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About The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1907)
t ,'1' WEES "WEB Vol. XIX.-No.47 CORVALLIS, OREGON. FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 25.1907. B.F. TKWKM Edl'Or andProprleto aLi"Sr-..-AJLTlD SEMI- Notice of Final Settlement. In the County Court in the State of Oregon, for the County of Benton. In the Hotter of the Estate ) of V Mary A. Garlioghouse, Deceased. I Notice Is hereby given thrt the undesigned has hereby filed hev final account in the estate of Ma ry A. Garlinghouse, deceased, and the court has set February 4, 1907, at the hour of 2 o'clock F. M as the time and the county court room, county court honse, Corvallis, Oragon, as the pit e j to hear objections to the same Dated this 28lh day of December, 1908. MALINDA F. STARR, Executrix of the last will and testament ef Mary A. Garlinghouse .deceased. Citation n the Matter of the Estate ot iHenrt Holroyd. Deceased. To AHce Holroyd, Edward Holroyd, James F, Holroyd, -Pose La Lascheiur, Catherine Staples, Jtobert Holroyd, Ima Jean Holroyd, Harry W. Holroyd. heirs at law of Henry Holroyd, deceased, GREETINGS In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby cited and reouired to aDDear In the Coun ty Court of the state of Oregon, for the County of Benton, at the Court room thereof, at Corvallis, in the County of Benton, on Saturday, the 9 th day of February, 1907, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause rt any ex .'1st, why an order of sale should not be made, as pr.iyen lor in the petition 01 vv. s. mcraaaen. ad ministrator of said estate, of said Henry Holroyd, deceased, of the following descilbed real proper ty, to-wlt: Lots ene f 11. two t21. eleven fill pud twelve (12). Block Four (4), Kaybum'B Addition to the city 01 corvallis, O'egou. And you are further notlnod that Ithls citation 1b served upon you and each ol you, by publica tion thereof, in the Corvallis Times newspaper for four weeks under an order made by the Hon. E. Woodward, Judge of said Court, bearing date January 2, 190T. ' Witness the Hon. E. Woodward, Judge of the - County Court, of the State of Oregon, for the County of Benton, with the seal of said Court af fixed tnis the 2d day of January, 1907. (Attest) T. T. VINCENT SsAL Clerk. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has keen duly appointed administratrix of the -estate ot William F. Miller, deceased, by the countv court ot the state of Oregon, for Ronton Vfiinty, sitting in probate- AU persons having aims against said estate are required to pre sedsYJie same duly verified to me at my residence in Submit precinct, in said county, or at the law office ofts. Holgate, in Corvallis, Oregon, within ix months Sjwni this ('ate. Dated at CovtoUis, Oregon. Dec. 18, 1906. EVA I. MILLER, Administratrix. E. E. WILSON, ATTORNEY Al LAW. B. A. CATHEY . . Physician & Surgeon , Office, room 14, Bank Bids'. Honrst IO to la and a to 4. Phone, office SIS Residence 150 Corvallis, Oregon. DR. E. E. JACKSON Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist Office 1011 Main st Ind 204 Residence 1220 4th st Ind 389. J. A. WOODS Ceneral Auctioneer. A Square Dea and charges right. Corvallis, Oregon. J. FEED STATES ATTOKS& I -AT-LA W. Zierolf Building. G. li. JFAKKA, Physician & Surgeon, Office up stairs in Burnett Brick Res idence on the coiner of Madison and Seventh st. . Phone at honse and office H. S. PERNOT, Physician & Surgeon Offit over postoffice. Residence Cor. Fimi 6tid-Teffsreon streets. Honrs 10 to 3L3 avA;,. t 4 p. m. Orders may be en at iiranara --mam's drag store. Willamette Valley Banking Company Corvallis, Oregon. ; RESPONSIBILITY $100,000 Deals in Foreign and Domestic Exchange. Buys County,, City and School Warrants Principareorres9ondnfs. SAN FRANCISCO ) POBTLAND I The SEATTLE Califorma CHICAGO National Bank of The Kepab LONDON, ENG. N M Bothachllds 8 o CANADA .Union Book of Canada ine Job Printing at Times Office Our Sale for January will be a Money Saving to all Buyers! I Big stock to make selection. Every article in the store at a reduction. Big line heavy overcoats, boys and mens 25 discount Big line rain overcoats, mens at 20 discount Big line ladies jackets at 50 discount Big line gents and boys clothing at 20 discount Big line dress goods, underwear, hosiery, shoes, rugs, sewing machines and in fact every article in the . store at a big reduction. Now is the time to buy Call and See II. HARRIS. I Corvallis, oway t will pay you to come in and see Kog . - - - j 3 j r ply- We carry a full line of New and Second-Hand Furniture. Furniture, Stoves, Ranges Crockery, Glassware and Graniteware. Watch Friday's paper for Highest Market Price Paid for Hides, Pelts and Furs. North east Cor. 2nd an Monroe Streets 111... u. - Misr HIS MASTER'S VOICE" We sell them $5 down and $5 a month until paid for. Kecords, needles 8 tone regulators. A fresh sup ply of flash lights and batteries. A complete line of cutlery. f jSporting goods, guns and ammunition etc. M. M. LONG'S The Sporting Goods Man. Ind. Phone 126. ' ' ; : Corvallis, Oregon. s I COME IN And see our large new line of Pocket Knives, Razors, Sissors etc. A large line of Footballs and all kinds of Sporting Goods always on hand ' Umbrellas" Covered and Repaired. Oregon s us before buvine vour winter sun- Price. Money to Loan on all Kinds , of Security. Buy One otore at BRYAN IN PORTLAND FAVORS RAILROAD COMMIS SION FQR THJ STATE , of Oregon. Commends Fight Made by Gover eruor Chamberlain Id Favor of the Largest , and Am plest Coctrol of Traffic. Portland, Or., Jan. 22. Portland Journal: William Jennings Bryan, statesman, orator, journalist, twice the nominee for preeident of the United States and the probable third choice to head the democratic ticket in 1908, is Portland's guest today. He came as the plain citi zen, has been received as each and will go his way tomorrow without pomp, but still a leader among the common people and in the ranks of his own party. : Mr. and Mrs. Bryan arrived from Tacoma at 7 o'clock this morning. The noted Nebraskan was met at the depot by the reception commit tee which bad been appointed to receive Mr. Bryan. . The party drove in carriages to the Imperial hotel, where the statesman and his wife denied themselves to visitors until they had secured several hoars of much neededurest.- Mr. Bryan is as thoroughly con versant with conditions on the Pa cific coast as he was with all sec tions of the country during his two presidential campaigns and while it has been nearly seven years einoe he last visited Portland he main tains his interest both in the gener al welfare of the Oregon coontry and particularly in his political bat ties to gain for the people their rights. : , "Oregon is a great and wonderful country,? ha eaid this morning, "aod Governor Chamberlain's fight to give to the people of this great commonwealth a railroad, commis sion which will place th roads of this state in the control of the gov ernment ib a just and a good one I believe in the strictest control of the railroads, both by the state and federal government, and I believe that this is what Governor Cham berlain is devoting his energies to give to the people of Oregon." Mr. Bryan has not swerved an inch from the steadfast position he assumed against the trusts when be first became a national fizurein pol itics a dozen years ago. He believes now, and asserts his position with emphasis, that the chief menace of the welfare and prosperity of the American people today is the trusts and monopolies, and the gseatest question which this nation has yet to solve, he says, i the detailed control of the combinations which through discriminations, rebates and a fostering tariff of which they constantly take advantage, is sap ping the life and energy of the American populace. Mr. Bryan believes Oregon has taken a long and wise step towards etats control of the railroads in making the initial effort to secure, a railroad commission. Not being acquainted with all the details of the bill which only was introduced at Salem, Mr. Bryan could not dis cuss the subject at as great length as he would like to have done. 'I am strongly in favor of a com mission, however," he stated, "but I do not care to discuss the question whether it should be an appointive or an elective board as that is a po litical question now under discus sion in this state. Some states in the union have an appointive board and eome maintain an elective Com mission. . The people of Oregon will decide for themeelves which is right. . - .-'' -. . "I believe a commission should have bte fullest possible power, and it would be infinitely better to trust a commission to decide the ques tions in which the public is vitally concerned than to leave those ques tions which affect every part of the public welfare, the prosperity of in dividuals and of the state itself, to the railroads which have a pecuni- ary interest in every matter left to the commission to decide. 1 "While I am not sufficiently ac quainted with all the details of Or egon's proposed roilroad commis sion, and therefore cannot, discuss it fully, I believe Governor Cham berlain's fight is for the people, and I am unqualifiedly in favor of a commisEion providing the largest and amplest control." The noted Nebraskan is as em phatic in the trust question and its solution as on the railroads and be lieves the rule of the nation's mo nopolies will be one of the leading questions in the next presidential campaign, "At the pment time1' he Routin ed, "the trust question seems to be the most important one before the American people, when you consid er it in connection with the tariff and railroad Questions. It also in. foils' the question raised by Presi dent Boflevelt relative to swollen fortunes, for it ii . patent to every one thai the towering accumulations of money which have been gathered together during a comparatively re cent period, are the result of mo nopolies which have grown fat un der the fostering care of the tariff. "In fact the trost question might be stated as an issue between pred atory wealth on the one Bide and the people on the other. The solution of this tryinp ques tion is not one which can be given in a sentence, .but there are four points which claim first considera tion. First, there is the enforce ment of present laws; second, the license system proposed by the democrats in their platform of 1900 and indorsed by President Rooee- velt in his last annual message; third, the prevention of rebates and discriminations by the railroads, and fourth, the reduction of the present tariff schedule of which the trusts and monopolies have con stantly taken advantage." Mr. Bryan would not discuss the probable presidential candidates on either the republican or democratic tickets in I9O8. He was introduced to Mayor Lane this morning as the "next president," but he steadfast ly rsfused to offer prophecy regard ing a matter, the discussion of which would have lead into personalities. And he maintained the same posi tion regarding possible republican candidates for the presidency. Mr. Bryan was much impressed with the rapid and substantial growth of Oregon's metropolis: He said: - "Portland has had a remarkable growth. It has spread out in every direction, and with its immensely rich tributary country I firmly be lieve it is destined to become . the greatest c'ty on the Pacific Coast." Both in leaving and returning to the hotel Mr. Bryan was greeted with luBty cheers and along the route of trav-4 through the city's streets there was constantly shown the popularity with which the for mer presidential candidate is held by the peopla. Mr. Bryan lectured in the evening at the White Temple on the subject, "The Old World and Its Ways." Every seat was sold early and notblrg remain ed at noon but standing room. Summons. In the Circuit Court o! the State of Oregon for Benton County. James W. Melville, Plaintiff, 1 vs. Frank Hale, William W. Hale, I Leath McCort'e, Dora E. Ayers, y Effle Hopper, Alfred Hale, Jen-1 nie Shivers, Frederick Elder and j Cynthia J. Sherman, Defendants. J To Frank Hale, Dora E. Ayres. Allred Hale, Jennie Shivers and Cynthia J. Sherman, the above named defendants : In the name of the state of Oregon, you and each of you are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint of the plain tiff lu the above entitled suit now on file with the clerk of the above entitled court, on or before the last day of the time prescribed in the order lor puDiicauon 01 tnis summons nereinaiter re ferred to. to-wlt: on or Deioro Marcn 8. r.K)7. and you are hereby notified that It you tail so to appear and answer the said comphint as here in required, lor want t iereor tne piamtin will apply to the above entitled court lor'the relief demanded in his said conDlaint. to-wlt: reform ing s certain deed made by HarrUon Hele and the defendant. Cynthia J. Hale fnow Cynthia J, Sherman) to Theodore Hale, dated January 6. 1875, so that the description therein shall reed as ioiiows, to-wii: Benlnnine at a noint 52 chains east ot the soothwest corner of claim No. 62, being cla'm ot Jonn Unmslev ana wife, in Townsnip twelve, south, range six west, Willamette meridian, thence north 21 degrees 10 min. west nineteen and 20.100 chains, thence east fifty-four and 57 100 chains to the west line ol the tract of land sold by John Grimaley and wife to Qaorte Wll helm on the 6th day ot October, 1858, and re corded October 11, 1853, on page 148 and 149 la book , ot tne records ot aeeas ol ueniou coun ty, Oregon, thence south 11 degrees 15 min. eart twenty and 30-103 chains along said west line to the south boundary line of aid cla'-n No. 52, thence west twenty-three and 65-100 chrini, thence corth two chains and thence west twen ty-eight chains to the place of beginning, r ontala ing 100 acres, being and situated :n Benton county, Oregon ; that plaintiff be decree Jl the owner In fee simple of the above described real property; that tbe defendants have no nterf 3t or esr-te therein and that tbey be barred from claiming any right, title, interest or estate in the above deserloed land. This summons is published in te Corvallis Timbs newspaper unt;e a week, tor six saccesslve and consecutive week, beginning -th the Isbuo of Januay 25. 1!Ri7, aud e no ing with the ip-sue ot Marcn 8, 1VU7, under ana m pursuance oi we ai rections contained in an order made by the Hen. E. Woodward, Judge of the county court of Ben ton county, 8' ate of Oregon, dated January 21. 1907. Date of first publication hereof is Janua ry 25, 1907. : E.E.WILSON, - ittcr ley for Plaintiff. DON'T FORGET the auction sale each Saturday at the Red Front Barn. BEST BREAD and pastry can obtained at Starr's Bak-:ry. be THAW ON TRIAL Stanford white's slaybh at last before the COURTS. j Morning Spent in Saottring Jary-. District Attorney Jerome in Person Conducting Prose cution. New York, Jan. 23. Crowds thronged the streets early today in the endeavor to see Harry K. Thaw enter the court on the opening of his trial for the killing of Stanford White last June. Thousands of applications for places in the court room were rejected. Two hundred newspaper men of this country and Europe were admitted. These, with the attaches ot the court and those directly connected with the trial, caused the excluston ot the general public for lack of space. In the public ehow of interest the Mo lineaux and Patrick trials are sur passed by the demonstration in the Thaw case. Shortly after 10 o'clock Mre. William Thaw, Evelyn Thaw, the Countess of Yarmouth, Mrs. George Carnegie and May McKenzia weie escorted by Edward Thaw and Geo. Carnegie to designated seats. The prisoner remained in tbe ju ry room during roll call of the tales men. When this was concluded District Attorney Jerome moved that Thaw be arraigned for trial on tbe charge of murder. Judge Fitzgerald cautioned the rpectators against any out burst or Boise. The Clerk then called "Harry K. Thaw to the bar." Thaw, pale and nervous, walked quickly to a seat and nodded smil ingly to his relatives &b he ap proached.1 He wore a dark blue suit and carried a great brown ulster, which he threw over his shoulders after ne naa neen seated a jew mmuise. He exerted a great effort to retain his self control. Charles Dryden, an engineer, was the first talesman called. He indi cated tbat be had a biased opinion, which District Attorney Jerome thought would not peimit his im partial consideration of evidence. A number of the members of the panel were absent. They were fined $100. each. That element of the public which seems to delight in sensational caaes of this character, and, if truth be said, it is a very large element, is awaiting the trial with feverieh in terest. It is hinted that the dis closures at the trial will be of a most sensational kind and that such cases as "Nan" Patterson trial will be extremely tame in comparison. The Thaw-White case contains every element calculated to attract public attention. The prominence of the Thaw family socially, the wealth of his parents, the circum stances surrounding the young man's marriage to Evelyn Nesbit, " the "Florodora" girl and artist's model, and the spectacular scene in the midst of which he fired the bullets into the breast of tbe man who, he asserted, bsd betrayed his wife, all tend to attract interest ta the trial from one end of the coun try to the other. Even the leading papers of London and Paris, in toth which cities the principals to tbe tragedy were we 1 known, have arranged to '"cover" the trial by special representatives. Portland. Jcn. 23. During the densa fog that hung over the city this morning, two cars on the Ir vington line collided betwtea East Eighth and Eiet Ninth on the sin gle track rn Multnomah street, se riously injuring Conductor William Evans cf tbe outward-boucd car and badly cutting and bruising several passengers on both cars. The accident was due directly to the carelessness of ths platform men of car No. I69, who bad piss ed a switch in a fog and were run ning slowly to avoid just such an accident as did happen. "It was our fault," said Conduc tor J. W. Davis of this car a few minutes after tb.9 accident. "I was taking up fares in the car and bad not noticed when we passed tbe switch. Motorman J. T. Hicks is a new mao, although he has been a carman before, and was not familiar with tbe run and in the fog we passed tbe switch." There were 22 passengers in car continued on page 4.