The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, January 11, 1907, Image 4

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    : CM)
. Miss Fay Wisecarver of.Mc
Miupville. arrived today, and is the
guest of Corvallis friend?; ' ,s'
Mr. and Mrs. James Barrett,
of rren, have been business visit
ors in Corvallis for the' past" 'week,
C. V. James,. snperintendend
of the state pauitentUty,, was a
visitor Wednesday. t"1"vii 1
r Mrs.. A., J. Johnson. 'entertain
ed the "New sco" club i Wednesday
evening at her home Vn Hoffman' s
Addition.. . ,, .
1 In response to a telegram an
nouncing the serious illness of his
mother, A. I,. Knise'.y left 'Thurs
day for Michigan. : -''" 1 -
, The "500" club is tj roeet to
morrow evening t' the home, ' of
Mr, and Mrs. Richard Kigerf 1 '
Rev. Gibbs, who his been at
Milton , Oregon, . tor the past three
weeks will be at home Sunday.
Services at the usual time at the
Sottth Metl o list church. ? -
" Mrs.Xeta and Winnie Pearl 'pf
Brownsville, and Ivan ' Serigei- of
Forest Grove, relatives of the ; Sen
der family wereguests of the latter
during last week. '' They departed
for their respective home's Monday,
ff Give me a ticket - to. 'jlierre.
South Dakota." . . . ,j -', :
'Single?-: :,;:,,-:i,J -
:'If I wa I,wouldnt have to go
to South Dakota.". -
"The Manner of Love"' is the
ssihjcct of the farewell -service at
the fresbyterian church" Sunday
sight. , In the morning,-"Commu-niorf
and receotiori" of members.
Good music and a "welcome toalh
rA. letter receive 1 frorh G,, M.
Ream akHagermau. New , Mexico'
states that his arm. .broken ' Jp " this
-city about lour years "age has be
cooe suffrciently'strong 'to permit'
him to resume business Mr. Ream
condticted the pioneer cleaning es-'
tab-Iishment of Corvallis. '
i'tt. -ida-i ,' .;t' wtivi. :V:X' ' '
Members have been notified
Itat the adoption Jofaa&asliuition
s.rI by-laws and the election of of
ficers for t h e - proposed ; new. cl e b
"-irgatiizatiori will be-'jine-kiorder. of
1 business at a meeting Set icEf Sat
' wrday night January. at2tb,i-rat 17:530
' p- m. in the Firema'nVs HalL:; 1.:
. The meetings "at; B?iptr-t
ichurch continue nightly With good
. interest. ' There will b a " meeting
on Sat. at 3 p. m , also services ' on
, Sunday., at 11 a. m.; '3 and 7:30' pr. ... Mrt Pettit will preach at these
vservicej "to. which all, are ' invited.
Subject for "Sunday m6rning'"Christ 1
. a Retuge lor the Destitute,;; .. ;Eve
ming topic " Qur Sins Blotted Out.' '
Tr-Sa!em. Statesman: . The 1 fruit
-,i cannery in tbis. -jcit-y .-ws. opejraied
on. strictly bunnsssi principles Jast
.- season, consequently the ;conpany
1 is enabled; to declare a; Tper cent
r, dividend. This is njee,- apd j. ipdi
.icates that this one of Salem's seyer
eral manufactories ;is- on, -a perfectly,
-soand basis at.-eLill be- of, : a . con-
sidcrable benefit to.-the vast num-r
ler fit Iru it growers, ot iMarion and
ri Polk, counties.:- ..iUW!..-m
When the family 1 of 1 Jobnny
'.jSpangier .it rlvefr jhome- jl few' 'days
'' Ration foil wed to" as'certairr whether
' or not any Vaittab1es'ad4Ae&i car
ried away by the burglar' which" is
Alleged" to; hive visited their home.j
"ia their J absehce. 'All ' that ''has
"'been missed' up to ' tbis ..time;' were
three Or four sofa' '' pilfowsr These.
-are queer things for a! burglar7 to;
' i mag ined that tbey' 'wpti id" be bandy
" as a pariiai disguise1' wben"'" placed
-under his vest. " '' ''"''' tiv-" '
; ; corvallis, LYcitpiks i;
iJ;:.:;:,J"" '-".'"r -f. --..:'!. ;jA
.Third ntertaime&ttco i
A-1 treat f6f:tbbse wno 'abpreciate
-good miisic is in stofe' f for 'all: 1 who
attend the entertainmept by the
Lenora JacKsoa Co." at me
Aouse next WedneSay night Janj
tK This is 'tbe last ' "and by far
'" the' best musiiAl,,riunibe'f::6f-'thS
; -course.
' Miss Jarjisdn 4s'tnW
the most celebrated' '-vioirpisi: " whQ
" has visited " ' Corvallis iif years."
' ''Qaeen.'yirtoriadecrjrateol "her With
, : the Victoria- 'Star-TH' PtuSsian
V Governmeht awarded htir the Mep
delssobp State.Frlzeat'BeflinSbe1
has appeared "Oil ;pfbralfpi J'with
' Paderewski'and tbe-'celebTeties arid
; ;as soloist of "Irie mb's'i ' ! fendtined
: , tousiqaisocleties 'w
' violipist bad ever before 'beenJ ' eru
. -agedL' With"-Mi ;y Json!lJi aire
; ' Miss MiriobTace-r'bne irf Cbfcaeo.s
most gifted sopfanos,' Mrr! Cbarlesl
U'- Jrl-.ltU- tV-JliMit'JlXSti-!Jl. .
pianist, oos. piticc aioranam cl
polders ot season ' tictets nion day
',' Morninif Jan. 14 i ''Cldct11':
A c'dr'of 12 tons or ones t nay
Was Shipped yRterdoy from tbeB
dine wureboOM?.': j1
'' HRrolcl Rntflbaogb, of Albafay,
ll. -11-. u.; L '... - f
A C - i: . -t '..
-t. 11.0; 1 9 s'll i -:' ctU-wU :t.i . .
rowio vjsii ber,Bon jBDd .daugbltr
inrSealtls. -tt-.n:- -i:,uh a
Meig'B Bartmeee, valf ditftoriar)
rf the clo8 of '04 at O. A'..!ivrj
ill in a' Pittsburg bospitttl. :
retoraed noaae inureqay a.uer.. a
few dajs' vleijt bf re wtb Jqbn Pay
Dean Cs E.tSindersan, of.Eu
gene,' wiH prej;h tomorrow jmorii
ing and 'evening rati the CbriBtian
chi;rch. . A warm welcome to '"ail.
i ,' M ir'nirjg euVjpct at the -M:' E.
church. Sunday, Is, "Miracle" the
Bisia. of 'Christianity." ''Everiiog
subj'pt, "Slain by'a woman." ''. .
...ji.i. : . :r:
The dpee of the holiday trade
aod tbe reccut cold anap,bas rend
ered buainea gather 3ull; with the
dry goods ?ters-.;Stillr the forces
ara fully occupied In takirjg , tQfjt.
'-Mrej'KTSbr Whoay Bttiekeii by
paralyeis at Sileti two weekii agd;3ie
reported to be 1 improving.;Ti The
character of the ailment arid Mrs.
Kieor's extreme age caused-' general
apjjreberieion of ner rt covery. "i
-"Kerry Go' appearing at the
opera bnP9 to right is the . best ,at-
iru lou luai ynii uh eeen of re .iqis
eeason.i Trie pompany ' appeared
-a,t tbe, Heifig theatre, two.
this wcefe.,. f;iJ; ,,m
' Revv'iAl Aii'Wioter: pastar -of
a Poitland Evangelical church will
conduct services: for that ? driomi
nalirn'iO' Jtts ;city- Sunday. ;i His
mom ng tot j'ct wlllJ te- 'Christ
Co rnti vis lot. 11 rdu bled Hea 1 ts , 'I . a nd
iri -tbe veni0g be;? will : iepeak'DOn
"The ReaeotableLtee of Chiistipni
Papers h ajy. been filed for.., tbe
adoption of Qlivia. Robinelte, aged
t;n, bx..B b rt. M. and Margaret
Lamberfon.-Tbe child is
ter of. Williamr-rRotiielt and has
been n .the careof LMr, arid Mrs.
LamberBon sioee. HJje death of "4her
mother in 19C2Vr"''. " "
; s-344-Ai ;'iii8a6 traiia racoidntjfpccurr-'
ed to a Southern rPaojfjB overland,. at Junction City, Mfindy
night. Wnile taking fuel oil, from
foaie cau e the trtiu's oil tank ex
plodtd, eettng fire to the .engine,1
maii and ba gage car, ..completely
demoliehing them. No persona
were injured. The depart-men-
wa9 called at once and brave
ly fought. tbe. re which .was an
uegly" matter id handle. It is said
that tfce encine wheels became
welded to tha track-- ' :-
, In the probate court: The. will.!
01 j odd 41.. r lsner na.8 peen niea oy
the executrix Lena C..,, and
Ricraid Kiger, ...G? Jlardjag ,and
-vvunam JvnoUs named as appraie
ers of the ee"ate. The estate isval
ued at $14,500 aod E. W. Fisher,'
father "and "s1xsTe fere 1 "and a brother
of tbteia$iSeeed'"'.:atBihe heirs.
Friefcd Rikjer iss tbef-admioistratcrl
m the.eetate of L mftel Riker. The
heirs are a widow and two children
rasiding at'Nye Uoratllltt'bunty.;
C. A'. Batid iV thfiadrjcfinif'trator of
Joeeph, Baird, ap,d ppraieers are J J
itooney', a... a. wimins ana, o.
N. Wilkine. O. V. Hurt HI H.
Glaesferd 'and K: HYTayloriare to
appraise 'the -restate: jofivTbomaa
Wright. The inventory of the px
ebutrix and the appVaieement 'oiPe-
ter K'arstenB,1 Hebry "oefe'and'J'bhri,'
W8lljis .i)lace the value of the -estate
r- - 1 j.W' . '
ut.ijeorge.xteamis ai -jop.w j
Noljce of Final SeltIe,Bent.
In the County Court of tWSe dlfOrrSod for
xteniou (-nuaiy.
.Ia.t;ie Mailer 9I the Estate ,
leSna H. Mcsra.Tr, arrased.
Notice is hereby eiven ttt the undersIzDCd
as executtlx ot tbe esta3 of-James Oy.HCa-TloE.'
deceased, tisv filci the fiual account c: Gal4
icona UjMcNulW'deCeascd, wltb tie clerk of
asaahosre en'tlefefisirt f wj thaf. al4 oaeiit ties
nxea ana appoi jioa saturaay, ine yin day oi
February, 1SC7, at the hou of ten o oreak-Hi ! ae
forenQou at said day and the county jmdae'Bof-
iic)ii tbaicouin.,'uourt;t)du6ei lu-'qoi allls, m
saia ienr?n coi"'y, Oregon, as me time ana
place-for hearing 05jedtkas,Hf any,4o Bald, ac
count ana setfe nent tnereot. All ner&ons in
terested and desiring to object to Baid'aoconnt
V riotiBed to appear, and, file their, jobjectionst
Asexecutiis of the estate of James' C; ffaylof,
grceasea, execmor. 01 Q eatata, ot ieona a
vi'-wrijiK.-i-.-rita- .;rJa'tti;;f
-i-c--, . ff . - , -'"' '-f- ,:-... -l-:''U,'i.:.i'.:.l ;.
'" '"' V .Watch' this space for fiargins.inic- i-,-r,:.-v 0
j acresZJ, Ija cult, .balance xTaM.jtf"'j,li
1 7 acres. 8 acres
in cult fair house,
me'fimb'er an3 pasture.
A fine
.uri.acres, improved, good house
One; rmk from QWntiil?ricp $,t800.
r : 1V1BI,)ER 6c
-icni: r.-n'r; ,vrr; n:'; ----
Appouthnents Completed ,W edtfesday
j... . ,j is .-r o .:$..
r r,i. 4.,.A Creditable Lirt:o .(.. r
il) . rrnt; -.iiji ij;-:;.. 7 ?:: -?tv-'
T Appointment of foad supei visors
for Benton: was'Completed at an ad
journed term of county 'court Wed
nesday. , In several, districts there
yvere spirited contests for the' honor
4nd" represebtationS1 by1 the' pedple
of tbose districts occupied mtich; at-
leniioq or, , ine courx. roiiowing
are the 'ap"pointrAe4itsV , .'
District i Albert Wilson o;-i.
v.a- o'aE.i!B,-i:-Smitb. 7 17 -nj
" a -W..M. Schmidt.
ti.Q-i LjDavis - ..
"5 iTB. .Wilfiatnson;1-''-'-;
. ' , 6 Dkvid ' Vanderpooi;1-' '
j s John tarsbn. ' -:, ';
Or--;Williani Rowland,'-
10 W, .r. Mctiee.
01 .
11 J. R.' Fehler.';'
1 2 -R. C.'McBee;
'ijWm, Hockema.
14 C. I. Barclay.
15 CU-Farley.
16 -Albert Zierolf.
i 7 iDIS-KHeriklerr
18 W. J. Warfield.
19 Henry" Hector .
C20-B Wi Harris.,;; 31
2i A. C. Tunnison.
1 22 'Ar M: GrayJ'"1
.23-John. Reese,
24 W., I. fLoomis.' ,-h
i.'n -7 -Tic.--"ri-:?::, .-
:!?-. continued from: page 1 ?
'P ; - nrjT-! - ', f r V !j ' -
what J;had , happeued.J.until latf r.
When we did. Wrp. of ..the tragedy,
tbe ecrcams b iog jfpllawed.'io. ju t
a fewoninwtes by tbe dodiog ot.u e
j,v kX iWo k.i?t'",....'U;v;.
edrime that the cries came frpm tbe
doctor,,. .,rj. .M. ',,'i;V.'.v"r; '-"vc
; Vl am satisfied that he , was at
tacked ,by thugs and! murdered I
think be must have screamed either
juet before or just aa he ;weat .'over
tt'e'daugh-,bthe, Had.. we looked.,, out
ITU' p JM uca .bUQ Lit 4 GO .:pp, .Ui.lUC
have .seen him go over and L migvt
have peen .which way hia assailaots
went. . The light at, the head of the
bridge, was out, , aod it' ,waa' quite
.dark, b.ut, .tb;ere ,.waJEj,T euffipiept
ligh t to eoable one to see " ' per-
L Eona on , the bridge.!!. , ..; ;. ; :S1
:iU- 1t:7i:;-
ff-T 1
1 . .I-.",?'.
C EI ReriOi Okla:; 'Jab: ' 9,-Belief
of t'he army officers et Fort 'Reno
tbat'a cbnepiTacy to iburdtfc 7 every
I white tfficer at' Fort 1 Reno, begin
ning witH Uaptain!JiidgarMaoUp,
apainst whom every rnegro ; soldier
at the post ett rtaine1' a ; j' Arsenal
irfudg'e'as a retrjlt t'of"' the Bffiii''Btl
Brown sviile,- Ti k,4'3 a fcid: -thei'd is-"
-charge of the ' negro1' soldi ts ibjat'
f 6 1 1 d Wed ; ' a a i t b en" pr of OSd i ng fJon
the'iisf of officers, 'became ''known
tVfay;' as a; res alt of -j:'riiimiti8ty
beating m ttie ease 'Wf Jawadi4l4.'
K ao)E::c6rpbral-of;' coarpaBy s AL
Twety-fi1fb inV'ry'.-wfiy was
f ju rid guilt v' bf aa'f a 0 1 1 ! wi tb f I n tail t
t.i T,JW'r-aiS-ii:.r-vAKI jmwi.
night of1 ' December ' : ati ; -Koowles
Was be-f nd over to arif-t ibeJaotion
pf" the-Caniari dunt! grand jiwy:
fat the 'ep'ribgHmtof-''" j'e-iibrf;i:
p f n :iia att. ,
AH bf:the oTfieera tfow go beU-Vilythole, -arrd the tnuHet,
Jarrifd L'and jjfe-tecfed tbcOghouv
-thK night. ,a u- 0
Jvery fiott has: been r tefSde" bv
th bfficereat the pdslfW keeps'ttef
aiiegea conBpIacy a eevsrei, :dui ;n
learfied'.'t bat ra nJ-p vest iga tion' ' is be
ing m"afiecaf se veal aroay posts, abd
witMfJ a 8bbrt tlnie" eeytral a?rref tTi
bf mefjtfbers of tbe ttoop'recantly
discharged id dlegface'afe txpsdted
to follow ::y' - '';;-: -:
Information' -was - res&ied i'here,
tobight 'tbat the arrest of r "n(gro
soldier hafj bee h -Pa ad e at La Jonta,
Cblrifsido,!i ibS&f. Suspicion :ste
npoo toefadbeisof tbe' ttodri at Forfr
mobr'a'ra.' Nebraska,; aid? ai-ithree
Other1 -pdintei'Tbe arret t tf s tfaeee
tnen has beeii' "postponed ontilntbe
oaf ebf '-Corpof ' 1! Kh'owles, whicb
fidbltiderfaay at'Fott''Rencrvwbed
Tit' waa hoped that 'some -further i in
formationould be - eecated - tend?
ing to implicate ether person bj; a
Twenty witBeTrses, -c teeitifyirig for
the D3bfet"prt''fdr be defease i were
eiafnlned aieWgtbvNoftwooitnerr
e1rrie'8:rooiriBided;i'i:' :-Wi-. 5rvuh:-"--
Jimmi; :il
's . .-"r:i7 ,-!:! m''.'
-,i n'i.-i
good barn, fine fruit vpataKd,F--
little home and a bargain at $1.300.;
ancl "barn; 'finelfnut good water.' J
- ,-' , :,
Then Flgyfed Torrent of Oratory
What can be the matter? Doors open,
!members"riisri dut;embetrar tea'r
Inirpasryon rrom aU Tioibttr In one dl-
ancTgovrns oppeHf "." They tell yotr with
happy faces their committees have ad
journed,' and then vomea' tblrd'CTass,
the' teenieriieri bf th' iircsS'liilHricfus.
Why, wli.ifs.itBenifiifttcT? . iMtttt(A-!
Macaulay, Js up.., .You Jptn the ruiiners
,ln a moment, fwas'ij annouueement
one hadn't heard' ' tor Vein's, a'nd the
passing: of the word "Macaul'dy's "tip" ;
umptiej' i-oirnriittee) -rooms'' noty ua. be
: fows it emptieil ;clube ; , the ol, , voce,
.the old ;rnatiners; artd, tfie. old Htyle
glorious speaking; ivell'prepare4,'ar;e
fully elaborated,' confessedly essaylsh,
-but spokea gtri 1 perfect : art iaydcon-
summnte management,, the jgrapd on
versatlon of .a man .of..the werld:oop
fltllng bis learning and hla recollections
and his logic to a party of gentiernen
nrid just' rhislng' his tolce enough to be
heard through thff roofri. ' i 'i val '
Aa -the house filled he . got . prouder
and more oratorical, and; then he pour
ed out his speech with; rapidity, -to-creasing
after every sentence, till it
became a torrerit Of' the richest. words,
carrying: his heai'era.wim;him..nt( en
thusiasm and yet pot leaving: them
time to, icheer, . , .; The- j;reat, orator, ,y as
trembling, -when he .sat down. . . The, ex
citement of a triumph overcame him,
and he had scarcely tbe self possession :
to acknowledge jth.e;eager praiBes.which
were offered by; tbe ministers andiOth- j
ers n hi -neighborhood. From "Whit- !
ty's arllaipenjiary, Jietrospect.
The FloRginK
Cnstom. n nd
the Way
It . Is Regarded.
About , corporal" punishment ' tri Eng- i
land two curious' facts lie beyond dis
pute. One Is that while he'.'working
class and the lower middle class dis
like and resent jt "and Will hot hr'gen
eral allow their children tcf undergo it,
me aristoci-acy roierarerix wnwoui qprn- j
plaint;';' The time.-js -cogairlg, one night
assert iparadqicaily ; when-, Jt t pill ybe H
impossible .to. flog anybody but ,tlje son j
or a peer. Ana me otuer iaciis.,tnai;
public school boys have often felt a )
special affection" "for the" masters who j
have punished them most.
In Westminster abbey stand-.- side
i-hy-side .the, tombsof.a. master "and his i
pupil. The master was" Lr."'T?Us'Dy,
Who .was head master of, . VTestmlB.ster j
school for. so long a time, aV. fifty-Jelglit,
years. Nobody ever .flo'ggai sOSlani j
boysas heV ""Thg pupil waif thfteb-j
logian. Dr. South' ItTs foloramj
feure thestory"is trttMthat -whehfSoutb,
eamte as - a' small boy . to. Westminster.'
Busby reetedj 'hlrrj wjtb ithec ominous :
jvords "I see gre&t talents in' that;
sulky little boy, and my rod shall-;
brilig them oUt.'W-H'f so,-.he..fn0
doubt- as good as. his . word. ;B1rrw'ierii
South layaUppnhis.deathbefl- it -was
his- last-prayer-ta JiLimriedjatJiliiid" ;
master's feet; and the- master and the'..
pupil-',' now " restT side' 'by .sIde.-rrNIne-teenth
Century . . - '
' ' . : 1 ; r: . , a:- '?
-1 ' v'Weit Indian; Xeisroeik ;--:-T-. -
The West? Indian 'negro: IsiiaVborn
poacher Te bitches the' iquaiF-by-tlie
cruel experLlnt of strewing fiucty' pow
dered cayemde or' bird" pepper -in the?
little dust .pits ,wEere the birds "wash.."
.'.Jh.Dwtog'Vwst&iintr the-'-eyes-'
less, are then easily caught When he
explode, a pieee. of dynamite, which
wns prvontjiy immueuw xm uuuuvg
in -a ' mountain;. gtream, and thg fish.-are
killed' by ttm conussaioa. ijut.-.his fa-'
vorite resource - i the; bark of -ibe. dog-
'wood tree.' TBWhe drops intoi tt. r-iver.
comes ,to tbe. surface of the Ava-ter.
This singular .property ;olpe djjgwdod
has caused it to bc.nroys,iif.:Bar?
coticEearsou. . 1 f
-,.'-:il ..ii.; v.:-. ;.j-,.;uri:
i . : ft vSteL.tlhe. Kymplboin. j;;f v
i A-llttleTgiri went foc the first iime to
church with her iffotjier. AUiwentwell
dMatng-tAa-lgaEgignj-Jmr-thft fliilfl grpiw
-uneasy, during the sermon, which. -was
a long one. xne motner tried .m.-.every, l
way to keep the little girl quiet, but in
vain. " Finally file "child "obs"eTveafhat
the preacher iaiO:a pompous way; of in
flatmg"his chest laaid lungsijat .a- new
p&ragrapii or head; Just-as the mother
was assuring' the child' that the' pveach-eg-rorirrd-sormjstojtehQjlldigjjprb-er
start-apdMt1ie4ired childr burst out
on heriimbtljer's usSuraiic&, "No, he
, National Daiiv .... ..... ' . ;
an's National Daily.,
1.,.;. i.. .
:'!-'MrV lloth-Giad' to sSe!y6u3irjrn your
tfeet agatu,! -Whatxaused all
the trouble? iiJiu; U;;? att-r' ' : a
ii P'itS!t!hj ,I;i4iafd.i-:qff ' a.
seemingly. jvwogten overcoaJLa,nd ;
shoddy, I.ellyou the extent to which
food adulterajlba.'is' carried on'nowa--
flam, fa' nothing short of criminal-;
i' Mrsi HOWells- (readingywA iQerman
scientist -elafanarjaOhe.odorsjojE flowfe
ers has a pernicious effect on the hu
man voice. : HowellsThat's all ' rot
I-, iisedrtobuy; ..flowersj f p, yoa rpvt pre
we werer : jnwjjan kou yolco,
wasn't nearly so 'sharp a's'lt is now. .;
'---iL'-. '.lite ' -j??r0T??-i,-v:"'''."'r -5'
WlSOo JOUtto'lppy'Ofay'
rector, jiopeul ;Sjlia,rade a,
. mJ tfrink- o,J!rrIe4-dfatwJfe;
When Schumann . was rEMove ha
wrote, "I' wish I were a smile, that I
-" f ' 4, - XK:' ":A 1 , ' '
Always founcCat tHe storetoX tl
A Full Liiie of Getietal Merchant
'' 1 dise and
brmg all your eggs and butter to
s marKet
$fter iloliday Bargains.
WE IN VITE. YOU TO. CALL at jour store we have ;
some, after holiday bargains the only exclusive men I
furnishing store in town. '"l" ','"!. i
A. K.
'"WerBre not inclined
writing advertisements
and customers speak for
it; h
A Taste of Tfiese
is Sqre : to" Please!
v iT "!-.:;;;' .'f!--,frr'":.
1 if' v. T 7Tvl i!t'H9!;'trdm;'' tliis' :will taste
Mince ' Meatlike male1! -
- ' . t- j o i !i:
1 r'J rare aapxe juiee, sanu reuneu il
OWeet V-iiaer smaskin good'Vith' just1 the ght
A 1 "D 44-4 tuang to make it appetzing made
ppiC DUttCr from fiom little cabboge made in
C IT iii3i throiahloned way.
PHONE 203:
MOSES and get the highest
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to'gped muck time in
- fwe; prefer .to let pur, goods
themselves. .n ,j -
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vi? j .r.- all.:
3- -iJi '- -iiUl
4c)rt: , Mia 1 iimnziDl