The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, March 15, 1907, Image 4

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    -"-Judge McFadden made a brief
badness trip to Junction City, re
turning last night.
Bishop Barclay has been
'phoned' for and iB expected to
conduct the service at the funeral
of Mrs Wya't.
Toe Sunday services at the
Cangrsgational church will be con
ducted by P.'ofesser t'ordley nd
ths music will be in charge of PjO
fessor Taillandier.
"The Holy Soirit, the Chris
tian' b Guett," will be the fubjectat
the Christian church next Sunday
tnoroiog. Evening theme, "Toe
Kingdom of God." Special music
at both services.
"Polly" Fdlger made a trip lo
Albany yesterday, to secure a law
yer to fight his battle, egainet the
charge of violating the local option
law. He ie accused of te ling liq
uor. Holleiberg & Cady, the house
furniebers, have on exhibition, at
their store, group pictures of - tbe
fcuket-ball team of O. A. C. Tbey
are all nicely framed, and will be
presented to each member ef the
team at the end of the season.
W. H. Sherwood, the greatest
pianist of American birth, and one
of the grtaieot of the world, will
appear at the College Armory next
Thursday evening. This ie a rare
opportunity and every one ought to
avail themselves of it.
Tbe C, & E train from Ya
quina failed toappear this morning
at Corvallis, due to a cave in tun
nel No. 3, which is the one nearest
Summit. Workmen were putting
in new timbers at a point 150 feet
from the west end, and while one
bent was being removed, the cave
came down from above. It is a
mass of dirt and rock ten feet thick
and extending entirely across tbe
tunnel. It is expected that the
damage can be repaired in time for
-tomorrow's trains. A special tiain
wa-j sent out with men aod applian
ces for removal of the debris. ,
New patrons are coming con
stantly to the mountain water sys
tem. The number of subscribers
is nearly 4oo now. Two tapB were
pat in yesterday, And two men are
agoing in today. By the end of tbe
' month the 4oo mark will be passed.
It is a greater number already than
tbe promoters of tbe water system
ver figured on. It is almost satis
factory condition, aod one that dis
credits those who t-o bitterly lought
; the enterprise. It vindicates those
who were afsniled and misrepresent
ed because they had the hardihojd
to work and plead for pure moun
tain water for use in Corvallis fam
ilies and for protection from fire of
Corvallis homes. Ojb bv one tbe
brutal lies told ty its th me'acid
editors through the columns of Lit
tle Billy Investigator are nailed
fast forever to the cross.
The insurance companies have
rescinded the action by which they
proposed to abandon tee 25 per
cent advance last October in rates.
After issuing notice that the advance
-would be abandoned, they reversed
'iheir action a Jew days later by
withdrawing orders from their
gents who had begun to pay re
bates so made. There are those
'who insist that the reduction was
' made for effact whila the legisla
ture was in stsiorj, and that afur
adjournment of that body, the rates
were reetored to tbe higher figures.
Some local agents had already paid
rebates to patrons when the revers
ing order was received, and are con
tinuing to do so, E. R. Br j son
among them. They will undertake
to force their companies to stand
the loss. If they fail, the loss will
ijsll on the agents..
What You See is Worth
Twice What You Read!
As you are now ooming to market with the opportunity of
comparing values, we ask you to see our lines.
We have a broken line of Ladies and Childrens Shoes,
which we are closing out at remarkably, low prices. Come be
fore your size is gone.
Also some remnants in Dress Goods, Wash Goods, etc.
at bottom prices.
Our new Spring and Summer Stock is arriving and is ready
for your inspectton. Make money by buying our lines, and save
money by getting ourjprices.
Henkle & Davis.
At Bellfountain.
"Hermann Hill has been quite
sick the past ten days.
Mr. and Mrs. McElroy, of Salem,
iiave been guests at the T. M. Brad
ley home this week.
A. H. Buchanan is again on the
Arthur Banton of Alsea, was in
this place during the week looking
for men to locate on timber claims,
in the Five River country.
Mrs. Vivian Price is visiting her
mother in Cottage Grove.
Large horses are in demand at
the present time. Mr. Skipton wee
in this vicinity this week looking
at some horses belonging to J. L.
Born Monday to Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Buxton, a son.
Dan Sutherland of Shedds is
visiting with his sister Maiy
Sutherland for a few days.
' Mrs A. J, Johnson entertained
at Five Hundred Wednesday even
ing. Four tables were provided for.
The next Military Ball to be
gh fia at the Armory will be on Apr-1
Miss Juliet Cooper left yester
day for a visit at : the Stiewer
home near Jefferson.
Mrs. Trine accompanied the
Girl's basket ball team to Salem
this morning. ;
Judge Benson of Klamath
Falls visited ihe past week with his
son Harry who is a student at the
Harold Woodcock is to build
an eight room house on the lot
south of the M. S. Woodcock
residence. It is planned to have
the building completed in six weeks.
The final examinations for
the winter tetm begin at the college
Monday and last three days. The
students will be given a five day's
The Corvallis Creamery Co.
is adding more imp rovements to
its already extensive plant in
the way of two cold storage rooms.
The pipe is being put into place,
and soon tbe storage capacity of
the plant will be greatly increased.
Eugene Register: The Arkan
sas girl who declared herself will:
ing to marry any man who will
promise to support her, is stil
single. Nowadays the girl who
promises to do the supporting gets
the pick of the bunch.
Monday afternoon the depart
ment of dressmaking at the college
will give an exhibition of the work
done by the young ladies. This
will be a new feature in connection
with the department and will un
doubtedly prove interesting for
those who attend. The public is
cordially invited. - '
The local debating .association
at, the college is trying to arrange
a debate between three members
of the faculty and the team which
will represent the college in the
debate with Albany college.
There is no reason why OAC
should not put out a winning team
and this can only be done by ex
tending them hearty support.
James Shipley celebrated his
70th ; birthday Tuesday. Only
children and grandchildren were
present. A family dinner served
by his children and many appro
priate gifts were features of the day
Grandpa Shipley spent the after I
noon up town, the first in 10 years.
The manager of. '"The
Bonnie Brier Bush" company upon
learning that W. II. Sherwood was
to appear in this city next week,
took occasion, before the curtain
went up for the last act, to make
a few remarks in -behalt of the
great pianist. He praised Mr
Sherwood very highly. However
Mr. Sherwood needs no introduc-
.tion to the American, . public, and
those who fail to hear him will miss
a great treat.
Real Estate Transfers.
Henry Fisher to Oliver Howell,
320 a. near Bellfountain. $120.-
Keziah Brown and hus. to Lilly
B, & M. B. Long, 9 1-2 a. south
west of Corvallis. 332.
William Peacock and wf. to A.
L. Peacock, 1 a. Fairmount, $100.
John D. Wilcox to A. J. Hodges,
320 a. in Kings Valley. $1,000.
Oregon F. & S. Bank et al to
Tohh D. Wilcox 320 a. in Kings
Valley, $10
John Good child to Sarah . Good
child, 80 a. near Wren, small tract
near Corvallis, and lots n & 12 in
block 13, Jobs add, $1.
Florence E. Hills to Mary C.
Tedrow, land in Corvallis, $10.
D. R.
16 1-5 a.
Clouse to M. A.
s. of Philomath.
Attention Farmers
I Want Your E g g s and Butter
Alway Pay Highest Market Price
and You get Fuli Weight
and Measure!
I Handle Everytbing, Come & See
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned ha
filed bis final account for settlement of the estate
of Elizi McFadden deceased, in the county
court of thtate of Oregon for Benton count) , -and
tbe sai l court has fixed the hour ol ten o'
clock a. m. Saturday the 6 day of April 1907, at
the Court room ol said court at Corvalllsf Oregon
aa tbe time Jor hearing all and singular the
matters in said settleneut and all persons lnter
eotej thereiu are hereby i otified of said tact.
W. S. McFadden
Administrator ot the estate of
Eliza McFadden, deceased.
Dated March 8, 1907.
. Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has filed his final nccount tor settlement of the
estate of r rancid Slate, deceased, in the county
court of the state of Oregon for Benton county,
and that said court has fixed the hour Ot 10 '
clock AM. ot Saturday toe 6 th day of April. 1901,
at the court room of eald court at Csrvallls, Or
egon, as tbe time tor hearing all and singular
the matters in said settlement and all persons
interested therein are hereby notlfiei of said
fact. .
Dated March 8, 1607.
J. E. Henkle. .
Administrator of the estate ol Francis Slate, deceased.
Thomas Bilyen to George Schock
40 a. north-west of Corvallis. $100
A L. Humphrey to J. E. Perin,
160 a. west of Bellfountain, $i.
John Gortmaker to W. J. Mitch
ell, lots 1 & 2 blk. 23. Job's add.
$150. '
Henry Nelson to O. B. Kund-
1 son, 191 a. in Kings Valley.
Trustees of Simpson Chapel
Bellfountain Park Association,
a. at Bellfountain, $300.
Barnum lodge No 7 I. O. O.
to A. Hathaway and wf. lots 1 1
12 in block 3, Corvallis, $2700.
A Good Cup Coffee
can be made from
Mr. T. Mon Foo, an experienced com'
pounder of Chinese medicines, successor
iitne late Hong wo Ions', of Albany,
Oregon, is now prepared to furnish Chi'
nese medicine to aU. - The undersigned
recommends him and guarantees satisfaction.
Call or write him at No. 117 West Sec
ond Street, Albany, Oregon.
Jim Westfall.
Clover and timothy at Zierolf's.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office:
Kosebure. Or.. Feb. 190T.
Notice is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisions of the act of congress of June 3.
1S78, entitled 'An act for the sale of timber lands
in the states of California. Oregon. Nevaca. and
Washington Territory,' as extended to all the
ruouc L.ana states Dy act ot August 4, lsyn,
James W. Walters of Monroe, county of Benton
state of Oregon, has this day filed in this office
his sworn statement No. 7817 for the purchase of
the north 1-2 of northwest 1-4 of section No. 32 in
Township 14 s, Range No. 6 W, and will offer
proof to show that the land sought is more valu
able for its Umber or stoue than for agricultural
purposes, ana tp establish his claim to said land
beforeounty clerk and clerk of county court of
tfenton county, at nis omce at uorvauis, Oregon,
on Thursday tne mtn aay ot May, wot.
He names as witnesses: -
Ellis Hammer of Monroe, Oregon
Hanley Buckingham of
Bvron Woolrlage. of -
Clyde Graves, of
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands ore rtquested to file their
Claims in this omce on or 0 store said 16th day of
jxay, J.9U'. or.4Xd.aQa.UM ju wx ,
Wada Malone's freight teams are
hauling goods from Corvallis by
wav of this place on account of the
-condition of the north road.
Dale Perin is farming the Bane
place this year.
John Trusburn is very ill at hi
home near this place. 1
Rena Lemon is visiting relatives
in this nlace before returning to
ier home in Grass Valley, Oregon
Notice to Creditors.
In the Matter of the Estate ) ........
Isaac Porter, deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned
that the undersigned has been duly appointed
administrator with the win annexed of the estate
Isaac Porter, deceased, by tbe county court of
Benton county, state ot Oreg&n. All persons
having claims against said estate of said Isaac
Porter, deceased, are hereby required to present
the same, with the proper vouchers, duly veri
fied as by law required, wilhln six months from
tbis date to the undersigned at his residence in
Benton county or at the office ol McFadden k
Biyson, Corvallis, Oregon,
DaUd this 16th day of March, 1907.
Administrator with the will annexed ot Isaac
Potter, deceased.
Administrator's Sale of Real Prop
In the Matter of the Estate
Henry Holroyd, Deceased. .
Notice is hereby elven that under and in pur
suance of an order of sale made by the county
court ot tne state of Oregon, for uenton county
on the 8th day of February A. D. 1907, in the
above entitled matter, the undersigned as ad
ministrator of the estate of Henry Holroyd, de
ceased, wm trom ana alter
Thursday, the 2 1st day of March
:. lauv,
proceed to sell at orivate sale to the highest bid
aer ior casn in nana, suoject to tne connrma-
uon ot saia court, ail , me touowmg aescnoeu
real property, to-wit:
Lots one m. two f21. eleven rill and 'twelve
(12), Block Four (4), Rayburn's Addition to the
City ol 'Corvallis. In Benton county. Oregon. Said
sale being made tor the purpose ot paying claims
asamst saia estate, and cnarses ana exDenses 01
administration, remaining unpaid. Said sale
will be made subject to the dewer interest of Al
Ice Holroyd, Widow ol Henry Holroyd, deceas
ed, in and to tbe above described premises.'
Dated, this February 14, 1907.
Administrator ot the estate of Henry Holioyd,
BEST BREAD and pastry can be
obtained at Starr's Bak-;ry, . - : ;
Diamond W Coffee
Is a blend of the
Richest Favored
and most aromatic
Coffee grown.
Carefully selected
Thoroughly mixed
Scientifically blended
Correctly Roasted
Diamond" W
Flavor Strength
The four essentials
of Perfect Coffee
which combined
delight the most
delicate Palate
and Educated
r f
PHONE 2 0 3.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed has filed his final account for set
tlement of the estate of John T. Slate,
deceased, in the County Court of the
state of Oregon for Benton county, and
that said Court has fixed the hour of ten
clock a. m. of Saturday the 7th day of
April, 1907, at the court room of said
court at Corvallis, Oregon' as the time
for hearing all aud singular the matters
iu said settlement and all persons inter
ested therein are hereby notified of said
J. E. Henkle,
Administrator of the estate of
John T. Slate, deceased.
Dated March 8, 1907.-
G. B. Rorning, 1
The Grocer. ?
We are not inclined to spend much time in
writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods
and customers speak for themselves.
6. B Remind
v v ..." Witch this space for Bargins in
80 acres 25 in cult balance timber and pasture, new house, fair barn,
' tame fruit. 3 1 -2 roues from town. This is a bargain at $ 1 ,500, terms
1 -2 cash balance on time to suit at 6 per cent.
17 acres, 8 acres in cult.' fair house, good barn, fine fruit, well watered,
some timber and pasture. A fine little home and a bargain at $1,300
Terms, to suit 2 1-2 miles from town, near school.
5 acres, well improved, good house and bam, fine fruit'good water.
One mile from town.. Price $1,800 ' V
In the County Court ot the State of Oregon
ror Benton County.
In the matter of the estate of T. Eg in
tern Hogg, deceased.
To Naomi C. Hogg, William Pinkney
Whyte, William Burke, William Egenton
Burke and Emeue C. Bentley, and to all
others unknown. Greeting :
OREGON, you and each of you are hereby
cited and required to appear in the County
Court of the State of Oregon for the County
of Benton, at the Court Room thereof, at
the City of Corvallis, in the said Couny of
Benton, on the 6th day of April, 1907, at
ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, and
then and there show cause, if any you have.
wny tne petition of the administrator in
the above entitled estate should not be grant
ed and an order made to sell the following
aescriDea real estate, 10 wit:
Lots five (5) and six (6) in block five
(5), and lot one (1) in block six (6) in
the Town of Corvallis; Lots five (5) and
six (6) in block two (21 of Fractional River
Blocks In Avery's Addition to Corvallis,
Benton Uounty, Oregon. The following
property situated in Polk County. Oregon.
to wit: Beginning at a point 26 rod3 east
of the southeast corner of lot number
three (3) in fractional block one (1), in
i.ll's Addiuon to the Town of Independ
ence, in Polk County, Oregon; running
thence north four rods, thence east to the
Willamette River, thence south 4 rods.
thence west to the place of beginning, 'ihat
certain river lot lour rods wide by eiEht
rods long and the building thereon, and
situated directly north of and adjoining the
river lot formerly owned by Smith & Van
duyn, and conveyed by them to T. Egenton
Hogg, both of said lots the one bere de
scribed and the one conveyed by the said
Smith & Vanduyn being situated on the
west bank of the Willamette River at Inde
pendence, in Polk County, Oregon.
The following real property in Lincoln
County: Lot number 2, Section 31, and
southwest quarter rf the northwest quarter
or section 3Z : ut no. 1 section si ;
Northwest quarter of the northwest quarter
Section isz ; Eart one half of the south
west quarter of Section 29. and east one
half of the northwest quarter of Section 32;
tne west one half of the southwest quar
ter of section 29 ; lots 3 and 4 of section
30 ; lot No. J. of Section 19 ; lot No. 2 of
Section 19; lot No. 3 of Section 19;
and the southwest quarter of the
southwest quarter of Section 20 ; . the
west one half of the northwest quarter of
section 29 and lots 1 and 2 of Section 30 ;
the south one half of the nortneast quarter
of the southeast quarter of Section 14 ; the
southeast quarter ot tne soutneast quarter
of Section 23 ; and the southwest quarter of
the southwest quarter of Section 24 ; the
southeast quarter of the northwest quarter.
the south half of the northeast quarter,
and the northeast quarter of the soutneast
quarter xf Section 26 ; the northwest quar
ter of the northwest "quarter of Section 26;
the northeast quarter of the northwest quar
ter of Section 26 ; the southeast quarter or
the northwest quarter of Section 23 ; ,the
north half of the southwest quarter, and
the southeast quarter of the southwest quar
ter of Section 23 ; lots 1, 2 and 3 in Section
28. All of the tide and overflowed lands
on the shore or Yaquina Bay, in tront or
lot 8 in Section 27, and lots 1, 2 and 3 in
Section 28, and lying between the meander
line of said lots on Yaquina Bay and ow
water mark, covering about 23.50 acres ;
the undivided one-half interest in lots num
ber 1 and 2 and the south half of the north
west quarter of Section 10; all situated in
Township 11 south, Range 11 west of the
Willamette Meridian in Lincoln County,
Also the following real property situated
in Benton, Polk and Lincoln Counties, Ore
gon, to wit:
All of Section 31 in Township 10 south.
Range 5 west; south half of northeast
quarter; northwest quarter ot southeast
quarter and northeast quarter of southwest
quarter of Section 11, Township 11
south, Range 6 west ; lots 1 and
2, and tne north half of the north
west quarter of Section 15 in Town
ship 11 south. Range 6 -west; the west
half of the southwest quarter, east half of
southeast quarter of Section 33, Township
12 south, Range 6 west ; the west half of
the northwest quarter of Section 19, Town
ship 11 south, Range 7 west; south half
of southeast quarter, and south half of
southwest quarter of Section 29, Township
9 south. Range 8 west; all of Section 31,
Township 9 south, Range 8 west; all of
Section 33, Township 9 south, Range 8
west ; north half of northwest quarter,
southeast quarter of northwest quarter ot
Section 3, Township 11 south, Range s
west; east half of southeast quarter, east
half of northeast quarter, northwest quar
ter of northeast quarter and northwest quar
ter of Section 19, Township 10 south.
Range 9 west; all of,4section 21, Township
10 south. Range 9 west; all ot Section ii3.
Township 10 south, Range 9 west;
north half of southeast quarter of
Section 25, Township II south,
Range 10 east ; southwest, quar
ter of southeast quarter, west half of north
west quarter and southwest quarter of sec
tion 19, Township 12 south. Range 6 west;
s-uth half of Section 9, Township 11 south,
Range 9 vest; southeast quarter ot nortn
east quarter of Section 1, Township 11
south, xtange 8 west; southwest quarter of
northeast quarter of Section 1, Township 12
south, Range 9 west.
Said sale Is for the purpose ot raising
money to pay claims against said estate.
You are further notified that this citation
i3 served upon you and each of you by pub
lication 'thereof, in the Corvallis Time
newspaper four weeks under an order made
by the Hon. E. Woodward, Judge of said
court, on tne 12th day of February, 3907,
Witness the Hon. E. woodward. Judge of the
County Court of the State of Oregon tor
the County of Benton, with the seal of said
court affixed this the 12th day ol February
A. D. 1907.
A ttest
T. T. VINCEN1", Clerk.
white Carnival next