The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, February 22, 1907, Image 3

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jjjl ' --- I I I II : -: '
FRUIT TREE spray any , qnanity at
, Smith & Dw9on'a next to J. R.
Smith & Company.-
'.HSV7 ?-!:'.:. ft'n-A
FOR SALE. A. complete box manufac
turing and plaining mill plant. Ad :
dresa E. Burlcholder; Albany, Oregon.
For advertisements in this column the rate
! of 15 cents per line will be charged.
j ... ' TjlilO tSiii: J-J' it
WANTED man to work on farm wages
$50 per month and use of house. En
quire Times office.
MONEY to loan 'on - approved security.
Apply to S. L. Kline agent.
Sale Extraordinary !
We have too large a stock of Ladies Shirtwaists. We want
r to sell them, and quick, so hereK are our prices: p
Regular $1 25 Special $
Regular 1 50 Special 1
Regular 1 75 Special 1
Regular 2 00 Special 1
98 Regular $2 50 Special $1 87
14 Regular 3 00 Special 2 23
32 Regular 3 50 Special 2 61
49 Regular 4 00 Special 2 97
Regular $5 00 Special $3 69. f i! f f
Sale includes new Johnnie Jones n Styles." Latest-fabrics-mohair,
batiste and albatross, all colors. No old stock
All this season's goods. ONE week only at
FOR SALE - Corvallis milk' dairy and
growing crop. Enquire oi S. C.i)ixon.
Notice to Consumers of City Water.
The use of water motors of any kind
by consumers of city water will only be
allowed where water is being taken
through a meter. Any violation of
this rule will '; cause; the water . to . be
turhea off. V. By order of ;watef commis-
tiori. Feb. if a '07 B. 'F. Burnett supt.
FOUND, on Main street Thurs
day, a gold bracelet. Owner
r please call at Times office - prove
) propsrty and pay for this .'notice;
What to Do When Bilious.
The right thing to do" when you feel bil
ious is to take a dose of Chamberlain's Stom
ach and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse
the stomach and regulate the liver and bow
els. Try it Price 25 cents. Samples free
at Graham & Wortham's drug store.
WANTED man and woman wanted to
work on a bachelor's ranch. Call or
address Times office. t
Has Been
"A Grand Success!
But it has left us with a great marjy remnant?,,
odds and ends in Dress Goods, Etc. ''-! l
VJtyiety for tl?e9ext 10 days
u? uill ;Iose out at
50 Cents on the Dollar
Don't overlook this epportunity to get a bargain
When you see it in our ad, its so
This Isn't the Place 4
Where they give something for nothing t
: But, with every 50 centjcan. of, Baking Powder;youj
can, get FREE the Finest Piece, of Decorated Ghiria
you ever got in this cityv i . - . iawsr cHr.lhl
WANTED a housekeeper for family of
two. Good salary, must be good cook.
Forfnrther particulars apply at Times
office. - i
Remember Nolan's remnant and
rummage sale closei Saturday eve
ning at 9 o'clock.
Sulphur and lime for spraying
at Kline's. :f.'-'," rn
I Roy Ball left Wednesday for
Portland, where will remain for an
indefinite time; !-'.::I -i fU llo; tl
I Mrs. ' Grant Elgin arrived Mon
day evening' from a three weeks
stay in Good Samaritan ' hospital,
Portland.:' r shm sincn
! , Victor Spencer . arrived Tues
day evening: for : a ivisit? with,", his'
parents. - He -expects i to- leave
today for; 'an " indefinite outing in:
j Mrs. Alex , Rennie left yester
day to join her husband at Spokane
their future home. She was ac
companied by Mrs. Taylor'? htxJ
Mrs. C. C... Chipmari went.lo
Newport Wednesday ; to visit her.
husband a few days. " : J, J-
; 3;.-7-Rev. S: M.Wood , will hold
services as: follows next Sunday:
Beulah at ir o'clock, Beaver at, 2,
and Feonat 7:30. 7 ' ;r; ;"
Miss Pauline Davis attended
the wedding in : Portland Thursday
of Miss May Stimpson, ' a former
OAC student. ' : , v
The Village . : Improvement
society will hold a meeting ; in the
county court room i Monday- even-;
ing at 7 o'clock i everybody in
vited. ' - - .. ... I:.,,
Rev. Lake, of Roseburg will
ba in Corvallis and' hold services
at Good Samaritan church, Sun
day, ,3rd.., '; 7r".rt
We have opened an office over ' the
First National Bank, where W we
are prepared to ban lie all kinds of City
property for sale also good farms, stock
ranches .'small tracts, near the City.' If
yon can'tfind whatyon wont come in
and seems, and talk it over. McUenry
& price." Corvallis Oregon.
For Sale.
FOR SALE a good all round team
- of: grav. f our year olds, . can be
seen at George Smith place near
Catholic cemetery. For further
particulars inquire of B. L. Tay-
R; F- D. 3. Independent phone.
702. " " ' " - -
F. C. M'Reynolds
Teacher of Violin, Mandolin, Banjo,
Guitar,; Viola and 'Cello OAC School
of Music. Music furnished for all oc-
sions. Large or small orchestra.
. Remember Nolan's remnant and
rummage sale closes Saturday eve
ning at 9 o'clock.
John Cuaimings. of Halsey,
is in Corvallisi) ;6n:;a3 visit to tb
family of his daughter, Mrs,' Geo.
Irvine. "
Mrs. J. F. Yates entertianed
the Reading Club Tuesday. The
club meets next montb with Mrs.
Berchtold, .v i .q
A Portland doctor has brought
suit for $ 997. 50 for setting a brok
en leg. , The delendnat claims that
$85 .was ,' the contract price '; " ' '
Miss Helen Steiwer is to ar'
rive tomorrow , for the Armory hop.
She will be a "guest at the' Withy
combe home; ' A.
Miss Juliet Cooper is expected
to arrive Saturday for a visit at the'
Farra home. Miss ' Cooper has
been with her father in "California
since last July: ; ; j;-:-.-,-'. inlf.-rfi
A. O. Gray, formerly in busi
ness with T,.; H.j Wellsher, is in Cor
vallis , pa visit ; to ;his family.
Since leavine here Mr. Gray has
been in Tonopah; : Nevadai He is
not in good health and Jexpects to
remain here until he is improved.
ij: rThe family of Mr.. . Hnnter
who bought the Kd , Buchanan
place near Inavale, arrived a few
days ago from Idaho. A large
carload of Mr. Hunter's household
effects and some stock came in
Monday and other' goods are yet
to atrive. ' ,L'''1' " : ; t '
Mrs. E. HCummings of Port
land arrived Wednesday for a visit
with her parents, ; .Mr. r.and ; Mrs.
H. Wellsher. - J :
Miss Agries s ' Shambrook,' ; a
student at " Corvallis' .' Business
College, went to Portland today to
make a brief visit with her 1 grand-
mother:'"" "' '' ' ;'M"
-Frank Lane was in town for a
short time Saturday. ..With. Joseph
Patterson he is domiciled at Eugene
and may remain .. there for ; Some
months. i -.- -s;- : r;--.:.n
-Letters of administration
have been issued to Mary E.
Felger in the estate of C G. Felger
better known as Thomas Felger,
who. recently ' met death by acci
dent; in Portland. ' U' ":;'J
; "What are you plunging back
in the water for, . Pat? You just
swam ashore, '
."Shure, Oi had to.. save , meself
first: now Oi'm eoin' back to fetch
Moike." J ;i:y. 1 .:r-riv.
,.-rThe . Corvallis public school
basket ball team, went to Philomath
this afternoon 1 ' and ' this evening
will engage Philomath; College in
a game.
James Barrett, who has been
nightwatchman at the Benton Co' s
mills for some years, . moved to
Portland Wednesday,;; and expects
to conduct a general store- in one
oi the suburban districtsw i
Father Lane of ; Albany; re
turned Wednesday, after assisting
Father 'Springer with ,, the "Forty
Hours devotion. Father Datin
and neice, Miss Courtois, 'returned
to Brooks the same day. ' '
- Mrs F. L; Miller;; entertained
Wednesday evening in honor of
Mrs. Lillian Taylor. The amuse
ment was wbist and her guests
thecierkof the above entitled court, on or before1 were; Mrs. Farra. Mr3. Tames
toe last day 01 the time prescribed in me oraen , , , , ,;. ,
(or publication of this summons hereinafter re- j Osburn, Mrs. Taylor Mrs. . LWOOa-
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Benton County.
Jambs W. Melville. : Plaintiff, 1 : . ' . ,
vs. I
Frank Hale, William W. Hale. !
Leath MeCorkle, Dora E. Ayers, J
Eflie Hopper, Alfred Hale, Jen-1 i
Die ShrverB, Frederick Elder and j '
Cynthia J. Sherman, Defendants. J f
- To Frank Hale, Dora E. Ayres. A 11 red Hale,
Jennie Shivers and Cynthia J. Sherman, the
above named defendants :
Iq the name of the state of Oregon, you and
each o4 jrou are hereby summoned and required
to appear and answer the complain tof the plain-
tin in me aoove ennuea run now on nie wun
Come in and be convinced
T. A.
Grocer Store
ferred to, to-wlt: On or before March 8. 1907,
and von are hereby notified that It you tall so to
appear and answer the said complaint as here
in required, for want thereof the plaintiff will
apply o the above entitled court tor the relief
demanded In his sail complaint, to-wlt: reform
ing s certain deed made by Harrison Hale and
the defendant, Cynthia J. Hale (now Cynthia J.
Sherman) to Theodore Hale, dated January 6,
1875, so that the description therein shall read
as follows, to-wlt: -
Beginning at a point 52 chains east ot the
southwest corner of claim No. S3, being claim ot
John Qrimsley and wife, in Township twelve,
south, range six weBt, Willamette meridian,
thenoe north 21 degrees 10 min. west nineteen
and 20.100 chains, thence east fifty-four and 67-
iuu cnaiss o tne west line ox cpe iraci oi iauu
sold or John Gnmsley and wife to George Wil
cock and Mr. and Mrs. Andrews.
' . Mr. and Mrs.; B , F, Seeley
will on Sunday next celebrate the
fiftieth anniversary of. '! their
marriage or golden wedding; .',';; The
festival will inc'ude mainly a re
union of members - of the. family
and a dinner. Among those who
are expected from out of town are:
Mrs. Betty Williams' and: Maria
Allen, sisters of Mrs. , Seele'y. rand
helm on the 6th day ot October,-1868, and to- 1 frs Hadlev.- a ' danrflter r;.-vifK ;
corded October ll, 1858, on page 148 and 149 la' JWT5- iat"cy a.uaugmer. . e .tj, h. .
' Tuesday a; evenibg ' Mr.'-.f and
Mrs. A. L.' ,:fKnisely.; entertained
sixteen guests al 500 in honor ' of
the anniversarsr.'of iMr. Knisely's
birth. Her guests iwere: Mr. and
Mrs. J. . O. Wilson-: Mr. and Mrs.
G. A. Covell,' Mr. arid Mrs. JU !;A.
Harper. Mr.' and Mrs.- G. -Taillari-dier,
Mr. and Mrs. a A. J. . Johnson
ahd Mr. and Mrs. McKellips.":'Mf.:
and Mrs.Lewis: '
: ;B,lfvWfJohnsbn',.::;ftetnrued
Wednesday from Pendletbri where
he attended a V meeting of 'thefin
ance cotrimittee of; the;, Kv :bf ' P.
While there, 'i Bert posted to Cor
vallis friend's) several photographs
of Umatilla Indians, : but . because
he failed to forward those of , any
of his white friends it is hot tobe
inferred "that he associated wholly
with the dusky denizens of the
Book 8. of the records of deeds of Benton coun
tv. Oreeon. thence south ll deerees!5 min. east
twenty and 30-100 chains along said west line to
tne soutn oeunaary line 01 saiq maim no. .n,
thence west twenty-three and 65-100 chains,
thence north two chains and thenoe west twenty-eight
chains to the place of beginning, contain
ing 100 aerev, being and situated in Benton
county, Oregon; that plaintiff be decreed the
owner in tee simple ot the above described real
property; that the defendants have no interest
or estate therein and that they be barred from,
claiming any right, title, interest or estate in the'
above described land.
This summons Is published in the Corvallis
Times newspaper1 once a week, tor six successive
and consecutive weeks, beginning with the lsiue
oi jannay zo, iiw, ana ending witn the issue or
March 8, 1907, under and in pursuance of the di
rection contained In an order made by the Hon.
E. Woodward, Judge ot the county court of Ben
ton county, state of Oregon, dated January SI,
1807. Date of first publication hereof is Janua
ry 26, 1907. -
: . Attorney for Plaintiff,
WE CAN FILL your wants. Write
us. r Do you want to sell your
". ptoperty, farms, or business. Call
" on usr We furnish partners
-and cash." Loan--; your- money.
Sparkman & Company Main St.
Corvallis Oreg.
The Albany Brewing - Com
pany has been absorbed by Salem
Brewing Association. The Albany
people however, retain in the Salem
concern an interest to the value ' of
the Albany business. For an inde
finite time the latter is to be con
ducted as usual. ' It is claimed that
the change is due to the r operation
of the local opt.on law in Linn
COUntV. 0-r ,t-V j-u- fj:.;. :- '
Tommy Fawcett hasgooeEist
for thei purpose, it is said, of pur
chasing a stock horse if such a one
as suits him can be obtained. He
is the owner of Patache, probably"
the best draft stallion in the ; state ,
but there, appears to be , a demand
for what might be corisidereq an
all-round animal that would be
suitable either for ' light draft I or
driving purposes. i-It is - under-'
stood to be Mr. Fawcett s intention
to bring to Oregon such, a horse if
he find3 what in his judgment will
answer the requirements.
., Moses ;; Henkle , was , buried
Wednesday at Newton ' cemetery.
He was 84 years of age. Deceased
was distantly - related :'- to ;the
Henkles: of Benton County, but he
never resided here. Fifty years
of his life previous to a year ago
had been spent in the northern
states of the Pacific Coast. A year
ago he went to Polk county in a
bad condition , mentally and was
soon thereafter -committed ; to the
asylum, where he died a few days
ago. . The remains were brought
up on the boat Wednesday morn-
George Ridenour, a rancher of
Big Elk, was in town yesterday to
arrange for the beginning of dairy
operations on his place.. : George is
a son of ,Wm. Ridenour, at one
time a prominent citizen of Benton,
and who now resides with his son
on the ranch.. ' rThe junior Riden
our is a young man of intelligence
and energy and is taking the lead
in dairying operations in his
locality . Cream from the Big Elk
locality will be delivered at ,the C
& E. railroad at ! Blodgett ! station.
The expectation is that many more
ranchers there will ' soon procure
separators and gradually substitute
their present strain of cows - for
dairy stock. There is at present a
deeidedly , ; improved outlook ' for
those having small places to the
westward of the Coast range. 1
Traffic in , horse-flesh : con
tinues unabated. Mr. -Brockaway,
a . . buyer of of Tacoma, . is ; here in
search of horses and may ba here
a day or two yet - He: has already
made a few purchases and may
pick up a pretty . good bunch be
fore, he departs, -j ;Thos. ; Mutphy,
a Portland buyer straggled into
town &z few evenings . ago and
made a deal with JessewWiley for
five i horses of medium, class, and
A. O. Holcomb, the well known
deaierrisexpected" here Shortly .
There has been a eood deal ot traf
fic among the local dealers the
past week. D. B. Taylor, the
hop man secured, Jrom Mc.
WUey orr'jtiesda'a. 1760 poijnd
grey mare and 'that gentleman
would like; a , mate sfpr. her, f Other
deals wera ' bTaci " team sold to '
I. "D. Bodine by Lou gray, a team
wagon, and harness to J. "jj'. .Mc
Fadderl 3y Bediu Brattdn a!U four
year bid colt ' to J. N.;'McPadden
by Tony . Hansen, , folr '$ ; ioo;::'Oftd
Lock to james'it'Lewis, a driving
mare at $150. This week Bud
Looney brought in from Junction a
rangy even-gaitedtj , sorrel, gelding
whose movmeats indicate good .
speed.: He. is a fine single driver,
and if he is offered for sale " ought
to bring good money.
Putting the Governor in a Hole Rais
ing Benton County Salaries.'
Salem, February 22nd. Accord
ing to present arrangement, the ,
legislative session will close to mor- '
row. noon. ; , The 6nal scenes, as
usual, are attended with . great ...
bustle and activity. In the past
week an immense mass of business ,
that had piled up has been disposad
of with much celerity. Debate lias
been limited ' to the five-minute
rule, and many a bill has gone to a
vote for better or for worse on. a
brief two minute statement in its
favor by the mover. ...
A chief feature ol these ' last
scenes is the contest between Go?
ernor Chamberlain and the legte- "
lature. The executive with his -usual
opposition to needless and
profligate waste of public money,
has vetoed pet grafts and has there
by offended may legislators. He has
been ! courageous in the normal
question over which the legislature :
has professedly attempted to "put
Chamberlain , in a hole" as it is 1
familiarly referred to in the lobby
He vetoed the Smith normal bill be
cause of unconstitutionality, after
which the senate in the hope of
discrediting the governor passed a
bill making provision for four nor
mals instead of the two the Smith
bill provided for. This bill the
house refused yesterday afternoon.
to sanction and what the end will ;
be with reference to normals is vet
far in the realm of conjecture.
' 1 he result of the governors ve
toes of graft is that legislators have
entered into combinations to over
ride the vetoes and with some
success. ' Several appropration bills
were thus passed over the vetoes,
all manner' of dead and dying
measures being resurrected and
and juggled with, in order to in
duce;; sol ;ns to "stand in" to
down the vetoes. Other legislators
have - been appealed to on the.
ground of partisanship, whiie still
Others through the session have
been actuated, by no other motives-.
In. the struggle the; legislature.
even in spite of the governors ve
toes has piled up appropriations
that out-Herod all the appropria
tion Herods so far in the states
The legislature instead of '"pat-
-liug vuduiuciiaiu ill a. liuiu jscta,-
the opposite effect. As a well known;
and loyal republican remarked;
"Ererv time th Ipo-islnttirp hafp
tried to put him in a hole, the
crrw&mrtr Viae olitrVt-rl nr Viic fif-
If the legislature only had a big
enough field to operate in" he carif
tinued " it would make Chamber
lain president of the United States."1
The Willamette Locks bill passed
th senate yesterday and will meet,
with the approval of the governor,
T . 1 - i u : . 1 1 . . - r
1.1. 19 iuc uiggcci, siiu ucai J.Mrijo ui.
IpotiBlatinn nf t ha tpi,.n Tl nrr.
vides an appropriation of $loo.ooa-
per year in 19.8, I9C9 ani 19Lo tc.
be used iD the purchase of the oldj
or building of new lock?, but ths
sums are not to bs used v nless tb.fe
gfn;ral, governmftnt makes appro
priations of equal amount for tbe
purpose. It is believed that, the
.eff-ct of tha etate appropriation wil!
08 to laouoe io act at 109
next Eewicn. It ought to. The
result will be a free river and a cer
tain reduction of freight rates ia
the- Willamette Vail- y.
A bill to create a eecond district
attorney in the second judicial dis
trict, has parsed the senate, and i
pending in the house. . Bill j are al
eo tendiDg to add to the salaries of
Beaton county officials.
"Neltie, the News Girl."
One of the most important en
gagements of the year, not from
the standpoint of . theatrical effect,
but from popular interest will ' be
the coming of Miss Isabelle Lowe
and her excellent company next
Thursday, February 28th, at the
Opera House. She will ... present
,';!Nettie the News .Girl;'.': a,- story
of life in New York.i The character
is claimed to be a reproduction of
what is to be seen on the Eastside
of New York every day in the
year, the extremes being carefully
avoided "and only that which is best
and noblest in the , delineation al
lowed to creep in within the lines
of the situation. .
I The play affords , Miss Lowe ev
ery opportunity Ito -do, excellent
work and she takes fnll advantage
of these, opportunities. .The com
pany, assisting her is said to be one
of .the:best on the road, , and the
scenic accessories are . all that are
required to , .make " the production
cpmplet.iri every detail.. .".; :' I
..'on boos ,! " , r
'! !.- T.--.'' .'. . ;- a i
' - ' Cbambnrlaln'H Congb Remedy
a Favorite.
- "We prefer Chamberlain's Congb. Remedy
to any other for our children," says Mr. ll
j. Woodbury, of Twining, Mich. "It has
also done the work for us in hard colds and
croup, and we take pleasure in recommend
ing it." For sale by Graham AWortham.