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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1907)
T ' The question to be debated by two Portland miniaters is "Resolv ed, Th t Women GoEsip More ThaQ M3D." Tte eubjeat at the Flret Metho dist church Sunday morning will be, "Why Jesus Attended church." Io lae evening, "The Lord Oat of the Church end la It." Wednesday was the beginning of Lent aud during the ntxt ; forty days it will be observed by the Caibolic and Episcopal churches. The word ie used to deelgnate the period of devotion and abstinence wbijh precedes Easier. It is usu ally ob'eived by giving up ordinary social pleasures by exercieicg tel! reetraint and by eepecial devotioD to the duties of a Christian life. The elimination of two Dormal schools seems assured. The Smith bill naming a board of control with authority to select two schools that should be made permanent and to abmdon two others and sell their property, has passed the senateaod house. The board of control pervee for the two schools that are to be perpetuated. It consists of the gov ernor, secretary of state, state su perir.fodent, and twoiegects to be earned by the governor. Thuredsy wes Valentine's day and the U. S. postal department, as ustial. did an uaueusl amount; of business. Whild the day brings many agreeable heart throbs, the occasionally alternate with heart aches. J. C. Hammel is displaying tin original hand-painted valentine which he received in order to lllus trate the depravity of some peopl The sender bad the temerity to it lustrate Mr. Hammel as a tall man having red hair, a s'.ubby mustaebp, a very long and abnormal "Adam's apple." The verse breathes a tec timent inimical to his reputation as a. hotel man. Silem Statesrxan: The uni--verfeity debatere ara rounding out their arguments for the cooiiug ba' tle with the representatives from the Oregon Agricultural College, which will take place at the Benton county seat March 1st. Tbe sub ject to be discussed is "Resolved, fhat the Monroe Doctrine should fee discontinued as a part of tbe foreign policy of the United S'atee." Toe team from Willamette Univers , sty will support the taffirmative' of the question and is cbmrod of George Wilson of Pi r land, Roy 'Shields of Fianklin, ' Washington, and of Harry Spauldicg of Sunnv--side, Washington. -Administrator's Sale of R al Pi.p erty. In tie Matter of the Estate of Henry Holroyd, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that under and in pur puaace of id order ol sale made by tbe eoumy court of tbe state of Ortgjh, for Benton couuty on the 9Eh day of Februmy A. D. 1907, in the aoove entitled matter, the undersigned as ad ministrator of the estate of Henry Holrfyi, de ceased, will from and after Thursday, the 2 1st day of March, 1907. -proceed to sell at private sqle to the highest bid der tor cash in baud, subject to the confirma- : Won of raid court, all the following deLiribed real property, to-wit: Lots one (I), two (2), eleven (11) and twelve (12), Bloak Four (4), Koyburu's the City of Corvallis, in Benton ceunty, Oiegron. Said sale being made for the purpose ot paving claims .;gainst said estate, ud charges and expanses of administration, remaining unpaid.' Said sale will be made subject to the dewer interest of Al ice Holroyu, Widow ol Henrv Holroyd, deceas- -ed, in and to the above described premises. - Kated, this Fcbruaiy 14, 197. W. S. McFADDEN, '-dininittiatcr ot the estate of Henry Holioyd, deceased. Notice to Taxpaytri. I have prepared lists of the taxpayers of the - county, showing the names and amount of tax- s - due from each taxpayer, and have seut these hv s to the following places: Summit precinct At T. Eanney's and J. E. Morrow's stores. Blodgett precinct At the store ot J. A. Wood. Wren precinct At tbe Wren store. Kings Valley At the Hoskins store, Alcorn & "Miller store and Jake Chambers' store. Soap Creek Precinct At the store of J. A. Carter. -'- ' - - Fairmonnt Precinct At Paul Johnson's resi dence, at F. H. Hughson residence, at D. P. Mlsh ler resldeu , and M. V. Leepor residence. Moure i P.ecluct At the store of a Wilbe'm & -Sons, and the store of R. Trenholm, at Bruce. Bellfountain At the store ol Woodcock & Taylor, and the store of N- Clem. Alsea Precinct At the store of Wade Malone. Philomath Precinct At the Philomath State 1 Bank. Tax payers can send in their taxes bybaik check, or money order, and I will return the tax racaipt. I have nothing whatever to do with the amount of taxes, and have copied the names and tbe ' amounts of taxes as tney appear on the tax ro'i as turned over to me by the clerk. MP- BURNETT, i Sheriff. "What to Do When Bilious.' The right thing to do when yon feel bil ijous is to take a dose of Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse the stomach and regulate the liver and bow els. Try it Price 25 cents. Samples free , at Graham & "Wortham's drug store. r Watch trus space for Bargins in l 80 acres 25 in cult, balance timber and pasture, new house, fair larn, : tame fruit. 3 1-2 miles from town. . -.This is a bargain at $1 ,500, terms 1-2 cash balance on time to suit at 6 per cent. ,; ; ui - 1 7 acres, 8 acres in cult fair, house, good barn, fine fruit, well watered, some timber And pasture. A fine .little home and a bargain af ' $T ,300; , Terms, to suit 5,2:2 miles from town, near school. ' . i f, V 5 acres, well improved, good house and bam, fine fruit'good water. One mile frorn town't Price $1 ,800.- ; . " " ' AMBLER 6c WAITERS FAILURE OF 0. ROGOWAY." His Disappearance Attachment Furniture Stock and Accounts. of It would seem that the Rogoway furnicute store which was conduct ed at the northeast corner of. Sec ond Monroe is dead beyond any hope of resurrection by the late proprietor. Nearly two weeks ago Mr. Rog- awav took his departure trom Cor vallis with the understanding among bis friends that be would return in a day or two. When, however, he did not return for a week it became generally ' known that he was swamped financially and that bis return at any time was beyond the range of probability. Mrs. Rogoway bravely held the fort, hoping the while that her hus band oi somebody might cometo the relief with financial reinforce ments, but after the lapse of a week of torture from small creditors she abandoned the situation ana went to Portland, where it is understood she has well-to-do relatives. In a letter to a Oorvallis friend - Mrs. Rogoway states that she had up to that time failed to locate her hus band. Last Monday morning a note as follows was placed on the front door of the Rogoway establishment- by Sheriff Burnett: "Notice is here by given that all goods in the with in building are attached and ate under my control as Sheriff of Ben ton county, Oregon." The attach ment was made at the instance of Mrs. C. Baum of Portland, who has entered suit to recover on a note for $500 Alleged to be due her from Rogoway. Wednesday another attachment was placed Ob the contents of thestore and a num ber of accounts by Veal & Son of Albany, for $62. An examination of the only ac count book brought to light by the sheriff, disclosed the lact that about ten pages had been cut from among those -bearing ? accounts mere may or ; may. not . be sig nificance attached to the missing pages. : Amounts appearing on the books as due the house ; are small and cannot be ot much value in settling itsindebtedness.; The val ue of the furniture stock is estimat ed at from $400 to $500. Mr. Rogoway began business here last fall in the lace of the fact that there were already two large furniture stores in the city, and it seems that he could not success fully compete , with . them either from the lack of capital or business, acumen. For some time previous to his departure, Mr. . Rogoway was tardy in settling his bills, and there are a number of Corvallis people, who mourn the total loss probably, of small accounts against him. AND THEY GOT MARRIED Only in Somebody's Hat Woes Adam Radir A Phantom . Wedding. -: of Congratulations are being show ered on Adam Radir. People are insisting that he is married: House wives and men also have telephon ed the news to each ' other with many a "well, for the land sakes." The tidings" have ; been hustled about with as much celerity as ex cited minds and slick tongues could tell it. Everybody has been be guiled with the story. The people have insisted on calling the old man married in spite of himself. They have congratulated him on, every corner and refused to believe any denial, The lady in the case has denied it, but people didn't believe. The county clerk' s office has been besieged with inquiries as to the license, but none was issued there. Then it got out that they were married in Iyinn county. The hub bub has been at ferment pitch for 72 hours and all Corvallis is aflame But the ell gentleman is not mar ried. The report was all 1 mistake and the exciting time we have had was all on false informetion. If the talk meantime, had been all water, Corvallis would have washed from her ancient moorings and floated away. . ... . : . ESTATE. coarse this building caonot be per mitted to remain tor any length of time tbe highest buildine in the world, exclusive of tbe Eiffel tower. Sjon alter it 18 completed tome oth er t n'.erprieing New Yorker, will design a house 55 -stories high, and then it will keep on until by the time aerial navigation is establish ed the airship lines will be com pelled tocondemn their right of way. The roof garden V of the 50-story building might possibly be utilized as a union station where passengers from tbe croestown; airships ejuld be transferred by those plying be tween the Bronk and the Battery. This remarkable: building is to be erected tor a lite insurance compa ny, and its offices, it is - presumed, will occupy a favorable-location for exercise in high finance. Irish Packet. There- is a- city which is toBsed about many times a year by earthquakes, bat which ie not terrified or damaged by them. It is the City of Mexico. Nearly onse a month it has - severe shocks of earthquakes, but none of them does more damage than sloomcz weter out of the fountains in the parks or the soup out of the plates of diners. In the first place, all but two or three of the buildings of importance are of concrete,; with . walls from three to six feet in thickness. -The ceilings are always of tightly stietch ed cloth, stiffened with starch and kalsomined to look like plaster. " If they were of lath and plester they would come tumbling down on the heads of the inhabitants at the first blow of the giant under ground. But the principal reason for the safety of the city is that it rests on a bed qf mod,- There are no cellars for the 6oil is too wet. it is tb w 15 ftet thick, thee cemes a strata of conglomerate reck (tLOn looal ly as . "repetate" ) , about 18 feet thick, and below there is a bed of mud the bottom of which has never been fathomed. , .When the "trembler" come? the ground heaves like the long swells of the. deep seas for 90 seconds or two minutes. A few hours later there is a second, but much milder shock, and then a siasan of peace for days or weeks. - - ; . - : ! The valley of - Mexico, in' which tbe City of Mexico is built, wad an accient lake bed. ' Indeed, now part of it is covered with water and the city is some feet lower than the lev el of the e existing remnants of .the former gteat lakes. ...-,.-'.. ; Alexander von Humbolt express ed the opinion when he visited Mexi co that ; earthquakes would, never destroy it, but that some day its weight would cause it to break through the cruet of "tepetate"and be engulfed in the unfathomable mud beneath. !In; those days' the city had a population: ot not more than 75,01)0. Now its population numbers 5oo,ooo souls,- and the weight of the buildings resting1 on the fraii crust has correspondingly ncreased. : MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG AND SICK WOMEN WELL Forty, years, ago, Dr.. Pierce searched Nature's laboratory for a remedy with which to supplant the ignorant and .vi cious methods of treatment, with alco holic stimulants, then in vogue, and still too commonly prescribed and advised for woman's peculiar ailments. -- Nature abounds with most efficient rem edies, and in Lady's- Slipper root, Black Cohosh root. Unicorn root, Blue Cohosh root and Golden Seal root, Dr. Pierce found medicinal properties, which when extracted and preserved by the use of chemically pure glycerine, have proven most potent in making weak women strong and sick women well. It contains no alcohol; is not a "patent medicine," nor a secret one either. , ; -: "I was suffering with nervous headache, pains In the back and dizziness, so that at times I had to lie down for hours before I could raise my head." writes Mrs. Mary M. Thomas, of 337 Winston Street. Los Angeles. Cal. "After taking the first bottle of 'Fa vorite Prescription," however. I was so pleased with the remits that I kept on taking it until I was restored to health and strength. I shall never be without this great medicine, and shall take a few doses when. 1 do not feel strong." One of the principal uses of nr. tierce's Favorite Prescription is the preparation pective motners lor tne time oi trial and danger that comes when a child is born. The "Prescription " is strength enlng and invigorating and lessens pain and danger. It insures the perfect well being and the perfect health of both mother and child. Every woman should know these things before she really needs to know, them. There are many things In Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad viser, that every woman onght to know. This celebrated work reached a sale of G.iXOOO copies at $1.50 each. The expense of production having thus been covered, !c U now being given away. - A copy will ho sent to any address on receipt of Si. one-cent stamps to cover cost ot mailing in-hi, or; in cloth bindingfor 31 stamps, Adlress Dr. ItV. Pierce, lJuflalo, N.Y; . jon't Be Hoodwinked, c r over-persuaded Into accepting a substitute -' r the Original Uttle Liver Pills, first put fap by old Dr. E. V. Pierce, over 40 year ago, -nd called Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. I'hey've been- much Imitated i but'' never iquaied. . One or two ara laxative, three or (yur cathartic. - ; Skin Dlseai of Twenty Tears1 ' Imiit ytF JEbtSnow howufich Ctamber Iain's Salve lrsSf done : for; me,, It has cured my faceot.a Bfci disease of, almost twenty yeare'tariaing: I have been treated by sev eral aSmart pnysiciahS as "fr have in this country afnil they- dio me no-good, but two boxes sf ttlit salve has cured Tne. Mrs. Fanntb Geiffen, Troy, Ala. Chamberlain's 1 tealve is tor saleby Uraham ci W ortham.. r Attention Farmers I Want Your Eggs and Butter Alway Pay Highest Market Price and You get Full Weight and Measure! I HanQie Everythitig, ComeSc See VICTOR The Famous Packard shoe The John Bk Stetson hat sold by A K RUSS Dealer in Hats, Caps;! Boots, Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, Etc. r .11: ! 1..;:; r., vut vauio -uivy ci.iudivc incus The Grocer. We are not inclined to spend much time in writing advertisements -we prefer to let our goods and customers speak- for themselves. - .1 : - ' 1 OUR TRADE IS GROWING FAST. WE WANT YOUR TRADE. WILL ASSURE SATISFACTION E. Bw Borniriflu Diamond W Coffee Is a blend of the , Richest Favored and most aromatic Coffee grown; , ' Carefully;:: selected. ' Thoroughly,' mixed. &ientificaUbie'nd Correctly Eoasted PHOrtE -2G3: P. MOSES - l: uamaa luituoimig sluic. A Good Cup Coffee can be made from Diamond" W" Brand Flavor Strength The four essentials of Perfect Coffee STRENGTH FLAVOR . UNIFORMITY PURITY which combined delight the most delicate Palate and Educated Taste ' -4 Notice of Final Account. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Anna SeCkler, has Died In the County court of tho state of Oregon, for Benton county, her find I . account as administratrix of the estate ofWll-' liam Seckler, deceased, and that the said court ! has fixed Saturday, the 9th day of March, 1907, ot ; 9:30 o'clock A. M , at the court room ot said' county court in Oorvallit, Benton county, state ; of Oregon, as the time and place for bearing ob- J jections tosald final account and the settlement of said estate. All persons having objections to, said fiscal account are hereby required to pre- sent:ihasame to said county court on or before' the ime so fixed for the hearing of said tin A account. ANNA SECKLER, Administratrix ol the estate of William Seek- tar, decerned. ' Notice ti Creditors. In the Halter of the Estate of A. J. L. gator, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned that the ntttiArRil?md hR hflAn rililv nnntnfaut j executor of the last will and testament of said A. J. L. Cator, deceased, by the county court of Benton county, state ot Oregon. All persona having claims against said estate of said A. . L. Cator, deceased, are hereby required to present tne same, with the proper vouchers dulv verifi ed as by law required, within six months front the date hereof, f the undersigned at hia reti dence three miles ou"h of f bilomath. Oregon, or at the law office of E. E. Wilson, Iu, jpgon. Datod this Eebruary 1 1907. 1 ' REKTIE P OATOR. Executor of the lact will and testament of A. J. L, uator, deceased. Notice of Final Settlement Kotice is herebv eiren that thenndprslcrnpri has filed ber dual account in the estate of Louisa J Stewart, deceased, in tbe county court of the state of Oregon for Beutnn county, sitting in probate, and Saturday the 9th day of Murch, 1907, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the otnee oi tbe county judge in the court house InConalUa Oregon, is the time and place flixed lor hear ing oujeoilons, u any, to said final account and the settlement thereof. - Dated this 6th day of February, 1907. HENRIETTA RANDALL, : Executrix of said estate of LOITISA J. STEW ART, Deceased. CITATION. In the County Court of the State of Oregon ior Benton county. In the matter of the estate of T. Egm- ton Hogg, deceased. To Naomi C. Hogg, William Pinkney Whyte, William Burke, William Egenton Burke and Emeline C. Bentley, and to all others unknown. Greeting : IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OP OREGON, you and each of you are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Benton, at the Court Room thereof, at the City of Corvallis, in the said Couny of Benton, on the 6th day of April. 1907, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, and then and there show cause, if any you have. why the petition of the administrator in the above entitled estate should not be erant- ed "and an order made to sell the following uescriDea real estate, to wit : Lots five (5) and six (6) in block five (5), and lot one (1) in block six (6) in the Town of Corvallis: Lots five (5) and six (6) in block two (21 of Fractional River Blocks in Avery's Addition to Corvallis. Benton County, Oregon. The following property situated in Polk County. Oregon. to wit : Beginning at a point 26 rods east of - the soutneast corner of - lot number three (3) in fractional block one (1), m lull's Addition to the Town of Independ ence, in Polk County, Oregon; running thence north four roas, thence east to tbe Willamette River, thence south 4 rods. thence west to the place of beginning, 't hat certain river lot four rods wide by eight rods long and the building thereon, and situated directly north of and adjoining tlje river lot formerly owned by Smith & Van duyn, and conveyed by them to T. Egenton Hogg, both of said lots the one here de scribed and the one conveyed by the saja Smith & Vanduyn being situated on tae west bank of the Willamette River at Inde pendence, in Polk County, Oregon. j The following real property in Lincoln County: Lot number 2, Section 31, and southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of Section 62 : Lot No. 1 Section al ; Northwest quarter of the northwest quaruer Section Ai ; East one half of the south west quarter of Section 29, and east one half of the northwest quarter of Section 32 ; the west one half of the southwest quar ter of Section 29 ; lots 3 and 4 of Section 30; lot No. 1 of Section 19; lot No. 2 of Section 19 ; lot No. 3 of Section 19 ; and the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 20 ; tSia west one half of the northwest quarter ,f Section 29 and lots 1 and 2 of Section 31) ; the south one half of the nortneast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 14 ; the southeast quarter of the soutneast quarter of Section id; and the southwest quarter jof the southwest quarter of Section 24 ; tne southeast quarter of the northwest quarter. the south ,half of the northeast quartpr, and the northeast quarter of the soutneast quarter of Section 26 ; the northwest quar ter of the northwest quarter of Section 2s ; the northeast quarter of the northwest quar ter of Section 26 ; the southeast quarter; ot the northwest quarter of Section 23 ; tne north half of the solchwest quarter, ajnd the southeast quarter 01 the soutnwest quar ter of Section 23 ; lots 1, i and 3 in Section 28. All of the tide and overflowed lauds on the shore of . Yaquina Bay, in iront.iot lot 8 in Section Ti , and lots 1, 2 and 31 in Section -28, and lying between tne meanuer line. of, said lots-pn Vaquina Bay and iow water mark, covering about 23.50 acres ; the undivided one-half interest in lots nim- er 1 and and tne souin nan 01 me nona- we-st quarter of Section 10; all . situated,! in Township 11 south. Range 11 west of the Willamette Meridian in Lincoln Courity, Oregon. " f Also the following real property situated Benton, Polk and Lincoln counties, Ore gon, to wit : f All of Section! 31 in Townsnip 10 sotitn. Range 5 west ;1 south half ot northeast quarter ; northwest quarter of southeast quarter and northeast quarter of southwest quarter of Section 11, Township 11 south. Range 6 west ; lots 1 and 2, and tne north half of the north west quarter of Section 15 iu Town ship 11 south, Range 6 west; the west half of the southwest quarter, east nan ot southeast quarter of Section 33, Townsnip 12 south, Range 6 west; the west half of the nortawest quarter of Section 19, Town ship 11 south, Range 7 west ; south half of southeast quarter, and' south half of southwest quarter of Section 29, Township 9 south, Range 8 west; all of Section 31, Township 9 south, Range 8 west; all of Section 33, Township 9 south, Range 8 west ; north half of - northwest quarter, southeast quarter of northwest quarter of Section 3, Township 11 south, Range west ; east half of southeast quarter, east half of northeast quarter, northwest quar ter of northeast quarter and northwest quar ter of Section 19, Township 10 south, Range 9 west ; all of bection 21, Township 10 south, Range 9 west; all ot Section 3, Township 10 south. Range 9 west; north half of southeast quarter of Section 25, Township 11 south, Range 10 east; southwest. quar ter of southeast quarter, west half of north west quarter and southwest quarter of oec tion 19, Township 12 south. Range 6 west; south half of Section 9, Township 11 south. Range 9 west ; southeast quarter of north east quari.r of Section 1, Township 11 south, xtange 8 west; southwest quarter of northeast quarter of Section 1, Township 12 south, Range 9 west. - Said sale is tor the purpose of raising money to pay claims against said estate. Vnn r further notified that this citation is served upon you and each of" you by pub lication thereof, in the Corvallis Times newspaper four weeks under an order made by the Hon. B. Woodward, Judge ot said Court, on tne 12th day ot February,;! 907, Witness the Hon. E. woodward. Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon ior the County of Benton, with the Seal of said court affixed this, uie 12th day ot February A. D. 1907. Attest; t T vlN'CENl Clerk. WOOD for sale by Corvallis Transfer Company Independent Phone. 194. ".'