -i j
i' The quick relief from pain afforded fcy ap
plying Chamberlain's Pain Balm makes it a
favorite ' with' ffuffetertf from -'rheumatism.
sciaticai)LlameJi backf
seated a
' lumbago,' and ' deep
and bad fallen, asleep. ., She
aroused by a heavy : ; hand , on
throat.; .- o i.
ment; be? ,questiop. wa ens wredby, .
an oatn and a mavur.. pmsqre., on
her .throat,; aod , iv gruff ynice de
manded .ail the money, and ..valua
bles ft Abef?ou8e4;iv-nr. ,J- .y,s"::
- Frighteced almost ipfO vinEensi-
bility and choking under the banjjL''
of the tblef on b'er throat, the : qn
fortuoate ;i w.omaa , was ' urable to,
,fcer onceremonioucly out of her. bed
toe masked man . commanded -her
Ao show bim the hiding plnce of the
family jewelry and money,;-! t;.;i,..
As soon as bis-hold on her throat
relaxed,. Mrs. Rountree fell ) to ;the
floor half fainting, and her . assail
ant, becoming anjry, brutally kick
ed ber,.: : ghe was rso terrified that
for a moment she was unable to ut
ter ;a eouDd, although she , tried o
sbput for ; help,...;t Then, . ber. ; voice;
came hack and she . - was , . about to.
call for, aid. when , the thug . raised a;
revolver , or a Bandbag' and -struck ,
her oyer the bead, ioflictipg ' a i se
vere ecalpwouDd,- .which,) rendered,
: her; ,u nconscion. T a rj?.ot- , satlsfit d.
withbis brutalitytba, tbog agaiu,
gra s ped,. b is. yiptj a vhyo ;jt he , !lb rpat
and nearly ucceedd in ttiaogling
Mrs.-. Rouatree.rto, death. , t iWhen
- ' Portland, Or., March. 26 Tele
gram: Portland banks have an ov
er supply of silver coin, and will
not accept 1 any great amount of
them for depositing.' ;;?, f . t
-Few know that the city is flooded
with the white metal until .yester
day when the United ; States col
lector of customs Bent $12,000 in
silver W deposit In the .First Na
tional Bankin ucoordance with a
new regulation which had . been put
into effect by the treasury depart
ment at Washington. The stacks
of silver were refused, on the ground
that more of that sort of money la
in the banks now than can be hand
led to advantage. 1 1nquiry showed,
that the other financial 'institutions
are similarly affected. 1 tlfZ".
J Word' came from Washington
the Other day: that from .now on all
important money;: received at this
port - should : be d eposited : in the
First National Back Vat Portland,
inslead'of being cent to the. United
States sub-treasury at San Francis
co", as has been the custom. . Since
the local bank : will not accept the
silver, the collector of customs is
writing to the treasury department
at Washington today to dettrmine
what be shall do with -it, .In the
meantime the com that no oce ap
pears to want is being held in pri
vale deposit oriea. ;! t i ?T.-I
-Bnk officials:; claim ..that more
silver Is in lpcal : circulation than
there- has been for a jlong, period.
However,' they declare they are un
able to assign any! particular cauee
for the oversuppiy.; Ut late it naa
points ot the compass., it is stm
coming in steady etreams, mating
the bulk of yellow metal, on hand
look small in comparison. .While
the silver dollar continues to be
paFged &t. its face value it is said
that they are becoming to plentiful
to'lie. worth clamoring for.
Daty to the amount of $80,000 in
gold,J collected from the Oriental
liner Arabia's cargo', was received
at the bank yesterday without any
objections, but when the silver was
offered with the yellow circulating
medium it was frowned upon as
being too chfap. Additional money
will be collected on - tbe - Aiabi a'a
cargo, but some means i fot keepiog
it In private safes may have to be
found if it should happento be silver.
seated and moscular pains. Fot sale byl i"7feueaitj, pvy nen.
& Wortham. r -I . t.tound uncoR8.ciau3. by , her-hQspand ;
NOTICE.; 1'wffl pay the highest Mark
et price in cash for Poultry, bos?,
veal calves etc.iatoBolden'8 grocery
store corner Second & Monroe streets
, 'opposite Corvallis Hotel. .Your cash
" .always ready and a square deal
".'jgnaranteed to alii' zThotu Boulden.
;i . Cbamberlajbi's Cough Remedy
Zcoikil HI Favorite (
i ;fW e prefer Chamberlain's Cough Et '
to any other, for bur children," says Jx.
J. Woodbury of Twining,- Mich; "It has
also done the work for us in hard colds and
croup, and we take pleasure in recommend
ing it," j For sale by graham & Wortbanu
v3 tv