hrayjiiii IK, , i v" i-t Vol. XIX.-No. 47 COBVAIiUS, OREGON. FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 18.1907. b.f. nmn xmar a nd Froprleto 2? LTB SZ-a Notice.! Final: Settlement. ; in the County Court in the State ol Oregon, lor the County of Benton. - '. ,- ; ; -- In the Hatter of the Batoto' ) ' i. i i ol V Suy A. Oarttoghoose, Daeeaeed. J -Notloe to hereby given thrt the undesigned hM hereby died hev final account In the estate of Va ry A. QarlinghouBe, deoeaeed, and the court has set February 4, 1907, at (he hoar of S o'clock P. It as the time and the oonnty ooart room, omnrty court house, OorvaUia, Oragon, as tb peo to hear objections to the same. Dated this 28lh day of December, IOCS MAXXNDA P. BTARR, Executrix of the last will aod testament at Mary A. Garlinghouse V-'-. Citation In the Hatter of the Estate i - ot I -rr Hdnrt Holboyo, Deneasca, . - . ' ', To Alice Holroyd. Edward Holroyd, James F, Hoiroyd, Bote La Laectaeinr, Catherine Staples, Bobert Holroyd, Ima Jean Holroyd, Harry W. Holroyd. heirs at law of Henry Holroyd, deceased, GREETING : ' ' ' v in the name of the Bteta- of Oregon, yon are hereby cited and required ts appear tn the Coun ty Court of the stats of Oregon, for the County of BMitrm. It the Court room thereof. atOorvaUis. in the Coonty of Benton, on Saturday, the 9th day of February, 190T,at tea o'clock la the forenoon ot that day, then and there to show cause if any az lHt, why an order of sale should not be made, as prayed for In the petition ot W. 8. McFadden, ad ministrator of said estate, of said Henry Holroyd, deceased, of the following descllbed real proper ty to-wlt: Lotaeiie(l), two (2), eleven (11) sad twetve (12). Block Four (4), Raybum's Addition to the city ot uorvaws, oregen. And von are farther notified that !thls eltaUon Is served upon you and each ol you, by publica tion thereof, in the OorvalUs Times newspaper for four weeks under an order made by the lion. E. Woodward, Jndge of said Court, bearing date January 2, 1907. Witness the Hon. K. Woodward, Judge of the County Court, of the State of Oregon, for the County of Benton, with the seal of said Court af fixed ton the 2d day ot January, 1907. (Attest) T. T. VINCENT ' SaAL Clerk. v Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed administratrix ot the estate of William F. Miller, deceased, by the county court ot the state of Oregon, for Benton Wunty, sitting in probate- All persons having osaims against said estate are required to pce eenarthe same duly verified to me at niy residence in niinaw ! precinct, in said county, or at the law office of E. Holgate, in Corvallla, Oregon, within six months tpen this fate. ' '' ; Dated at CuwaUis, Oregon, Dec. 18, 1906. EVA I. MILLER, Administratrix E.E. iWILSONj ATTORNEY Al LAW, W -f'f ' B. A. CATHEY ;r Physician & Sukgeon-- Office, room 14, B&nH Bldg. Houfi lO to ia and a to 4. , Phone, ofBee 83. Residence 5S1. Corral lis, Oregon. DR. E. E. JACKSON Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist O&ce 1011 Main st Ind 204 Residence 1220 4th st Ind 389. J. A. WOODS Ceneral Auctioneer. - A Square Dea and charges right ""-,J- Corvallis, , Oregon. J. FEED STATES ATTORtii-AT-LAW. Zierof Building. G. K. FAKRA, Physician & Surgeon, Office up stairs in Burnett firick Res idence on the corner of Madison and Seventh at. Phone at honse and office H. S. PERNOT, Physician & Surgeon OflSce dve pogtoiBce. Residence Cor 'Fifth and Jefferson streets. Eonra 10 to 12 a'. rnv,.r to 4 p. m. Orders may be en ai uranam bl -riam-B drug etore Willamette Valley Banking Company Cdrvallis, Oregon. ' RESPONSIBILITY $ i 00,000 Deals in Foreign and Domestic Exchange. Buys County, City and School WaRUtt, PrincipallCoiTcspoitdents. MH WBJLBHJIBOO f?OBTtAJno .1 BKA.TTLB taooiu ' ! The Bank o :. - CaUforniai, NEW Tffltlt-HaM Ji V Wi a IT. CHIOAao Katicaaal Bank of Sha Bepab CAVADA .Union Bsnk of Canada Fine Job Printing at Times Office Money Saving Big stock to make selection; Every article in the store at a reduction. " J Big line heavy overcoat boys and mens 25 discount ' Big line rain overcoats, mens; at 20 discount " : Big line ladies jackets at 80 discount ' ;c Big line gents and boys clothing at 20 discount v Big line dress goods. niakErwearV hosiery, shoes, rugs,! sewing machines and in fact every article in the store at a big reduction. Now is the time to buy Cafl Oorvallis, t will pay you to come in and see Rog ply. We carry a full line of New and Second-Hand Furniture. ' Furniture, Stoves, Ranges Crockery, Glassware and Graniteware. Watch Friday's paper for Highest Market Price Paid for Hides, Pelts and Furs. North east Cor. 2nd an Monroe Streets '! r : Bu)T One W "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" " f ' We sell them $5 down and $5 a month until paid for. Recordsneedles 8 tone regulators. A fresh sup ply of flash lights and batteries, A complete line of cutlery. Sporting goods, guns and ammunition etc. M. M. LONG'S ;' : - . ' 'I . ... ... . Th e Sporting Goods Man. Ind. Phone !126. COME IN ; And see;oOT; large new line of 1 Pocket Knives, Bazbrs, Sissors etc. A large line of Footballs and all kinds of Sporting Goods always on hand , ,y r-i Umbrellas" Covered and Repaired. , v anuaiy to all Buyers! and See Oregon us before buying your winter sup Price. Money to Loan on all Kinds of Security. Oorvallis Oregon. A CITY III RUINS EARTHQUAKE - DESTROYS T KINGSTON AND . FIRE . 0 .SOON FOLLOWS. Four Handled Dead and Thous- r ands Injured Sir James Fer ; . ;'guson i Killed-Ameticatu I Escape Other News. ' ' . t iPortland, O., Jan. 16. The Or egonian: Kingston, the plctareeqae capital of- the island of Jamaica, haa baen devastated by a violent earthquake. ' . '. ;. Ddtaila of the dieaBter are lack ing, as direct communication with the. stricken city has -been cut off. The land lines had been reconstruct ed to within five miles of Kingston Tuesday evening, and from meager reports received through such chan nels as wers opened it ; has been learned that many of the most im portant buildings have been ie- etroyed and that there have been I serious losses of life. J . . . So far as the. reports indicate the fatehties number less than one nun dred, though the hospitals are filled with 'njured and the list of the vie tims may be largely increased. Kingston and the other points of interest on the island - are at this season of the ? year thronged with tourists trom both America . and England,-and the greatest appre hension is felt for the safety of ma- nv person who had recently arrived at the Jamaican resort. The most distinguished of these were, mem1 bers of a party of English states man, agricultural, experts 'and men of aSairs.'who under the lead ership of Sir Alfred Jones: had ar rived in Kingston within the past few days to attend an agricultural conference there. - -, The first great ehooe was felt about S iS 0. o'clock Mond ay- after noon, and ' 'flames sprang immediately irom the wrckace to carry on' the Work of destruction.' luesday , ar ternoon'the fire was- still burnin-?, although rt'wae believed to be un der control." ' : :- '; The Myrtle Bank Hotel, theprih- prlncipal hotel at Kingston, 'Which probab) j Sheltered the great balk of vieitera on the island, is destroy ed. The great military , hospital was burned and 40 soldiers report ed dead.' ' ' '- r ---'.l. Sir James FerfeuaoO is ' said to have been instantly killed, but ac cording to London reports no oth er Englishmen, Canadians or Amer icans are believed to be missing, The ' extent of the destruction which has been wrought in Kings ton, a city which already bears the ecars of a number of 'serious visita tions of nre, earthquakes and cy lones in years gone bp, is etill left largely to the imagination. The city is one ot low-lying buildingB, clustered along the shores of one of the finest and most securely land-locked harbors in the West ' Indies. ine population which numbers 50,000, is largely mane up of native blacks. Many steamers, carrying tourists to Jamaica were on the way to the island when the earthquake oc curred, but it so happened that, ac cordion to schedules, none of the shipB irom New "York or Boeton was in Kingston Harbor Monday aftf moon. London, Jan, I5 The colonia office tonight received confirmation of the terrible disaster which has overtaken KlngBton, Jamaica, in dispatch from Hamar Greenwood . P., sent from Holland, at the east end of the island. The telegram, says Kingston has been ruined - by . an earthquak which occurred without warning Monday afternoon at 3 -3-J o'clock. A very great number of buildings and dwellings were destroyed eith er by, the earthquake or by the con ceauent firei ': The military. hospital was burn ed and 4O soldiers wers reported to have been killed, together with sev eral prominent citizens and many other inhabitants of the city... Sir James .Ferguson is reported to have been killed instantly. ' ; ' The city is quiet but disciplined workers are needed.' Up vto this hour the foregoing is the most cor rect dispatch regarding the Kings eton disaster that has been receive here. The absence of details is ac counted for by the : breakdown ' in cable communication, but the an nouncement that no Englishmen Canadians or Ameridms-were miaa iog will greatly reassure the public concerning the fife of the unusual number of tourists and 'others "who are spending the winter in Jamaica or who were attracted there by the agricultural and cotton conferences. HjThe news of the disaster reached London too late tonight to become' generally known to the public, but it will bring home to the imagina tion of the British people the ter rors of an earthquake in a way that even' the San Francisco catastrophe failed to do. , , :i J ;j Owiog to the active efforts in re oent years of Joseph Chamberlain and Sir Alfred Jones, the commer cial development of Jamaica has made the island much better known ana it nas Deen greatly in lavor as winter resort. ; New 'York, ! Jan.. vl6. Cooke's Tourist agency estimates that 2,000 Americans were visiting in - Kings ton at the time of the quake.. Dis patches this afternoon gay that the city is practically ruined. , The dead are estimated at 4oo and. the property loss is $15,ooo,ooo. Later calculations will probably increase this. Communication has been par tiaiiy restored, ine latauties are confined mostly to natives. The English and American tourists loBt most of their personal effects. Most all of the hotels were destroyed. Kingston, Jamacia, Jan. 16. Kingston was overwneimed by an earthquake at 3:3o o'clock. Monday afternoon." All houses within a ra diua of ten miles were , damaged Almost everv house in the city was destroyed-. Fire broke out after the earthquake1 ?"and completed the work of destruction. The business section of the city is a smouldering heap of ruins. The killed number about 400. Thousands were injured Churches, public offices and hotels are gone.. No fatalities occurred at the Constant Springs hotel... Sir TameB "Ferguson waa-.; among the killed -t -i- Salem, Or., Jan. 16. Herman Rothchild, representative from Un ion county and the lone democrat of the houee, was elected by the republicans of his district because they had faith that he was the hardest and most consistent fighter of county division te be found in that section In his campaign be had to make a fight against his democratic friends in union because they favored the division of Union county for political reasons, think ing it would give them more chance for control of county government should Union be put in the center by itself. He won out against normal republican majority of 5oo because the majority did not ; wish to see the county cut in two. This shows that the idea of county division is not dead and there are' other indications, A. A Jayne of Hood River, is in attend ance of the legislature, and although he is a member of the third house this session yet he is here to renew his fight for the creation of Cascade county, Jhoping' to carve 'away a! portion of Wasco and leave The Dalles with the bone of the country and Hood river take the pick of the valley sou and the land of the big red apples. V ; " ' According to Mr. Jay ne a great many of the people of that district around Hood River wish to eee the creation of the county; More than property owners in '"the: dis trict have Bignad a petition asking that the new county 1 e created. All the opposition; says Mr. Jayne, is on political grounds, end there is great hope of being able-to pars the measure at this session since the enactment of the ''direct primary law does away with the advantages of keeping all '-the country in . the limits of Waeco. :''"'. ?v;,:';. , People down Prineyille way ; are also-planning for the creation of three new'couotles oat ot what ie nowXrook county . The divisional lines of the new counties will fol low the principal. , waterways and will be known as Crook, Deschutes and Madras ceuntle?. . So far there haa been no active steps : taken in regard tp the creation of the' new counties, but the measures ; are : in course of preparation and. will " be introduced in a ehort time. . When they come before the legislature it is certain 'that- the fight of two years ago will be renewed and that there will be a warm contest before the question is settled. GOV. CHAMBERLAIN i i INAUGURATED SECOND TIME AS , GOVERNOR OF THE., i STATE OF OREGON. Recommendations by the Governors Both Houses In Joint See eion Listen to the Meeeage Other Newe. - . j Salem, Or., Jan. 15. George B). Chamberlain took the oath of office this afternoon before Chief Joalice Bean vai was the second time in augurated governor of Oregon. He read his inaugural message to both nouses assembled in joint session at 1:30 o'clock. The reading occupied ' the greater part of the afternoon, . after which both houses adjourned ' until tomorrow. ; -' Gover Chamberlain in his inau-. gural addresamakes the following recommendations to the legislature:' The creation" of a railroad com mission, 'to be appointed by the governorf improvement of . water ways and purchase of Oregon City, locks,, appropriation for mainte nance of portage road, election of Bourne and Mulkey as United' States senators, income tax and in-j creased tax i on inheritances, flat salary for state, printer, one board, of control for state normal schools. more equitable apportionment' of representation in legislature, anti- pass law, state to pay necessary traveling expenees of cffioiala, state inspection of private banks, - liberal appropriation for Seattle exposition, prohibition of lobbying, except un der close restrictions; publicity of election expenditures,' no corpora tion contributions; state snpervir eion of ' private insane . asylums. state asylum for feeeble-minded children, desert land an d . echooi land legislation. ' : ' Silem,' Or., Jan 16. Honters licenses will be a thing of the past after the adjournment of the pres ent session if J. D. Simmons of Ma rion county has his way; Ha has introduced a bill asking that the law now in force be repealed and declared to be of no force. Mr. Simmons would not make bo strenuous opposition to the bill if the money resultant from the li censes wa? put into a fund to in sure the protection of the game cf the state, but he does not like to see it go into the school fund. "If it protected the game of the Btate, all right,1' says Representa tive Simmons, "but I think that I should be allowed to take a frietrd who "iB visiting me on my farm out to do a little shooting if I desired without being compelled to ask blm whether or not he has a hun ter's license. , I think a man should have a little to say about wbat is done on his own farm." ' The bill asking for th) repeal was introduced by Mr. Simmons on request and will have the support of a large number of people in the Willamette valley. Salem, Or., Jan. 16. No child Of I4 years or under can be put in jail, even to await trial, if a bill in troduced in the senate yesterday afternoon ' by Senator Beach ' of Multnomah becomes a law. The bill provides that children of 14 years or younger maybe committed to the custody of sheriffs or police when there is no otter way to keep them. :- " ' Cincinnati, Jan. 16. The Ohio River is 51.9 feet this morning and rising at the rate of two inches an hour. The weather bureau forecasts that 56 feet will be reached by Thursday noon, which etage means the suspension' of soores of factories and the abandonment of many schools, houses and depots and the demoralization of rail traffic. " ' Evansville, Ind. Jan.7 16.----The river is near the danger stage and has cut through a new channel above the city. Boats are passing there and ' the . rains' continue. Warmer weather and more' rain is predicted. . The inhabitants are ready id flee' tonight;' ' It is ' feared that the course of the river has permanently changed and that the city will be left dry. The destruc tion of the water works is threat 9oed. ;" ' ........ ..