The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, March 15, 1907, Image 3

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    fc The People's Store . - B
7Ae People's Store
New models of mens Summer Clothes, $12.50 to $20. ,
Walk Over and Ralston Shoes and Oxfords $3.50 to $5:
LadTes Summer Weight wool Dress Goods 50c to $1 .50 a yd.
Ladies Lawn and Batiste Shirt waists, new designs $1 to $5.
Complete lines of Furnishings and Novelties.
FOR SALE. Hedge plants one
old, goods roots. Phone 439,
WANTED- one foreman and six wood
- choppers. $2.5o per day. Tools fur
nished. Good board 4 dollars per
week. Write to Assistant Gen. Mgr.
or Supt. of C&E R. R. Albany, Ore.
HAND made soft center choco
lates at the Palace ot S heets.
Largest stock of
graph records in
Graham & Wells.
Edison phono
the Valley at
Get Rood garden, timothy, clover
all kinds of field seeds at Zierolf 's.
Heilig Hall.
cook. Enquire at
For advertisements in this column the rate
of 15 cents per line will be charged.
Established 1864.
Corvallis, Oregon-
WANTED man to work on farm wages
$50 per month and use of house. En
quire Times oflice.
WANTED man and woman wanted to
work on a bachelor's ranch. Call or
address Times office.
We have opened an office over the
First National Bank, where we
are prepared to han lie all kinds of City
1 property for sale also good farms, stock
ranches. "small tracts, near the' City. If
yon can t find what, you wont come in
and seems, and talk it over. McHenry
& price. Corvallis Oregon.
Services at the Catholic church
Sunday at the usuaL hours.
Clerk Buchanan has completed
the census of school district number
niner The figures are 809.
The Rebekahs are to have a
special meeting on the 20th inst. It
is on account of the district con
vention which is to be held here.
A book typewriter has been
installed in the office of County Re
corder Newton Wednesday and
hereafter the records of that office
will be up-to-date.
- Rev. Frank I,. Moore, former
ly of Corvallis but who is located
as pastor now at Kelso, Washing
ton, has been in town a day or two
looking after property he owns in
this city. He left this morning
for his home.
Governor Chamberlain , is to
deliver an address before the faculty
and students of Philomath college
next Thursday nigbt. His sub
ject relates to the legislature and
its operations, as a department of
the state government.
E. E. Wilson made a business
trip to Salem yesterday.
Spring and summer millinery
opening at Barclay & Barclay s,
March 20th.
Mrs. Lincoln Chambers left
yesterday for Montesano, Washing
ton, where she will visit relatives
The scaffolding on the south
side of the Johnson brick is being
removed and the buiiding is taking
on a dignified air.
C. I. Starr is having his prop
erty on sixth street repaired. It
will greatly improve its appearance
and add to its value.
The home of Miss Mary Suth
erland was the scene of much fest
ivity Tuesday evening. The eveot
was in honor of Miss Gill of Scio,
wno is visiting ner sister. A num
ber of guests were present.
Watches, Clocks Jewelry repair
ing promptly and correctly done
at Pratts The Jeweler & Optician.
For Sale.
FOR SALE As I am going out of the
business I will sell my grain ware
house at a bargain or would exchange
for good residence in Corvallis or a
small farm of equal value. Handled
47 000 bu of grain this season. R. N
Williamson, Wells, Oregon.
MONEY to loan on approved security
Apply to fc, L. Kline agent.
Spring and Snmmer
We: have just received our first large
shipment of Spring and Summer goods
which is now opened and on display in
each depaatment tor your inspection.
You Can Save 5 Per Cent.
Ot your Cash by trading with us. If
you dont believe it cali and see.
When you see it in our ad, its s o
Corvallis - - - Oregon
FOR SALE, incubator, eood as new
For furtrn'r information address H. ' B
Cramer. RFD 3. Independent phone.
703. ' ; .
FOR SALE. A complete box manufac
turing and plaining mill plant. Ad
dress E. Burkholder, Albany, Oregon
$5o REWARD. "It
For information that
will lead to the detection of per
sons who painted the figures -'po
on German - Lutheran church
Leder Bros.
Till further notice ALL glasses fitted by PRATT The
the Optician will be ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED for
In the Circuit Court ol the State of Oregon tor
Benton (Jounty.
James W. Melville. Plaintiff, 1 ,
Frank Hale, William W. Hale, I
Lento McCorkle, Dora E. Ayers,
Effie Hopper. Alfred Hale, Jen-1
nie Shivers. Frederick Elder and j
Cynthia J. Sherman, Defendants. J
To Frank Hale. Dora E. Avres. Allred Hale,
Jennie Shivers and Cynthia J. Sherman, the
above named defendants :
In the name of the state of Oregon, you and
each of you are hereby summoned and required
to h ppear and answer the complain tot (be plalS
tiff in the above entitled suit now on file with
the clerk of the above entitled court, on or Deiore
the last day of the time prescribed in the order
for publication 01 wis summons oereinaiter re
ferred to. to-wtt: On or before March 8. 1907,
and von are hereby nounen tnat 11 ion iau so to
appear ana answer me saia complaint as nere-
ln reauirea. lor want inereor iub prainun win
apply to the above entitled court for the relief
demanded In his sail comblaint. to-wlt: reform
ing a certain deed made by Harrison Hale and
the oeienaant, uyninia j. naie inow uyntnia j,
-Sherman) to Theodore Hale, dated January 6,
lsvo, so that tne description tnerein snau reaa
t follows, to-wit:
Be&lnnine at a noint 52 chsinB east of the
southwest corner of claim No 62, being claim ot
John Grimsley and wife, In Township twelve,
south, range six west, Willamette meridian,
thence north 21 degrees 10 min. west nineteen
and 20.100 chains, thence east fifty-four and 57-
100 chains to the west line ot the tract ot lana
sold by John Grimsley and wife to George Wll
helm on the 6th day ot October, 1868, and re
corded October 11, 1858, on page 148 and 149 la
Book IS, of the records of deeds of Benton coun
ty, Oregon, thence south 11 degrees 15 min. east
tweutv and 30-100 chains alone said west line to
the south boundary line of said claim No. 52,
thence west twenty-three ana 5&-1W cnains,
thence north two chains and thence weBt twen
ty-eight chains to the place ol beginning, contain
lne 100 acre, being and situated in Benton
oounty, Oregon ; that plaintiff be decreed the
Mrs. C. M. McKellips has
been acting as assistant postmistress
the past week, taking the place of
Mrs. Johnson who at present is oc
cupied with the strenuous duties of
moving into the new residence re
cently purchased.
Preaching at the Presbyterian
church Sunday morning and ev
ening by the pastor, Rev. J. R. N,
Bell. Morning: topic, "A Three
Fold Cord;" evening topic, "The
Power of Choice." . Seats free.
Good 1'asic. Obliging ushers.
Everybody welcome.
The athletic field at the college
has been the scene of some activity
of late. The management is hav
ing the track put into condition for
spring work- The prospect for a
good track team is encouraging at
this time. There is much good
material out ol which to produce a
winning team. ' "v
Dr. Tames Withycombe and
Prof. Bradley left Tuesday to' hold
a series of institutes at Turner and
Sublimity in Marion county. They
are to be joined by other prominent
men who will assist them in mak
ing the meetings interesting : and
A great deal of interest is ta
ken in baseball at OAC, this sea
son.. Many good players have sig
nified their intention to try for
honors and competition for the var
ious positions will no doubt be
very keen.
In the probate court: The in:
ventory filed by the executrix of
John F, Fisher, shows the value of
the estate to be 916.231. Final
settlement of the Garlinghouse es
tate has been continued to April
1st. The inventory in the estate
of Isaac Porter is of record. It
shows a property - valuation of
$1478, The estate of William
Seckler has been closed and the
bondsmen' released,
The Electric Light Co. is
making preparations ts install lights
in the alleys behind the"' business
houses. They will be located res
pectively behind Graham & Worth
am's drug store, Elgin's harness
shop, A, Hodes' grocery store,
Homing s grocery store and the
Whitehorn building. They will
all be 32 candle power incandes
cent lights. This improvement or-
The girl's basket ball team of
OAC lelt on the eleven o'clock
train this morning for Salem
where they have a game with the
Willamette girl's team. This
will perhaps be the last game the
girls will play this season.
Herman W. Eddleman and
Mrs. Hannah Thomas of this city,
were married at the court house
Wednesday morning. The knot
was tied by T. T. Vincent. The
couple departed immediately on the
noon train for Albany. The groom
is 51 years of age and the bride 37.
The sheriff's office has been a
place of great activity in the past
few days. Taxpayer have been
rushing there by the dozens to pay
their taxes in order to benefit, by
the rebate which is not effective
after today.
r H. H. Ling has arrived and
succeeded to the vacancy in the
station agency or tne J. & a. vice
Harry Cronise, promoted to a high
er position at Albany. Mr. Ling
comes from Yaquina, where he has
been station agent lor tne same
T. D. Campbell, formerly of
this city, has become traveling re
presentatives for the well kr.own
Portland house of Page & S-u,
dealers in candies , and fruits, and
made his first trip to this city yes
terday. He will be here regularly
hereafter every two weeks. His
territory extends as tar south as
Secretary John Allen of the
Citizens' League,-has received from
a man at Long Island, New York
a request tor information concern
ing Corvallis. He wants to start
brewery, and says he has plenty
of capital for the purpose. He in
dicates also that he can make a first
class quality of beer, and wants
suitable place to engage in the
business. The answer that goes
back will have to convey the m
formation that Corvallis is a local
option town and an inhospitable
Mrs. H. L. Winkley went to
Albany this morning for a visit
with friends.
Opening at Miss Johnson's
Wednesday and Thursday, March
20th and 21st.
Frank Thrasher, O. C T.
agent at Albany visited with his
parents in this city for a few days
this week.
The Epworth League of the
M. E church had a social gather
ing in the basement of the church.
Wednesday evening.
The revival services at the M.
E. church South are growing in
interest. Rev. E. B Jones will re
main over Sunday and preach
morning and evening. The meet
ing will continue through next
week. All are cordially invited to'
attend these services.
The Ladies Missionary society
of the Presbyterian church was
entertained at the home of Mrs.
Mike Bauer Wednesday afternoon.
An interesting program was rend
ered, and delicious refreshments
were served.. About fifty guests
were present.
Thomas Stevens of Albany,
and Miss Elsie Hale, dauehtei of
M. Hale of Benton county, were
married in Portland last Monday.
Both are well known young people
Their many friends in this city con
gratulate them.
The horse market is still active
Several Puget Sound buyers among
wnom are John Welch and A. An
derson of Tacom a, are scouring the
valley for horses for the Sound
market. The horses purchased
are for heavy teaming, and higli
figures are being paid.
Morning service at the M. E.
church will be conducted by Rev.
Rowland. Evening services will
be a continuation of the Lenten
services. The subject of the serv
ice will be "My Savior's Anguish.""
Special music will be furnished by-
Mrs. Peterson.-
This Isn't the Place
Where they give something for nothing
But, with every 50 cent can of Baking Powder, you
can get FREE the Finest Piece of Decorated Ghina,
you ever got in this city. . ' 'e:
Come in and b conv need
T. A Boulden
Grocery Store
owner in fee simple of the above described real (Jered by the tOWn SOlOUS is One in
the right direction. ' -
A meeting of the" board of re
gents is to be held at the college
this afternoon. It is a special
meeting and among other things to
be considered is the election of a
secretary of the board and the se
curing of 1 successor to President
Gatch whose resignation from the
presidency takes effect next July.
Governor Chamberlain and Super
intendent Ackerman are among the
members of the board expected to
be in attendance. Secretary of
State Benson who is at Newport
for the benefit of hi health is not
likely to attend. y ,
or estate therein and that they be barred from
claiming any right, title. Interest or estate in the
above described land.
This summons is published In the corvallis
Timbs newspaper, once a week, for six successive
and consecutive weeks, beginning with the issue
of Januay 2d. 1907, ana ending with tne issue 01
March 8, 1907, under and in pursuance ot the di
rections contained in an ordei made by the Hon.
E. Woodward, Judge of the county court of Ben
ton county, state of Oregon, dated January 21,
1907. Date of first publication hereof is Janua
ry 26. 1907.
Attorney for Plaintiff. ,
Nolan's white carnival next week.
A big Eastern shipment of popu
lar music just received at Graham
& Wells. "
' Neglected Colds Threaten lASe.
From the Chicago Tribune. 1
" 'Don't trifle with a cold is good advice
for prudent men and women. It may be
vital in the case of a child. Proper food,
good Ventilation, and dry, warm clothing are
the proper safeguards against colds. If they
are maintained through the changeable
weather of autumn, winter and spring, the
chances of a surprise from ordinary colds
will be slight. But the ordinary light cold
will become severe if neglected, and a well
established ripe cold is to the germs of diph
theria what honey is to the bee. The great
est menace to child life at this season of the
year is the neglected cold.' ' Whether it is a
child or adult, the cold slight or severe, the
very best treatment that can be adopted is to
give Chamberlain 's Uough Kemedy. it is
safe and sure. The great popularity and im
mense sale of this preparation has been attain
ed by its remarkable cures of this ailment. . A
cold never results in pneumonia when it is
given. For sale by Graham & Wortham.
The funeral of John Goodchild
who resided a mile west of tbwn
occurred from the Christian church
yesterday at 10 o'clock. The serv
ice was conducted by the pastor and
the interment was in Odd Fellows
cemetery. Death occurred at four
o'clock Tuesday morning. The de
ceased was 70 years of age, and
has resided in Benton county for
the past six years. He came here
from Council Bluffs, Iowa, but was
a nativeof Philakelphia. The sur
viving members of the family, are
the widow, a N son, Ed Goodchild,
Chicago, and a daughter, Mr. Ax
tell, Oregon City.
A card received recently in Cor
vallis from a member of the Cres
cent basket ball team that has
been playing in Washington and
British Columbia reveals the fol
lowing scores. Winlock, 30; Cres
cents, 43; Tacoaia, Wash., 26;
Crescents, 38; Vancouver B. C, 20;
Crescents, 29. It was stated that
these games were won hands down.
The Crescents failed to meet the
team of Snohomish on account of
the latter ttam having disbanded,
and the reason why they did not
meet Seattle Y. M. C. A. was that
the date set for the game was lad
ies night. The Crescents admit
that OAC was one of the hardest
bunch of players they have met on
their entire trip.
Wm. H. Sherwood, the great
pianist, will appear at the College
Armory, March 21st, under the
management of Prof. Taillandier,
director, OAC School of Music. Mr.
Sherwood is the greatest American
born pianist, and the first Ameri
can pianist that made a sensation
in Europe. It is said that Liszt
was in the habit of saying to his
pupils whenever they played poor
ly, ' 'You play today like an Amer
ican." But in 1873 he heard Sher-
w 1 - ' 1 j
which makes it evident that- it isl w,ooa pm7 anQ al 7.1 ,1 ra
Eastern middlemen that are making ' "forward to speak .lightly of Amer
the profit just now. About tenl P"8- Tlfketa resrv7
tvi sale uy 11U1.
Taillandier aad. at . Allen' s drug
store. .
Beautiful Display of Northers Lights-
Was Unusual in Character.
A brilliant display of Northern.
Lights was an incident of Tues
day night. The full effect was. not
manifested, because of clouds thafc;
partly obscured the heavens. The
phenomenon first appeared, about
eight o'clock and was visible for ar
hour or two. Four long ianshap
ed shot out of the north a ad
s retched more than half way to
the zenith, with varying play of.
swiftly changing lights of all colors
and shades , that made a rarely
bsaut fu sight. Many of those -who
chanced to observe the scene,
called up neighbors by telephone
and during the time there were
many interested watchers. Many
who saw it, recalled a time twenty
or more years ago when a remark
able exhibition of the kind was
observed two nights in success
ion, w,hen the whole northern.;
heavens were a blaze of brilliant,
lights extending to the zenith and?
sometime even beyond. As ail
know the phenomenon is electrical
?nd on the occasion mentioned
telegraph wires were so heavily
charged with electricity that the
telegraph business was in a measure
interfered with.
What Else
It is part of
Could He Do.
The statement of local dealers
is that only three cents a pound is
offered by chittim buyers now.
Last summer the price soared to
five and a half and even to six
cents a pound. Some local dealers
still have small stocks at those fig
ures, and unless quotations change
will pocket a loss. The ;; informa
tion however, is that medicine men
are having to pay nine cents a
pound when they buy a carload at
a time from Eastern brokers, all of
cars of chittim were shipped out of .
Benton last season.
a congressman s
make-up to remember the faces and
names of people whom he last met,
but Mr. Leonidas F. Livingston,
of Georgia, utterly lacks this facul
ty. He told the following story to
a couple of his friends in his committee-room
at the Capitol a few
days ago.
. "I was coming down in the ele
vator over on the Senate side yes
terday, and a man whose face I
knew as well as I know my own
got in. He greeted me very warm
ly at once, asked after the House
affairs, and was very gracious and
friendly. But call h is name I
couldn't for the life of me. I put
a sort of feeler to him, asking if
he was going up to see the sights
of the Senate. He gave a chilly
laugh, as if he thought I was.
joking him. Finally I told him
in an apologetic way, that I
could not recall his name.He looked
at me amazed .for a second, and then
said very quietly that his name
was Fairbanks.
"Well, what did you do?" asked
the listeners, laughingly.
"Do? Well. I just got out at
the next floor for fear I would ask
him if he had ever been in politics."
Chamberlain's Cough BemeCf
a Favorite.
"We prefer Chamberlain's Cough
to any other for our children," says Ai -J.
Woodbury, of Twining, Mich. "It i.ui
also done the work for us in hard colds arrl
crouo. and we take pleasure in recommenflv
ing it." For sale by Graham & Worthaml j.