The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, January 18, 1907, Image 4

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Miss Mary Nolan visited
Alba ny friends Wednesday.
The Barnacle dancing club
"has reorganized for the season. The
iaitia 1 party occurs tomorrow eve
ning at Raymond's Hall. ;
The Ladie's Guild of the
Episcopal church takes this means
of thanking the people who so
kindl y assisted them in the mer
chants Carnival.
The legislature is adjourned
antil Monday afternoon, waiting
for the state printer to catch up
The house has already more than
120 bills on its calendar and the
senate is almost equally well pro
vided. Senator Johnson and
Representative Carter came up
Wednesday evening to spend the
vacation at their homes
The third company under the
mm agementof the Western Lyceum
Bureau appeared t the Opera
House Wednesday evening. Miss
-Leonora Jackson,' violinist, assisted
by Floience Pace, soprano, Charles
Edwin Clark, baritone.and Ra'ph
Plumer. pianist form a quariet of
mrtists, such as are seldom haard
in Corvallis. In spite of tbe bitter
cold evening the audience was very
large and appreciative. . Those
music lovers who failed to attend
missed a feast.
Among those attending the
Short Course is Joseph H. Albert
Junior, of Salem. He is cashier
of the Capital National bank, and
is taking tbe short course as a
means of perfecting his knowledge
of agricultural and horticultural
Ncnat!ers both for use in advising the
bank's customers in these lines and
. to apply on a small fruit farm that
h.e conducts near the capital city.
- Among those attending the
"Short Course lectures are Harold
-Ttumbaugh, former OAC student
wbo is now a Benton County fruit
grower. He has a sixty acre ap
ple orehard near Palestine church
not far from Wells. It is a young
-orchard that is just coming into
' bearing. He shipped two carloads
-of apples from it which", sold at
more than $2 abox. He has six
varieties but expects to lessen the
siumber by grafting. He is enthu
siastic for a fruit inspector for tbe
-"Albany Democrat: Harry
Ernest, who is in the hospital, is
improving. His case is a peculiar
one. He was in Corvallis Saturr
day on business for the electric
light company, for which he works
when he received a shock, perhaps
thousand volts,, which did not
seem to affect him much at' the
time. He returned to Albany.sang
in the Baptist church on Sunday
morning and retired at 10 o'clock
that night. It was . thought the
aiext morning that he had gone
skating but as he did not appear
'at noon his room was visited and
;he was found on the floor where he
; had been lying for some time. Dr.
' Trimble was called and Mrs.
Blount and others gave him, splen
did care, and sent for his mother
at Corvallis , who came over, yes
terday it was thought best to take
him to the hospital, where he is
now, and doing well.
The sudden return of Sol King
to Benton cannot be explained by
the Times. It occurred last week,
but a day after appearance of the
notice of his departure. , Iti the
language of a girls dormitory, that
was vgoing some" Mr. King went
fast Jar as Missouri, but he. didn't
stay long. He was not run out of
-the state by fleas nor cold weather
'because be did not encounter either.
Though his ticket was good. to
Xxington, he only went as far .as
Kansas City. ; After a day spent
trh rs he concluded that Oreeoa
rmc rciA ptintiph for him and that
night in a westbound coach with
his face in the direction of Oregon
-there was a fair haired Benton Co
unty man, and as quickly as steam
could do it, he was set off at the
West side platform at Corvallis,
Iiptp with all the cherished asper-
arinns for an Bastern visit taken
- out of him. - ' ; :;-
PIANO TUNING op to May 1st
at snecial orices. - - Also music
tought in all grades of difficulty.
Frank A. white, pnone. . 405
Corvallis, Ore.-,
WE CAN FILL your wantsWrite
us. Do you want to sen your
property, farms, or business. Call
on as. We . furnish ; partners
a nA rash. Lcm . " vottr monev
. Sparkman & Oowfiny Main" St,
Arrangeooenu have been made
for eervice at the Congregational
church Sanday: morning,; :,. '
G len G t 1 'tte Is - spendioga few
days with Corvallis" Irisnde; " He
ba been at Hood River eince leav
ing here a yar ago:'' - ;: ;' ! .'
There will be a series of: Evan
eelieiio services held at the Beavtr
Creek Echool boOBe, beginning Sat
urday the 19tb, at 7 Pi M.; conduct
ed by 8. M. Wood of CdrvalliB.'- ;
' ' ' '" '.';'... . , .
A correspondent from Riinier
says, "Among the Corvallieites em
ployed bv the lumbar companies
tere are, I. L. Rowe, Harlan Tay
lor, SlhSmitb,Cbarles Knox, and
John - GabeF. : ; w ;
- The last of Jesse Spencer's
family of magpies died, the other
day. Ibis one had become profi
cient in the English language, and
ita demise is very much regretted
by its friends and acquaintances.
Morning, subject at M.' E.
chorea will be "The Silencea of ja
eu, or the failures of Human Pray
er." In the evening' there will be a
beautiful and - interesting song ser
vice, arranged by Miss Bingham, of
Cleveland, Ohio. .-
There has been good dock
bunting in all localities hince . the
coid scap began. Among parties
who have killed the limit for one
day are Tommy Fawcett, Glen Ire
Iaod, aDd E. N.' Starr and v Bon.
The former two hunted from a row on the river, and the latter two
teemed their game near Beilfoun
tain lost Tuesday. ; " -
Tbe epfcial meeting at the Bap
tist church will continue over Sim
day, January 2O. -Services each
evening. There will fea meetings on
Siturdav at 3 o'clock, a'so on Sun
day at 3 o'clock. Theme on Sun
day morning, "Saved to the Utter
most." Evening subject, "Sowing
and - Reaping, " or "Choosing Our
Own Djstiuy." Mr. Pettit will
preach at these services. The pub
lie is cordially invited.;!; ..",.: j
, -An early morning customer in
an optician's shop was a young wo
man with a determined air. , She
addressed the first ealesman she
ea.', VI waDt to look . at a pair of
eyeglasses, sirj of extra magnifying
power." "Yes, ma'am,"; replied
the salesman! : "something very
strong?" "Yer, sir; While visiting
in the country I made a very pain
ful blunder which I neve -want, to
repeat?' ; "Indeed! .x a .Mistook a
etranger : for ; an( acquaintance?"
"No, not exactly that; I -mistook a
bumblebee for a blackberry," f
-w- .v .". . .v. '
Entertainments were given at
tbe opera house Monday and, Tues
day evenings under the auspices of
the Episcopal ladies. "-.The charac
ter of theamueemeut was something
new in Corvallis and was greatly
appreciated.;; It waB termed the
"Merchant's Carnival.''. The fea
ture was the costuming of a large
number of young ladies, each wear
ing ; a dress or ornamentation iD
teudad to characterize a particular
line: ot business. For example,
Mrs, Percot represented a butcher
shop by appropriate costume and
carrying under her arm a little live
p;g. Mrs. J. P. Allen, in suitable
costume, represented another batch
er shop , by grinding i sausage and
having a tat dog secured bv a ccrd.
Tbe former led in an interesting
dance and song entitled "When the
Pigs Begin to Fly," in which twen
ty young ladies took part, this be
ing followed by a beautiful march
by the same ladies. In all, 75 la
dies and children appeared upon
the stage in various representations,
drills, songs, etc. A shaving scene
in which Mrs. Kaupiach performed
the Jart of barber was "extremely
1 n 1 i , j - 1 i : , i
Killing as regarua iiur viuuiu, - al
though most agreeable to the audi
ence. " Miss Carrie - Danneman, in
a very. acceptable manner, perform
ed the part of operator in a tooth
pulling scene. Other especially
commendable features were,? "The
Grand Old Flag eung by four
young ladies in sailor costume, song
by Miss Nellie Marvin, and also by
Miss Gertrude McBee. After pay
ing the manager, and ether expen
ses, the ladies had to their credit
' Watch this space for Bargins in -
80 acres 25 b cult balance timber and pasture, new house, fair bam,
tame fruit. 2:3 1-2 miles from town. This is a bargain at $ 1 ,500, terms
1-2 cash balance on time to . suit at 6 per cent.
;. 17 acres, 8 acres in cult fair house, good barn; fine fruit well watered,
some timber and pasture. A fine little home and a bargain, at $1,300.
Terms, to suit 2 1-2 miles from town, nearschoot. ...
5 acres, well improved, good house and bam, fine fruit good water.
One mile from town. Price $1,800. ' ,
Notice of Property Twt "Levied to Pay
I For -Street Improvement 1
I Notice is hereby given that the Com
mon Council of the City of Corvallis,
has determined the proportionate
Share of the cost of the improvement
of Harrison street from, the center of
Eleventh street westward to a point
opposite, the northwest corner of frac
tional lot 7 in Block "D" in' Wilkins
Addition to the" City of Corvallis, in
Benton County, Oregon, to be assessed
upon each of the "several lots or. parts
thereof or, parcels of land abutting or
fronting upon such proposed improve
ment and has assessed upon each lot
or part thereof or paroel of land afore
said liablo therefor "its proportionate
share of such cost and, that the follow
ing is a description of said- several
lots or - parts - thereof . or . parcel of
land, a statement of the names of the
owners thereof, if known, and of the
sum assessed upon such lots or parts
tnereoi or tracts ol land.-
Hoffman's Addition to said City of
uorvaius: . ... ; . i,
Block No! 1.
Property Owner. Amt.
Lot 6, Oliver J.' Trees and Ada-
Mne Trees 8.28
Lot 7, Qharles L. Blakeslee 7.74
. Block No. 2. .
Lot 1, Hugh Herron f 8.22
Lot 12, Maria M. Porter . . 7.74
Wilkins' Addition to said -City of
uorvams: ,. : .
Block No. 7.
Lot 6, Edwin L. Johnson, ...... $ 7.80
Lot 7, Edwin L. Johnson .. 7.80
Block No. 8.
Lot 6, E. A. Morgan $ 7.80
Lot -7, E. A. Morgan 7.80
- : Block No. 9.
Lot 6, The First National Bank
of Corvallis 7.80
Lot 7, Mattie A. Howard 7.80
Block No. 10.
Lot 6, D. C. Bcker ; . . . . . ; . . . . 7.80
Lot 7, ; Maud ; Moore, Lizzie
Moore, Cleve Moore,. .
Tommy - Moore, ' Clinton -
Moore ........ . -7.80
Block No. 11.
Lot 6, Harriet Adams . . . ; 7.80
Lot 7, Z. J. Blakeslee 7.80
. ... ., Block No. 12. .
Lot 6, Peter Rickar. ......... 7.32
Loi 7, Peter Rickard 1 ; 7.80
Block No. 13.
Lot 1, Mandana C. Thorp 7.32
Lot 12, Mandana C- Thorp 7.80
,,; Block NO. 14. ;
Lot 1, Josephine H. Moore .... $ 7.80
Lot 12, Josephine H.1 Moore . . . 7.80
- Block No. 15.
Lot 1, Florence R. Gilbert .... $ 7.80
Lot. 12, Florence R. Gilbert ... 7.0
r Block No. 16..
Lot 1, Ida Hotchklss $ 7.80
Lot 12, Ida Hotchklss ........ 7.80
- Block No. 17. ,
Lot 1, Nancy Campbell ...... ;7.80
Lot 12, J. B. Horner...... .7.80
Blpok No. 18.
Lot 1," O..S. Noyes ............$ ,7.80
Lot 12, Roy Price -7.80
Lot "D." .-. :i i
Fractional lot 6; Beatrice Rex- - .
ford ..:...,....;........' I 7.80
Fractional lot 1, ., Unknown ;
Owner 0.60
'. ", Lot "A."
Lot 1, Lester D. Smith . $ 7.80;
Fractional lot 12,: Jane Harris-. . 0.60
The foregoing assessments were en
tered in the docket of City Liens of
the City of Corvallis on this eleventh
day. of January, 1907, and if the sum
assessed1 as aforesaid upon any 6uch
lot or tract or part thereof , is nofr paid
to the City Treasurer, of the City of
Corvallis within .five . days after the
date ,of final publication hereof the
date of such- final publication being
January s22nd,' 1907, the same will
draw, interest at the rate of eight per
cent. ; per annum thereafter , and a
warrant will issue directing the
Chief of Police of said City to levy
upon and sell sucft lot or tract of land
or part thereof as the case may be to
satisfy such assessment.-
Police Judge of City of Corvallis.
Notice- of Property Tax Levied to Pay
For Street Improvement.
'-. Notice is hereby given that the Com
mon Council of the City of Corvallis
has. determined : the . proportionate
share of the cost of the improvement
of Fifth street from the center of
"B" street to the,enter of Washing
ton street, in the City of Corvallis,
Benton County, Oregon, to be assessed
upon each of the seVeral lots or parts
thereof or parcels -of land abutting or
fronting upon such proposed, improve
ment and has assessed upon each lot
or part thereof or parcel of land afore
said liable therefor its proportionate
share of such cost, and that the follow
ing is a description of said "several lots
or parts thereof or parcel of land, a
statement of the names of the owners
thereof, if known, and of the sum as
sessed upon such lots or parts thereof
or tracts of land.
. Avery's Second Addition to the City
of Corvallis:
Block No.' 26.
Property Owner. . Amt.
Lot 1, Florence Jones ........ $ 3.80
Lot 2, Florence Jones ........ 3.80
Lot 3, Florence Jones ..... 3.80
Lot 4, Ethel M. Harris' ........ . 3.80
Lot 5, Ethel M. Harris ...... M : 3.80
Lot 6, Ethel M. Harris . ....... S.80
-- Block No. 27.
Lot 1, Bertha Greenberg $ 3.80
Lot 2, Bertha Greenberg ..., .. 3,80
Lot 3, Bertha Greenberg 3.80
Lot 4, Bertha Greenberg - 3.80
Lot 6. Bertha Greenberg :.... i fZf
Lot 6, Bertha Greenberg t,8tt
' Avery's Addition to ".the. City of. Cor
vallis. ., .
i Block "L.""
: Property Owner.. t , ; Amt.
Lot 7, Alfred Johnson ........ 3 80
Lot 8, Alfred Johnson .... ... j 1.80
Lot 9, (south half), Sarah. Tun-
nicliffe ....... ..i 1.90
Lot 9, (north half), Alfred John- t ;
. son 1.90
Lot 10, Sarah Tunnicliffe 3.80
Lot 11, isouth half), J. M. How- T
' ' ard ...i.... . 1.90
Lot 11, (north half), Sarah Tun- . 1 ,;
nicliffe k. 1.90
Lot 12, J. M. Howard 8.80
Original town of Marysville, now
said City of Corvallis.
, ; Block No. 19.
Property Owner. . , '. . Amt.'
Lot 7, Roeella Rowland ...... $ 3.80
Lot 8,: Rosella- Rowland 3.8Q
Lot 9, W. L. Cauthorn , 8.80
Lot 10, W. I Cauthorn ....... , 8,80
Lot 11, Sophia Hartley .i...., , 8.80
Lot 12, Sophia Hartley 3.80
The foregoing assessments were en
tered in the docket of City Liens of
the City of Corvallis on this eleventh
day of January, 1307, and if the sum
assessed as aforesaid upon any such
lot or tract or part thereof is not paid
to the City Treasurer, of the City of
Corvallis within five days after the
date of final publication hereof, the
date of final publication being January
22nd, 1907, the same will draw inter
est .at the rate of eight per cent per
annum thereafter and a warrant will
issue directing the Chief of Police of
said City to levy upon and sell finch
lot or tract or part thereof as the
case may be to satisfy such assess
ment. J. FRED YATES,
Police Judge, City of Corvallis.
Notice of Property Tax Levied to Pay
;"': For Street Improvement: : ;
; Notice is hereby given that the Com
mon Council of the City of Corvallis
has determined the proportionate
share of the cost of the improvement
of Monroe street from the center of
First street to the center of Second
street, in the City of Corvallis, Ben
ton County, Oregon, to be assessed
upon each- of the several lots or parts
thereof or parcels of land abutting or
fronting upon such proposed improve
ment and has assessed upon each lot
or part thereof or parcel of land afore
said, liable therefor its proportion
ate share of such cost and that
the following is a description of
said several lots or parts there
of or parcel of land, a- statement
of the names of the owners thereof,
if known, and of the sum assessed
upon such lots or parts thereof " or
tracts of land.- '
In the original town of Marysville,
now said City of Corvallis.
Block No. 5. "
Property Owner , ' Amt.
Lot 6, Gilbert Smith 8.82
Lot 7, W. A. Laidlow 8.82
Block No. 6.
Lot 1, Gilbert Smith f 8.82
Lot 12, Virgil E". Watters 8.82
The foregoing assessments were en
tered in the docket of City Liens of
the City of Corvallis on this eleventh
day of January, .1907, and if the sum
assessed as aforesaid upon any such
lot or tract or part thereof is not paid
to. the City Treasurer of the' City of
Corvallis within five days after the
date of f final publication hereof the
date of such final publication being
January '22nd, 1907, the same will draw
interest at the rate: of eight per cent,
per annum thereafter and a warrant
will issue directing the Chief of Police
of said . City to levy' upon and "fell
such lot or tract or part thereof as the
case may be to. satisfy, such assess
ment. .
, Police Judge, City of Corvallis. ;.,
Notice of Property Tax Levied To Pay
For Street Improvement.' .
Notice is hereby given that the'Conv
mon Council of the City of Corvallis
has - determined the proportionate
share of the cost oC the improvement
of Madison street from the center
of Eighth street to the center; -of
Ninth street In the- City of Corvallis,
Benton County, Oregon, to be asses
sed upon each of tie several lots or
parts thereof or. parcels of land abut
ting or. fronting upon such proposed
improvement and has assessed -upon
each lot or part thereof or parcel of
land aforesaid liable therefor, its pro
portionate share of such cost and tnat
the following is a description of said
several lots or parts thereof or parcel
of land, a statement of the names of
the owners thereof, if known, and
of the sum assessed upon such lots
or parts thereof or tracts of land. 1
' In the County Addition to said City
of Corvallis. -
Block No. 20.
: Property Owner. Amt.
Lot 6, Martha F. Smith 8.82
Lot 7, Martha F. Smith .8.82
Block No. 21.
Lot 1, Florence Porter 8.82
Lot 12, Louise I. Gardner . . . . . 8.82
The foregoing assessments wer en
tered in the docket of City. Liens of
the City of Corvallis, on this eleventh
day of January, 1907, and if the. sum
assessed as aforesaid upon any such
lot or tract or part thereof is not paid
to the City Treasurer of the City of
Corvallis within: five days . after ; the
date of final publication hereof;: the
date ot such finaix publication being
January 22nd, 1907, the same will draw
interest at the rate of eight per cent,
per annum thereafter and a warrant
will issue directing the Chief of Police
of said City to levy upon and sell such
lot . or tract or part thereof as the
case may be to satisfy-such assess
ment. ' "' - '
Police Judge, City of Corvallis.
fhone Ind. 384: , .- .
, . Dr. Hanford
Successor to Bqwen Lester
Burnett Bidg. Corvallis, Or.
Attention Farmers!
I Want Your Eggs and Butter
Alway Pay Highest Market Price
and Ypu get Full Weight
and Measure!
.1 I.
I Handle Everything
After Holiday Bargains.
WE INVITE YOU TO CALL at our stofg w' haVS
some after holiday bargains the only exclusive men
furnishing store in town.
Corvallis, - Oregon.,
We are not inclined to spead much time in
writing advertisement we prefer to let our goods
and customers speak for themselves.
A Taste of
is Sure to
Mince Meat
Si J Pure apple juice, sand refined its
WCCt vlQCr smackin good.
' K i "D iwith just the right twang to make
Apple DUtier it appetzing.
o - tjt ? 4. made from firm little cabboge made
OOUr JTOUt in the old fashioned way.
White Glover Honey t
, .PHONE... 2.031. . . .
' I : !
, Come & See
Pies made from this will taste
like mother makes.