The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, January 11, 1907, Image 2

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    Corvallis Times
Mr. Teal.
A no'.able address at the Albany
Shippers convention was by Joseph
T N. Teal. He is a Portland lawyer
who diverged enough from the du
ties of a crowded legal business to
become interested in the ethics of
transportation. Those who heard
his address at Albany know he is a
master of the subject. There is
perhaps heredity in it, for his
father took the first steamboat up
the Willamette to the city of Eu
gene. He was the late Joseph
Teal, one of the prominent figures
in early Oregon, and well known
to all pioneers. He was a factor
in the Willamette River Transpor
tation Company, which ran a line
of steamers on the Willamette for
years. The maternal side of the
house was one of the Lane county
Colemans, a woman of noble and
. substantial character, still living in
Portland. One of the sons is Ben
Teal a brilliant man who stands in
the foreground among the dramatic
managers in New York.
Incidentally, men , of the Teal
type are of highest value to a state.
Their mentality gives them an ex
tended horizon. They see the light
and are broad enough to help show
it to others. They have grasp on
the rights and hopes of men and
willing to make a struggle - for the
good of all. Mr. Teal has spent
generously of time and money in
efforts at alleviation of transporta
tion conditions. He has twice at-
' tended the - Rivers and Harbors
congress, and the last time he and
Governor Chamberlain" made the
principal addresses. He, more
than any other man, has led in the
fight for opening the upper Colum
bia to an unfettered traffic.
In the Albany speech, he struck
blows right and left in behalf of an
open and free Willamette. He is the
type of man that, for the sake of
communities, the regret is, that
there are not more. -
Mr. Teals subject at Albany was
' 'Transportation , Conditions' ' and
his theme the advocacy of a rail
road commission. His knowledge
ot the subject is complete, and his
presentation masterful. The right
of the state to actually fix rates
and the necessity for the i state to
either control the railroads or be
controlled was established. The
clearly defined attitude of the courts
in authorizing regulation was made
plain and the urgency for the citi
zen to enter upon that function was
made vividly apparent.,. The ad
dress left no doubt among those
who heard it, the urgency and the
efficiency of such a commission as
. Mr. Teal proposes. 1
Merchants Carnival. .
Addison waxed most , entbusias
tic oyer the Carnival Venice and so
will every one who attends ; the
Merchants carnival at the ; opera
house next Monday an I Tuesday
Corvallis has a state wide repu
tation for the beauty of its ladies
therefore when anything is under
taken where forty five of them are
sutably represent the myriad sorts
of wares earned by the local mer
chants. The beauty color and ar
tistic arrangement will be one that
conld only be treated in the sup
erlative Every feature will be new and
original consisting of brilliant and
wonderful electrical displays . pan
tomimic features that are "really
funny'', laughable situations .strik
ing representations, little girls in
Delsarte and many other features
equally meritorous.
The price has been made very low
in order that all may attend ''both
nights and the seat sale opens Sat
urday morning at Graham & Wor
thams drug store and it might be
well to suggest that all those who
desire choise seats should get in
line early as the advance sale will
no doubt be heavy." Admission 25
and 35 cents. Remember the time
and the place Opera House Monday
and luesdav. .
; Chamberlain's Salve. ' ,
This salve is intended especially for tore
nipples, burns, ! frost bites, chapped hands,
itching piles, chronic sore eyes, granulated
eye lids, old chronic sores and for diseases, ol
the skin, such as tetter, gait rheum, ring
worm, scald head, herpes, barber's itch,
scabies, or itch and eczema. It has met
with unparalleled success in the treatment
of these diseases, rrice 20 cents per box.
Try it. For sale by Graham t Worthanv
To be Discussed Next Week Much
Interest b Shown. .
A large number of .- farmers are
ii attendance at the O. A. C. Farm
ers' Short Course being held in the
lecture room of Agricultural Hall.
There are representatives from var
ious counties of the state, and all
are taking a deep interest in the
instruction given. The lectures
for the coming week aire of special
interest and will doubtless attract
a still larger attendance; Follow
ing are the topics to be discussed
in the order as given below:
. Monday, January 14th. '. ,
Bacterial Diseases of Poultry
Prof. E. F. Pernot.
Plants; Their Importance on the
Farm Prof. E. R. Xake.
Ha vesting and Packing Prof.
C. I. Lewis. ' ' .
Principles of Stock Feeding
Dr. James Withycotnbe.
Farm Manures Prof. F. E. Ed
Some Prune Pests Prof. A. B.
Cordley. '
Tuesday, January 15th.
Bacterial Diseases of Poultry
Prof. Pernot.
Plants; Their Structure and Work
Prof. Lake.
Storage and Shipping Prof.
Sheep on the Farm Dr. Withy-
Soil Problems Prof. Edwards
San Jose and Other Scales Prof.
Wednesday, January 16th.
Preserving Fruity a ad Vegetables
Prof. Pernot.
The Work of Plants Prof .Lake.
The Walnut Prof. Lewis.
Hogs for Profit Dr. Withy-
comi.e. .
Leguminous Plants Prof. Ed
Insect and Fungous Diseases of
the Garden Prof . Cordley.
Thursday,' January 17th.
Preserving fruit and vegetables
Prof. Pernot.
The Fight Against Weeds Prof
Lake. ;
Culture of Small Fruits Prof,
The Dairy Cow Dr. Withy-
. Acid Soils Prof, Edwards.
Insects and Diseases . of Farm
Crops Prof. Cordley.
Friday, January 18th.
Vinegar Making Prof. Pernot.
Plant Economics Prof, Lake.
Organization Prof. Lewis.
Hints to Farmers Dr. , Withy
combe. Commercial .' Fertilizers Prof.
General Discussion Pi of. Cord
ley. ' ; -
Notice of Eighth Grade Examinations,
Notice is hereby given that the eighth
grade examinations, in and for Benton
county, Oregon, for the year io7, will
be held on the following dates. ( 1 ) Jan
uary 24, 25; (2) May 16, 17 ; (3) June 13,
14. As the law permits only three ex
aminations to be held in any county
within the state, daring any given year,
the above dates have been decided upon
as best suited for our county. Any teach
er desiring questions for any of the above
examinations, for pupils who have been
duly certified to as having completed all
the work prescribed by the state coarse
of study, mast give the county school
superintendent at least one month's no
tice for the said questions.
.Programme of Examinations.
i Thursday Arithmetic,, writing, his
tory and civil government
- Friday Grammar, physiology, geog
raphy and spelling.
.' The work is to begin promptly at 9 o'
octock A. M. on Thursday, and close at
4 o'clock P. M. Friday. .
Source of Questions. -; -
Geography State course of study, the
coarse print in Fry's geography (elemen
tary); map questions in both coarse and
hne print in same oook .
Spelling 80 per cent from miscellane
ous test words in Reed's Word Lessons,
and 20 per cent from manuscripts.
Writing Specimens ot penmanship as
indicated in copied matter and manu
scripts. Language-Reed's Graded . Lessons m
English, no diagraming.
Uivil Government UnitedStates (Jon
stitution. - '
History List of topics from History
Outline in state course and current events
Dated this 8th day of January, 1907.'
' County School Snp't. :,
WE CAN FIIX your wants. Write
us. Do you want to sell your
property, farms, or business. Call
on us. We furnish '. partners
'''. and ! cash. Iyoan 1 your money.
Sparkman & Company Maid St.
'- Corvallis Oreg. -0 ;
., . Notice to Creditors. ,
Notice is hereby given to alt whom 16 may con
cern that the undersigned has been duly ap
pointed ezecntrlx of the last will and testament
of John A. Fisher, deceased, by the county court
of Benton county. Oregon. AU persons having
olalmg against the estate of John A. Fisher, de
ceased, are hereby required to present the same
with proper vouchers therefor, duly verified as
by law required, within six months from the
date hereof, to the undersigned at her residence
in' Corvallis, Oregon, or at the office of McFad
den & BryBon, attorneys, In theposfoffloebuUdr
lng, Corvallis. Oregon.
Dated at Oorvallls, Oregon, this 8th day ot
January, 1907.
Executrix of the last will and testament of John
A. Fisher deceased.
Notice of Property Tax Levied to Pay
For Street Improvement
Notice is hereby given that the Com
mon Council of the City of Corvallis,
has determined the proportionate
share of the cost of the improvement
of Harrison street from the center of
Eleventh street " westward to a point
opposite the northwest corner of frac
tional lot 7 in Block "D" in Wilkins
Addition to the City of Corvallis, in
Benton County, Oregon, to be assessed
upon each of the several lots or parts
thereof or parcels of land abutting or
fronting upon such proposed improve
ment and has assessed upon each lot
or part thereof or parcel of land afore
said liable therefor its proportionate
share of such cost and that the follow
ing is a description of said several
lots or parts thereof or parcel of
land, a statement of the names of the
owners thereof, if known, and of the
sum assessed upon such lots or parts
thereof or tracts of land.
Hoffman's Addition to said City of
Corvallis :
Block No. 1.
Property Owner. " Ami.
Lot 6, Oliver J. Trees and Ada
line Trees 8.22
Lot 7, Charles L. Blakeslee 7.74
Block No. 2.
Lot 1, Hugh Herron 8.22
Lot 12, Maria M. Porter 7.74
Wilkins' Addition to said City of
Block No. 7.
Lot 6, Edwin L. Johnson $ 7.80
Lot 7, Edwin L. Johnson . . ... '-. 7iS0
Block No. 8.
Lot 6, E. A. Morgan $ 7.80
Lot 7, E. A. Morgan 7.80
Block No. 9.
Lot 6, The First National Bank ;
of Corvallis ............ 7.80
Lot 7, Mattie A. Howard . 7.80
Block No. 10.
Lot 6, D. C. Ecker ? 7-80
Lot 7, Maud Moore, Lizzie -"f
.Moore, Cleve Moore,
Tommy Moore, Clinton
Moore ...... ; . 7.80
Block No. 11.
Lot 6, Harriet Adams .... $"7.80
Lot 7, Z. J. Blakeslee 7.80
Block No. 12.
Lot 6, Peter Rickard . ; 5 7.32
Lot 7, Peter Rickard ......... 7.80
Block No. 13.
Lot 1,-Mandana C. Thorp ,
Lot 12, Mandana C. Thorp
Block No. 14.
Lot 1, Josephine H. Moore
Lot 12, Josephine H. Moore
Block No. 15.
Lot 1, Florence R. Gilbert
Lot 12, Florence R. Gilbert
Block No. 16.
Lot' 1, Ida Hotchkiss
$ 7.80
Lot 12, Ida Hotchkiss'- '. ; 7.80
' t o Block No.f47.
Lot 1, Nancy Campbell . . 7.80
Lot 12, J. B. Horner ........... , .7.8.0
Block No. 18.
Lot 1, O. S. Noyes
Lot 12, Roy Price
-- . Lot "D,"
Fractional lot 6, i Beatrice Rex
ford . .
$ 7.80
Fractional . lot 7, Unknown
Owner 0.60'
Lot "A." . .
Lot 1, Lester D. Smith ,$ 7.80
Fractional lot 12, Jane Harris.. 0.60
,. The foregoing assessments were en
tered in the docket of City Liens of
the City of Corvallis on this eleventh1
day of January, 1907, and if the sumJ
assessed as aforesaid upon any such
lot or tract or part thereof is not paid
to the City Treasurer of the City of
Corvallis. within- five days after the
date of final publication hereof-thej
date of such final publication bemg
January 22nd, 1907, the same will
draw interest at the rate of eight per
cent, per annum thereafter and a
warrant ylll issue directing ' the
Chief of Police of said City to levy
upon and sell such lot or tract of land
or part thereof as the case may be to
satisfy such assessment. -J.
Police Judge of City of Corvallis,
Notice of Property Tax Levied to Pay,
For Street Improvement. . ..
Notice Is' hereby given that the Com-;
mon Council of the City of Corvallis
has determined the proportionate
share of the, cost of the improvement
of Fifth street from the center , or
"B" street to the center of Washing-
ton street, in the City of ' Corvallis,
Benton County, Oregon, to be assessed
upon each of the several lots or parts
thereof or parcels of land abutting or
fronting upon such proposed improve-,
ment and has assessed upon each lot
or part thereof or parcel of land afore
said -liable therefor its proportionate
share of such cost and that the follow
ing is a description of said several lots
or parts thereof or parcel of land, a
statement of the names of the owners
thereof, if known,, and of the sum as
sessed upon such lots or parts thereof
or tracts of land. "..,.
Avery's Second Addition to the City
of Corvallis:'' . :.'',.
Block No. 26.
.Property Owner. . Amt.
Lot I, Florence Jones . $ 3.80
Lot 2, Florence Jones .... : 3.80
Lot 3, Florence Jones .. .. 3.80
Lot 4, Ethel M.; Harris 3.80
Lot 5, Ethel M. Harris . . . ... .. 3.80
Lot 6, Ethel M. Harris ........ S.S0
Block No. 27.
Lot 1,' Bertha Greenberg
Lot 2, Bertha Greenberg ... .
Lot 3, Bertha Greenberg . . . .
Lot 4, Bertha Greenberg" v . . i
Lot 5, Bertha Greenberg
Lot 6, Bertha Greenberg..:.1.
$ 3-80
1 Avery's Addition to the City of Cor
vallis. ;i- .-'.'; '
i;J ..' Block "L." : - . ;
tii Property Owner. - ,
Lot 7,' Alfred ,Johnsdn'...V. .".
Lot 8, Alfred Johnson i'i A .'. :'.
. Amt.
$ 3.80
-' 3.80
. ,L90
Lot 9, (south half), Sarah Tun
; nicliffe ,r.... ....
Lot. 9; (north -half), Alfred John-
j ? ."SOU i a
Lot; Id" Sarah Tunnicliffe .". . .
Lot" li: Isouth'half), J; MHow
' ' - : ard ...'. j.....; :,v :i.90
Lot 11; (north half), Sarah, Tun ; ;
i ' ' nicliffe ....... .......... 1.90
Lot 12, J. M. Howard . . . . : 3.80
s Original , town of Marysville, ' now
said City of Corvallis. -v'iii'r'sr
" Block No. 19.,'.' .. .
Property Owner. ' Amt:
Lot 7, Rosella Rowland ...... $ 3.8D
Lot 8, Rosella Rowland . . . . . . 3.80
I Lot 9, W. L. Cauthorn ....... .3.80
Lot 10, W. L. 'Cauthbrn ......... 3.80
Lot 11, Sophia Hartley '. . 3.80
Lot 12, Sophia Hartley ...... 8.80
The foregoing assessments were en
tered in the docket of City Liens of
the City of Corvallis on this eleventh
day of January, 1907, and if the sum
assessed as aforesaid upon any such
lot or tract or part -thereof is not paid
to the City Treasurer of the City of
Corvallis within five' days after the
date of final publication hereof, the
date of final publication being January
22nd, 1907, the same will draw inter
est at the rate of eight per cent, per
annum thereafter and a warrant will
issue directing the Chief of Police of
said City to levy upon and sell such
lot or tract or part thereof as the
case may be to satisfy such assess
ment. J. FRED YATES,
Police Judge, City of Corvallis.
Notice of Property Tax Levied to Pay
For Street Improvement
Notice is hereby given that the Com
mon Council of the City of Corvallis
has determined the proportionate
share of the cost of the improvement
of Monroe street from the center of
First street to the center of Second
street, in the City of Corvallis, Ben
ton County, Oregon, to be assessed
upon each of the several lots or parts
thereof or parcels of land abutting or
fronting upon such proposed improve
ment and has assessed upon each lot
or part thereof or parcel of land afore
said liable therefor its proportion
ate share of such cost and that
the following is a description of
said several .lots or parts there
of or parcel of land, a statement
of the names of the owners thereof,
if known, and of the sum assessed
upon such lots or parts thereof or
tracts of land. .
In the original town of Marysville,
now said City of Corvallis.
. Block No. 5.
Property Owner Amt.
Lot 6, Gilbert Smith $ 8.82
Lot 7, W. A. Laidlow 8.82
Block No. 6.
Lot 1, Gilbert Smith $ 8.82
Lot 12, Virgil E. Waiters 8.82
The foregoing assessments were en-
tered in the docket of City Liens of
the City of Corvallis on this eleventh
day of January, 1907, and if the sum
assessed as aforesaid upon any such
lot or tract or part thereof is not paid
to the City Treasurer of the City of
Corvallis within five days after - the
date of final publication hereof, the
date of such final publication being
January 22nd, 1907, the same will draw
interest at the rate of eight per cent,
per annum thereafter and a warrant
will issue directing the Chief of Police
of" said City to levy upon and "ell
such lot or tract or part thereof as the
case may be to satisfy such assess
ment. , : J. FRED YATES.
Police Judge, City of Corvallis.
Notice of Property Tax Levied To Pay
For Street Improvement.
Notice is hereby given that the Com
mon Council- of the' City of Corvallis
has determined the proportionate,
share of the cost 'of the improvement
of Madison street from the center
of Eighth street to the center of
Ninth street in the City of Corvallis
Benton County, Oregon, to be asses
sed upon each of the several lots or
parts thereof or parcels of land abut
ting or fronting upon such proposed
improvement and has assessed upon
each lot or part thereof or parcel of
land aforesaid liable therefor its pro
portionate share of such cost and that
the following .is a description of said
several lots or parts thereof or parcel
of land, a statement of the names of
the owners .thereof, if known, and
of the Bum assessed upon such lots
or parts inereoi or iracis 01
; In the County Addition to "said City
of Corvallis. .
V Block No. 20.
-Property Owner. " Amt.
Lot 6, Martha F.. Smith $ 8.82
Lot 7, Martha F. Smith . 8.82
Rlnr.b "No 31.
Lot 1, Florence Porter $ 8.82
Lot 12, Louise L Gardner 8.82
' The foregoing assessments wer en
tered in' the docket of City Liens of
the City of Corvallis;. on this eleventh
day of January, 1907, and if the sum
assessed as aforesaid upon any such
lot' or tract or part thereof is not paid
rto : the City Treasurer of the City of
Corvallis within five days after the
date of final publication hereof, the
.date of -such final publication being
January 22nd,. 1907, the same will draw
interest at the rate of eight per cent
per annum thereafter and a warrant
will issue directing the Chief of Police
of said City to levy upon and sell such
lot or tract or part thereof as the
case may be to satisfy such assess
ment. J. FREp. YATES,
Police Judge, City of Corvallis.
PIANO TUNING op to May ist.
at special prices. Also music
tought in all grades of difficulty.
Frank A, White, phone. 405.
Corvallis, Ore.
' Mr. J.- Mon Foo, ah experienced com
pounder of Chinese medicines, successor
to the late Hong Wo Tone, of Albany,
Oregon, is now prepared to furnish Chi
nese medicine to all. The undersigned
recommends him . and guarantees satis
faction. , Call or write him at No. 117. West Sec
ond Street, Albany, Oregon.'' ; - '
; ; Jim'Westfall.
Always Keeps Chamberlain's Cougt
.; Remedy in His House,
fr "W-J would not be without Chamberlain' .
Cotigh Remedy. It is kept on hand contin
nally in our home," says W. W. Ke&mef
editor ofthe Independent, Lowry City, M
That is just what fer6ry . family should,
When kept at hand ready for instant use, :
cold may be checked at the outset and cur
in much less time than after it hsm hecor
settled in the. system. This remedy is also
without a peer. tor croup in children, and
will prevent- the attack when given as soon
as the child becomes hoarse, or even after
the croupy cough appears, which can only be
done when the remedy is kept at hand. For
sale by Graham & Worthan:
25 per cent off on all Chri
stmas goods. Watch and
wait for Klines great annual
Clearance Sale the time
when everybody can save
money at the Peoples Store.
Wall Paper at Half Price!
To ijiake 1 bom. for our immense spring stock, we
will sell wall paper for the next 20 DAYS ONLY at
just half price.
Never was such an offer made before. Never be
fore was such a chance to save money. Now is the time
to paper your, house while paper hangers are not rush
ed with work.
Send the news around. Tell your neighbors,
on't delay, a better selection canvbe made before the
best patterns have. been selected.
Remember this great sale begins at 8 o'clock Mon
day, January 14, 1907.
Hollenber & Gady.
N. B. No Ingrains included in this sale.
No Prizes go with our
Chase & Santa High Grade
if In fact nothing goes with our ooffee but cream, sugar and
Sole agent for
Chase & Sanborn High Grade
And see our large new: line of Pocket Knives,
i ; Razors', Sissors etel j A large line of Footballs
" ' arid ali kinds of Sporting Goods always on hand
h'lQOci Umbrellas'Covered and Repaired.