The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, February 22, 1907, Image 4

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    J. W. Crawford, the deputy !
clerk, baa been confined at borne
during the past week with illness.
Although the ceremony occurr
ed about a week ago, it will be news
to sottetbat Dr. Vinceat, of Tclt
do, has taken unto himself a wite.
J. H. Boaaer, of WooJburn, is
a visitor iu Corvallis, ihe gatst of
his sister, Mrs. Armstrong, wbo is !
keeping house here for younger rel
atives atteoding college. Mr. Bod
ser is an Oregon pioneer of i847.
He visited Corvallis in 1848.
Through the agency of j. L.
L,ewie, Roy Keecey hap sold to
Whiteside brothers the 75 feet of
ground opposite the Farmers' hotel,
A cash deposit has been made pend
ing the final transfer. Considera
tion, $13oo.
The pastor's subject at the
First Methodist church Sunday
Morning is, "The Beautiful hi God's
Vineyard." The evening subject
will be. "Playing the Fool or Just
Plain FjoI." A part of the evening
sermon will be devoted to gambling
and other things said to exi t in
Jack Frantz, an oldresident of
Xlncoln county, well knowD heie,
was in Corvallis Tbursday. Jack
has reached theage of 76 year?,
and although he is otherwise ' in
good health, he has lost his eyeeight
enthely. Still, he has some bope
of renewing the sight of one of his
The finishing touches are about
completed on the front biick work
of the niw back building, and other
parts of tbe brick work are Hearing
completion. Early next week the
brick layers non-resident of Cor
vallis will take their departnr?.
Among them are Chillie Headrick,
of Salem, Frank Hughes, of Salem,
and Billy Hughes, of Vancouver,
all former residents of Cjrvallis.
In the probate court: Mary E.
Felger has been appointed adminis
tratrix of the estate of C. G. Felger
with her bonds fixed at $lo,6oo.
O. B. Rickard, V. N. Elliott and
Wilson Scctt have been named as
appraisers. The petition of Coroline
C. Marvin, administratrix of ! the
estate of W. E. Marvin, for an or
der to sell personal property at pri
vate sale for cash, has been grant
ed.' The estate of Nancy J. Arm
strong has been closed and the ad
ministratrix discharged.
The Ladies Aid Society of the
Presbyterian church is to give a
birthday party next Wednesday
evening. The invitation reads as
'finis birthday party
!Is given t3 you;
'"We invite ycu to come,
And propose, if you do,
. An agreeable time.
Some good things to eat,
And, mid other attractions,
A musical treat.
sSnckjse in this wallet
Or whatever you may call it,
rAs many bright coins .
As the years in your age
We hope you're a f age,
Aod with greetings most hearty
Feel sur9 you wllcome
To vour own Birthday Party.
List of Realty Changing Hands Since
Last Week. '
J. J. Johnston and wf. to Sarah
A. acres near Albany,
$770. ....... ,. ,
C. M. McKellips and wf. to F.
M. Veal, tract west of Corvallis,
$10. . ' ..
Joel Barker to M. B. Rankin, 160
acres southwest of Bellfountain.
$2000. . .- . .v..
O. J. Blackledge and wf. to M.
B. Rankin, 120 a. west of Bellfoun
tain, $1.
and hus. to M.
& w. of Bell-
A. V. Gerhard
B. Rankin, 100 a.
fountain, $1.
Daniel Spencer and wf. to M. B.
Rankin, 80 a. in Alsea, $1.
Lizzie Palmer to M. B. Rankin,
146 a. s. w. of Bellfountain, $1500.
Mary C. Tedrow and hus. to
Frances M. Goldson, parcel in Cor
vallis, $700. .
U. S to Aaron Wells
near Summit. '
147 acres
U. S. to Ira Bowman, 160 a.
C. E. Albin to F. H. Burnap,
1-2 lot in Browns add, Philomath,
V. E. Watters and wf. to H. I,.
Beard, 2 lots block 15. Dixon's
2nd add., $500.
W. W. Crowder and wf . to Chas,
Schoel, 12 a. near Albany, $600.
Oregon Trust and Savings Bank
et al to Fred Duncan 80 a. near
Summit, $240.
Fred Duncan and wf . to Maggie
Sullivan, 80 a. near Summit, $1,
Willard F. Proctor and wf. to S.
Meirick, 36 a. near Philomath,
Harriett E. VanHoosen to Mar
tin Butler, 1 lot in block 4 Co. add,
When Father hat the Grip.
Poor mother wears a worried look,
And sister wears a frown;
And if I venture up the stairs
They send me straightway down.
I'm going to tbe drug store now.
Upon a hurried trip, ',;
To get some other kind of dope
For father has the grip. :
I heard him groaning in the night.
He said his head would split;
And then he thought his back would
s.t break;
In just a little bit.
He told us that his legs were sore,
And soon it was his hip;
It seems that everything is sick,
When father has the grip.
The doctor came today and left
Some capsules, and he said,
To take one each three hours until
The pain had really fled.
Says Pa: "That means 12 hours
I give this pain the slip;
I'll bet he'd find a faster dope
If he had got the grip.
And then he told ma that he
thought .
That he was going to die;
An' ma says that isn't so
An' gave the reason whv.
Then pa got mad and told her that
He didn t want her lip;
Oh, -there's no comfort in our flat,
When father has the grip. 1
any committee of any political par
tv durice his term in office, but
shall devote his entire time to the
duties ot bis otnee. As there are
two republicans on the commission,
it is to be expected that one of tbem
either Campbell or Aitchison, will
be chairman. The stlary of each
member is to be $4,000 a year
Thev will appoint a secretary at
$2,000 a year, and may appoint an
expert stenographer at $1200.
J. A. Carter et al to P. A. Carter
80 a. near Wells, $1.
and hus. to R.
lot in Philo-
Call for Warrants.
Notice 1b hereby given that there la money on
and at the county treasurer's office, to pay all
orders endorsed and marked not paid for want
of funds, up to and including May 21, 1906. lu
te rest will be stopped on tame irom this date.
Corvallis. Or., Feb. 22, 1907.
Treasurer Benton Co., Or.
Skin Disease of Twenty Years'
Standing Cured.
I want you to know how much Chamber
Iain's Salve has done for me. It has cured
my face of a skin disease of almost twenty
years' standing. I have been treated by sev
eral aa smart physicians as we have in this
country and they did me no good, but two
fooxes of this salve has cured me. Mrs.
Fannie Griffen, Troy, Ala. Chamberlain's
-Salve is by Graham & Wortham.
, Lois E. Watkins
A. Clark and wf. i
math, $760.
A. P. Johnson and wf- to M. H.
Bauer and wf. fractional lots in blk.
5 Co. add. $2300.
E. Weed and hus. to Jesse M.
Gilstrap, two lots blk.; 14, Philo
math, $800.
J. M. Gilstrap and wf. to J. P.
McConnell, two lots in Philomath,
Charles Thompson and wf. to
J. P. McConnell, lot 98 blk 30,
Philomath, $2000.
B. E. Totten and wf. to Z. H.
Spencer, 100 a. nearlnavale, $3500.
Isabelle Cressy to A. L. Steven
eon andwf. 40 a. west of Corvallis,
P. G. Skene to D. F. Skene to
Mildred Breahy 80 a. near Sum
mit. $500.
A. A. Humiston to Sarah J. Ham
mel, one a. north of College, $1950.
Salem, Or., Feb. 2O. Rather
than surrender their passes, the sen
ators this morning passed the com
pulsorv transportation bill over the
governor's veto by 20 to;9. .This is
the finish of the anti-paes fight,
which has waged at all sessions.
, How this measure will harmon
ize with the provisions of the rail
road commission law must be sol ved
later. One reason the senators ov
errode the veto was the fear; that
they would have to pay fare back
home. Working on this theory
Senator Hedges volunteered to wire
Oregon City for enough funds to
pay the fare of every senator, and
although confessing himself a selfish
man, he promised to let any senator
retain the money as a gift if they
could not well repay. '
Whealdon and Hedges were the on
ly two who changed their vote from
the original vote on the bill. '. These
formerly voted to defeat the theas
ure, but flopped and voted to over
ride the governor's decision.
NOTICE. I will pay the highest Mark
etplace in. cash for Poultry, hosts,
veal calves etc. at Bolden's grocery
store corner Second & Monroe v streets
opposite Corvallis Hotel. Your cash
. is always ready and a square deal
guaranteed to all. : Thoa. Boulden.
. A massive Quincy gTanite monument
las been erected over the grave of the
3ate Gen. Abner Doubleday, at Arling
ton, by his former comrades of the
Slrst Corps Association, Army of the
Potomac. The column ia similar to
thai which marks the grave of Gen.
Philip Sheridan.. , .
Wallace, Idaho, Feb. 20. "It is
the bert that moves the hand. I
am the man that killed Fred Tyler.
Turn all these other fellows loose,
lor I am tbe man that done the
This was the announcement
which startled Judge Wood's conrt
this morning. A email dark strang
er with long black hair and a stub
by beard was standing up beside
Steve Adams, proclaiming himself
guilty of the crime for which Adams
is on (rial. A commotion followed.
Mrs. Adams burst into tears.
Adame himself turned pale. Seized
by two officers, ; the ' stranger, was
hurried from the courtroom to -the
sheriff's office. There he said hiB
name was - Patrick C. Ryan, of
Butte; that he had just finished a
term in Deer Lodge penitentiary.
Watch this space for Bargins in
80 acres 25 in cult, balance timber and pasture, new House, fair
tame fruit. 3 1-2 miles from town. This is a bargain at $1,500,
J -2 cash balance on time to suit at 6 per cent. .
1 7 acres, 8 acres in cult, fair house, good barn, fine fruit, well watered,
some timber and pasture. A fine little home and a bargain at $1,300
Terms, to suit. 2 1 -2 miles from town, near school. .-
5 acres, well improved, good house and bam, fine fruit'good water.
One mile from town. Price $1,800.. -j ' ,
- :: .'-I -. , v k''J " ; ' V. v:.v;' ' '' :" ' :. ' '
Notice of Sewer Assessment.-
Notice is hereby given that the Common Council
of the City of Corvallis. has assessed upon each
lot, or p&rt thereof, ascertained and determined
by the report of the viewers to be specially bene
nttod by the sewer constructed through Blocks
"H" and "G'' in Avery's Addition to Corvallis,
and Block No. 13, original Lovfa ol 'Marysville,
now Corvallis, Oregon, its proportionate share of
tbe cost of such sewer aa found by such viewers,
and that the following is a description of the sev
eral lots, or parts thereof so assessed, a statement
of the names of the owner or owners of
such lot, or part thereof, jf known, and of the
sum assessed upon each lot, or part thereof.
Block "H" in Avery's Addition to
Said City of Corvallis.
Lot No, 1, Owner, Emory Allen, $32.00
Lot No. 2. .. .. . " 82.00
Lot No. 3, " ' " 82.00
Lot No. 4, ' Ella Rickard. 32.00
Lot No. 5, ' 32.00
Lot No. 6, " 32 60
Lot No. 7, " 32.00
Lot No. 8, 32 00
Lot No. 9, 32 00
Lot No. 10, ' Emory Allen, 32.00
Lot No 11, ' ' 32 00
Lot No. 12, ' " 32.00
Block "G" in Avery's Addition to
Said City of Corvallis.
Lot No. 1, Owner, Jesse S. Flint,:
Lot No. 9, . " . '
' Mary Helen Hunter,
Lot No. 3,
Lot No. 4,
Lot No. 5,
Lot No, 6,
Lot No. 7, .
Lot No, 3, "
Lot No. 9,
Lot No. 10,
Lot No. 11,
Lot No. 12,
Sarah L. Cauthorn,
Emma Finley,
Ross C- Finley,
McCaule&Porter, '
32 .0
32 00
82 00
13. Original Town of
Marysville, Now, City of Corvallis.
1, - Owner,. Rhoda Taylor,,
2, . " i. -
3, . Etta E. Downer,
4, " John R. Wright,
, Prank Wright,
Abble Wright.
uatne Stevens,
Lot No.
Lot No.
Lot No.
Lot No.
Lot No.
Lot No.
Lot No.
Lot No.
Lot No. 10,
Lot No. 11,
Lot No. 12,
- Joseph C. Wright,
I-'a Wright and
Matae Davidson.
H. H. Abel
. . 41.:
' E. H. Taylor, "
Barbara Kehl,
The foregoing assessments were entered in the
docket of Citv Liens of the City of Corvallis on
the 16th day of February, 1907, and if the sum ot
money assessed as aforesaid upon any Bnch lot
or part thereof, is not paid to the City Treasur
er ot the City of Corvallis within five days after
the date of the final Dublication hereof, as here
inafter noted, such sum will draw Interest at the
rate of eight per cent, per annum after the ex
piration of such time, and a warrant will Issue
directing the chief of police ol said city to levy
upon and sell such lot or part thereof to satisfy
such assessment. ';!" 'r,i.
Date ot final publication March 1. 1907. '
! -. - J.F.YATES. '
1 . ... .j,,. . Police Judge, City of Corvallis.
Attention Farmers!
I Want Your Eggs and Butter
Alway Pay Highest Market Price
and You get Full Weight
and Measure!
I Handle Everything, Come & See
!,.;.,.- ...i t-
Notice of Final Account.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
Auna Seckler, has filed In the county court ot
tho state of Oregon, for Benton county, her final
account as administratrix of the estate of Wil
liam Seckler, deceased, and that the said court
has fixed Saturday, the 9th day of March, 1907, at
9:30 o'clock A. M., at the court room of said
county court In Oorvallis, Benton county, state
of Oregon, as the time and place for hearing ob
jections to said final account and the settlement
of said estate. All persons having objections to
said fiscal account are hereby required to pre
sentlihe same to said county court on or before
the lme so fixed for the hearing of said fin 1
account. ANNA SECKLER, .
Administratrix ol the estate of William 8eck
lar, deceafeed.
Dated this 5th day of February, 1907.
Notice to Creditors.'
In the Matter of the Estate )
A. J. L. CAtob, deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned
that the undersigned has been duly appointed
executor of the last will and testament of said A.
J. L. Cator, deceased, by the county court of
Benton county, state ot Oregon. All persons
having claims against said estate of said A. J. L.
Cator, deceased, are hereby required to present .
the same, with the proper vouchers dulv verifi
ed as by law required, within six months from
1 the date hereof, tn the undersigned nt his retl-
uence mree miies oum 01 fnuomatn, uregoii,
or al the law office of E. E. Wilson, In Corvallis,
uatod this Eebruary 1 1907.
Executor of the last will and testament of A. J.
Li. Oator, deceased.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is herebv eiven that theunderticrned hn
filed her tinal account In-the estate of Louisa. .1
Stewart, deceased, in the county court of the
state of Oregon for Beuton county, tittlug in
probate, and Saturday the 9th day of March,
1907, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the office of
the county judge In the court house In Corvallis,
Oregon, is the time and place nixed lor hear-
ing oojectious, uany, to said nntti account and
the settlement thereof.
Dated this ith day of February, 1907.
Executrix of said estate of LOUISA J stow.
ART, Deceased.
The Famous Packard shoe
The John B. Stetson hat sold by
Dealer in Hats, Caps, Boots,
Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, Etc.
Corvallis only exclusive mens furnishing store.
.... ' 5. i a
The Grocer.
We are not inclined to spend much time in
writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods
and customers speak for themselves.
B Horning
A Good Cup Coffee
can be made from
9 f
Diamond W. Coffee
Is a blend of. the ,
Richest Favored
S -.;.t.
and most aromatic
Goffee grown.
Carefully selected .
Thoroughly mixed
Scientifically blended
Correctly .Roasted ' , '
Diamond" W
Flavor Strength
The four essentials '
of Perfect Coffee
which ' combined ; ,
delight the most
delicate Palate
and Educated
PHONE 2033
In the County Court of the State of Oregon
tor Henton uounty.
In the matter of the estate of T. Egjn-
ton Hogg, deceased.
To Naomi C. Hogg, William Plnkney
Whyte, William Burke, "William Egenton
Hurlte and Emeline C. Bentley, and to all
others unknown, tireetmg :
OREGON, you and each of you are hereby
cited and required to appear iu the County
Court of the State of Oregon for the County
of Benton, at the Court Room thereof, at
the City of Corvallis, in the said Couny of
Benton, on the 6th day of April, 1907, at
ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, and
then and there show cause, if any you have.
wny the petition of the administrator In
the above entitled estate should not be grant
ed and an order made to sell the following
aescriDea real estate, to wit :
Lots five (5) and six (6) in block five
(5), and lot one (l)-in block six (6) in
the Town of Corvallis; Lots five (5) and
six (6) in block two (21 of Fractional River
Blocks in Avery's Addition to Corvallis,
Benton County, Oregon. The following
property situated in Polk County, Oregon,
to wit : Beginning at a noint 2ft rods east
of the southeast corner of lot number
three (3) in fractional block one (1), 'in
rain s Addition to the Town 01 Independ
ence, in Polk County. Oregon : running ,
thence north four rods, thence east to the
Willamette . Kiver, thence south 4 rods,
thence west to the place of beginning, 'lhat
certain river lot four rods wide by eight
rods long and the building thereon, and
situated directly north of and adjoining the
river lot formerly owned by Smith & Van
duyn, and conveyed by them to T. Esenton
Hogg, both of said lots the one here de
scribed and the one conveyed by the said
Smith & Vanduyn being situated on the
west bank of the Willamette River at Inde
pendence, in Polk County, Oregon.
The following real property in Lincoln
County: Lot number 2, Section 31, and
southwest quarter o the northwest quarter
of Section 32 : Lot No. 1 Section 31 :
Northwest quarter of the northwest quarter
ox Section 3Z ; last one half of the south
west quarter of Section 29. and east one
half of the northwest quarter of Section 32 ;
the west one half of the southwest quar
ter of section 29 : lots 3 and 4 of Section
30 ; lot No. 1 of Section 19 ; lot No. 2 of
Section 19; lot No. : 3, of. Section 19;
and the . southwest quarter i of the
southwest quarter of Section 20 ; the
west one half of the : northwest i-quarter of
section 29 and lots 1 and 2 of Section 30 ;
the south one half of the northeast quarter
of the southeast quarter of Section 14 ; the
southeast quarter of the southeast quarter
of Section 23 ; and the southwest quarter of
the southwest quarter of Section 24 ; the
southeast quarter of the northwest quarter,
the south half of the northeast quarter,
and the northeast quarter ot the soutneast
quarter of Section 26 ; the northwest quar
ter of the northwest quarter of Section 26 ;
the northeast quarter of the northwest quar
ter of Section 26 ; the southeast quarter of
the northwest quarter of Section 23 ; the
north half of the sojthwest quarter, and
the southeast quarter 01 the soutnwest quar
ter of Section 23 ; lots 1, and 3 in Section
28. All of the tide and overflowed lands
on the shore of Yaquina Bay, in front ot
lot 8 in Section 27, and lots 1, 2 and A iu
Section 28, and lying between tne meander
line of said lots on Yaquina Bay and low
water mark, covering about 23.50 acres i
the undivided one-half interest in lots num.
-er 1 and 2 and the south half ot tne north
west quarter of Section 10 ; all situated in
township 11 south, Range 11 west of the
Willamette Meridian in Lincoln County,
Oregon. ,
Also the following real property situated
in Benton, folk and Lincoln counties, Ore
gon, to wit:
All of section 31 in Township 10 south.
Range 5 west; south half of northeast
quarter ; northwest quarter of southeast
quarter and northeast quarter of southwest
quarter of Section 11, Township 11
south, Kange 6 t west ; lots i ana
2, and tne north half Ol the north
west quarter of Section 15 in Town
ship 11 south. Range 6 west ; the west
half of the southwest quarter, east nan 01
southeast quarter of Section 33, Townsnip
12 south, Kange 6 west ; tne west nan 01
the northwest quarter of Section 19, Town
ship 11 south, Range 7 west; south half
of southeast quarter," " and' south half of
southwest quarter of Section 29, Township
south, Range '8 west; ail of Section 31,
Township 9 south, Range 8 west ; all ot
Section 33, Township 9 south, . Range 8
west; north half of northwest quarter,
southeast quarter of northwest quarter o
Section 3, Township 11 south. Range
west: east half of southeast quarter, east
naif of northeast quarter,' northwest quar
ter of northeast quarter and northwest quar
ter of Section 19, Township- 10 south,
Range 9 west; all of section 21, Township
10 south, Range 9 west ; all ot (Section L'i,
Township 10 south. Range 9 'west;
north half of - southeast quarter of
Section 25, Township 11 south.
Range 10 east; southwest, quar
ter of southeast quarter, west half of north
west quarter and southwest quarter of Ejec
tion 19, Township 12 south. Range 6 west;
south half of Section 9, Township 11 south,
Range 9 west; southeast quarter of north
east quarsx-r of Section 1, Township 11
south, xtange. 8 west ; southwest quarter of
northeast quarter of Section 1, Township 12
south, Rafige 9 west.
Said sale is for the purpose of raising
money to pay claims against said estate.
You are further notified that this citation
is served upon you ana eacn 01 juu uy tru
ncation thereof, in the Corvallis Time
newspaper four weeks under an order made
by the rion. E. Woodward, Judge ot said
Court, on the 12th day of February, 3807,
Witness the Hon. E. Woodward, Judge of the
County court of the State of Oregon lor
the County of Benton,-with the seal of said
court affixed this ine 12th day ot February
A. D. 1907. ; , ;
Attest: m T viNTPKNT i'. Clerk.
WOOD for sale; by Corvallis
Transfer Company. Independent