mmmm Vol. XX.-No. 2 COBVALIilS, OREGON, .TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 12. 1907; B. V. tBTm B01ICC - - Mid ProprteCO I a 1 -a I Our Store will offer a whole lot of articles DURING fEBRUARY At a price that will make them move. DOWIE IS DEAD AP03TLE RAVE3 AND ORDERS GUARDS TO THROW OUT THE DISTURBERS. ' A big lot of odds and ends remnants at bargain prices Overcoats ,or men and beys at cost . , Ladie3 jackets at one ;half price. We are receiving by every freight some new goods and will be prepared for the early buyers this month. Don't forget thai we handle Sewing Machines, Carpets, Bugs, Lineolums, Etc. Call and See Judge Barnea and Two Personal Attend acts Present When End Comes Dies in Delirium at Sbiloh HouBe . . - Other News. Chicpeo. March 9. John Alex- lander Dawie died at 7:40 o'clock this morning, at Sbiloh House, Zion when he died onlv Judge D. N. Barnes and two personal attend ante. It had been hie custom all summer and winter to hold religious services every Sunday afternoon in the narlor of Sbiloh House. About i50 of his original followers re mained faithful and attended these services. Ddwis always wore his apostolic robes and made a charac teristio address. Five weexs ago these meetings ceased, and Dowie anneared no more in public. Since that time Dowie has been e-aduallv !failine. Friday after nnon. there was no indications of approaching death. He received a few followers and prayed for some DeoDle. One of the attendants re mained with him until midnight and waB relieved by the other at tendant.' " ' Shortly before one o'clock this i i i morning, uowie oecame aeiinouB, and his talk was the same as at a Corvallis, Oregon I rellglore meeting in the days of his fit lieuteDant and general over- prims, v n obuuuuucu jjcujiw n .vu BKr of the church, xhe month the old-time s vigor, ordered ; the Voliva took charge of Zion City he, guards to throw out auturrjere, ana b r of attorney, vested .in him by Dowie, naa ait tne property maw We Solicit Comparison. Just received a full line of Spring and Summer Novelties. The Famous Packard Shoe, Sold by A. K. RUSS Dealer in men's Furnishings : in our store because they know that here they are always sure ''to.' get goods of undeniable ' fine. ,, and lowest prices. i OUR STQCK. includes all the requisites of every game and sport. We can fit you but with all the latest things whether you want to-row, play base ball, tennis, fish, hunt or go bicycEngr I We also sell Old? Gas Engines, Oliver Typewriters, Victor Talking Machines and Sewing Machines.' . M. M Ind. Phone 126. r , v "-.Comllis, Oregon. divine healing aeeociatiou 'was for merly organized in February, I896, Dowie becoming . general overseer. Four years afterward Dowie, before a large audience in tbe Auditorium Theatre, announced that he was Elijah the Restorer. ... Previous to this Dawie bad mark ed out his plans for Zion City, the crowning effort of bis life. . Six thousand acres of land were pur chased, and in .August,, 19ol, the first building was erected in Zion City, which a year later bad a pop ulation of 10,000.: In Zion City Dowie was supreme. The ti tle cf the 6,000 acies, bought with the money of the sect, rested in him. Lots were leased, not sold. Run ning for 999 years, these leases were filled with the following restrictions: The premises shall never be used for a slaughter house, saloon or beer garden, tobacco store, opium joint, theatre, ; gambling establish ment, dance ball, circus, pharma cy, drugstore, office or residence of a practicing physician or surgeon, piace for selling pork or secret meeting place." In December, I903, Zion (Jity was placed under the control of a Fed eral; receivership, which was dis solved a week later on Dowie s pre sentation of ability to pay dollar for dollar on all indebtedness. , At that time Dowie estimated the value of his holdings in Zion City at $25, 000,000. iugnteen,, montns ago Dowie began the promotion of a second Zion City in Mexico. While engaged in this undertaking his health failed and ne went t Jamai ca. wniie mere ne eunereu a siroae of naralvsis from which be never fully recovered. ,. , It was at this time tbat he ap pointed Wilbur Gleen Voliva, his JURY DISAGREED EXPECTED IT," AND GOES BACK TO JAIL; MAY BE TRIED ON BOULE CASE. . belonging. to the church transferred from Dowie to Overseer Granger, charging extravagance and gross mismanagement by Dowie. Voliva called all the Zionists to tbeT tab ernac'.e in Zion City and denounced Dowie., With the exception ot less tban 2oo of Dowie s former follow erf , all the inhabitants cf Zion City chose Voliva as their, future. . leader and word , was sent to Dowie in Mexico that he bad . been deposed He immediately started for Chicago and took the controversy! to the courts for settlement.:- i Since Dowey was beaten in the fight for tbe control of .-the .'proper tus tbat be iounqed,- the. propbet NOTICE. I will pay the highest Mart et price-in cash for Poultry, hogs, veal calves etc. at tsolden's grocery store corner Second & Monroe streets opposite Corvallis Hotel. Your cash is always ready and a square deal guaranteed to all. . . Thon'. Boulden And you will sure come agaih after seeing rbur Fine ': ''"" :"' Line of Baseball Goods Just in Base Ball Bats Masks '' Mitts Gloves Etc. ' Tennis Sets Balls Boxing Gloves Striking Gloves Indian Clubs Etc. un acted juet as he bad on so many previous occasions, tie graauany became weaker, and tbe attendant teleDhdned for Judge Barnes, ; who reached Sbiloh House at 7 A. M For minutes later Dow ie;was dt&a. Mr. Dowie, Judge Dowie, the prophet's father, and his son, .who are at Ben McDhui, Mich., ;bave been notified and are expected . at Zion City today. . Dowie was born m ,dinburcb, Scotland, May 25, 1847. . In : 1860 his patents removed to Adelaide, Austrslia, where for seven years the youth was clerk In a busineES. tie saved enough money during this period to returnjlto ..Edinburgh at the age of 2O to take a five years' course in tneoiogy ana we aus. ,n hftd recovered his vior 1 ..(.. nuuk ortri Un- ' - -- " brew, and cultivated a literary taste that resulted in after years in a li brary of 10,000, with which he was thoroughly familiar. Six years of denominational ac tivity w aried Dowie, who longed for a wider field of operations. He forsook h's church in 1887 and went to Melbourne, where he set up a Free Christian Tabernacle, the first of Us kind, and organized a divine healing association, which after ward became international in char acter. H2 became president of this association, aud gained fame by go ing out into the country during tbe prevalence of putna lever and ap parently effecting many -cures by prayer and laying on of hands, ; . After 10 years at ; Melbourne, Dowie decided to remove to Eng land, where bis association bad a number of branches, but the fates took him across the Pacific, and bis announced intention of making Great' Britain world headquarters was never 'carried out. Dowie land ed in San Francisco in 1888, need ing xnbheyiHe heeded $250, and had iust told his wife he had "ask ed God for it,? .: be said, when man he had not seen ' in ..' months cme along and put the amount in hie hands. That was the starting point in his- wonderful 'money-get tine Career in the-western world Two "yearslof ' wanderintf alone the California coast followed, and then, in189bivDKfXtowie;f1iis-i wife; bis son'Alexande .'Johai Gladstone Dowie; BnrjKrasvdaugnter, : Esther, arrived id Chicago which waB to be'tue theatre iof iusreat work. During the oexfc five years Dowie was arrested at least 100 times for violation of the city ordinances re latinr to the care of tbe sick, ' out. the more trouble that was rnade for him, the more he prospered. Branch churches were established in - other cities, a large hospital for the heal ing of the sick wa9 built in Chicago, a nrintinc Dlant nut in operation, and a bank was also started. The Christian Catholic church in Zion City, the outgrowth of the original Will Be Taken to Caldwell to Tes tify in the Trial of Moyer, Hay 1 wood and Pettibone Wallace, Idaho, March 8. "Just That is Steve Adams' view of the iemieeal of the jury which declared aet evening it was unable to decide whether he was guilty or innocent of the murder of Fred Tyler. Adams appeared in court this morning, waived the right to ask for release on bond and returned to jail. The state aesertB that the caee will be tried again, presuma bly at the October term of court next, but the opinion expressed here is that he will be tried on this charge again. He will probably be taken to Caldwell, Idaho, in a few days, to testify in the trial of Moy er, Haywood and Pettibone, accus ed of the murder of ex-Governor Stunenberg, and in caee they are convicted ne may ne tried later as an accessory to this assassination. Should they be released, the idea is advanced here that Adams will be tried for the murder of Settle Boule, rather than tried again for the murder of Tyler. The trial just concluded is estr mated to have cost this county about $25,000, io which must be added the expense borne by the state and by thea Western Federation of Miners, which provided for Adams' defense. . ,. service, after the .foreman declare!, positively that it, was impossible tb reach a verdict. In the courtroom were all of 1 the - attorneys for both. eldes, but only a few epectatora. . The prosecution declares Adama will be tried again for' the murder of Tyler, bat not - sooner : than tha next term of court, which begina in October. Attorneys for the . de fense openly state their belief that Adams will never be tried again oa the Tyler charge. 1 They point, to the expense to the county of Sho shone, estimated to reach $25,000 for this trial alone, and say" that prosecution will, in their opinion, ultimately announce that the case; is dropped. Practically every one in ;Wallace was prepared for a hung jury, and the . news which was spread by newspaper extras came aB no sur prise, ibe chief interest was in earning how each juryman voted. Attorney Hawley, leading coun sel for the state, made the predic tion immediately after tbe jury went out, that it would hang. At torneys tor the defense made a sim ilar p t.d c ion. In fact, nearly ev ery one who watched the case ex pected this result, although there was some surprise at the even divi sion. Wallace, Idaho, March 8. Six to six was the standing of tbe Steve Adams jurv, which finally reported disagreement last night, after being Lout 37.honrsv The jury was then I A 'en ha rem A - - .-!.--;-.?-- The jury for many hours stood at seven for conviction and five for ac quittal, and it was only upon the last ballot tbat the jurymen stood evenly divided. . George Wilson, one of the jurors in referring to the request made by tbejuxy, that the court read Ma sons testimony to them, which re quest was- refueed, said, "if the court had read us that testimony. there would have been an acquittal The friends of Adams are delight ed with the result, and declare it is tqual to an acquittal. As this is a mining town, the general sentiment seems to favor Adams. Judge Woods for its patience tbanked the jury and diligence in San Francisco, March 8. Abra ham Rnef again failed to appear this morning when his case was called in Judge Dunne's, court. Coroner Walsh reporting his ina bility to find tbe indicted attorney. Assistant District Attorney Hc- ney was examining, tbe coroner. when S. M. Shortndge, one of Ruef'a attorneys,' objected to a question. Judge Dunne ordered Shortridge to take bis seat, but he , refused. Six times Judge Dunne ordered the at torney to eit down, but Shortridge kept on talking. (Finally Judge Dunne ' ordered a bailiff to. eject Shortridge from the room nnlese ha Bat down. , The attorney finally took his 6eat but kept on talking. Judge Dunne then declared him guilty of con tempt of court - and ordered him confined in the county- jail for 24 hours. i Heney read an affidavit, declar ing the coroner's ' incompetency as a peace officer for the service of the bench warrant on , Ruef. At its conclusion he applied-to the court to appotnt an elisor to capture Ruef and bring bim to the bar.' To this Judge Dunne Consented, and court waB adjourned until two o'clock to allow time for the selection of a cit izen to act in th sheriff's and cor oner's stead. . As Judge Dunne waa leaving the bench, ' Shortridge ad dressed him, saying: ' "I desire to request your honor for a stay of , execution, eay, 24 hours, in the matter of the order of - Continued on page 4 7 JKeyusiiaJIy want something from the pantry You remember the hunger you had Home cooking .counts for much " - ; . in the.child's health; do not imperil. it with alum food by the. use of poorbaking powder; '' Have; a delicious, pure, home-made muffin, cake or biscuit ready when they hi. t TbTbe sure of the purity', ; you roust use come IKE PlJ9EC3 Royal makes a difference in ryour horned difference in your healths a ouTerence m your cooiang. ROYAL is absolutely Ptore.