The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, January 25, 1907, Image 4

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. WiUon returned last
night from Silem. .
Rev. Bueh, who left recently
to take a pastorate at Baker City,
is pleased with his new location,
both in respect to his work and the
- Professor Charles Heckert of
'arrived last nitrht from a two days'
visit with W. J. Bryan at Salem.
E'mer Wills, in the employ of
the Southern Pacific, U vUiting bis
areata in this city.
Miss Carrie Dannemao who
went to Salem yettrday, baj se
cured a clerkship and began her
duties yesterday afternoon.
A dcn Philomath young
men, O. V. White among them
went t Salem to hear the addresses
of W. J. Bryan.
Mrs. Mary Barclay returned
. Wedce day from Stockton, Calif.,
fter a three months' visit with ber
i daughter. Mrs. W. T. Hewitt.
Mif s Edua Sheehv will ' siDg
several operatic airs by Warner,
Bizet, as well as a number of otbei
eongs at the joint recital given by
berseli and Girard Taillandier, on
Friday evening, February let, in
college chapel.
During the late freezing weath
er construction work on the A. J.
Johnson building was almost total
ly suspended. The balmy atmof
pnere of yesterday, however, brought
out the workmen in full force at
noon, and it seems likely that the
work will hereafter proceed with lit
tle interruption
G. F. Rice has -just put Into
service a wagoo with a tight box
Its purpose is to haul buttermilk
fro m t.ha TTanricnh (traomorti rnlha
a . I. UMU1UVU - - J 1 ' . U t.
Rice farm, where the product is Jed
t t hogs. About 400 gallons are fed
daily to 100 hogB and the report is
that upon this allowance of four
pallors each daily the hogs are
thriving. .
Amnog'sincere mourners at the
funeral of Mrs. Radir were mem.
bera of 3. Blumberg's family. When
their hcildren lest saw their mother
they at once became members of the
Sladir household and so remained
until aach was well able to make
hia way in the world. The evide-1
grief of the Blumherg family at tfce
"death of Mrs. Radir, is a ttrotig
testimonial of her worthy charac
ter. .
terday until Monday. The sta'e
printer is short : cf help and thie,
witii the rapidity with which both
tieuses are working when in session
pilee up more priming .. than the
office can turn out. Hence the ad
journment. Both houEes were in
vited to visit the state university,
and a number of members went up
n last night's train, perhaps 30 in
all. The university is making a
strerig right for an appropriation of
m quarter of a million dollars. ,-.
.Uncle Toms Cabin.
There are some theatrical
tions that are not affected
in the
least degree by the shifting
taste and humor; one of these being
Stetson's "Uncle Tom's Cabin"
Company, the great standard Amer
ican drama that has retained Its
hold upon the public for over a de
cade. Its first production tcok
place in the Troy Museum quite a
"number of years ago, after which
it was produced in the old National
Theater, Chatham Street. New
York, in January, 1853, where it
enjoyed a three years run to enor
mous business. It will be present
ed at the opera house on January
31 by Stetson's Big Company, an
organization long known to be
superior in every way, and one
'which is ever popular with theater
goers. The company has been
' newly equipped lor thi3 seasoD, and
he street parade will delight the
young as well as the old.
Reserved seat sale opens Tuesday
morning. ' ' ' ' 7
"Mr. J. Mon Foo, an experienced com
pounder of Chinese medicines, successor
a the late Hone Wo Tone, of Albany,
Oreeon. is now prepared to furnish Chi
nese medicine to all. The undersigned
recommends him and guarantees satis
: Call or write him at No. 117 West Sec
ond Street, Albany, Oregon. -
Jim Westfall.
PIANO TUNING up to May 1st.
at special prices. Also - music
, tought in all grades of difficulty
Frank A. White, phone. 405
Corvallis, Ore. ' i.
"WE CAN FILL your wants. Write
us. Do you want to sell your
rjronertv, farms, or business. Call
.onus. We- furnish partners
and cash. Loan your money
Sparkman & Company Main St.
Mrs. E. H..., Taylor . arrived
Hlast evening from a visit with
1 Portland friends.
XT-c! . T51i,mV,firrr nt Portland
Cfrived last evening to be inattend-
at the funeral of Mrs. Radir.
The Elks will give an enter
tainment at ilie Corvallis opera
house on Friday night of this week.
The Albany Elks will attend in a
body gping on a special train.
The Rev. Dr. Winans of the
American Sunday S chool Associa
tion will preach at the First Metho
dist church Sunday morning. In
the evening the pastor will discourse
upon a special theme.
Colonists rates from the East to
Oregon go into effect March xst.
and continne daily until April30th.
The rates are , Chicago $33. St.
Louis . "30, Kansas City . and : St.
Paul, $25.
United Evangelical church
regular services. Reception of
members and baptism at morning
sei vices. Subject "Not brilliant
but faithful." Evening subject
"The divine magnet."
Julian McFadden has sold to
Tommy Fawcett , the home lot
foi inerly occupied by the former
near the opera house. The trans
fer was made the first of the.
w eek and the consideration is $1225
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kiger
returned Wednesday from Portland
where they were at the bedside of
Mrs. Grant E gin who underwent
an operation for appendicitis in
Good Samaritan hospital, Wednes
day. ' '
Saloonkeeper- Little girl.' what
is it? I den't sell liquor to child
ren. Little girl- Have you got any
of this good-natured alcohol? I
want some of it . for .' papa.
A neat 14 page folder giving
information - concerning the All
Benton County Sch ool Fair ' to be
held in Corvallis August 29.-30, 31
has just been printed and placed
in the hands of Geo. Denman,
County school superintendent.
J. N. McFadden is delivering
on Doara rne steamboat ana cars
200 tons of hay which he sold to
to Portland parties a few days a
go. . This hay has been stored in
the large shed between ; the two
railway depots. 1 r !
The . Independent school, in
the Skipton neighborhood began
a four- months term last Monday
with Floyd Huff at the helm.
This is Floyd's first undertaking
in this line of work, . but it is be
lieved that any , deficiency from
lack of experience will be made up
by good judgment.
continued from page 1
No. 169, including -some school
girls, but mostly working men.
None of the passengers in this car
were seriously injured, as it was
running at a slow rate of spaed. In
the outward-bound car there were
nine passengers, none of whom es
caped without a bruise or a cut
from flying glass.
Hardly bad the passengers dis
entangled ( themselves irom the
wrecked cars at East Seventh and
Multnomah streets jammed into
each other in exactly the same
manner as those wrecked a block
away. Little damage was done as
both cars were running slowly.
It was exactly 8:10 when csr No,
176 rounded thegcurve at East Sev
enth and started up Multnomah
under foil power, the carmen sup
posing they had a clear track to the
next switch, when suddenly the
crash came without warning. Con
ductor Evans was standing by the
side of bia motorman, R.'.L. Smith,
and both were thrown from, the
Conductor Evan's feet caught in
the wreckage of the platform, which
was almost inetantly jammed flat
b gainst the car and he was plunged
on his head. When help oame his
feet were in the wreckage and " hU
bead on the ground. He was un
conscious and was' removed .imme
d ately to St. Vincent's , hospital
His injuries about the head are con
sidered serious,; although just to
what extent has not ! yet been ; de
termined. - " ..
Lloyd Holmes, next to Conduc
tor Evans, was the most serlorsly
injured. He was' also standing on
the front platform at the time of the
collision, and was pushed through
the bloBed door into the car. -His
face was forced through the glass
and was severely cut, while his low
er limbs were badly braised frsm
being jammed through - the lower
part of the door. "V'
Several other passengers were in
jured by flying glass in different
parts of the body that were exposed,
such as the bands, neck, head and
the face ". t:. I
The cars were completely smash
ed, not a whole ' window remained
in either car. The " trucks were
wrenched, and the bodies of the
cars splintered, cracked and bulged.
Notice of Property Tax Levied to Pay
For Street Improvement.
Notice Is hereby given that the Com
mon Council of the City of Corvallis,
has determined the proportionate
share of the cost of the improvement
of Harrison street from the center of
Eleventh street westward .to a point
opposite the northwest corner of frac
tional lot 7 in Block "D" in Wxlkins
Addition to the City of Corvallis, In
Benton County, Oregon, to be assessed
upon each of the several lota or parts
thereof or parcels of land abutting or
fronting upon such proposed improve-"
ment and has assessed upon each lot
or part thereof or parcel of land afore
said liable therefor its proportionate
share of such cost and that the follow
ing is a description of said several
lots or parts thereof or parcel of
land, a statement of the names of the
owners thereof, if known, and of the
sum assessed upon such lots or parts
thereof or tracts of land.
Hoffman's Addition to said City of
Block No. 1.
Property Owner. Amt.
Lot 6, Oliver J. Trees and Ada-
- line Trees .... . 4 . . . $ 8.22
Lot 7, Charles Li. Blakeslee . . . ; 7.74
Block No. 2.
Lot 1, Hugh Herron ......... $ 8.22
Lot 12, Maria M. Porter 7.74
Wilkins' Addition to said City, of
Block No. 7.
Lot 6, Edwin L. Johnson . . $ 7.80
Lot 7, Edwin L. Johnson ...... 7.8(5
Block No. 8.
Lot 6, E. A. Morgan 7.80
Lot 7, E. A. Morgan ..." . 7.80
Block No, 9.
Lot 6, The First National Bank
of Corvallis $ 7.80
Lot 7, Mattie A. Howard . 7.80
Block No. 10.
Lot 6, D. C. Ecker $ 7.80
Lot 7, Maud Moore, Lizzie
Moore, Cleve . Moore,
; . Tommy Moore, Clinton
Moore 7.80
Block No. 11.
Lot 6, Harriet Adams ....... . $ 7.80
Lot 7, Z. J. Blakeslee ........ 7.80
Block No.. 12.
Lot 6, Peter Rickard $ 7.32
Let 7, Peter Rickard , 7.80
, Block No. 13..
Lot '1, Mandana C. Thorp .
Lot 12, Mandana C. Thorp
Block No. 14.
Lot 1, Josephine H. Moore
Lot 12, Josephine H Moore
Block No. 15.
Lot 1, Florence R. Gilbert
Lot 12, Florence R. Gilbert
Block No. 16.
Lot 1. Ida Hotchkiss ......
Lot 12, Ida Hotchkiss
Block No. 17.
$ 7.80
S 7.80
$ 7.80
? 7.80
Lot 1, Nancy Campbell ..
Lot 12, J. B. Horner ..... .' - 7.80
, : Block No. 18.
Lot 1, O. S. Noyes ? 7.80
Lot 12, Roy Price .T 7.80
Lot "D." - '
Fractional lot 6, Beatrice Rex-
ford . $ 7.80
Fractional lot 7, Unknown
. Owner 0.60
Lot "A." '
Lot L Lester D. Smith ........ $ 7.80
Fractional lot 12, Jane Harris; i 1 0.60
The foregoing assessments were en
tered in the docket of City Liens of
the City of Corvallis on this eleventh
day of January, 1907, and if the sum
assessed as aforesaid upon any such
lot or tract or part thereof is no paid
to the City Treasurer of the City of
Corvallis within five days after the
date of final publication hereof, the
date of such final publication being
January 22nd, 1907, the same will
draw interest at the rate of eight per
cent, per annum thereafter . and a
warrant will issue directing the
Chief of Police of said City to levy
upon and sell such lot or tract of land
or part thereof as the case may be to
satisfy such assessment.
Police Judge of City of Corvallis.
Notice of Property Tax Levied to Pay
For Street Improvement.
Notice is hereby given that the Com
mon Council of the City of Corvallis
has determined the proportionate
share of the cost of the improvement
of Fifth street from the center of
B" street to the center of Washing
ton - street, in the City of Corvallis,
Benton County, Oregon, to be.assessed
upon each of the several lots or parts
thereof or parcels of land abutting or
fronting upon such proposed improve
ment and has assessed upon each : lot
or part thereof or parcel of land afore
said liable therefor its proportionate
share of such cost and that the follow
ing is a description of said several lots
or parts thereof or parcel of land, a
statement of the names of the owners
thereof, if known, and of the sum as
sessed upon such lots or parts thereof
or tracts of land.
Avefy's Second Addition to the City
of Corvallis:
Block No. 26.
.'Property Owner. . C Amt.
Lot 1, Florence Jones ? 3.80
Lot 2, Florence Jones . . . . .,. 3.80
Lot 3, Florence Jones ........ 3:80
Lot 4, Ethel M. Harris 3.80
Lot 5, Ethel M., Harris .... .... ; 3.80
Lot 6, Ethel M. Harris ........ 3 .80
' Block No. 27.
Lot 1, Bertha Greenberg ; . . . . . f 3.80
Lot 2, Bertha Greenberg . . 3 0
Lot 3, Bertha Greenberg ..... . 3.80
Lot 4, Bertha Greenberg , 3.80
Notice of Final Settlement. -
In tbe County Court of the State of Oregon f o:
BeDton county. x: -
. In the Matter of the Estate
ot . J
Leon a H.MCNnirY. deceased. ;-,
- Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
as executrix of the estate of James C. Taylor,
deceased, has filed the nual account of said
James C. Taylor, as executor of the estate of
Leona H . McNulty, deceased, with the clerk of
the above entitled court and that said court has
fixed and appointed Saturday, the 9th day of
February, 1907, at the hour of ten o'clock In the
forenoon of said day and the county jadge's of
fice in the county court house, iui Corvallis, in
said Benton county, Oregon, as the time and
place for hearing objections, if any, to said ac
count and settlement thereof. All persons in
terested and desiring to object to said account
are notified to appear and file their objections
in writing thereto at said time and place.
Dated this Uth day of January, 1907. -
As executrix of the estate of James C. Taylor,
deceased, executor at t&b eatate of Leona H.
McNulty, deceased, .
Lot 5, Bertha Greenberg 3.80
Lot b. Bertha Greenberg 3.80
Avery's Addition totthe City of Cor
vallis. - . , ....
- Block "L."
, Property Owner. Amt.
Lot 7, Alfred Johnson ........ 3 80
Lot 8, Alfred Johnson 3.80
Lot 9, (south half), Sarah Tun-
Lot 9, (north half), Alfred John-
. - son
Lot 10, Sarah Tunnicliffe
Lot 11, Isouth half), J. M. How
ard t
Lot 11, (north half), Sarah Tun-
, nicliffe ;
Lot 12, J. M. Howard
Original town of Marysville, now
said City of Corvallis.
Block No. 19.
Property Owner. Amt.
Lot 7, Rosella Rowland 3.80
Lot 8, Rosella Rowland 3.80
Lot 9, W. L. Cauthorn ....... 3.80
Lot 10, W. L. Cauthorn : . . 3.80
Lot 11, Sophia Hartlej . . 3.80
Lot 12, Sophia Hartley . . 8.80
The foregoing assessments were en
tered in the docket of City Liens of
the City of Corvallis on this eleventh
day of January, 1907, and if the sum
assessed as aforesaid upon any such
lot or tract or part thereof is not paid
to the City Treasurer of the- City of
Corvallis within five days after the
date of final publication hereof, the
date of final publication being January
22nd, 1907, the same will draw inter
est at the rate of eight per cent, per
annum thereafter and a. warrant will
issue directing the Chief of Police of
said City to levy upon and sell such
lot or tract or part thereof as the
case may be to satisfy such assess
ment. ;
, Police Judge, City of "Corvallis.
Notice of Property Tax Levied to Pay
For Street Improvement.
Notice is hereby givep that the Com
mon (Joancil or the City or Corvallis
has determined the proportionate
share of the cost of the improvement
of Monroe street from the center of
First street to the center of Second
street, in the City of Corvallis, Ben
ton. County; Oregon, to be assessed
upon each of the several lots or parts
thereof , or parcels of land abutting or
fronting upon such proposed improve
ment and. has assessed upon each-lot
or part thereof or parcel of land afore
said liable therefor its proportion
ate share of such cost and that
the following is a description of
said N several lots' or parts : there
of or parcel of land, a statement
of the names of the owners thereof,
if known, and of the sum assessed
upon such lots or - parts thereof or
tracts of land.
In the original town of Marys ville,.
now said City of Corvallis.
Block No. 5.
Property Owner Amt.
Lot 6, Gilbert Smith .... .. 8.82
Lot 7, W. A. Laidlow 8.82
Block No. 6.
Lot 1, Gilbert Smith $ 8.82
Lot 12, Virgil E. Watters .... 8.82
The foregoing assessments were en
tered in the docket of City Liens of
the City of Corvallis on this eleventh
day of January, 1907, and if the sum
assessed as aforesaid ' upon any sucb
lot or tract or part thereof is not paid
to the City Treasurer of the City of
Corvallis within five days ' after the
date of final publication hereof, the
date of such final publication being
January 22nd; 1907, the same will draw
interest at the rate of eight per cent,
per annum thereafter and a warrant
will issue directing the Chief of Police
of said City to levy upon andell
such lot or tract or part thereof as"tho
case may be to satisfy such assess
ment. . J. FRED YATES
Police Judge, City of Corvallis.
Notice of Property Tax Levied To Pay
For Street Improvement..
Notice is hereby given that the Com
mon Council of the City of Corvallis
has determined . the . proportionate
share of the cost of the improvement
of Madison street from the center
of Eighth street to the center of
Ninth street in the City of Corvallis,
Benton County, Oregon,, to be. asses
sed upon each of -the several lots or
parts thereof or parcels of land- abut
ting or fronting upon such proposed
improvement and has assessed . upon
each lot or part thereof or parcel of
land aforesaid liable therefor its pro
portionate share of such cost and that
the following is a description of said
several lots or parts thereof or parcel
of land, a statement of the. names of
the owners thereof, if . known, and
of the sum , assessed upon! such lots
or parts thereof or tracts of land.
In the County Addition to said City
of Corvallis.
Block No. 20.
Property Owner. Amt.
Lot 6, Martha F. Smith $ 8.82
Lot 7, Martha F. Smith .. ' 8.82
Block . No. 21.
Lot 1. Florence Porter ......... 8.82
Lot 12, Louise I. Gardner 8.82
The foregoing assessments weri en
tered in the docket of City Liens of
the City of Corvallis, on this eleventh
day of January, 1907, and if the sum
assessed as aforesaid upon any such
lot or tract or part thereof is not paid
to the City Treasurer of the City of
Corvallis within five days after the
date of final publication hereof, ; the
date of such final publication being
January 22nd, 1907, .the same will draw
interest at the rate of eight per cent,
per annum thereafter and a warrant
will issue directing the Chief of Police
of said City to levy upon and sell such
lot or tract or part thereof as the
case may be to satisfy such assess
ment. . -
Police Judge, City of Corvallis.
Phone Ind. 384. - . . i
Dr, Hanford
Successor to Bowen Lester
Burnett Bldg. Corvallis, Or.
Attention Farmers!
I Want Your Eggs and Butter
Alway Pay Highest Market Price
and You get Full Weight
and Measure!
I Handle Everything, ComeCc See
After Holiday Bargains.
WE INVITE YOU TO CALL at our store wa kave
some after holiday bargains the only exdasite men
furnishing store in town."
Corvallis, Oregon.
We are not inclined to spead much time in
writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods
and customers speak for themselves.
E. B.
A Taste of These
is Sure to Please!
TLf lilfL Pi8 made from this will taste
lVlinCe lVlCatlike mother makes.
S j fAt Par apple jiice, sand refined its
WCCt VlOCr smackin good.
A f "D with iast the right twang to make
Apple DUtter it appetzing. 5
STf i made from firm little cabboge made
OUr XVTOUl in the old fashioned way.
White Clover Honey &J!ias
PHONE 2 0 3.
Corva!lis, Oreg;