Lew4ioo!rSeTS . -".vii vL; ??. I 1 III' ' I "li soy HI m Sale Extraordinary ! " We have too large a stock of Ladies Shirtwaists. We want to sell them, and quick, so here are our prices: Regular $ I 25 Special $ Regular 1 50 Special 1 Regular 1 75 Special 1 Regular 2 00 Special 1 i s 'a ,;r r-.:;f c j v., 98 T Regular $2! 50 Special $1 87) 14 Regular 3 00 Special 2 23 32 Regular 3 50 Special 2 61 49 Regular 4 00 Special 2 97 Regular $5 00 Special $3 69. Sale includes new Johnnie Jones Styles. Latest fabrics, mohair, batiste and albatross, all colors. No old stock All this season's goods. ONE week only' at"' A 4 The lack ot attendence on the part, of the faculty of OAC at fhe recent state oratorical contest was the occasion of much; criticism. All other Colleges were Represented 'by rone or more of their faculty, but not one was . in attendence f rpm OAC a fact, that the people abroad comment upon. Of course the dis tance of the contest from home might have had something to j do with thi9, but,lhe writer had oc casion to" Obsetve'tjaat .last year when the "contest was held" almost at our door the members ot jthe Faculty who are'looked to, to take more pr less interest in this depart ment -of college activities was jnot in evidence. Many ideas coulq be gained that the professor could j suggest to future aspirants! for; forensic fame from OAC. One never ? gams rmuch by remaining within ones own little circle.; The man or woman, who does the most good is the one who associates with others and from their experiences invokes new ideas into his or ! her own methods. ! These remarks are not intende for the faculty as a whole, because there are some who are not expect ed to keep in touch with this branch of work, had they the time. It is to be hoped that hereafter more of the faculty who are in tOJch with this branch of work may be seen at , these gatherings. . i ' -Ps ;' T;. Student. . , n For advertisements in thli column the rate oi a cents per une will be charged. i Watches; Clocks Jewelry repair ing promptly and correctly done at Pratts The Jeweler & Optician: -I. iK: For- Spring ana Snmmer :,-,!: "(.' ;e ,haju$t: received our first large shi pment- of Spring and Summer goods ': i:C, ., JlIm)l MW , ( 1""";""-. ""P,"? r-s ..wnicniis' rjiow . openea anoz oiraspiayA: 4n ;aGfi;depaanent tor your inspection.- t3 Wfru CMSave 5 Per Cent. i TVOt'youfi-Sash by traSng"wHrfuf: IP you idont W cali and see. : mSMlLORISf! When you see it in our ad, its so ; Gorvallis . - 'H Oregon : ' ' S ; furtfier notice ALL glasses fitted by PRATT The ' i ' '. the Optician will be, ' ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED for ' v r ONE YEAR against BREAKAGE of ANY KIND. - NEW ADS TODAY. President Gatch andQlis Gatch went to Portland Friday to see "Madam Butterfly.. 'f 3 . n. jones or Aioany, wno won the state oratorical contest last year, spent Sunday in town visiting with mendss r,r tt r . w J. i U U J J Fran3cirPenderera8s..went to. McMinnville Friday, and was in attendance at the oratorical contest Miss Mary Klecker 'arrived"! Saturday irom a two weeks' visit with Portland relatives and friends. Walter Corbett's " stailing-iace was absent from the general deliv ery window at the postoffice, ' Frif day afternoon and Saturday fore, noon. He went to McMinnville to attend the contest. . .. . ., . Miss Melvena Elgin - left Sun day for Marysville, California, to visit her sister Sophia, who is a trained nurse in : that city. - She will be absent two weeks, visiting San Francisco before her . return. Superintendent Denman has received information that the seeds for use for the ' All-Behton-School-Fair will reach Cprvallis not later than the end of this week, at which time they will be ready for distribution. Get Rood garden, timothy, clover all kinds of field seeds at Zierolf 's. and WANTED a HeiUgHalli cook. Enquire : at WANTED man to work on farm wanes $50 per 'month and use of house. En quire Times office. " -; WANTED man and woman wanted to -J work on a bachelor's ranch. . Call : or address Tipaes office. LOST. J . REAL ESTATE We have opened an. office over the First . National Bank, where we are prepared to handle all kinds of City property tor pale also good farms, ; stock ranchet. small tracts, near the City.1-If yon can't find what:, you" wont come in and seems, and talk it over. McHenrxljg ForSale. rFOU"BALE As I am croing out of the f;:baslesBi3riUeeUniy -grain ware house at a bargain or would exchange for good residence in Uorvallis or a small farm of eqnal value. Handled 47 000 bn of grain this season. R- - N fciUiainsojU-Wells.iJregon. UK SALE, incubator,, good as new For further information address S; B Cramer. RFD 3. Independent phone A complete . box mannfac- T?nn p it n ru. o&LdCi. a. compieie v oox turine and plaining mill plant. Ad dress E. Bnrkholder, Albany, . Oregon. $5 REWARD. ..- : A a ' r: For information that "ivill lead'to the detectioa' of per- sons who painted the figures "09" on German Lutheran : church Leder Bros. -Frank Williams, who . for sev eral months past has been employed a: carp3ntry in the C. &. E. shops at Albany, has bought an interest in the hardware business of R. E. Pugh of Philomath. ;, The new firm is planning to-. enlarge its . stock Prof. J. W. Riley of McMinn ville; College passed through town Saturday to be- in attendance at the meeting1 held in " Albany to - select the man" Who will be the student to represent Oregon In - the Rhodes scholarship at Oxford.' ; The place Waswarded to a Willamette man,; ; "A district convention of " the Rebekahs is to be held in Corvallis on the. 20th. The attendance will include delegations i froth"; Albany, Bueha Vista. Philomath aad" Cor vallis. The presiding officer will be. Mrs.: Judge. Galloway,; of ' Mc Minnville, vice president-of the in;... ::u won .71... t- tfd (i:U ir.7'1 0 ; id:: ii;jo .'j -on 0 -0-j. .iiTwr (i , 'j. j!li:ilV.Oi: f I'. !: auif t vutmr. x -, t the Whete they qive something for nothing il; ir.vo z x.ir.'i ';ii:;i ft - i;H ..iOi;;n ; '- aui;;T ir$$ijrn of. BaPowderjjrou 1: . lil;.- Illtl;: r;i7li ' .b;i cjijjii,. l'."tl. U! ,113 :,! jl... I'.-'-. . uij -fi it ji,. .,1... 1 JiK-''nm. loi.'u-ui y I; priie; in aridti o "-Ml " "'1 "irr.;, ..... - .1 . . . 1 I Av. nnuia rnced il Summons. -.; , In the Circuit Court oi the State of Oregon tor .. Benton County. James W. Melville, Plaintiff, T ' ... ; " V8. I" .' ,:. , . Leath McCorMe, Dora E. Ayere, Effle Hopper, Alfred Hale, Jen nie Shivers, Frederick Elder and Cynthia J. Sherman, Defendants. To Frank Hale, Dora E. Ay res, Alfred Hale, Jennie Shivers and Cymhia J. Sherman, the above named defendants l.. i-. ' In the name of the state of Oregon, yon and each of yon. are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint of the plain tiff lu the above entitled tult now on file with iiiJlr1r rtt thp nliovp entitled roart. on or hpfore wuvuon ot tuts 8ummong,De.i"; v tn'tC- W before March-,I?9.' Trt' hereby notified that U : on fall SO fo ;n2Jk25TaMwer the said compUlui as here tor want thereof tne plaintiff will apriyWeabo'e entitled court tor tUe rvliet IDga oerbam ueeu luauv - xiarri&uii nuie; kuu the defendant, Cynthia J. Hate . (now Cynthia J. ShPTmBnltn Tneodore Hale, dated January 61 1875, so that the description therein shall read M-fo71ows,,t-wltt ' -7. ' . iTAk ,' BeKlnnlnJC at point tj!-cnains eas ra ms southwest corner of claim Np aw, Deing ciaim oi John Orimsley and wife, In Township twelve, mnth. T-.ncR six west. Wlllamett meridian, tneneerfeatiaegnaaim nineteen and 20.100 chains, tnence east miy-iuur uu ui 100 chalDB to the west line ol tbe tract of land sold by John Grimaley and wife to iGeww W.U helm on tae btn aay oiucwwi, cbrdSd Octot)eWt,-)69r-ttpage 148 nd,,149,fa, Boot B, of the records of deeds 6f Benfon couttr , 'Oregon, thence south U degrees lamia, east twenty ana au-iuu cnaiua wuug . , i soutnjjOunaary jiuw ui i .w. ., inu mst twentv-three and ,55-100 chains, iiSenenorthrSwocnalna and thence west:twen- tag 100 acre, being and situated, in Benton county, Oregon; that plaintiff be decreed , the owner In lee simpwoi vne aoovo. ooww ictui::;-. ;rvni li,; iic.l s 5 Uf)jj vCTM Grocery Store en Corvallis. tHwoerty ; that the. defendants nave Wiiu a Liu .teal, rest barred front 7. ,Kn-aln r.l thn.fl' ttiAV Oft iyialiBins.aDrhb,t4tle,teres or tat.e In the lWfCTO"WWl, ... . ... 1 This summons is puousnea m ib Times newspaper once a week, for six ccesewe AMUnCt.,tM.Mu.vH: tuMrfnnta? with the issue ot Jannay 25j,?S07, aud,ending with he issue! March 6, 1907, under and in pursuance of the di rections contained in an order made by the Hoti; -c wajw.'mI inHcTAnf thA conntv court: of Ben-: ton onBty:iate. of n Oregon, dated January iSL,, 1907. Date ot first publication hereof is Janua ry 26. 1907. E.B.WIBOH. : rr i f Attorney for Plaintiff. " Nolan's white Carnival next week. Will lJunlap,--woose jaw -was three times broken, in a rati irom a dam recently, . was; in" town yester day for medical treatment: " Two rif fVi Krpate in Tifc lainf ' fl't firmW knitted and the fhlFd isTapidly ad- wtre tiejtjip oh 'account hering. The lower part ofchis lace is fitill encased iu a; tin' frame that firmly holds his. jaw in the ptoper positions so that when it is finally knitted it will be Aha the right spot fo use. r; The football player in still upde ,iie'csitf of taking food in the sme way ,,'tbat he- dLd when he,legan JifeA in liquid form and,; w,ith ,a , tube, chewing being impossible With him, except in the case of the rag .. - ;4 ' "' Dr. Pernot is i president, Dr. Cathey, secretary, and Dr. ; Farra treasurer," of the Central Willamette Medical Association. They were elected at a meeting "of the : organ ization held in Albany Friday ev ening. The membership includes physicians and surgeons at Albany Corvallis and other . points in the valley., . Dr.' Bennett of Bellfoun tain, is a member, and at the meet-v ing Friday, read an important ppper before the association which was the basis; for an extended and in teresting1 discussion: "The meet ing was held in the parlors of 5 the Alco Club, anJ was lar'geiy attend -ed ,' A banquet ..concluded the ex ercises of ther;ening;f'r-:.lhe next meeting occars at .jibanbij, c The member'shipjndtidejffie ' counties m Lrinn.Iyincoln and Benton... m i , ',..u ''-;.,u:J I'1-" ., , ... -J--j:.,V;4ovv-4. r ' '' .ft-'. C .-t-t'.'U '; ' ' " ' ' tS-ery fey students ; outside1 - "of the class,rdeiegates': wentihto -''Mc Minnville to attend the state orator-' IcaTohTest-Friday; The : OAC delegation was one of ; the smallest there. Compared with - the." other colleges represented it ought toave been trie iargest as' there! are "store than twice''a 1 many students en-iTaaVS2--jii,iQf'e. colleges. Mpfee ihtefiest';;;"shouId - betaken iti' these inteilectual; contest, and' then the 'clian'1..,TvjMSwo-'' be easier for those taking .part; 0 It ts- iust as essential to have v a'-Hatge following at arioratoncal contest to PMh'the btatoif, on-' to victory as it is vin a lootbau vMu, a , .Dask:et ; nail gaineit . Those. wbop -iwent - to; Mc- Minnville were more, than paid for Slcn occasions, 'many new ,uM?IM9 are made, ...new 'jiieas, ''gained1.1 'Of course OA;C "Could 1 not bring home the victor, but they should" all jbe proud of the 'showiagniade'by' John Schroeder." "Fourth placevwas,,in9t bad in satin 'company-,- -:. .ml wtat. eTTaitttgfTablei The old one has done duty there for . many Jong, year rW I Miss Minnette Philips, who is teaching school in Linn county, spent Sunday at her home in this city. r-Rev. F. V. Baer of Moscow Idaho will hold services tomorrow, Btedassday, evening at the Episcp pi! church beginning at 7:30. ( ,-wXDne of the Five Hundred clubs was-efitertained along with a num ber oiinvited, guests at the Covell home Satuidiy nighjf.i. g I w. ijinora rjesn7once j a resident of Corvallis, and Miss Henrietta Dorris of Eugene, were married m Portland Saturday, j Vocal and instrumental recital by. pupils Of the OAC School 1 of Music Saturday,-March i6th,i at 8:30 p. m. at College chapel. Ev erybody cordially invited. Ad mission free. j i Mrs. C. M. McKellips accom panied - the delegation from the college , to the - oratorical contest held at McMinville last Friday evening. It was voted . that she made an ideal chaperone. In a game of base ball on i the College grounds Saturday after noon the OAC team defeated the town team by a score of 19 to 2. Battery OAC -Rooper and Wolff, town Huff and Cooper. The unlucky man who fell in a cess pool connected with . Adam Assell's establishment has been street talk ! since Saturday. He went clear under and was ; only rescued in the nick of time. He was practically buried in the filth when Mr. Assell and others reach ed him' ' and his extraction involv ed much difficulty. He rolled in to the place by accident. : tie is John Scott. : : ; ;: . - - ; Miss ; . Helen Crawford's class in pnysical culture will give an exhibition drill on the afternoon of the2oth.:inst,? These drills are becoming quite; . a . popular ' feature with the department of physical culture. . Lxooq . crowds are m evi dence on . ... these';- occasions which shows that,, a great deal of 1 interest istaken in this branch of co'lege training! . ,; . The public-is - cordially invited -to attend. 'George Small of ' Silver- Lake who" has been visiting relatives and- friends., in . this . vicinity : f o the past week leaves soon ' for the return trip, "via;; of ShanikbC Mr Small. left silver. Lake two weeks ago by stage, .expecting to take the train for Shanikp.s but upon arrival at. the latter point trains of wash outs , and. the iQUfhey to Biggs had to be ., mada. by -stage making' a five days ' continuous1 stage 'trip with only one night's sleep.' - ' -Buyers arerStill scouring Ben tonlcounty :ter: horses. -: s The fde mand is the greatest and the price the highest within- the- memory of all now living; , How one man paid more ; than : $2,1500 for nine horses was told in a recent Times An old gray mare whose locks were whitened by the snows of 17 win ters was sold by. Tames Henderson recently for $125, George Cooper went that sale one better, and sold a mare 21 years old lor. me same price. 'T Buyers will take anything in the shape 4 of horse : flesh that cah get out of its tracks at a price to make the seller, dizzy.-... t The seniors in the mining class atthe college leave Friday evening loj the anhual fyisit : to Southern Oregon mines' ; They go to study thewof kings, of; the mines in actual operatibn, . td; gather 1 specimens of pre and to colleqt practical - inform ation on the subjects in their course of study. ... Xbe members of the class today on a business ; visit. jamies Ball, ' a- well 1 known figure of Newport known for long years to All oldtime Benton County ites is dead. He - was buried at .Newport last Thursdays He r,was one of the most genial men (that ever lived, and a pang of regret at his passing will be felt by all who ever knew him. :- : Harry B. Hall, of Los Angeles, superintendent of ; allowances for the postofice department was in town ' yesterday to -" i jspect the Corvallis postoff ice with refer ence to the contract made by him in be halt of the government before ; the building was erected. , Aftec.Jook- ing me ottice over, ne .declared it to be the best appointed . and equipped office of its class- oa the coast, stating that it more . than met the requirements of the con tract and in all things it was high ly acceptable to . the department. ne oiiiciany coniirmea tne con tract, and left on the six o'clock. train for Portland. ' IN A NEW ROLE. How Women are Crowding Men out of Positions This one is Theatrical Advance Agent. A young woman, traveling as advance agent for a theatrical com pany invaded Corvallis Saturday, and thereby afforded illustration of how woman is crowding the stern er sex out of positions of which he was formerly the sole guardian. She was Miss Florence L. Newman who came as the advance agent of The Bonnie Bnei Bush com pany, whicn appears in tne upera House Thursday evening. She is from New York City with head quarters at the Knickerbocker, the base of operations for almost an, infinite number of traveling com panies. She is 26 years of age and has been traveling six years as an advance agent. She is a very sightly; person, well dressed and according to the statement oi locaL people was well able to drive at good bargain for the people she- represents. . She travels about a week ahead of her company, and .arranges the . preliminaries as to hotel accommo dations, transportation details, bag gate contracts, bill posting. and kindred duties. The loneliness of the life, throwing her constantly a, stranger among stranger:!, is her chief objection to . the business, but this" she says is atoned for by ther fact that it gives her remunerative: and easy employment and a wide range of travel. :. She was in Cor vallis a day, leaving for Albany on the evening' train. In' timet it seems as if women will hold posi tions in every' walk of life, barring of course those in which physical . phase is largely involved; : She is fast demonstrating that she has the 'capacity, and that is what the em ployer is looking for. ; !The Bonnie Brier Bush" which ? Miss Newman represents, is a New Vork. organization with a play dramatized from , the well known tO)k ofjthe same name, Augustus Thomas, one of the greatest play wrights in America being one of the dramatists. It is a drama much after the order of "Kerry Gow" which was recently produced at the Opera House with such satisfact ory results. Manager Groves had to give a big guarantee in order to secure the attraction. ' "THE BONNIE BRIER BUSH. Joff by Mr.' Boquet and others Whist was afcKndUTgea in. xnose OTesent,were,Messrs. Finn, Yeageri Pendergrass, Nola Reid. G,Storief H. Cook, John'- Clark, Ctwwtorffc Cole,''' Will' WickS"nd John -Withy combe.;,.' Alt voted it a very pleas ant evening an4 . washed their -host maBy bappy and prosperous years. areBeu.Greehhaw, G. J. Riley, J. Lfngaas. "F, M, , Hofer, and P. J. Jones, They aire ' accompanied by Jnstrjjctw'ProsbstI. They go to Various: groups of jnines id Joseph-; iot and Jackson , counties. :The miners in al cases afford the stud ents every . facility , for observation- ana;stuay;- . anil ' ' -36he' of the "social events ,of the season took place Saturday even ing, .when Arthur ' Boquet,. m-; vited a few o'f f:hisii!friends , in to SDend.the evening';;Theaffair, was k dinner in horiof of Mr. Boquet' s LJl 1 LllLlilV . 11 was OI.l-iV.tlT otaft nature?; the ,iboysJi:even preparing te"sumpuotls;dinnefp whichy was dinW: i 'After 'rdoinfe 3 more,, .than jus.ticefo'thespread,;' the -estsso pthersof note in the theatrical rallra tn ftis Cltrirtir' 'l VrW-irn':i Where-li ' . j I U. oil tmltv X - i.. . .U b U W -,.,1U, " " - stories, ,were told, and'arfew vocal Thrrsday Night. -Of all the book plays that have ' been done in New York the past three years, the adaptation of 'The Bonnie Brier Bush. , was undoubt- . edly received with t'he greatest fav or.. 'MacLarens Scotch" tales were dramatized by James MacArthur. editor of the ." Bookman' ', and Augustus Thomas, the author of 'Alabama'-', .-JArizpna." and "The Otber.Girl." The part of Leach land Campbell, the old Scotch shep- ard. is known as one ot; the great est characterizations of the present era . in theatricals, and . has been pronounced by critics a masterwork. With a carload ot special scenery ;is promised an adequate portriature of the scenes irom which tan Mac Laxeni storJes.were taken, and the company is fully up. the high stan dard maintained in" the past and includes manv o the original cast world, and number&in.. all twenty oeoole. The entire -.Kirke La and ins,t'runiental solos were struck-gjieTie production will be used, and off h-w'-'MrV1 rWitiet"- and otherSi'l t otAra frvr tVincp voha a treat i9l in store for those wno witness this beautiful play. Owing jp the heavy expense, in bringing this company " to ' Corvallis . the prices will be 5V 75 and I Seats now selling.jq - Garden seeds, timothy and clover seed and all kinds ot field seeds t Zieroir.