The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, March 01, 1907, Image 4

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    Miss Grace Nichols has been
engaged to teach ascho l south weet
of Philomath.
Ciy water reot for March is
due. Pay at the otBce.
Mrs. Danneman and daughters
now occupy the Jacoeb Taylor home.
The rimoval ocoumd Wtdneiday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Garros left
ariy thia wetk to occupy a haod
fiutne new hotue in Pleduacrr, u
suburb of Fortluiid.
A bandeoaie elttr and pulpit
for tbe German Lutheran church
is tesriog cooiulttioa at Cclbeit'e.
The pulpit is of panel work in
Gothic design, is sextaconil In
ehape and stands about six feet
higti. Tfce altar 13 14 1 2 It-el in
height by six fee', wide and is of
very bbu.iful design and finish.
Whitman college and Dallas
college both claim to be in line for
tbe basket ball championship of the
Nortbwe-t. The re&l way to eettle
it is for them all to meet. VV ou
tran refused to play 0. A. C. on
tbe recent tour. Whitman vas de
feated Joy the Pendleton High
school 15 to . 13, O. A. C. in the
same hall deleated Pendleton High
33 to 9. 0. A. C. has not been Ge
lea ted in two years. Dallas was de
feated this year. Siiil euch thing
are easily tc.tleable snd toe way 10
lo it is to play.
The following Fates have been
snade by Ambler & Witters: W. A.
Laidlaw to Pekr H. Swansoa of
IMorth Dakota, 357 acres, three
miles northwest of Corvalli-, $6060;
Henrietta Randall to V. E. Wt-
ters, house and thre lots in Dixon's
addition: Mrs. G. H. Lindeman to
Henrietta. Randall, house and lot
ia Dixon's addition, $l,7oo.
The annual election of -officers
occurred ut ths regular meetinp of
the Fire Dfipartustnt last Tuesday
evening. The following were elect
ed: J. K. Berry, chief; John Allen,
assistant chief; E. R. Lake, presi
dent; Dr. Harper, vice-pret-ir'etit ;
B. F. Boroelt, secretary; Lineey
Sharp, treasurer; Will Colbert,
steward. The chief ia to lective
$2.50 far each el-inn, $ s for each
5re fiud seurstii ?5 per moith.
It is to be. paid by the departoitnt.
Polk County Observer: John
P. VauQrs-kl, chief engineer of tbe
ta and Falls City Railrocd
t-aav, returaai Tarsday tve-
oiag from a goiveyfcg ' trip in the
Sileiz country. He ft posts .a ccn
sidarablo tiiitbap when on Monday
the cabin in which the party' bad
beeu slaying wai disooveied bt ra
id1, and all his caaps aod cote-books
containing notasaaddataof nioo'hs
of pain-taking work, were consum
ed. The wo? k will have to be dune
over at a cnelderabl2 expense, as
the books contained notes oithe ut
most Importance to the further con
.etrueticn of the road.
Isaac Poiter, fourth son of Mr
-And Mrs. M. Porter of Willamette
precinct, was burled yesterday id
Newton cemetery. He died Wed
nesday mori.iog after an illness of
several weeks of kidney trouble..
He was birn August 18, I859, nn
the M.' Porter farm eight miles
south of Corvallis. He was marri
ed January 11, 1896, and has a
- daughter eight years of age. A
few years ago, the hos
- feaodand were were divorced. The
deceased was well known through
out the county his entire life having
been spent in the vicinity.
Notice for Publication.
United States Land Office:
Roseburg, Or., Feb. 1907.
' Notice is hereby given that in compliance with
the provisiens of the act of congress of June 3,
1878, entitled 'An act for the sale of timber lands
in the states of California, Oregon. Kevaua, and
Washington Territory,' as extended to all the
Jiiblic land States by act or August 4, 1S92,
-James W. Walters of Monroe, county of Benton
iitate of Oregon, has this day filed in this office
his sworn statement No. 7817 for the purchase of
the north 1-2 of northwest l-4of section No. 32 in
Township H S, Eange No. 6 W, and will offer
proof to show that the land sought is more valu
able for its timber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his claim to said land
before county cletk and clerk ot county court of
Benton county, at his office at Corvallis, Oregon,
- on Thursday the 16th day of May, 1907.
-He names as witnesses:
Ellis Hammer of Monroe, Oregon
. Manley Buckingham of " "
Bvron Woolridge. ot " "
Clyde Graves, of . " "
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
tabove described lands re requested to file their
claims in this office on or betore said 16th day of
May, 1907. BENJAMIN L. EDDY,
' ' Register.
Watch this space for Bargins in :
RE l
80 acres 25 in cult balance timber and pasture, new house, fair barn,
tame fruit. 3 1-2 miles from town. This is a bargain at $1,500, terms
-2 cash balance on time to suit at 6 per cent.
17 acres, 8 acres in cult, fair house, good barn, fine fruit, well watered, -some
timber and pasture. A fine little home and a bargain at $1,300
Terms, to suit 2 1-2 miles from town, near school. .
. 5 acres, well improved, good house and bam, fine frtuV'good water.
One mile' from town. Price $1,800.
Wheat is 60 cents in the local
market. Oats is 35.
Sherman Gleason is now em
ployed as head man in the saw. mill
of Feller Bros near Hubbard, Mar
ion county.
Samples of candy confections
from the Winkley candy store , that
have reached the composing room
of the Times office are of rare
quality and toothsome beyond
At the annnal election of offi
cers lor the Farmers Fire Relief
Ass' n. held at Butteville, C. A.
Bareinger of Benton county was
re-elected treasurer.
-The Wills boarding ;hall for
students is temporarily vacant. J.
W. Smith who hasoccupied it since
the holidays moved out Wednes
day. Failure of owner and tenant
to agree is understood to have been
the reason for the change.
Canv?rser- Madam, I would
like to show you the beautiful
silver forks that we are giving a
way with every half dozen bars of
skinflint soap.
Lady of the house. We don't
never eat with forks in this house.
They leak.
The snag boat which has been
operating on the upper Willamet
te for two or three months has
completed i'.s work in these parts
for the present and gone to Port
land. It is the understanding
that she will be laid up for a couple
of weeks for repairs.
. There are many changes in
the school law as a result of the
late legislative session. Superin
tendend Ackerman having the
amendments printed in.pimph-
let form, and they will be ready
lor, distribution as soon the change
goes into elfect which will be about
the 25th of May. Each district
is entitled to a copy for each school
officer and at the proper time they
wiu De obtained at tbe county
superintendent s office.
Besides the other many attrac
tions at the big All- Benton School
Fair next summer, the annual
teachers institute of the county
will be in session. The first con
vention of school boards provided
for in new legislation at the late
session will be held at the same
tme. The chairman of every
board of directors in the county is
a delegate and he will receive two
dollais for his days attendance on
the convention.
The following real estate trans
fers have been filed at the court
bouse: Elizabeth J. Moore and hus
to J. A. Harper and wf. one lot in
block 6 $900 . James L- Osburn
and wf. to E. J. Harrington lot 8
in bloct 3, $450. .United States
to W. J Warfield 162 acres in Alsea.
Alvin Knapp and wf. to J. D.
Garman 324 acres northwest of
Corvallis $2500. State of Oregon
to Alvan Knapp 324 acres north
west of Corvallis $405. F. W.
Holmes 20 acres near Albany$i.
Administrator's Sale of R al Prop
erty. In the Matter of the Estate
Henry Holroyd, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that nnder and in pur
suance of an order ot sale made by the county
court of the state of Oregon, for Benton county
on the 9th day of February A. D. 1907, in the
aoove entitled matter, the undersigned as ad
ministrator of the estate of Henry Holroyd, de
ceased, will from and after
Thursday, the 2lst day of March,
rjroceed tn sell at m-ivntft snip to thft hicrhaat. Mrt
der for cash in hand,, subject to the confirms -
tion of aid court, all the following described
real property, to-wit:
Lots one (1), two (2), eleven (11) and twelve
(12), Block Four (4), Rayburn's Addition to the
City of porvallls, in Benton ceunty, Oregon. Said
sale being made for the purpose of paying claims
against said estate, and charges and expenses of
adminibtiatlon, remaining unpaid. Said sale
will be made subject to the dcwer interest ot Al
ice Holroyd, Widow ol Henry Holroyd, deceas
ed, in and to the above described premises.
Dated, this February H, 1907.
Administrator ot the estate of Henry Holroyd,
deceased. . ., .
NOTICE. I will pay the highest Mark,
et price in cash for Poultry, hogs,
veal calves etc. at Bolden's grocery
store corner Second & Monroe streets
opposite Corvallis Hotel. Your cash
is always ready and a square deal
guaranteed to all. Thoa. Bonlderj.
PIANO TUNING up to May ist.
at special prices. Also music
tought in all grades of difficulty.
Frank A. White, phone. 405.
Corvallis, Ore. :
Miss Helen Steiwer left for
home yesterday, after a visit at
the Withycombe home.
John Withycombe returned
yesterday from a visit to his
parents in ' Portland..
To telephone or telegraph
Is always futile labor;
If you'd spread news just notify
Your wife to teleneighbor.
A marriage license was issued
to Harry C. Miller and Mabel P.
Heisner Wednesday. The cere
mony is scheduled for Sunday.
-Invitations have been received
in this city announcing the wedd
ing of Miss Louise Webber to
Dr. Miller, a Portland dentist.
March 12th is the date.
In the probate court, the ad
ministratrix of the estate of C. G.
Felger has filed her inventory as
follows: real property $2500, per
sonal $2100.
, Mrs. Etta Lee who recently
sold her home to B. W. Johnson has
moved into rooms in Mrs. M. E
Lee's home. Mr. and Mrs. John
son win snortiy occupy tneir new
A large delegation of OAC stud
ents is preparing to go to McMmn-
ville next Friday to attend the
state oratorical contest. The OAC
orator is J. G. Schroeder of Port
land. A special round trip rate of
$3 has been secured for the occasion.
Oren Howard vs S. M. How
ard is the title of a divorce
case filed in the. clerk's
office. The couple were married in
1872 m Lane county. Desertion
desertion by the defendant is alleg
and a dissolution of the marriage,
costody of a fourteen . year old
daughter and cost of the - suit
are asked by the plaintiff.
William Ray Dilly, of class
1900, OAC, is located at Little
Falls, Washington. He. is the
secretary of the Still Water Lum
ber Co. with Ben. S. Olsoa,
president. Mr. Dilley has served
also as treasurer and manager of
the Still Water Lumber Co. At
the present time be is one of the
Board of Directors of the Lumber
Manufacturers' agency at Centralia
and last but not least, citizens' of
Kings Valley where Mr, Dilley
torraeriy lived will be interested m
the fact that the young man is the
present mayor of the city cf Little
A man at work forty feet in
the air, and at times snugly cover
ed by a tent that keeps the rain off
as he whistles and plods at his
task, is at times a familiar scene
on the street. The workman is a
telephone lineman, and he is engag
ed in soldering cables. He is sus
pended from a wire cable that is
strung to the tops of fifty foot poles
and by a. handy contrivance the
tent is spread over him. Beneath,
an assistant by use of a rope sends
up such materials or tools as are
required, and the work- goes on a
pace, regardless of the Oregon rain
that passes that way.
Notice of Sewer Assessment.
Notice is hereby given that the Common Council
ofthe City of Corvallis. has assessed upon each
lot, or part thereof, ascertained and determined
by the report of the viewers to be specially bene
fitted by the sewer constructed through Blocks
H" and ,G" in Avery's Addition to Corvallis,
and Block No. 13, original town ol Marysville,
now Corvallis, Oregon, its proportionate share of
the cost of such sewer as found by such viewers,
and that the foUowing is a description of the sev
eral lots, or parts thereof so assessed, a statement
of the names of the owner or owners of
such lot, or part thereof, jf known, and of the
sum assessed upon eacn lot, or part tnereoi.
I T3rtr,V TI ;n Avpro'a Arlrlit-inn tr
r r10CK ,.n. . ln. AVery 8 AOCU.UOD 10
Said City ot Uorvallie.
Lot No. 1,
Lot No. 2,
Owner, Emory Allen,
32 00
32 00
32 00
Lot No. S, ' ' "
Lot No. 1, " Ella RickardV
Lot No. 5, "
Lot No. 6, "
Lot No. 7, , ".
Lot No. 8, " . "
Lot No. 9,
Lot No. 10, " lEmbry Allen,
Lot so 11,
Lot No. 12, ' .
Block "G" in Avery's Addition to
Said City of Corvallis.
Lot No. 1, Owner, Jesse S, Flint,
32 00
32 00
Lot No. 2,
1JX no. a,:
Lot No. 4,
Lot No. 5,
Lot No, 6,
Lot No. 7,
Lot No, 3,
Lot No. 9,
Lot No. 10,
Mary Helen Hunter,
Sarah L.3authorn,
Emma Finley, '.
Ross C. Finley, -McCauley
Porter, '
Lot NO. 11,
Lot Nov .4.2,
32 o0
Block No. I3, Original' Town of
Marysville No wCity ; of cryallis.
Lot No. U-Owner, Ehoda Taylor, 32.00
Lot No. 2, v'.i-.: - 32.00
Lot No. 3, ' Etta E. Downer, ti 32.06
Lot No. 4, ' John R. Wright, 32.00
, Frank Wright, ; ...
. Abble Wright.
Joseph C.Wright,
I-'a Wright and
Mattie Davidson.
H. H. Abel
E.H. Taylor,. .
. . U vl.j ....
LOt No. 5,
Lot No. 6,
Lot No. 7,
Lot No. 8,
Lot No. 9,
Lot No. 10,
Lot No. 12,
v 32.00
Barbara KehL
' The foregoing assessments were entered in the
docket of City Liens of the City of Corvallis on
the 16th. day of February,-1907, and if the sum ot
money assessed as aforesaid upon any snob - lot
or part thereof, is not paid to the City Treasur
er ot the City of Corvallis within five days' after
the date of the final publication hereof, as "here
inafter noted, such sm will draw Interest at the
rate ot eight per cent. per. annum after the- .ex
piratlonoi such time, and a warrant will isBue
directing the chief-of police 61 said city to levy
upon and sell such lot or part, thereof : to satisfy
such assessment. . ; ,
Date ot final publication March 1. 1907. U-'.i
- - J.F.YATES,
;; Pli Judge, City ot Corvallis."
a yI,rr
j. .A.
Attention Farmers!
I Want Your Eggs and Butter
Alway Pay Highest Market Price
and You get Full Weight
and Measure!
Handle Everything, Come
The Grocer.
We are not inclined
writing advertisements
and customers speak for
G, B
Diamond W Coffee
Is a blend . of the
Richest Favored
and most aromatic
Coffee grown.
Carefully ; selected;
Thoroughly mixed
: ' .tr: ' - .of
Scientifically blended
Correctly Roasted
PHONE "2031
Absolutely Pure
Pure Cream Tartar
'Pure Bicarbonate Soda
Folger & CO. San Fnmcco
- dS
to spend much time m tfft
we prefer to let our goods fj
themselves. j3
A Good Cup Coffee
can be made from
Diamond "W"
Flavor Strength
The four essentials
of Perfect Coffee .
which combined
delight the most
delicate Palate
and Educated
Taste ; . 7
Notice of Final Account.
Notice is hereby given that .the undersigned
Anna Seckler, has filed in the county, court ot
tho slate of Oregon, for Benton county, her final
account as administratrix of the estate ol W 11
liam Seckler, deceased, and that the said court
has fUed Saturday, the9tb day of March, 1907, at
9:30 o'clock A. M., at the court room ol said
county court ln Corvallis, Benton count-, state
of Oregon, as the time and place (or bearing ob
jections to said final account and the settlement
of said estate. All persons having objections to
said fiscal account are hereby required to pre
senile same to said county oourt on or before
the lme so fixed for the hearing of said fin ji.
account. ANNA SECKLER,
Administratrix ol the estate of William Seck
ler. deceahed.
Dated this oth day of February, 1907.
Notice t Creditors.
Id the Matter of the Estate i
of (
A. J. L. Catoe, deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned
that tbe undersigned has been duly appointed
executor of the last will and testament ot said A.
J .L. Cator, deceased, by the county court of
Benton county, state of Oregon. All persons
having claims against said estate of said A. J. L.
Cator, deceased, are hereby required to present
the same, with the proper vouchers dulv verifi
ed as by law reaulred. within six months 1mm
i the date hereof, to the undersigned nt his retl-
uence tnree miles hou'n of Philomath, Oregon,
or at the law office of E. E. Wilson, In Corvallis,
Datod this Eebruary 1. 1907.
Executor of the lai-t will and testament of A.J.
L. Oator, dtceaBed.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned hag
filed her final account ln the estate of Louisa J.
Stewart, deceased, .in the county court of the
state of Oregon for Beuton county, sitting in
probate, and Saturday the 9th day of March,
1907, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the ortJce of
the county j udge ln the court house ln Corvallis,
Oregon, Is the time and place nixed lor hear
ing objections, if any, to said final account and
the settlement thereof.
Dated this 6th day of February, 1907.
Executrix of said estate of LOUISA J. STEW
ABT, Deceased.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon
for Benton County.
In the matter of the estate of T. Eg in
ton Hogg, deceased.
To Naomi C. Hogg, William Pinkney
Whyte, William Burke, William Egenton
Burke and Emelie C. Bentley, and to all
others unknown, Greeting :
OREGON, you and each of you -are hereby
cited and required to appear in the County
Court of the State of Oregon for the County
of Benton, at the Court Room thereof, at
the City of Corvallis, in the said Coun'y of
Benton, on the 6th day of April, 1907, at
ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day. and
then and there show cause, if any you have,
wny tne petition of the administrator in
the above entitled estate should not be grant
ed and an order made to sell tho following
aescriDea real estate, to wit:
Lots five (5) and six (6) in block five
(5), and lot one (1) in block six (S) in
the Town of Corvallis; Lots five (5) and
six (6) in block two (2) of Fractional River
Blocks in Avery's Addition to Corvallis,
Benton County, Oregon. The following
property situated in Polk County. Oreson.
to wit : Beginning at a point 26 rods east
of the soutneast corner of lot number
three (3) in fractional block one (1), 'in
i-iill's Addition to the Town of Independ
ence, in Polk County,- Oregon; running
thence north four rods, thence east to the
Willamette River, tnence south 4 rods,
thence west to the place of beginning, 'lhat
certain river lot four rods wide by eight
rods long and the building thereon, and
situated directly north of and adjoining the
river lot formerly owned by Smith & Van
duyn, and conveyed by them to T.- Egenton -Hogg,
both of said lots the one here de
scribed and the one conveyed by the said
Smith & Vanduyn being situated on the
west bank of the Willamette River at Inde
pendence, in Polk County, Oregon.
The following real property in Lincoln
County : Lot number 2, Section 31, and
southwest quarter of the northwest quarter
of Section 32 : Lot No. 1 Section 31 ;
Northwest quarter ot the northwest quarter
or Section isz ; East ' one half of the south
west quarter of Section 29.!and east one
half of the northwest quarter of Section 32 ;
the west one half of the southwest Quar
ter of section .29 ; lots 3 and 4 of Section
30 ;: lot No. lof Section 19; lot No. 2 of
Section 19 ; lot No. 3 of Section 19 ;
and the southwest quarter of the
southwest quarter of Section 20 ; the
west one half of the northwest quarter of
Section 29 and lots 1 and 2 of Section 30 ;
the south one half of the northeast quarter
of the southeast quarter of Section 14 ; the
southeast quarter of the southeast quarter
of Section ; said the southwest quarter of
the samnweit jquarter of Section 24 ; tne
southeast Quarter of the northwest ouarter.
the south naif of the northeast quarter,
and - the northeast quarter of the soutneast
quarter of Section 26 ; the qiorthwest quar
ter of the northwest quarter of Section 26 ;
the northeast quarter of the northwest ouar
ter of Section 26 ; the southeast quarter ot
the northwest quarter of Section 23 ; tne
north half of the southwest quarter, and
-pthe southeast quarter of the southwest quar
ter of Section 23; lots .l, 2 and 3 in Section
28. All of the tide and overflowed lands
on the- shore of Yaquiha Bay, in front of
lot 8 in Section 27, and lots 1, 2 and 3 in
Section 28, and lying between tne meander,
line of said lots on iaquina Bay and low
water mark, covering about 23.50 acres ;
the undivided one-half interest in lots num
ber 1 and 2 and the south half of the north
west quarter of Section 10 ; all situated in
Township 11 south, " Range 11 west of the
Willamette Meridian in Lincoln County,
Also the following real property situated
in Benton, Polk and Lincoln counties, Ore
gon, to wit:
All of Section 31 in Township 10 south.
Range 5 west ; south half of northeast
quarter; northwest quarter of southeast
quarter and northeast quarter of southwest
quarter of Section 11, Township 11
south, Range 6 west; lots 1 and
2, and tne north half of the north
west quarter of Section 15 in Town
ship 11 south. Range 6 west; the west
half of the southwest quarter, east half of
southeast quarter of Section 33, Townsnip
12 south, Range 6 west; the west half of
the northwest quarter of Section 19, Town
ship 11 south, Range 7 west ; south half
of southeast quarter, and .south half of
southwest quarter of Section 29, Township
9 south. Range 8 west ; all of Section 31,
Township 9 south. Range 8 west; all of
Section 33, xownship 9 south, Range 8
west ; north half of northwest quarter,
southeast quarter of northwest 'quarter of
Section 3, Township 11 south, Range a
west; east half of southeast quarter, east
half of northeast quarter, northwest quar
ter of northeast quarter and northwest quar
ter of Section 19, Township 10 south.
Range 9 west; all of Section 21, Township
10 south, Range 9 west; all ot ejection 3,
Township 10 south, Range 9 west;
north half of southeast quarter of
Section 25, Township 11 south.
Range 10 , east ; southwest. quar
ter of soutneast quarter, west half of north
west quarter and southwest quarter of oec
tion 19, Township 12 south. Range 6 west;
south half ot Section 9, Township 11 south.
Range 9 west; southeast quarter of north
east quarter of Section 1, Township 11
south, xtange 8 west; southwest quarter of
northeast quarter of Section li Township 12
south, Range 8 west.
Said sale is for the purpose of raising
money to pay claims against said estate.
You are further notified that this citation
ia uMul iinnn vnu and each of Vol! hv nub-
Urn ti nil thereof, ln toe corvaius lime
newspaper four weeks under' an order made
bv the Hon. E. Woodward, Judge of said
nf nn tna 12th dav of. February. 1907.
Witness the Hon. E. Woodward, Judge of the
... nf tho HlntA nf flraffnn for
A. D. 1907. , .
Attest :
T. T. VlNCBNl", Clerk'.