The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, February 08, 1907, Image 4

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    notice of Property Tax Levied to Pay
For Street Improvement.";
Notice is hereby given that the Com
mon Council of the City of Corvallis',
has determined the proportionate
share of . the cost of the improvement
of Harrison street from the center of
Eleventh street westward to a point
-opposite the northwest corner of frac
tional lot 7 in Block "D" in Wilkins
Addition to the City of Corvallis, in
Benton County, Oregon, to be assessed
upon each of the several lots or parts
thereof or parcels of land abutting or
fronting upon such proposed improve
ment and has assessed upon each lot
or part thereof or parcel of land afore
said liable therefor its proportionate
share of such cost and that the follow
ing is a description of said several
lots or parts thereof or parcel of
land, a statement of the names of the
owners thereof, if known, and of the
sum assessed upon such lots or parts
thereof or tracts of land.
Hoffman's Addition to said City of
Block No. 1.
Property Owner. Amt.
X)t G, Oliver J. Trees and Ada
line Trees ? 8.22
3Lot 7, Charles L. Blakeslee 7.74
Block No. 2.
Lot 1, Hugh Herron $ 8.22
Lot 12, Maria M. Porter 7.74
Wilkins' Addition to said City - of
Block No. 7.
lot 6, Edwin L. Johnson $ 7.80
3xt 7, Edwin L. Johnson '. 7.80
Block No. 8.
tot 6, E. A. Morgan f 7.80
3Lot 7, E. A. Morgan 7.80
Block No. 9.
Xot 6, The First National Bank
of Corvallis f 7.80
Ijot 7, Mattie A. Howard 7.80
Block No. 10.
Ex 6. D. C. Ecker ? 7.80
xt 7, Maud Moore, Lizzie
Moore, Cleve Moore,
Tommy Moore, Clinton
Moore ... I 7.80
Block No. 11.
Ixrt 6, Harriet Adams $ 7.80
Xot 7, Z. J. Blakeslee 7.S0
Block No. 12.
Lot 6, Peter Rickard $ 7.32
Lot 7, Peter Rickard 7.80
Block No. 13.
Lot 1, Mandana C. Thorp ? 7.32
Lot 12, Mandana C. Thorp .... 7.80
Block No. 14.
Lot 1, Josephine H. Moore .... ? 7.80
Lot 12, Josephine H Moore 7.80
Block No. 15.
2xrt 1, Florence R. Gilbert $ 7.80
Ex 12, Florence R. Gilbert ... 7.80
Block No. 16.
Lot 1, Ida Hotchkiss $ 7.80
x 12, Ida Hotchkiss 7.80
Block No. 17.
Lot 1, Nancy Campbell $ 7 80
Lot 12, J. B. Horner 7.80
Block No. 18.
2Lot 1,0. S. Noyes , $ 7.80
Sxrt 12, Roy Price ... ' 7.80
Lot "D."
Fractional lot 6, Beatrice Rex
ford ? 7.80
"Fractional lot 7, Unknown
Owner . 0.G0
Lot "A."
Lot 1, Lester D. Smith 7.80
.fractional lot 12, Jane Harris. . 0.60
The foregoing assessments were en
tered in the docket of City Liens of
the City of Corvallis on this eleventh
day of January, 1907, and if the sum
assessed as aforesaid upon any such
lot or tract or part thereof is not paid
to the City Treasurer of the City of
Corvallis within five days after the
date of final publication hereof, the
date of such final publication oeing
January 22nd, 1907, the same will
draw interest at the rate of eight per
-cent, per annum thereafter and a
-warrant will issue directing the
Chief of Police of said City to levy
upon and sell such lot or tract of land
or part thereof as the case may be to
-.satisfy such assessment.
6 .Police Judge of City of Corvallis.
Notice of Property Tax Levied to Pay
For Street Improvement.
Notice is hereby given that the Com
mon Council , of the City of Corvallis
has determined the proportionate
share of the cost of the improvement
of Fifth street from the center of
"B" street to the center of Washing
ion street, in the City of Corvallis,
Benton County, Oregon, to be assessed
upon each of the several lots or parts
thereof or parcels of land abutting or
fronting upon such proposed improve
ment and has assessed upon each lot
or part thereof or parcel of land afore
said liable therefor its proportionate
share of such cost and that the follow
ing is a description of said several lots
or parts thereof or parcel of land, a
statement of the names of the owners
thereof, if known, and of the sum as
sessed upon such lots or parts thereof
vor tracts of land.
Avery's Second Addition to the City
of Corvallis:
Block No. 26.
Property Owner. Amt.
Lot 1, Florence Jones : ? 3.80
Lot 2, Florence Jones 3.80
Lot 3, Florence Jones 3.80
Lot 4, Ethel M. Harris 3.80
Lot 5, Ethel M. Harris 3.80
Lot 6, Ethel M. Harris 3.80
Block No. 27.
Lot 1, Bertha Greenberg ? 3.80
Lot 2, Bertha Greenberg ...... 3,80
Lot 3, Bertha Greenberg ....... 3.80
Lot 4, Bertha Greenberg 3.80
C Watch this space for Bargins in ,
80 aires 25 in cult, balance timber and pasture, new house, fair barn, '
tame fruit. 3 I -2 miles from. town. This is a bargaui at $1,500,1 terms r
-2 cash balance on time to suit at 6 per cent.- y ; ' ; '' :
1 7 acres, 8 acres in cult, fair house, good barn, fine fruit, well watered,'
some limber and pasture. A fine little home and a bargain, at $1,300 '
Terms, to suit. 2 1 -2 miles from town, near school. ' , , ":.
5 acref , well improved, good house and bam, fine fruit 'good water. 1
One mile from town. Price $1,800. : - ... , . , . -
Lot 5, Bertha Greenberg Vr.:.." 3.80
Lot 6,. Bertha Greenberg 3.80
Avery's Addition to the City of Cor
vallis. ..
Block "L."
' ' Property Owner. A". Amt.
Lot 7, Alfred Johnson.. ? 3 80
Lot 8, Alfred Johnson 3.80
Lot 9, (south half), Sarah Tun-
nicliff e . .-; : . . . .-. ' ' 1.90
Lot 9, (north half), Alfred John- -
son .1.90
Lot 10, Sarah Tunnicliffe . . . . 3.80
Lot 11, Isouth half), J. M. How-.;
ard ........................ 1.90
Lot 11, (north half), Sarah Tun- ; '
nicliffe '. ' 1.90
Lot 12, J. M. Howard .... 3.80
Original town of Marysville, now
said City ot Corvallis. '
Block No. 19. ',
; Property Owner. Amt.
Lot 7, Rosella Rowland $ 3.80
Lot 8, Rosella Rowland 3.80
Lot 9, W. L. Cauthorn .... 3.80
Lot 10, W. L., Cauthorn 3.80
Lot 11, Sophia Hartlej 3.80
Lot 12, Sophia Hartley ...... 3.80
The foregoing assessments were en
tered in the docket of City Liens of
the City of Corvallis on this eleventh
day of January, 1907, and if the sum
assessed as aforesaid . upon any such
lot or tract or part thereof is not paid
to the City Treasurer of the City of
Corvallis within five days after the
date of final publication hereof, the
date of final publication being January
22nd, 1907, the same will draw inter
est at the rate of eight per cent, per
annum thereafter and a warrant will
issue directing the Chief of Police of
said City to levy upon and sell such
lot or tract or part thereof as the
case may be to satisfy such assess
ment, J. FRED YATES,' .
Police Judge, City of Corvallis.
Notice of Property Tax Levied to Pay
For Street Improvement.
Notice is hereby given that the Com
mon Council of the City of Corvallis
has determined the proportionate
share of the cost of the improvement
of Monroe street from the center of
First street to the center of Second
street, in the City of Corvallis, Ben
ton. County, Oregon, to be assessed
upon each of the several lots or parts
thereof or parcels of land abutting or
fronting upon such proposed improve
ment and has assessed upon each lot
or part thereof or parcel of land afore
said liable ; therefor its proportion
ate share of such cost and that
the following is a description of
said several lots or parts there
of or parcel of land, a statement
of the names of-the owners thereof,
if known, and of the . sum assessed
upon such lots or , parts thereof or
tracts of land.
In the original town of Marysville,
now said City of Corvallis.
Block No. 5.
Property Owner ' Amt.
Lot 6, Gilbert Smith . $ 8.82
Lot 7, W. A. Laidlow 8.82
Block No. 6.
Lot 1, Gilbert Smith $ 8.82
Lot 12, Virgil E. Watters .... - 8.82
The foregoing assessments were en
tered in the docket of City Liens of
the City of Corvallis on this eleventh
day of January, 1907, and if the sum
assessed as aforesaid upon any such
lot or tract or part thereof is not paid
to the City Treasurer of the City of
Corvallis within five days after the
date of final publication hereof, the
date of such final publication being
January 22nd, 1907, the same will draw
interest at the rate of eight per cent,
per annum thereafter and a warrant
will issue directing the Chief of Police
of said City to levy upon and ell
such lot or tract or part thereof as the
case may be to satisfy such assess
Police Judge, City of Corvallis.
Notice of Property Tax Levied To Pay
For Street Improvement,
Notice is hereby given that the Com
mon Council of the City of Corvallis
has determined the proportionate
share of the cost of the improvement
of Madison street from the center
of Eighth street to the center of
Ninth street in the City of Corvallis,
Benton County, Oregon, to be asses
sed upon each of the several lots or
parts thereof or parcels of, land abut
ting or fronting upon such proposed
improvement and has assessed upon
each lot or part thereof or parcel of
land aforesaid liable therefor its pro
portionate share of such cost and mat
the following is a description of said
several lots or parts thereof or parcel
of land, a statement of the names of
the owners thereof, if known, and
of the sum assessed upon such lots
or parts thereof or tracts of land.
In the 'County Addition to said City
of Corvallis.'
Block No. 20.
Property Owner. Amt.
Lot 6, Martha F. Smith ...... $ 8.82
Lot 7, Martha F. Smith 8.82
Block No. 21.
Lot 1, Florence Porter ... $ 8.82
Lot 12, Louise I. Gardner 8.82
The foregoing assessments weri en
tered in the docket of City Liens of
the City of Corvallis, on this eleventh
day of January, 1907, and if the sum
assessed as aforesaid upon any such
lot or tract or part thereof is not paid
to the City Treasurer of the City of
Corvallis within five days after the
date of final publication hereof, . the
date of such final publication being
January 22nd, 1907, the same will draw
Interest at the rate of eight per cent,
per annum thereafter and .a warrant
will issue directing the Chief of Police
of said City to levy upon and sell such
lot or tract or part thereof as the
case may be to satisfy such assess
ment, r J "" ' v ' 1
; Police Judge, City of Corvallis. .
Sheriff Burnett resumed hia of
fice duties Wednesday , alter a se
vere illness of eome days.
A new hoae cirt, 500 feet'of boee
and two playing nozzlea, ordered
by the council, arrived tie wefk,
and have been placed , in . the city
hall with other fire apparatus.' The
coRt of the oart was $14.0; that of
the boee, 9O cents per foot or $450.
The cost uf the two nozzles was
$18. -"- " v
The members of Mary's . Peak
Cmp No. .126 W. O. W. . are . re
quested to We present at a meeting
next Wednesday evening, February
13th, at 7:30, as important business
ia to come oefcre the order.; If you
fail to be there, blame no oae else
if thing-) doo't gotoeuitypu. ; ;
W. A. Buchanan,
"TheValuaofaCollige Student"
will be the subject at the church of
Corist next Sunday morning. : This
being tbe day set apart for prayer
for college students, appropriate
eervices will be held. Several of
the students will assist in the serv
ices. In the eveniDg tbe ,: pastor's
subject will be "A Praver Meetirg
in Hell." ' "
The Times ib in receipt of a
note from W. W. January,' justice
of tbe peace of Big K1j preuuet. in
which he denies that he wa active
in an attempt to balk tbe tLrt3 of
the game wardens to procure evi
dence relative to the killing of an
elk in hia preginct, as stated by
this paper; Tee Times made the
statement on what it deemed relia
ble authority, but Mr. .January , is
entitled to a denial if he wishes to
make it, and he does so as follows:
"It (the' statemeot)- was either a
mistake or else a wilful misrepre
sentation, aa the justice of the peace
here did not have anything what
ever to do with any such attempt,
which fact can be established if
The streets of Corvallis were
iu total darknesaTueaday and Wed
nesday nights, and all those de
pending upon electric lighting were
inoonveaienced to a considerable
extent because of damage to the
line which conducts the electric
current from Albany. The current
was not shut off until about dark,
and there immediately followed a
lively scramble for cand'e and un
nsed lamps. Many citizens who
are in the habit of being about town
after supper went home early, be
ing unable to find any pleasure oa
the gloomy etieats, in the dimly
lighted resorts or lodge rooms. Cor
vallis streets have never been lighted
'as well aa those of towns of equal pre-
tensions. Tbia city never ecj ytd
! street lightiog by coal oil aa otner
! towns did. Although Corvallis bad
b?en a preteotious city for many
years, it was not until 1889 that
any pretense of street-lighting waa
mide, when a contract waa made
w to L. L. Hard to supply tei 2-5-
ic-indle power elsctric etrtet lamps
j lor $30 par month. The absence of
i street lights Tussday and Wednes
day nignt crated a wonder tfcaHhe
town was ever able to grt along
without street lamps.
Notice to Creditors.
George Besmia, Estate.
Notice is hereby given that iLe under
signed Wan been appointed the executrix
of the last will and testament and the
estate of George Eeamis. debased by the
Coanty Court, ci the Slate of Oiegon for
Beacon county. A'l persons having
clrin.3 against gaid estate are hereby no
tified to prent the same to said eieca
t J-s at the office of McFadden & Brvsou,
at Cowalns, O.eon duly vefied wtbtn
six monrhs from the date he' eof.
Dated FebiuaLy 8, 1907.
.. Okie Beamis,
Executux of the estate of
George Beamis, deceased.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Bentoa County,
E. W. Durkee, Plaintiff,
Annie E. Dorkea, Defendant
To Annie E. Durkee the above name4 defendant :
In tae name of the State of Oregon you are re
quired to appear aad answer tbe complaint filed
against you in the above entitled cause on or
beiore the 2.ta day of Mirch, 1907, and if yon
fall so to answer, foe want thereof the plaintiff
will apply o the court for the relief demanded
In his complaint, tc-wlt: fr a decree of the
court dissolving the contract of matrimony now
existing between the plaintiff and defendant and
for the care and custody of Frank B. Durkee, W.
Pi Dn.kee, and S T? 1. Durkf-e,- children it
plaintiff and defeu'lant, antl for such other and
lutther JeJiee aa to Bald court may seem equit
able. V! ! ':- f.-jrr-, ....-(. , . :, :
This summons is served on you by publication
pursuant to an order of the Hon. E. Woodward,
oounty jud?a tor Benton .connty. Oregon, made
oh tue 6th Qy of February, 1907. i - - . -;
: The date ot tbe first publication hereof is Feb
runy8, 1j7 and the lat publication thereof
will be ba Match 2i, K07: ' " ' ' - '
: Dated Februii? 8.: 1907. J 1 1 .-, r"- ;
l.-j., , , Attueys for Plaintiff. -
WOOD for sale ' by Corvallis
-Transfer Company. Independent
Phone. 1941 c : 3 - ' "
1 ! 1 ; ; ; ? - t - u
tereats 6F the ititea aie-5" bbt'ljeing
eaie guarded. The administration
is likely -W 6b baai'perctd -by 'tibe' ad
vocates of state" righto, - who -will
pn tef-t figaw st aoy adybnUgebeiflr
liiyen, to Japan lp , the bppa',, that
eenie other couce elon may be made
io:tetprn. ;y . .. .-. ',.,. ,
S-tlem, 1 Or., Feb. . 6. HunWs
will continue to pny HcerJSxirj Ore
gon, but auglera will not; have to
this.year.. : Bills for; tbe .repeal of
the hun ere' llcenee und for eetah-
ltjhing sn anglers' ' license of $1
ceme up. in tie senete tbis tnrrn-
!ng and bolb wer defeated,. Tt.e
Oregon Fish and Gme aa oiation
fought the repeal of tbe one and
Dronoen the other, eo it. hss a vic
tory and a defeat to its cr ditSenate'
bill 9I, to er a e a commission to
e tib ib and operate state game and
nan natcneries was also Kinea. . it
waa doomed wben the buglers' li
cense failed, as the money from the
licens' a waa to support the hatchery
aa planned by th'-. state association.
Vice-President W.' P. Androa, of
Hood river, baa been ht re lobbying
for the passaee of the; anglers' li
cense bill. Toe stats association
has centered most of its streng'h
on that bill this year, and will have
another up before tbe next legisla
ture. Mr. Audrus talked of estab
lishing at least three hatcheries in
the ttUe and. of devoting them
chiefly to tbe prop aea'ion of tiout.
At Kings Valley. :
There waa a meeting of farmers
at Kings Vallt-y yesterday, to talk
rail: oid. Some Lave hopes tbatthe
Soutben Pacific will extend th;ir
road from Airlit; . The meeting waa
called at tbe suggestion' ot Jje
Hirehberg of the lodetendence and
Dallas tauroad. .A committee' was
appointed to lirt the probable pro
ducts and other buBinecS for a load
i A Canvasser from the Corvallis
creamery is in the Valley in the in
terest of the creamery..
Kings Valley could and would
produce lots of en am if the farm
era would turn ibeir attention in
tha direction, but the distance to a
R. R. station is a difficulty that has
so far kept tbem from trying i'.
Some Odd Wills.
One of the oddest documents of the
will kind known was that of Queen
Austrigilda, consort of King Goutram
of Burgundy. The dying princess en
Joined upon her husband to slay and
bury in the same grave with her the
physicians who had attended her. An
other will was that of a husband who
forbade his wife's marrying on pain of
his returning to haunt , her. This is
quite different from that of a woman
who instructed her executors to seek
out "some nice, good, pretty girl" who
would make an affectionate second
wife to her spouse. It is a fact inter
esting in this connection that the first
Napoleon actually bequeathed" 10,000
francs to a fellow named Cantillon,
who had been tried for attempting the
assassination of the Duke of Welling
ton. A Problem In Life.
They had met in the subway and in
the interval of passing a few stations
had fallen to talking of a lovely wo
man friend who had died.
"How did she die? Do you know?"
he asked.
"She nursed a little niece through an
infectious disease, then took it herself
and died of it," said she.
"A strange Providence!" he mused
sadly. "She, lovely, gracious, charm
ing, everything to live for and a bless
ing to her friends, to die in order that
a child might live. A strange and un
accountable Providence!" New York
Good and Osgood. ,
The subject of ancestors is often an
Interesting topic of conversation. A
lady extremely proud of her mother's
family created a sensation and made
her listeners wonder a little when she
remarked: "My father filled many re
sponsible positions. We all have the
greatest respect for him. My father
was a good man, but" and a certain
stiffening of the shoulders and an
added expression of firmness In the
good lady's face added importance to
her conclusion "my mother . was an
Man to Blame.
: Women are more prone to deceit than
men. From the time when Schehera
zade told her lord 1,001 lies to keep the
peace it has been the accepted way.
And the men, not the women, are the
most to blame. It is what they like,;
and they get it. Good Words. v..
"Love is intoxicating, it Is said. What
a good thing it is that marriage has
'a tendency to sober a man. Terrell;
(Tex.) Transcript V : ,
Always Keeps Chamoerlain's Congtj
Remedy in His House. , '; t
"Wo would.'not be -without Chamberlain'
Cough Remedy. . It Is kept on hand cohtin
nally in. our home," says, Wl ML'JK&sae
editor of the, Independent, Lo wry .City, Ml
That is just what every family should d
When kept at hand ready : for instant use,
cold, may be checked at the1 outset and cm
In much less time than after it Jipji h-or.
jeUled .in the systemi .This remedy -is alsp
wnnput a peer lor croup in children and
w ill -prevent the attack, when eiven as soon
as the ehild becomes, hoarse,, or even after
the cronpy cough- appears, which can onlv be
done -when the remedyjs kept at, hand. Foi
sale by Graham &, Worlhan).
I Want Your Eggs, and Butter
Alway Pay Highest Market Price
and You get Full Weight '
and Measure!
I Handle Everything, Come & See
The Famous Packard shoe ;
The John B. Stetson hat sold by
Dealer in Hats, Caps, Boots,
Shoes, Ready-made Clothing, Etc.
Corvallis only exclusive mens furnishing store.
We are not inclinecj to spend much time in
writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods
and customers speak for themselves.
& B
A Taste of
is Sure to
"RTF "re 7T Pies made from this will taste
Mince Meat like mother makes. , - ' '
S i C1 A Pire apple juice, sand refined its
Weet V-.lOet smackin good. .
AppleButter right twans tom,lke
STf 1 made from firm little cabboge made
OUr lrOUt in the old fabuioned way. ; ; ;
White Qover
: i -.1 f is x. .
I . I 1
t .-Vj ) 1 .
r t, ,;PHQNE':'203::-;;,'Vi'
. ; : . 1 ... 1 ! . .! - i ! ! I':l-M: t':i'.'i ) !. 1. i ' r;,.
r i i
A new shipment
just opened. . ..
' : ! i -1
) l ; i ' I
) . 1 ''..( '
' :
l f I. . II f'y ! 'i.
1 i i. ... t-..J i-1.. ' ' t . .1 t.ti .. !