The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, January 08, 1907, Image 4

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City watir fut for January is
payable at ibe office by ths lOib of
tbe month.
Mrs. Charles Kohn aod daugh
ter of Portland, arrived today for a
visit at tbe Jacob's home.
Cash Bryant has accepted a posi
tion in the Palace meat market,
having begun work Monday morning-
. . C I. Starr has purchased from
A. L. Stevenson, ; of Robinson &
Stevenson, tbe hems and lets at tbe
northeast corner ot S zth and Jf
feron street. Consideration, $1,
300. The W. R. C have elected of
ficers 8 follow: iPree. Agnes
Yoane; S. V. P. Mrs. Bailie; J. V.
P., Mrs. Farmer; ehap., Mrs.
Woodt-; con., Mre. m. wiiKin-;
Guard, Mre. Peterson; s?c.; Emily
Heafcle; treas., Fanuie O.en.
The following officers were elect
c S tiuiday to serve the G A. R.
daring the ensuing year: Com., S
K. Harlon; S. V. C, S. Bollu; J.
V. C, Sim Whiteeide ; O D., O. J.
Trees-; adj., George Deidrick; L M.
M. L,. Hubler; Surgeon, W. New
fern, chap., M. L. Adams.
Fred Tomlineon is almost hope
lessly ill at Albany of typhoid fev
r. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kir-g,
the former being a sister of Mr.
Tomlioson, were at his bedside tbe
greater part of la-it week, but were
compelled to return home Saturday
on accouut of illness of Mr. King.
The Order of Washington have
installed the following officer?. Pres
X. N. Adam?; vice-pree., Effia Ki
ser; sec, O. A. Tozier; treaf-, JLnlu
Rice; chaplain W. Newton; escort,
Joseph King; ass't., escort, Bert
Sengtr; sentinel, O. A. Senger;
Gaard, George Whiteside; muei--ciao,
Libbie Rice.
Mr. ard MrB. John. Lewis, ac
companied by their daughter, Mr?.
Tony Kline, arrived in CorvalHs
Saturday evening. They proceeded
-to Prilomath Sunday moriiog,
-whither they had been summoned
fey the serious illness of Mr. Lewis'
sister, Lou, who, however, died
Sunday night. Mr. Lewis is a Cor
vailis pioneer, mt has, doring
earns je .rs jast, b:en a resident cf
Salem. He is now employed is a
tgnardatlhe peDitertiiry.
?The fretziDg weather has mad?
trouble for Contractor Heckert.wbo
is building tbe new bank. It seems
tfa&t it requires a considerable time
for pressed -brick mortar to dry.
-Much of that in tt e pressed brick
work done on this new boildicg
"was not dry when the cold snap'
came, and laving frozen, the: mor
tar has in a measure exuded lrom
between the bricks, destroying the
' effect of :he pointit g. The same is
' trae of the more recent pressed
'-brick done on the new postoffice.
: The court house, including tbe
xirctnt court room is to be used for
xhibiiive purposes tor the AU-iBentoa-'School-Fair
next Septem
ber. A former order of the county
.court denied the use of ' the" court
'room for the purpose, but a change
of attitude has taken place. The
court baa ordered tbe courthouse
placed at the disposal of the com
mittee. for exhibitive and other
purposes. In addition, the sum of
4200 was appropriated in aid of tbe
fair. The understanding is' that
.the county is to have the exhibit
'when the All-Benion-Sohool-Fair
Is over, which will give the court
the finest kind of an exhibit to seed
1) the State Fair to take place with
in a couple cf weeks thereafter.
lTbia cooperation by the court com
pletes all the main arrangements
ia the .foundation for the fair,, and
open fhe way for it to eurpass by
' far any event ever seen in Benton
Tbe unveiling of a soldier's
monument is expected to be a fea
ture of the exercises next: decora
tion day at Corvallie. A . portion
of tbe fund for ibe monument is al
xeady at hand and a movement :s
'on footaecuring the remainder. The
local G. A. R. and Relief corps laid
out the plan Borne time ago, and
bas been working consistently ever
' - since: The sum of $300 has been
gathered together of the $1,000 that
' it ie hoped to secure. -The latter
timwlll provide a monument that
will In a fitting memorial - to the
-ol4 soldiers and their work,-and an
-adornment to the city of the dead.
" They have no suitable monument
now. The wooden affair that has
- marked their lot is out ol harmony
with its functioD. Their lot is near
'-the cemetery and is surrounded by
a circular walk. If all goes well
a new monument will be ready - for
unveiling next decoration day, and
will be a memorable feature of tb
exercises. Provision for an active
campaign for funds, waa made at
meeting of . the - Poet and Relief
Corps last Saturday" night.
- Mi. chants' Carnival.
The most novel of all , entertain
ments will be the spectacular Mer
chants' Carnival given at the
Opera House next Monday and
Tuesday evenings.
All the leading merchants and
business interesls of the city are to
be represented by young ladies in
beautiful and unique costumes and
as the very best talent obtainable
has been secured the success of
this popular production is assured.
The Carnival program will be
most unique and consist of striking
representations, , laughable situa
tions, funny pantomines, . brilliant
and astounding electrical displays,
little girls in Delsartes and many
other features of equal merit.
This entertainment is given un
der the auspices of the ladies of
the Episcopal church, and it must
be flattering for the ladles to note
that they have received the hearty
cooperation of all the business in
terests in the city. Remember the
time and place and arrange social
iunctions so all can attend.
At Kings Valley.
The heavy rains of last week
caused the highest water for sever
al je.ra in the Luckiamate on
Logan's milt dam. The flood reach
ed some small buildings near the
ctore nd. a eawlog demolished
Pearl Prict's henhouse.
Jimmy Chambers, the Winiford
toys, Etbtl Price aud Lizzie Bush
have retumed to their studies in
Sam Eddy has gone to Poitlacd
to attend business college.
Erneet Eddy bas returned to his
positun at Clatskaoie.
Theeick man at E. O. Frank's
home and Herman Seifert's little
girt are not improving.
La grippe and bad colds ave gen
eral in the -valley.
The hills have been covered with
a thin coat of snow - most of last
week and several moraines the
ground bas been covered in the val-
Willis Vidito has bargained to
purchase from A. i Fv Peterson a
house and lot near Bodine's ware
house. As soon as certain prelim
lo'riea are arranged, the deed will
be signed and the money paid. Six
hundred dollars is the price.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given to all whom It may con
cern tnat tbe undersigned has beca duly ai
pointed e tecntr!- oiVtaelast v. ill and testament
of John A. Fisher, deceased, by the county court
of Benton county. Oregon. All persons navliig
claims against tne estate ol John A. Flther, de
ceased, are hereby required present the same proper vouchers therefor, du:y verified as
by law required, t..thi'fx months lrom the
date hereuf, to the undersigned at her residence
In Coi v-sllis, Oregon, or at the office of McFad
den & Bryson, attorneys. In the post offlcs build
ing, Ooirallis. Oregon.
JJstsd at CoryailH, Oregon,
Januaiy, 1S07.
this 8th day ot
Executrix of the last will and testament of John
A. Fisher deceased.
Wall Paper at Half Price
To make loom for our immense spring stock, we-
will sell wall paper for the next 20 DAYS ONLY at'
just half price. v
Never was such an offer made before. Never be
fore was such a chance to save money. Now is the time
to paper your house while paper hangers are not rush
ed with work. ; ?r ; ' ' 1 - ': '
, Send the - news around. Tell your neighbors.
Don't delay, a better selection can be made before the
best patterns have been- selected. ; !
Remember this great sale begins at 8 o'clock Mon
day, January 14, 1907. : ... ;r:
No Ingrains
Watch this space
25 acres heaf small town 1 2 acres in cultivation; ballance pasture and '
timber, good house, barn, chicken house.5 cood orchard Bear school, a nice
little home, price $1,250 " ' V '
. Good store and dwelling "combined, barn with windmill , 3 - acres of
With fruit; a fine location for small business, in little town, price, $1 ,000. . '
; 26 acres 1 8 in Cult, balance umber and pasture, house and bam, soil
sandy loam' Located near .own ; i Queensbury, Warren . County New
York price $1,000, will trade fci Oregon land. . ' . , v " . ' ' ' ,
- AMBLER 6c WATTERS : ; , J:.
continued from page 1.
ford's husbandly kindness was to
curb bit wife's religious frenzy. As
a woman of intelligence, . he- believ
ed that she would soon learn ttal
the tongues were eimply blasphem
ing and would return home. He
believed that she would eoon see
that he is the (g nt sppointed by
the Lord to py tor trarsportation
and hotel accommodations.
But Crawford was mistaken in
hie belief. His wife believed that
the money given her was given by
friends and strangers under inspir
ation. She did not see tbe band of
her husband in the gifts, and she
believed, eo she stated openly, tta.
be was "full of devils" because he
had refused to pay -her fair from
Los Angeles to Oakland.
: Mrs. Crawford has the child with
ber today.' ; She faid yesterday she
did not send Mildred to school be
cause the weather was too cold and
the child was siok. She was order
ed by Probation Officer White, of
the juvenile court, to send the child
to school Monday. If she does not
comply with thetrder of the court,
Mildred will be taken from her.
Before Monday, the cult say, the
child will be on her way to join her
continued from page 1
to take the deported person to a
point without the state, and could
not legally be enforced, as tbe sher
iff's power ends at the state line.
The decision says in part:
"These women ttand eharged
with crime for which they have
not yet been placed on trial, so
they should be restrained within
the jurisdiction of this state, eo if
hereafter tbey become eaDe they
may be subject to the further order
of the court."
Just before the close of the opin
ion the writer says that while it
was being written the court was ad
vised of the. death ' by suicide of
Maud Creffield in the Seattle jail,
he? a8 ,her Proceedings are die-
missed. The writ of prohibition ie
granted to prevent the deportation
of Esther Mitchell, but as to pre
venting the signature of the order
that she is insane the order is de
nied. :'
It is presumed there will be a
motion for a rehearing, and after
that is disposed of some days will
elapse before the remittor is sent
down to the King county court, so
some days must elapse before tere
can be any further move in tbe case
at Seattle.
Later :-Sinoe " the above, .was
put in type concerning the steam
ship Panama, a recent dispatch
states that the .vessel is not lost,
yet the rafts and boats that were
found marked "Panama" indicates
that the , steamer has had a hard
struggle on the raging s?a 1
included int this sale,
for Bargins in
: ' ; ' ' i v r ? "
A. Proceaslon of Worms Seen In nB
sary and Xorvrar.
Ia some of the Hungarian forests
and in the pine woods of Norway there
exists a tiny, wormlike Insect 'called
the sciara, of the genus tlpulal - Dur
ing the month of July or early In Au
gust they gather together in large
numbers, preparatory to migrating In
search of food or for change of con
dition. When setting out on this' jour
ney they stick themselves together by
means of some glutinous matter and
form a huge serpent-tike moss, often
reaching a length of between forty and
fifty feet and several' Inches in -thickness.
" As the sciara Is only on an' av
erage about three thirty-seconds of an
Inch In length, with no appreciable
breadth whatever,-the number required
to compose a continuous line of the
size above mentioned Is almost Incal
culable. Their pace is, of course, very
slow, and upon meeting an obstacle,
such as a stick or stone, ' they will
cither writhe over or around it,' some
times breaking Into two bodies for this
purpose. ' .- -;- .. ;
M. Gnerin-Menevtlle, a celebrated
French naturalist, said that If the rear
portion of this wonderful snakelike
procession be brought into contact with
the front part and a ; sort of circle
formed the Insects will keep ,-moving
round In that circle for hours without
apparently noticing that tbey are -getting
no "forrader" on their journey. If
the procession be broken In two, the
portions will reunite In a short time.
The Norwegian ' peasants, when; they
meet one of these trains, will lay some
article of their clothing, such as a belt
or handkerchief, on the ground in front
of it If the procession passes over It
it Is regarded as a good sign, but if it
makes a way round the reverse Is be
lieved. FAIR PLAY.
A Flea That Us Respected by- Almost
All Classes of Men.
There Is an appeal to which nearly
all classes or" men ,give heed let us
have fair play. You may address a
sehoolful of :mlschIevous boys ' on, the
beauties of goodness, on the' evils of
cruelty or harshness to' their fellows,
and' they will ' laugh at you. - Exhorta
tions to' avoid 1 any abstract evil or
wrong and appeals to follow any ab
stract virtue will seem hazy; tp almost
any collectioM of ordinary, healthy and
lusty young boys,, but If their sense of
fair play be addressed there is a ready
Go among a crowd of wharfingers or
longshoremen or the' roughest and most
reckless 1 sailors, - who have -- neither
home nor principles of any sort, and
talk to them of the things of the head
or of the heart, and they . wtU think
that you are a harmless but' quite fu
tile specimen from crankdom. "Try to
awaken In them a horror of the brutal
ity of their usual life, speak in moving
terms of the force and beauty of' kind
ness or of virtue or of any attribute
of a polite and civilized society and
way of life, and you will be soliciting
the wind, talking to a statue, shouting
In the desert. But ia the most uncouth
assemblage and' in the vilest haunt in
the English speaking world ' mention
fair play and found your argument
and your plea on that basis, and the
effect is Instant and eloquent. Phila
delphia Ledger, . v -. ,
- Overloaded. . j .
3 Corned beef hash as made by (Sen
ator Hanna's cook was very popular
In ! Washington several years - ago.
When the head waiter of the senate
restaurant Wanted hash prepared very
carefully he 'ordered It this way: "One
corned beef hash for Senator Hanaa."
One day when the restaurant was do
ing a heavy business almost everybody
seemed to want corned beef hash.
"Corned beef hash for Senator Hanna"
had been ordered - fourteen times.
When the fifteenth order went down
to the Idtchen the chef ' shouted:
"That's fifteen orders :' for Senator
Hanna! He'd better watch out or he'll
founder hisself."
Saved tne Situation.
"Ha, here comes Ratcliffe with a
dagger! My last moment has arriv
ed!" exclaims one of the characters In
a new melodrama. Unfortunately,
however, the actor representing Rat
cliffe' had forgotten " the dagger and
come on the stage without it But he
was equal to the occasion-' "Villain,"
he exclaimed, "thou''' thoughtsf thou
sawst a dagger In 'mine hand.' 'Twas
thine evil conscience supplied the vi
sion. But I will slay thee with a blow
of . this strong Tight hand," which he
proceeded to .do-' . . ..
"'..More Positive. ...
: ''Well,'- said Cadley scornfully, "I'll
bet you -didn't do-the proposing. It's
a safe- bet-' that your .wife sked you
to' marry her,".- - - v . ; -
'No," replied Henpeck, , -; "you're
jwrong." - ' '- .. ' '
- "Oh, come now, be honest."
- "No, she tlidnt ask jnej she told me
." Philadelphia Press, . , . -
;' Grindstones Wet and Dry.
1 The strength of a grindstone appears
from testa to vary widely with, the de
gree of Its wetness' or dryness, stones
that are dry showing- tensile strengths
of from 146 to 186 pounds a square
Inch, but -after soaking overnight
breaking under fetresses of 8a to 116
pounds a square inch. .:..' -. i . .
' - THat's What. f "
"A great- deal depends upon the dress
ing, 'observed the'thoughtf 4'-thinker,
"Speaking of.-' whatrvperied Us
friend. .:: .' ': '
"Women and salads," answerefi Shfl
T. T. Exchange. - j
'Those who- want fewest things i
nearest to the gods. Socrates.
" ft SNPi :
Always' found at the store of
A Full Line of General Merchari
dise and Groceries. i
Bring all your eggs and butter
After Holiday Bargains.
WE INVITE YOU TO CALL at our store we havf
some after holiday bargains the only exclusive men
furnishing store in town.
A. K
E. B
We are not inclined to spead much time 'in
writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods
and customers speak for themselves.
E. B
A Taste of
is Sure to
ie jr, it jr j Pie's made from this will taste
IVknCe Meat like mdther make:
Si fV f Pure adple juice, sand refined its
WCCt vlClCr smaskin good, with just the right
A t '"Dfj;'"iuang .to make it appetzing made
ApplC DUttCr from fiom little cabboge made in
Sotir KrOtft fashioned way.
White Clover Honey jt oD&a!Upme,lt
PHONE 2 0 5:
i ,
to MOSES and get the highest
! f