The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, January 08, 1907, Image 1

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    Vol. XIX.-No. 46
Notice of Final Settlement.
la the County Court in the State of Oregon, for
the County ol Benton.
In the Matter oi the Estate )
ol I
Mary A. Garlinghouge, Deceased. )
Notice Is bereliy given thrt the undesigned hu
hereby filed bev final account In the estate of Ma
ry A. Garlingnouee, deceased, and the court has
Kt February 4, 1907, at the hour ol 2 o'eiock P. M
as the time and the county court room, county
court bonse, Oorvallia, Oragon, as the place to
hear objections to the same.
Dated this '28th day ot December, 1906.
Executrix ot the last will and testament ef Mary
A. Garlinghouse deceased, . . i
iu the Matter ot the Estate i
ot .
Henry Holroyd, Deceased. J ' .
To Alice Holroyd, Edward Holroyd, James F,
Holroyd, Eose La Lascheiar, Catherine Staples,
Robert Holroyd, I ma Jean Holroyd. Harry W.
Holroyd. heirs at law of Hemy Holroyd, deceased
In the name of the S its of Oregon you are
ho.-efrv cited and reouired t. aDtear in the Coun
ty Court of the state of Oregon. . jr the County of
eDton, at tne court room tnereoi, atuorvams, in
the County ot Benton, on Saturday, the fttn day ot
nebruary, ivo'1, at ten o ciock in tne lorenoo i oi
that day, then and thcre'to show eause if any ex
ist, why an order of pale should not be made, as
(.rayed for In the petition of W. 8. McFadden. ad
ministrator of said estate, of laid Henry Holroyd,
deceased, of the following descilbed real proper
ty, to-wlt:
Lots one (1), two (2), eleven (11) sud twelve
(12). Block Four (4), Kayburn's Addition to the
ti.y of Corvallis, Oregon.
And you are further not'flod that ...his cita 'oa
is serv d upon you and each ol you, by publica
tion thereof, in the Oorvallis Times newspaper
for four weeks under an order made by the Hon.
F,. Woodward, Judge of said Court, bearing date
January a, 1907.
Witness the Hon. E. Woodward, Judge of the
County Court, of the State of Oregon, for the
County of Benton, with the seal of said Court af
fixed tois the 2d day ot January, 1907.
CSeAl Clerk..
Notice to Creditors.
' Notice Is hereby riven that the undersigned
has been duly appointed administratrix ot the
. estate ot W i 'iam F. Miller, deoeased, by the
: county conn ol the state oi Oregon, for Benton
county, sitting in rrooate- All persons ha iig
: claims against said c:te are tequi:ed to pre
sent the same duiy reilfied to me at my residence
. in Summit precinct, in said couutv, or-at the law
office of E. Ho!gate. in C rrval'is,' Oregon, within
six months from this r'ate.
Dated at CorvalHs, Oregon, Tec. 18, 1906.
Admin'?: .atrix.
Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, BanK BIdg. ' Hratu
. . " lO to ia and 2 to 4. :-'
- Phone, office 83. , (Residence 351.
Corvallis, . Oregon.
Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist
Office 1011 Main st Ind 204 . ;
Residence 1220 4th st Ind 389.
General Auctioneer. A Square Dea
and charges right.
Corvallis, Oregon.
Zierolf Building.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office np stairs in Burnett Brick Res
idence on the coiner of Madison and
Seventh at. Phone at honse and office
Physician & Surgeon
Office over postoffice. Besidence Cor.
Jfifth and Jefferson streets. Honrs 10 to
12 . m:, 1 to 4 p m. ' Orders may be
eft at Graham & v' am'a drni? store.
. Willamette . Valley
Banking Company
. Corvallis, Oregon.
Deals in Foreign and Domestic
' . Exchange. -.
. ' Buys County; City and School .
(.The Bank o
i v .J California
Messrs. J. p. Hocasn
SSwl Bank ofTbtr
A Co.
KORDON, ENG. N M BothMhUds So n
OAXJlDA .-Vniom Htuk nt Canada !
Job Printing ;
at Times Office
Our Sale for January
will be a
Money Saving to all Buyers! 7,
Big stock to make selection Every article in the store
at a reduction.
Big line heavy overcoats, boys and mens 25 discount"
Big line rain overcoats, mens at 20 discount '
Big line ladies jackets at 50 discount
Big line gents and boys clothing at 20 discount
Big line dress goods, underwear, hosiery, shoes, rugs,
sewing machines and in fact every article in the
store at a big reduction. Now is the time to buy
' Call land
oways otore
t will pay you to come in and see
' ply. ; We carry a full line of New and Second-Hand Furniture.!
Furniture, Stoves, Ranges j
Crockery, Glassware and Graniteware. Watch Friday's
paper for
Highest Market Price Paid for
Hides, Pelts and Furs.
North east Cor. 2nd ah Monroe Streets
' ' : 1 .
We sell tnem f 5 down and $5 a month' until paid;
for. Records, needles: 8 tone "regulators. ;'A fresh aup
ply of flash lights and batteries. f;A" complete line of
-eutlery. Sporting goods, guns and ximmanition etcv
The Sporting
Ind. Phone 126.
Oregon I
us before buying your winter sup-
Money to Loan on all Kinds
of Security.
Goods Man.
Corvallis, Oregon.
" " : PANY. '
Life Rafts Come Ashore bai May
Have Been Washed Off Vessel
? During Recent Gale 116
Persons Believed LoBt t .
; ' On Board Ship
San Francisco ' Jan 5. One hva-
d red and eixteed persona are be
lieved to have perished on the . Pa
cific Mail steamer City of Panama,
Captain Nelson, which iB thought
to have gone down a short distance
north of Santa Cruz on New Year a
day while on the' way' to' Ancon,
ranaaa. Two lite raits and two
life boats, bearing the name of the
steamer, drifted ashore yesterday
near Pigeon Point, about 50 miles
south ot this place. Other wreckage
can be seen from the beach, and it
is believed that a disaster as fright
ful as the loss of the Pacific Coast
Steamship Company's liner Valen
cia .has occurred. The life rafts
were equipped with provisions and
the boats carried oars. -
The boats came ashore about
noon and the rafts - drifted In sev
eral hours later. " The place ia dif-
-I ficult to reach by reason of rocks
and cliffs and consequently it will
be some time before a more search"
ing Investigation can be made.
The City of Panama left San
Francisco for Ancondre January 1
carrying I5 American cabin passen
gers, 20 steerage and .25 Chinese.
Among her cabin passengers were
Dr.. Henry Waldo Coe, accompanied
by his wife, W. G. McPhereon and
T. E. Prince, all of Portland.
Officials- of the "5 Paoific Mail
Steamship company scout the idea
that the vessel has been wrecked.
They hold out the strongest, hopes
that see is safe and will arrive : at
Mazatlin, Mexlco,; tomorrow on
schedule time. The washing ashore
of the life rafts and " boats,, they
say, of course indicate that she has
encountered severe weather on? the
run down the coast, but they be?
lieve the life boats and rafts ' might
have beea washed overboard by a
monster sea. Besides the passen
gers the steamer carried a crew, of
about 60. It is believed that every
one of these went down to death
since so much of the life saving ap
paratus drifted ashore without car
rying a person to Eafety.
. A message from Waddell beach
this ' morning confirms the report
that four life rafts fully provisioned
and equipped bavscome ashore near
there. A severe storm has been
raging and it is hardly possible that
the occupants of the rafts could
have escaped.. . i
All rafts are plainly marked
"Steamer ' City of Panama." ; A
short distance from the coast a mass
of wreckage was tossed by heavy
seas, but this is not yet examined,
because no large boats, are availa-
ble. . , : ,
The Panama left San Francisco
ast Monday lor Mexican and Cen
tral American ports, and sonld
have reached Mazatlan yesterday.
The steamer proceeded slowly out
of the harbor and at the lightship,
a few miles beyend the Gate she
stopped. She lay near the lightship
nil New Year s morning, when she
shaped her course south and ' soon
disappeared. : - i
It was supposed at the time that
her machinery was giviug trouble.
The ' Panama should have been
eff Santa Cruz long before Tuesday
nobh; ' So far as known the vessel
was not sighted again. If the Pan
ama was wrecked, an accident to
her machinery or a boiler explosion
must have been the cause. ' ' ;
Dr. Cos was a prominent physi
cian of, Portland, Oregon, v He was
on his way to Panama to study san
itary conditions on the IsthmuB and
embody his observations in '-a; re
port to the American Medical soci
ety at Its annual meeting next June.
Hib wife was with bim, and amend
Thomas Prince, a prominent man
of Portland, who . was. making the
trip for pleasure. : " ,; ! ; -
' One of the strangest features of
the incidents surrounding - the 416
aster to the steamship, is contained
in a letter written by ' Dr. Coe. to
his friend' Dr. Edwin L. House,
pastor of the FirBt Congregational
church. .The words contained t in
the message to the minister are pro-
phetic of impending danger and
may be taken as a premonition of
the disaster which awaited the par
ty when they left Ben Francisco.
Dr. Coe, on Christmas day, just
before leaving for the Bay City,
sent a, check to Dr. House as a re
membrance. . In the note wheih he
enclosed with the gift, he wrote:
'1 want to send this to you be
fore, going away. I am going on a
trip, and I may drown, although I
am a good swimmer."
The words in the letter flashed
acroBs Dr. House's mind instantly
when he read the first accounts of
the wreck of the ship, and both he
and his wife commented upon the
forewarning of the death and disas
ter Which Dr. Coe had,
"It is certainly a strange circum
stance," said Dr. House this morn
ing. 'I cannot understand what
aside from that inner consciousness
which we do not control, could have
prompted the pen to have written
those words."
That Thomas E. Prince, Dr.
Coe' friend, had a premonition of
disaster, was evidenced by what he
told Mrs. O. O, Hutchins at the
Portland Hotel the night be left for
San Franoisco to take passage on
the steamer. Mr. Prince told Mr.
Hutchins that he had been unable
to sleep the night before because of
worrying over the fear of the sea
Portland, Jan. 2. Portland Tel
egram: little Mildred Urawtord,
whom her mother wishes to be rais
ed as the "bride of the Lord," and
whom circuit-Judge , Frazer has de
cided must be freed from associa
tion with' fanatics: will probably be
taken out of the jurisdiction of the
Oregon courts. : It is said today by
members oi the "tangled tongues,"
of which Mrs. Crawford is a Lader,
that the child will :be . sent to her
father, J. L. Crawfcrd, of Los An-'
geleS. . : ,u: ' i
Mrs. Crawford would not be in
terviewed today. Members of her
cult said she was very busy. She
had a number of important i letters
to write, and she would not see any
one until her correspondence , was
disposed of. From remarks .made
by a member of the cult the infer
ence Was drawn that one of the let
ters was to her husband.
Crawford is not in sympathy with
his wife's teachings. He endeavor
ed, to keep her away from the
meetings of the tongues when the
sect was born in Los Angeles a few
months ago, and when . all efforts
failed he allowed her to leave home
and tke their 9-year-old child
alone. To save her from want and
insult on the way, it is said, and
the report is founded on good au
thority, he bad friends meet her at
tbe cities where she stopped and
give her money to pay her fare
One of these friends was the fam
ily washerwoman, who gave the
leader of the "tongue of fire" $15
for necessities, and another man
who paid Mrs. Crawford's fare from
Los Angeles toOakland. From Oak
land north to Portland, eo the sto
ry runs, Crawtora 5 teiegrapnea
friends in each stopping place a re-
quest to see that his wife and child
wanted for nothing. 5
The evident , intention of Craw-
continued on page 4.
Royal does not contain ah atom of
phosphatic acid (which is the
product of bones digested in sul
phuric acid) or of alum (which is
one-third sulphuric add) substan-,
es adopted for other baking pow
ders because of their cheapness.'
auil Prop .at . 1
' ' STATE. .
While ' Woman Cannot Now Bej
Held for Trial, She Most Be
Kept to Await Mental De
velopments. . .
Olympia, Wash. Jen. 3 Esther
Mitchell, who murdered her broth
er, has been legally declared in
sane, and may not be deported to
Oregon because the law ordering
deportation is invalid.
: Such is he decision renderedtot
day by a majority ot the supreme
court. The majority opinion' is
signed by Justice Crow, who wrote
it, and Justices Dunbar, Hadley
and Rudkin. Justice Root concurs
as to the right of the court to ap
point a lunacy commission, but ex
presses no opinion on the deport ac
tion matter. He says he doubts
the propriety of celling a law void
when the validity of tbe statute
was directly questioned before tbe
court. ;
Chief Justice Mount writes a
brief but vigorous dissenting opin
ion, holding the court has ' not au
thority to appoint a lunacy com
mission, as was done. This view
was eharedby Justice Fullerton.
The majority opinion is very
lengthy. , It briefly recites the kili
ing of Joshua Creffield, by George
Mitchell, and the subsequent mur
der of Mitchell by bis sister, Esther
Mitchell,; the arrest. of these wo-
men, charged jointly with the mur
der of Mitchell; the complaint made
by Frank Hurt that the!-women
were insane; the calling of a lunacy
commission by Judge- Frater to pass
upon the mental condition of the
women, Bnd.the finding by. tbe
judge that bothwomsn were insane;
and should be deported to Oregon,
their place of residence. , ,
, The application of Prosecuting
Attorney Mackintosh, of King coun
ty, for a writ to restrain Judge Fra
ter from eigning tie order finding
the women insane and ordering de
portation is the basis for this action.
In its majority decision the court
sayB the lower "court is possessed
of inherent power and jurisdiction
to conduct inquiries as to sanity
without regard to statutory author
ity." '
This power, it is stated, comes
from the common law. -Elsewhere
Judge Crow declares "knowingly
placing an insane person on trial
for a crime puniehable by death is
not to be tolerated by the courts of
anv civilized ration." .
The whole argument of the court
along this point is that it is the du
ty of the court to conduct such an
examination where the person ia
accused of a crime Involving the
d'ath penalty, and that to try an
insane person is unconstitutional,
because the defendant is not capa
ble of understanding the charge
against him and making defense
The deportation statute is held in
valid because it required the sheriff
. contnned on page 4