The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, February 26, 1907, Image 1

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Vol. XX -No.2
and fropr loco
Our Store will offer, a whole
lot of articles
At a price that will make
them move.
A big lot of odds and ends remnants at bargain prices
Overcoats jOr men and boys at cost
Ladies jackets at one ;half price.
We are receiving by every freight some new goods
and will be prepared for the early buyers this month.
Don't forget thai we handle Sewing Machines, Carpets,
Rugs, Lineolums, Etc
Rotterdam Mail Steamer Berlin
With 141 Passengers and Crew -la
Wrecked in Terrifio Gale
While Close'' to Land,
and Victims Qo to 5 . . .
Death. v '
Call and See
J Corvallis,
The Famous Packard shoe
The John B. Stetson hat sold by
Dealer in Hats, Caps, Boots,
Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, Etc.
Corvallis' only exclusive mens furnishing store.
in our store because they
know that here they are
always sure to get goods
of undeniable fine y
and lowest prices.
OUR STOCK includes all the requisites of every game and
3p6rt. We can fit you out with all the latest things whether you
want to row, play base ball, tennis, fish, hunt or go bicycling.
8 We also sell Olds Gas Engines;' Oliver Typewriters, Victor
Talking Machines and Sewing Machines. - :t
M. M
Ind. Phone 126.
Corvallis; Oregon.
... co m e i n oisroe
And you will sure come again after seeing our Fine New
: - Line of Base Ball Goods Just in
Base Ball
- Tennis Sets
Boxing Gloves
Striking Gloves
Indian Clubs
Etc. -
-an an ni
nn pi
I London, Feb. 21. The Rottet
dam. mail steamer Berlin, from
England, wan 141 passengers na
crew was wrecked off the Hook of
Holland, at the entrance of the Riv
ar Mas, leading to Rotterdam,
shortly before 6 o'clock this morn-.
(ing, and with few exceptions all on
board perished. A temnc soutn
west gale was blowing inshore, and
drove the steamer on a sandbank
close to the northern jetty as she
was trying to enter the new water
way. Heavy seas ' quickly pounded
the vessel to pieces. She broke in
two, her fore part sinking ' immedi
ately, while the doomed passengers
and crew clustered upon the after
part. ... . -'
: The after part of the wrecked
steamer seems to be firmly imbed
ded in the band bank. Ther are
still a few persons on board, cling
ing to the wreckage, and it iB hoped
to effect their reecne at low tide.
Daring high water, at the height of
the storm, the waves shut on all
view of the wreck, which led to the
belief that no trace of the Berlin
bad been left. The receding tide,
however, revealed the remains of
her stern,wUh a handful of eurviv
ore.- ...
The only person who thus far
has succeeded in reaching shore is
Captain Parkeston, of Belfast, Ire'
Tubs and , lifeboats, when the
alarm was first . sounded promptly
put out to the assistance of the Ber-
in, bat the violence of the gale and j
heavy seas made .it impossible to
approach the wreck, and the help-.
less lifesavers taw the steamer break
up and the crew and passengers
washed away without being able to.
render the slightest assistance. One
man, an Englishman was saved.
He was unconscious when taken
out of the water, and bad not re
gained consciousness . when he was
carried to a hotel in the neighbor
By 7 o'clock this morning 27 had
already been washed ashore.
Among those who were drowned
are 19 members of a German opera
company, who had just concluded
their Eeason at Covent Garden.
Arthur Herbert, one of the Kings
messengers, who was journeying to
the Continent, also was loBt.
The B rlio left Harwich at 1 o'
clock last night upon the arrival of
the London train with the greater
number of, passengers who subse
quently their lives
A great gale . was blowicg from
the North S?a when the Berlin
started. As the Berlin was entering
the waterway at the entrance of the
River Maas, however, see apparent
ly became unmanageableon account
of the wind and was driven ashore.
The steamer apparently struck
about . amidship as her . forepart
broke off ' and , sank immediately,
while her afternart could be seen
for a considerable time afterward.
The waterway in which the disaster
occurred is a new one, upon the side
of which is the pier and .railroad
station. r: The steamer .must' have
been within a few yards of tying up
after her rough passage when she
was overtaken by -She disaster,
Land wa9 but a few yards away.
and except in the roughest weather
tnose on noara ,tne . pmin, could
have been rescued without difficulty
oepBUieuy ub.iub wwei.wayis navi'
The Berlin was a steel steamer,
only 12 -years .eld,,-' and popular.
with travelers lo the north of . Eu
rope. In summer she was usually
crowded with passengers, but ' at
this time of the year her average
was about as it was' last night, the
number " equally divided bet weep
first and second class. One of the
inspectors of the railroad -who' saw
the steamer eff at the Liverpool
elation said last night that there
were more first-class than second
class passengers, most of them" te-
icg commercial men or else inhabi
tants of the Continent returning
M - M
ns mome irom ousiness trips to Ureal
Hook of Holland, Feb. 22. After
more than thirty ' hours of ' almost
incessant efforts and splendid work
the, Dutch lifeboat men were reward
ed by reaching the wreck of the
British steamer Berlin, which went
ashore here yesterday morning and
ten survivors from the after part of
the vessel were saved. Buffeted and
driven back time after time, f the
sturdy Dutchmen never relaxed
their attentions in behalf of the
handful of shipwrecked people, and
through yesterday, last night and
this morning they launohed their
boat repeatedly, only to be foiled
by the mountainous seas. In the
early afternoon the lifeboat went
otis again. The reoedingtide and
some improvement in the weather
gave better hope of success, and ei
ther a hard tusselthe few' persons
atill living were safely taken off at
3:30 P.M. i,
- ' The straggling little village of
Hook Holland is filled with anz
ions relatives of the passengers and
crew of the Berlin, and pathetic
scenes were witnessed at the impro
vised mortuary, where 30 of the
bodies which already have been
washed ashore are located. Most
of these are battered beyond recog
nition and some are without hands
and others without arms or legs.
Baltimore, Md., Feb. 21. By
appointment John L. Sullivan was
received by Cardinal Gibbons this
afternoon and for half an hour the
bead of the Roman Catholic church
iq, America and the former fisticuff
champion of the world entertained
each other with stories and anec
dotes. '.!''
f "I'm glad to meet you," was the
cardinal's greeting. " "You're a gen
tleman I've heard a lot about."
The redoubtable took up the con
versational end of the meetinz and
field the cardinal some of hia mono
logue stories which, he said, were
about hie audience in the theatre
last night. The cardinal, however,
nght oa and was-much amused
and then brought in Father Gaven
to look at the giant.
"What broad shoulders you have
Mr. Sullivan," exclaimed the Card
inal, in unconcealed admiration."
Oh, yes; but not so much." taid
the ex-champion, who then let his
eminence feel of his muscles.
'By the way," said the cardinal,
"there used to be a man of some
fame around here Jake Kilrain;
did you know him?" -
Mr. Sullivan smiled and saia:
"Yes, Imet hm and licked him."
As the party passed out, the card
inal shook hands again with the
ex-cbamplon and said:
"Well, good-bye and God bless
A Wise Member Finds Rate of
$1.65 Can Be Beaten 11 Cents
by Purchasing Ticket in
. Two Sections BeatiDg
Tail End of Fare
Only a Joke.
Portland, Or., Feb. 24. Sunday
Oregonian: It canno longer be said
by the Oregon'solons that there is
nothing new under the sun, for
when , the lawmakers folded their
desks and took the trains for their
respeotive homes, the new thing
struck them they had to pay into
the coffers of the railroad company
their carfare. Talk of the new sen
sations, there is no comparisons
with the shocks the legislators felt
when the conductor of the Southern
Paoific train scornfully waved their
proffered bits of pasteboard aside.
Deep set in the hearts of all - the
home-scurrying solons was a de
termination to, make the last use of
their free transportation. But the
ticket-taker on the train had been
"wised-up.' Special order No. 23-4-11-44
had been carefully soanned
by tbe conductor. He bad been
warned that upon a certain Satur
day evening, numerous persons
having the suspicious appearance
of having been guilty of voting for
a railroad commission bill, would
board his train at or near Salem.
Tbe order read to wink the other
eye when passes were offered and to
give tbe retort scornful. ' Come oa
Go south and dig deep into tha
nether tio and let me see the color
of the coin paid by the state of Or
egon."- . . $
Did Senator Dan J. : Malarkey
pay $1.65 for his train fare to Port
land? Not so any one could notica
it. Did Representative Willard H.
Cbapin, father of the bill that laid
the free passes as cold and dead as
Hamlet's ghost,1 pay $1.65? No
Neither did Representative John B.
Coffey, Representative L. H. Ad
ams, Senator Sig. Sichel and the
reBt of the Multnomah delegation
and the reet of the homegoing law-
maters pay $1,607 wot on your
life. . ...
'When the haughty : conductor
came round, when the passes were
offered and werej waved aside as so
much contaminated pasteboard,
some thrifty member of the Mult
nomah delegation suddenly had a
happy thought. It was 5 miles
to Portland and it was only 43
miles to Oregon City. At the rate
of three cents a mile it was $1.65 to
Portland. Forty-three miles to Or
egon City. With paper and pencil,
both bearing suspicious marks of
having been once in the august ball
of either the eenate or houee, this
wise legislator began making queer
marks and crosses on paper. Sud
denly he yellfd with delight. The
3 cents a mile did not operate be
tween Oregon City and home. Elec
tric cars and boats made it a fiat
rate of 25 cents. Great joy. Tbe
man had worked out the knotty
problem. "Pay your fare only t
Oregon City," he cried, and the day
was saved. The marks and crosses
showed "the man" that, it Would
only cost $1.29 to Oregon City,
another 25 ceots to Portland. See
the answer? Just eleven cents saved.
And now it was up to the con
continued on page 4.
'Same to you," thundered John
' Chicago, ' Feb. 2I. President
Cornelius P. Shea, of the Interna
tional Brotherhood of Teamsters,
and his fellow defendants; who have
been on trial on a charge of con
spiracy committed in the course of
the teamsters' strike against the de
partment stores in Chicago two
years ago, were found not guilty by
a jury in the criminal court tonight.
Middleboro, Ky., Feb. 21. Mrs.
Zabrowski, wife of a Polish miner
at Fork Ridge, gave birth to five
children, three girls and two boys.
All of the children are doing well.
Trieste, Australia, Feb. 23. The
Austrian Lloyd steamer Imperatrix
while bound from Trieste to Bom
bay, ran onto a rock last evening
near Cape Elapbonisi, npon the
Island of Crete, and sank soon afterward.
. It is known that the disaster was
accompanied by loss of life, but in
the ah-Bence of .definite news the
number of drowned is unknown
The passengers and crew numbered
about IpU. ' ;, -
' A telegram has been received
from the company's agent at Canea
which .says;. ' :
ly "The following has been reoeived
trom the lieutenant of the impera
-;V'M 'Twelve persons and myself
nave been saved;; the others are on
board the etearner,. the - position of
whiohis extremely dangerous,'" '.
PIAIfO TUNING up to' May 1st
. ai. special s prices. ; Also . music
tought m, all grades of difficulty.
Frank A. White, : phone 405
: Corvallis," Ore. : ...
BEST BREAD and pastry can be
obtained at Starr's Bakery.
j J. ' St0mak (Sr(erS tS Cn it"fc
111 I o?n-ic-c THnorlanH arwi Fran re have Sioi I
I I Mi nassed laws orohibitinsr its use , "MS I
1 1 in bread making. yJrjggg J
:l flAn-ipi-iran hniisewives I I Trees'" 1
1 I - should protect their house- l ?m' I
-i 1 noias agamat amm a wiuuga t - 1
:1 I -. bv always buying pure Crrape I ss mm 1
: I I Cream of Tartar .Baking Yp- -m&u I
u 11 ijrure orape wream 01. 1 WiB I
111 J. O.L LAI X UWUV1 J19 W Lb uau g lt' I
.11 for the askme - - fs-bs&bm . 1
ii w Bmi
lu , Buy by name 1
' ssgs I