The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, February 12, 1907, Image 1

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    Vol. XlX.-tto.47
i b. r. idiioc
and Prop zie to
ti the -Hatter of the Estate
. of
nvKpr TTnr.itnvD. Defteaaed.
To Alice Holroyd, Edward Hoiroya, dames jr.
Holroyd, Boss La Laacheiur, Catherine Staples,
Bobert Holroyd, Im Jean Holr.)yd, Harry W.
In the name of the State of Oregon you are
hereby cited and required to appear In the Coun
ty Court of the atate of Oregon, for the County of
fiODton, at the Court room thereot, atOorvallla, In
the County ot Benton, on Saturday, the 9 th day ol
February, 10T, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of
that day, then and there to show cause if any ex
1 wh &n nriior frf ule ihould not be made, as
nraTed tor In the petition of W. S. McFadden. ad
ministrator of said aetata, of wild Henry Holroyd,
deceased, of the following descilbed real proper-
Liiim, civ two n alnven rill fud twelve
(12). Block Four (4), Kayburn's Addition to the
lry of Corvalliev, Oreou. . . '
ind von ua further notiflod that this citation
l nerved uDon vou and each ol you, by publica
tion thereof. In the Oorvallis Times -newspaper
lor four weeks under an order made by the Hon.
E. Woodward, Judge of said Court, bearing date
Witness the Hon. E. Woodward. Judge of the
County Court, of the State of Oregon, for the
" County of Benton, with the seal of said Court at-
cxeci tnn me za aay oi . auuary, iwi.
(Attest) t. T. VINCENT
SeAl - Olex.
Our Store .will offer a whole
lot of articles
At a price that will make
them move.
Enterprise of one state
' . equals world's won- ;
' " - DER.
Some. Facts on Vast American - In
dustriesErie Canal Surpasses -Suez
Canal to Be Deep
ened for Boats of iooo
Tons Burden Oti
er News. '
Notice to Creditors.
Kntina In harebv riven that the undersigned
lias been duly appointed administratrix ot the
estate ol William F. Miller, deceased, by the
- onnnt.v court of the state of Oregon, for Benton
punty, sitting in probate- All persons having
!Miims against said estate are required to pre
sent the same duly verified to me at my residence
in Summit precinct, in said county, or at the law
office of E. Holgate, in Corvallis, Oregon, within
six months fsom this 'ate.
Hated at Cotvallis, Oregon, Dec. 18, 1905.
Phone Ind. 384.
Dr. Hanford
Successor to Bowen Lester
Burnett Bldg. Corvallis, Or,
Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, BanK Bldg. Honrsi
.. ' ; ld-to ia mad A to.
Phoha. office 212 . Residence 150.
Corrallis, H Oregon.
A big lot of odds and ends remnants at bargain prices
Overcoats , or men and boys at cost '
Ladies jackets at one;half price.
We are receiving by every freight some new goods
and will be prepared for the early buyers this month. .
Don't forget thai we handle Sewing Machines, Carpets,
Rugs, Lineolums, Etc.
Call , and See
Or eg
jyeterinar- Surgeon fe.Deniist
Office slOH Main st Ind 204'
''Residence 1220 4th st and 389.
"General Auctioneer. A -Square Dea
and charges right.
Corvallis, - ? Oregon.
t will pay you toHroira-and see' us before buying youY winter siir
y ply-'K We carry 7a: Ml line of New and Second-Hand Furniture;
fiifnitdfte Stpves, Ranges
Crockery, Glassware i ab1 (Jraiiiteware. Watch Friday's
.ji'papeif few Price.- .,..
Zierolf Building.
Physician & Surgeon,
, Office up stairs in Burnett Brick Rea
idence on the cottier of Madison and
Seventh st. Phone at honse and office
Physician & Surgeon
v.l-.0fuce oyer postofSce. Residence Cor.
.iJPJftli. and Jefferson streets. Hoars 10 to
12 a. m.; 1 to 4 p.m. Orders may be
urn at iranam ot - -nam's arng store,
Willamette Valley
Banking Company K'
Corvallis, Oregon.
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
Bays County, City and School
i PtincipalieorrespondtMs.
SEATTLE " Ctfiforat;
noma A Co
C The Repato
OHICAQO KattouL Baak- of
WNDOS, ENG. H M BotfaaohUdu A Son
CANADA . Union nnk of Canada
Job Printing
at Times OfFce
;oway s
Highest Market Price Paid for
Hides, Pelts and Furs.
Money to Loan on all Kinds
" of Security.
North east Cor. 2nd an Mohrc7 Streets
Washington, Feb. 3.-!-Nowhere
else on earth ia there bo : wide a ter
ritory o absolute free trade is in
the United States. No other nation
produces bo much from the ground.
JNo other nation manufactures eo
much, and no other nation has peo
ple who can Bffbrd to buy . as much
or as good thngs. And our com
merce, big as it is, is growing all
the while. To ehow the increase in
trade it is not neceBsary to take up
the big things. Do you know that
we spent $15,000,000 for buttons
last year?- The statistics show that
five concerns in the United btates
which produce steel pens exclusive
ly have doubled their product in
the . short space of six years. , It
now requires upward of $4,000,000
to pay even our annual bill for lead
The internal commerce of the
United States is the - largest trade
movement in the world.' This may
sound big, but it is easy to prove, Al
the nations waited with suspense
for Dews of the completion of the
Suez canal, yet to 'enlarge and
deepen the Erie , canal, New York
state ; provided '. $101,oo6,ooo ih a
single bond issue, more money than
was required to build the famed
Suez ditch, and nobody outside of
New York seemed to think much
of it.' When the Erie ' is deepened
and the capacity of its boats in
creased from 2io tonB to 1 ooo, there
ib already more commefce in eight
for it than is now passing from the
Mediterranean to the Ked Ssa
This is a fact that you ought to cut
out and paete in your bat. ,' Furth
ermore, the estimated coet of the
Panama canal an undertaking which
one nation failed to complete and
which the United States has should
ered, is but little more than twice
aB much as it will take to complete
tne ijrie canal, , tor wnicn only
one ot 4b states will pay. : JNew
York is going to do all this to main
tain the eupremacy of the port of
Buffalo as a recipient of grain from
Western fields on its way to New
York City and the ports of the
New York ships more wheat acd
receives more wheat than any other
in our store because they,
know that here they are
always sure to get goods
of undeniable fine quality
and lowest price's. '
OUR STOCK includes all the requisites of every game and
sport. We can fit you out with all the latest things whether you
want to row, play base ball, tennis, fish, hunt or go bicycling.
8 We also sell Olds Gas Engines,, Oliver .Typewriters, Victor
Talking Machines and Sewing Machines.
M. M.
Tnd, Phone 126. -
Corvallis, Oregon
,00 MEl-i N'ONCEL"-.', i
And yoti will sue come again after, seeing our Fine New
Line of Base Ball Goods Just in
Base Ball
Tennis Seta
Boxing Gloves
' Striking Gloves
Indian Clubs ,
city in the world," 1 A large portion
of this grain has previously 1 been
collected at Buffalo. '. Next to New
York, Portland, Or., ' at the other
end of the American empire, ehipB
more wheat than any ' other city
here or abr oad . ' Portland leads all
the world in the shipment of lum
ber, and on account of being ' situ
ated near the great uncut forests, it
will probably lead in lumber pro
duction for many years to come. '
Volumes would be required to
give the details of the manufactures
of this country, but there are some
instances in which particular, cities
excel. Troy, New York, manufac
tures nearly 90 per cent, of the;
collars and cuffs made in the Unit
ed States. -There are '17,000 -wage
earners in that city who make their
living by manufacturing our collars
for us. Troy owns the collar busi-,
ness by the divine right of discov
ery. In 1828 Ebenezer Brown start
ed there the first collar factory on
earth. The early patterns were tied
about the neck' with a string. Six
years later laundering was begun
in connection' with the business,
and the 6 tiff collar and "biled" shirt
were born into the world of com
merce. However, we Americans still
use millions of Bhlrts of the. "hick
ory" variety, which are forever in
nocent oi a laundered collar.
Grand Rapids, Mich., is famed
for furniture. A unique feature of
furniture-making and selling in the
Michigan City . is the temi-annual
fair which is held there each Janu
ary and July. It lasts an -entire
month and is attended by not only
thousand of buyers from the differ
ent stateB in the Union, but : from
foreign countries ; as ! well, ' Grand
Rapids owes ' its BUpremacy in this
line to its proximity to the finest
hardwood forests on the continent
and to the fact that it "got there
first." It has 43 lares factories
which give employment to 15,ooo
ekliled workmen. Another pecu
liarity of the Grand Rapids ' indus
try ib that most of the workmen are
, .. FIDY.
To. Save Her; Husband, White'
Victim Tells,- Heart's Secrets
Showing Murdered Man a
, ' Morel Monster and Vil
lain Del mas'
. .Victory.
' When court finally convened
this, morning the courtroom waa
packed with scores of women. ; With
the completion of the preliminaries
Delmae' loud voice said: -
"Call Mrs. Evelyn NeBbit Tnaw.'
A second afterward, through a
side door, came Thaw's wife, slight
but: erect, head bowed, the face
psle and figure trembling. Delmaa
directed the witness to tell . of the
first meeting with White, just aa to Thaw. Evelyn said
a chorus girl named Goodrich in
August, I9OI, asked her to a lun
cheon party where she would meek
Witness said her mother consent-
ed and wih a friend took a cab and
went to a studio on West Twenty
Fourth street Witness said the
doors seemed to open themselves.
"We went up stairs," said Eve
lyn", "and when we got there met
the ' man who was introduced aa
Stanford Wbite, i thought him
an'ugly man. There "was a table
set for four, r Another gentleman
came later, ;I Tenjembet White -teased
me about my balr, 'ffhioh I
wore down my back, and my ' short
skirt,' which reached only to. my
shoe tops.
After supper we went up two
flights of stairs into a room where
j 1 . , , . there was a large red velvet swing
artif arbs who are so regular and or
derly in their habits and ways of
thinking that they cannot be in
duced to perticipate in strikes.
PIANO TUNING up to May 1st.
at special prices. Also music
tbught in all grades of difficulty.
Frank A.' White, phone. 405.
Corvallis, Ore.
Skill Disease of Twenty Years'
Standing Cured.
1 want you to know how much Chamber
Iain's Salve has done for me. It has cured
illy face of a skin disease of almost twenty
years' standing. I have been treated by sev
eral as smart physicians as we have in this
country and they did me no good, but two
boxes of this salve has cured me. Mbs.
F annie Griffen, Troy, Ala. Chamberlain's
Salve is for sale by Graham & Wortham.
swung me very hard. When ne
swung me once very hard one foot
crashed through a very ' large Jap
anese umbrella which bung from,
the ceiling." '
Jerome objected to,, this Hn9 of
teBtimonjr but was overruled. Ev
elyn continued her testimony, say
ing after swinging her . White sug
gested a ride in the park.
"The young lady and I went to the
dentist after leaving White's studio,"
said Evelyn. Then I went home
and told mother all about our visit."
Evelyn eaid White wrote to her
mother and that she, Evelyn, saw
the letter. Jerome objected to the
testimony about the letter unless
she had told Harry about it in
Paris. The court permitted Eve
lyn to continue and she said. "The
continued on page 4.
m 1
In "England and France" the Sale
of Alum Baking Powder is pro- ;
hibited by law because of the in-r
jurious effects .that follow its use.
The law in the District oi
Columbia also prohibits' Alum
in food.,'
7 You may live where "as yet. you
The only surjj protection
have no protection against
against Alum in your Baking Powder is fo
ROYAL is made from Absolutely pure Cream of Tartar, a pure.
product Aids digestion adds to, the healthfulness of food (