A- Vol. XX -No. 2 CORVAIiLIS, OREGOX. ID AY EVENING, MARCH 1. 1907. B, T. IBTIKB Edl at and Prop rle ' ' ( : -a Our Store will offer a whole lot of articles DURING FEBRUARY At a price that will make them move. MANY VETOES TWELVE MEASURES MEET THEIR DEATH UNDER ; HIS AXE. Johnson Road Law Killed Port Food and Voting Machine Bills -Knocked Oot Other News. A big lot of odds and ends remnants at bargain prices Overcoats ,or men and beys at cost Ladies jackets at one ;half price. We are receiving by every freight some new goods and will be prepared for the early buyers this month". Don't forget thai we handle Sewing Machines, Carpets, Rugs, Lineolums, Etc. Call and See Cdrvallis, peo- I Oregon I an" n 1 The Famous Packard shoe The JoKn B. Stetson hat sold by A. K. RUSS Dealer in Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, Etc. Corvallis only exclusive mens furnishing store. : Rejoice in our store because , they know that here they, are always sure to get goods of undeniable "fine a y and lowest prices. OUR STOCK ; includes all the requisites of every game and sport. We can fit you out with all the latest things whether yob want to row, play base ball, tennis, fish, hunt or go bicycling. 1 We also sell Olds Gas Engines, Oliver Typewriters, Victor Talking Machines and Sewing Machines.: M. M. LONG'S Ind. Phone 126. Corvallis, Oregon. BENTON COUNTY FAIR. on us come: in once: And you will sure come again after seeing our Fine New Line of Base Ball Goods Just in Base Ball Bats Masks Mitts "5 Gloves Etcs Tennis Sets Balls v -Boxing Gloves Striking Gloves Indian Clubs Etc. Salem Feb. 26. Governor Cham berlain wielded the veto axe again today with an abandon that may well cauee friende of all bills left to f grow anxious, for there is no tell ing where the governor will stop. ; " In all, twelve bills were vetot d today. As before predicted, the Johnson road law bill, that carries an antiroDriation of upwards of $400,000 met its fate. ' In his veto message filed against this measure, the governor expresses the opinion that the present law provides a means for raising revenue to. build roads and eo large an appropriaticn should not be made to undertake an untried experiment. t'-s S. B. 188, another of Senator Johneon's measures, was'nullified bv the Governors veto. Ihis is known as the pure food law and numorted to reaulate the sale of concentrated stock food. The gov- ernor thought he saw in the meas ure discrimination in favor of cer tain foods and against others. Foni bills appropriating about $1200 each for district ugricultural societies went down in the onslaught of the governor on the legislature's work today. For the purpose of holding district faire, money wea appropriated for the First Oregon District Agricultural Society, and thsre aseated .ttie.igeve.oiiijp' gon District Agricultural society. he expense necessary forthemain- tsnapce of these, ' tha governor thicks, should cot be saddled on to the general taxDayer.. S. B. i98, Ba; c 's voticg tnach ne bill, was also knocked into acocked hat. It provides that no machine costing ovtr $500 shall be consider ed. In his veto message On this bill, the governor eays: , - "I am forced to the conclusion that there are macnines teat migDt all cost more than $500 which could not be considered because of that limitation, : even if one of them might do the work of two . at the lower price. It smacks of an effort to legislate in tbe interest of one or more establishments with low-priced machines, and I cannot give it my assent The officers named in the bill are just as competent to decide as to the price as they are to decide as to the quality, and however meritorious the bill may be it ought to be defeated unless it vests the authority with absolute freedom to do what is best for the state after models fcave befn submitted and the bids of all considered."- H. B. 293, by Beals, created the office of cheese, ' dairy and cheese inspector. This was vetoed because the governor holds the duties im posed by it should be performed by the present dairy and food commis sioner. Kay's bill, S. B. No.-159, which provides for the garnishment of wages of state employes was dis annraved fcr two reasons. First. twonao (Ik, koo nnf ..nnoon -lXite letters.' I wUw.u.w..u v. o questions when I tu.,uci;uLUf a. ueieuuuuir iu bumuub against its employes, arid therefore the bill would te inoperative; and second, the governor saysthe bill is not in: line with a sound public pol icy. ' He says a business man ought to know tbe credit and standing of those to. whom he extends credit without harassing the employes of the state with the matter. ; . H. B. No. 40, by Northop, amend ing the code relating to the redemp tion of property, was vetoed because there were two: bills bearing on the 'same subject. . .. ' ; . H. B. zd by Jackson,, providing a closed season for salmon on the Umpqua,' was vetoed for the reason that it was covered, by the present J statute.. - S. B. 77, by HodEon, amendato ry relating to the sale of water un? der the Carey Act; was vetoed on the ground of complications that were feared from its enactment flext session or preferably the pie themselves.. The. opinion has been general, the governor states, for , a number pf years that the state .' printer be placed on a flat salary with his du ties prescribed byjaw. The legis lature instead of carrying out, the demands of the people, has under taken to shirk its duty by enacting the law providing for the election of the state printer in 1910 at a sal ary of $4,ooo. . ; The bill was crude and was evi dently drawn in baste and was in tended as a makeshift to avoid , the responsibility of a law which would place the present printer on a flat talary, as . tha legislature would have a right to do under the con stitutional amendment adopted at the last election. , t The governor asks why this leg islature should anticipate the action of the session to yearB hence. 'That body,' he says, 'may have more hesitation than the present one in carrying out the reforms the peo ple have demanded. . It may not hesitate to apply tbe knife where this one has halted." ; He concludes: "Preferrlcg to truet the next legislature, or the people tnemselves, ratner tnan a legislature the majority of whom have shown a disposition to shift their responsibility. I return the bill with my veto." ON HIS WAY 8. A. D, PUTER IS BEING TAK EN TO WASHINGTON, D. C, A WITNESS VERSUS HERMANN. the American Tom Thumb, causing an even greater sensation than lhab midget had caused. Afterward Garneey traveled all over, Europe, bis, perfectly formed' figure being examined by doctors everywhere. After giving up exhibiting himself in public be commenced farming, enjoying, splendid .health, until .a abort time ..before his death. He smoked nearly all his life. He was just three feet in height. Lewlston, Idaho, Feb. 27. With a roar that could be heard for miles and which startled people out of tb6ir sleep, an oil-acre neld ot pas ture land sank 1 so feet below the surface of the ground three miles from the mouth of the Grande Ronde river last Thursday . night. Parties arriving from the scene, which is 2l miles above Lewitton, ata tlje, ground is still settlings - -- In th6 vicinity of tha fault, tbe country is on a peculiar geograph ical formation, being banked on the Snake river siae by a strata of ba salt, while the other side is com posed of limestone. The theory is thafa' subterranean cavern exists beneath and the unusually wet weather has caused slipping. The sides left by the sick are almost perpendicular. SCHOOL HH" un- Salem, Feb. 26. In vetoing the bill placing the state, printer. apod a flat salary after I9IO, the gover nor severely scores tbe legislature. The governor comes out in plain terms and says the majority of leg islators ehirked their responsibility and that he would rather trust the To Be Held August 29, 30, 31, 1907, at Corvallis, Oregon. $1600.00 to Be Given Away for Benefit . " of Fair.. Continued from last week : The free seeds - furnished by Mr. Butzer will be divided among the dis tricts on a per capita basis as by cen sus report. All pupils desiring to pur chase seeds from Mr. Butzer at 2c per package must have their applica tion in my office by the last day of Feb ruary, 1907.' On failing to do' this, win De unaer .no obligation to secure them for said parties. The amount of each order must accompany the apli cation, stamps not-accepted. Pupils in all contests must do all work themselves, except first plowing and harrowing in . agriculture. . The girls may ask mothers for information in sewing and;cooking and butter mak ing,, but must do work themselves. We urge parents to put this pamph let where you can find it when wanted. Only a limited number-will be print ed and distributed." You will only be entitled to one copy. We notify all pupils to write ho letters. All neces sary information to be known is in pamphlet. - We., will not have time to j shire.,: will gladly answer visit your school. H. W. Kaupisch, Manager Corvallis Creamery Company, will give away, on evening of first night, $40 worth of ice cream, enough to feed 1500 per sons. It will be served after speaking in the court house square. The Willamette valley Electric Light Company will light the grounds and square around the court house free. . ; . City Transfer Company does all draying -free, and Corvallis Ice Fac tory supplies all ice and drinking foun tains. Benton County Review gives $10 in printing and subscription, and the Benton County Republican will print the diplomas of award. Gov,' Geo. E. Chamberlain, TJ. S. Senator ; Fulton an3 Supt, Ackerman will furnish oratory. we owe. a debt of gratitude to the Finance Committee. S. Li. Kline. J. It; Smith,' Peter- Callahan. A. B. Cord- ley and' A. K. Russ lor their cordial assistance. Through them the finan ces and" premiums--were secured. Our business; . men -and, , private citizens who put. up these premiums and the necessary cash should ever be kept in wind. They, deserve our liberal and hearty support and patronage, ; : n . Now is. the time to .begin to get: to work, , Look over tils' pamphlet, begin rto.plan. for theblggest-time ever had in jsenton county.: a UttJe worK, per severance and'"sare will reward you with" an excellent prize. v Very truly, t GEO." W. DENMAN, -' ' ' , ; County School Sup't. ' f i .r 1 in i; c; Land Fraud King Taken to the City on Haheas Corpus Order Portland, Or.. Peb.27. Telegram: Stephen A. Douglas Poter, pioneer peinoipal in the, far-famed Oregon land frauds,, ia today speeding to ward Washington to testify against Congressman Binger Hermann in hie trial before. Judge Stafford in that city. ; In custody of "John P. Kerrigan, a special United. States deputy marshal, Puter took the 9:30 train out of Portland this morning, and by Monday is expected to face tbe iormer commissioner of the general land office. United States Attorney Bristol yesterday received word from the attorney-general at Washington thet Puter waB wanted, and he at once sued out a writ of habeas cor pus ad testificandum,which amounts to a subpoena for a prisoner. The writ, which is a rare proceeding in any court, was directed totheUnit ed States marshal, and commanded him to deliver Puter before Justice Stafford. Immediately upon re ceipt of the order, United States Marshal Reed prepared to esnd the Oregon land fraud king uu his long journey. Jack Kerrigan, was sworn in as a special deputy,, and this morning took Puter in charge and started for Washington, . Puter's testimony is expected to be of prime importance to tha gov eminent Ha will tell all he knows of Hermann's alleged connection with the land frauds of this state. This story will contain much of that related in the Mays trial. But it will go-further thaa this, and will have to do with practically all tbe conversations that ever took place between Peter and Hermann bear ing in any way . on his connection with the conspiracies in Oregon. This testimony is expected to show that Hermann was intimately associated with the land frauds in Oregon. That he connived at many of them and, accordingly, bad a motive for destroying the official letter press copy books, for wbioh he is being tried. Washington, D. C, Feb. 27. The 16'ooo-ton battle ship Minne sota, becomes a part of the active strength of the American Navy at Norfolk today, when sbe will be formerly delivered to the govern ment by her builders. The Minne sota, is of the largest class of Amer ican battleships so far put in ser vice. Two of this Bame class the Connecticut, built at the Brooklyn navy yard by the United States government, and the Louisiana, built at Nawport News, are already in active service. A third vessel of tbe same class is the Vermont, built at Fort River, and now ready to be commissioned at the Cbarlestown navy yard. Two other battle ships of tbe same type and dimensions are the Kansas and. the Newhamp- Roseburg, Or., Feb..: 27- Tha Southern Pacific company discharg ed a,U while, feption bands, here and replaced them with Japanese labor ers. , It . has retained the section bosses with a decrease of $15 a month in pay. There is considera ble talk here of giving the Japanese tbe same treatment they received at Woodburn not long ago. Albany, Or.; Feb. 27. William Schmidt, aged 24 . years,: received fatal injuries here last night by. be ing run over by the southbound ov erland on the Southern Pacific. His legs were ground off and his head was mangled. ' He died at 2 o'clock this morning. Smith fell upon the track while attempting . to jump from the blind baggage to the ground as the train was slowintr down for the station. New Orleans, Feb 27. L. R. Mc- Milllcan, a civil engineer of Oak land, California, returning frora Panama on his way home, declared money was being ruthlessly squan dered by the United States employ es working on the canal. He char acterized the operations as a huge and immensely costly joke. He said that in some places it bad been es timated that material taken from the Culebra cut bad cost $5.1o p?r cubic yard. He characterized the visit of Root as a rank farce, stam ina that at the time th9 secretary crossed tha isthmus everv thing bad bean prepared in advance, and that when the word was given more dirt was. flung into cars than could ba carried away In two weeks. .He spoke in strong terms aga!n:t the condition of administrative affairs on the canal, particularly in the construction and operation of such public buildings as the Tiyoli hotel for which the commission paid $300,000. He described the hotel as a palace within and a shell ia construction. When the commL-ion. whip is broken out at the mainmast peak of tha Minnesota it will mean that another formidable fighting ma chine had been added to Uncle Sam's navy. She is 3.501 tons larg-. er than the battle ships of the Main class, and has l,o52 tons greater displacement than the New Jersey and her elster ships. The Minnesota ; will carry four 12-inch and eight 8-incb breech loading rifles, mounted in turrets, and twelve 7-icch, breecb-loading rifles, in broadsides in her main battery, and twenty 3-pounder rap id are, twelve 3-younder semi-automatic, eight l'ponnder, two3-inch field guns, eix 3o; calibre, automatic and t wo' Maxim guns in the. secon dary battery. : She will ba equip ped also with four 21-inch submerg ed torpedo tubes. , , London, Feb. 27. Richard Gam sey, known as "Field Marshal Tom Thumb," and who created a great 1 sensation, at . the ,;; Egyptian : Hall, London, fifty years ago, by, hia di minutive stature,' is dead at hie home In Spmmerset, at tbe age cf 74 years. When he appeared in London half a century ago he followed close on the much-boomed: appearaccs of Hook of Holland, Feb. 26. Ia tbe early hours of the morning tbe three remaining survivors were .tak en off the wreck of the British steamer Berlin by tbe same lifeboat crew which has done such splendid work during the last 60 hours. ' AH three are women. This makes the number of saved 15 out of the 141 who were on beard. The life'sa vers watched the wreck all night for a chance to get along side, but had to wait until low vn ter, when tbey put off on a tug which had a raft in tow for tbe use of the rescuers. On getting as near the wreck as possible, Captain Sper ling, of the lifeboat crew, boarded the raft, which was allowed to drift alorg side of the wreck, and the captain managed to get on board by means of a line. He lowered the helpless women to the raft, whence they were conveyed to the lifeboat. The last survivors arriv ed at the Hook of Holland at 3 o' clock this morning. Tbe 22 bodies recovered this morning from telow (he deck of the Berlin and landed here ere believed to constitute all tbe bodies on the hulk. Captain Sperlln, who went to the Berlin atd rescued the last tbree 6urvivors, spoke modestly of hiB exploit. He said : aWe took the raft along eide the beacon light and eucceeded in reaching tbe breakwater and moor ed the raft. From the breakwater we crmbed on board the remnant of the Berlin and lound tbe three women huddled under the hurricane deck, surrounded by a dozen corp ses. . The women were in a pitiable plight, screaming and crying hys terically as they clung to us. They were famished and stiff with cold; their clothing was soaked 'with ice water, and they were unable to walk. I carried one of the women to the side, assisted., her into a rope cradle and lowered her upon the raft. The next one was in a' piti ful state of dietrese, weeping for her husband : and, child, .jwho,, were drowned. , Finally . the third one was placed upon tbe raft, which was hauled along eide the Wodan. - BEST BREAD and pastry can obtained at Starr's Bakry. be