The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, January 01, 1907, Image 4

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John McDougall and F. D.
McLouth are Portland visitors.
After attending the funeral of
her brother John FLsoei, Mrs. E.
Hands returned Saturday to her
hoaie at Oregon CLy. ;
" News frjm t'e bedside of
Mrs. A. E. Kisor, who was strick
en by pira ysis, at Siletz a - few
days ago; is to the efiect that she
gradually declining. Sunday
Waiter Kisor V'-o u-d on horseback
to be wiui hi mother and yester
day Mns. J. Mason, a daughter,
c.iik the train for Toledo, whence
Uie went to Sile.z oy team.' -
A man in a neigaboring town
was. playing a slot machine, one
day last week, when a news paper
repartee a.costed him with " Know
anything this morning, Jim?" "No
. " he replied, ' 'It I did I would
.buy a cigar instead of. trying ;
win one on a slot ' machine. '
Having disposed of his dental
parlors and retired from practice,
Dr. Lester becomes assoc ated with
F. t,. Miller in the high grade
poultry business. Poultry raising
has loan been a favorite "side line"
of Dr. Lester, and since he began
he business in earnest - he wears
h cheerlul smile -.nd feels that af
ter all life is wort: living. He
would like to drop his title and be
come in all res; ecc.3 a plain poultry
A P3iley. Oregon, dispatch
relates to the death of a gentleman
who waa a member of a family at
one time residents of Corvallis. It
says, Gilbert Gaylord took a
dose of pjison by mistake from a
. bottle which he supposed contain
ed another medicine and died in an
hour. Mr. Gaylord was an old
and repected resident of'.this place
having lived here since I873. . He
was a mining man . owning; some
part ail v developed mines near
Paisley,- and was always very , en
tntssiantic over mining prospects in
L,ake county. He has one brother
jStephen Gaylord, living iq Paisley.
He. also bad a biothr Jerome Gay
lord, a horse raiser in Montana.
. M. V. Gleason, who was for
along time a shoemaker in Cor
vails, lsuead. He passed away at
Centralia Washington " on Christ
mas day, after au illness of enly
six days. Tiie lacts are told in a
Centralia news paper as follows:
M. V. Gleason died at the family
residence in the north part of the
city. Tuesday December ' 25 at
the advanced ae of 72-years after
an illness of only six days dura
ti n. The direct cause of his
death was paralysis. The funeral
was hid from the Scicklin under
taking parlors Wednesday after
noon. Rev. Skagg 3 of the. Christian
church conducting Lhe services and
the interment listing place in the
Washington Lawn cemetery.'- Mr.
Gleasou was born in. ' New .' York
state ia 1S34 conniing to this city
about a yeui aj.o. He 'leaves a
wife and twoehildTeti to mourn his
loss. ,, ,- .
LOST in or nsr i'owu pair of glasses in
c6fl, riiiderrall IudepeDdent Phone
:S6-4 or lsavo at 'i'iine-; Oi1i-e. -
FOR SALE. Newly finished
6 10 43 bouse end bam and two
lots with fice garden and fruit.
CIo e in- ve y cheap- on easy
terms. Phone - Ind. 149. '"
- "Bids for Wood.
"Sialed bids for furnishing the Oregon
AgtieaUural college With wood for the
school var beginr-iiix September, , 190,7 received at (lie ol'ijce.T. H.Craw
ibrd jmictiasing ggc.iit of the college op
to Saturday Dec 29, 06. .Forpecifi
cations call on the clerk and purchasing
FRESH OYSTERS Daily at the
Maqle Shade Lunch Coiinter.
Patrons should piace their "orders
sbialf a day in advance". A- Assell
Use Lenords best for
wheat fiour it is excellent.
a hard
WE CAN FILL your wants. Write
us. Do you want to sell your
property, farms, or business. Call
on us. We furnisb " partners
- and cash. Loan your money
Spark man 8c Company Main St,
Corvallis, Oreg. .
Chamberlain's Salve.
This salve is intended especially for sore
nipples, burns, frost bites, chapped hands,
itchine piles, chronic sore eyes, eranulated
ye lids, old chronic sores and for diseases ol
the skin, such as tetter, salt rheum, ring
worm,-scald head, - herpes, barber's itch,
srabies. or itch and eczema. . It has met
with unparalleled success in the treatment
f these disfaws. Price 25 cents peT box.
I'rvit.- For tide by Graham & WorthM.
Mrs. John Allen returned Sun
day from Pprtl8nd. .u;v . ..v.
Mrs. M. S. Bash will receive
her friends from "3 to 5 Friday af
ternoon. ;; ' ' ' 'J
Rev. and Mcb. Haodsaker re
turned,, Saturday evening -from a
holiday visit with, relatives at Morp,
' -7M; S. Woodcock returned Sat.
orday evening from a business trip
to Portland... 1 - - ' ' i
John Simpson and wife return
ed Saturday, from a visit with Port
land friends. They, were . accom
panied by Mrs, Monteith.
ClydePhilips and W, T. Sbaw
were among thoee returning Satur
day evening from a holiday visit in
.Portland, v' n V;"'"' ' ',.'.'.v.-'.''f
A'.- C. Schmidt of. Albanv, w'a
doing business in Corvallis Saturs
day evening. '
, An informal' 'dance at Fisher
ball Saturday evening is ' said to
have been the j oiliest of the season.
' ;- Miss Harriett Sheagreen7 of
the Times typographical force, went
to Portland Monday for a brief stay
with her parents.7 '-y n? '
There was a large attendance
at the Coffee Club "Tea" yesterday
afternoon.- : - w ;
Saturday night Walter Taylor
rete:ved by boat from Abe Nelson,
Independence, a fine registered Jer
sey bull 15 monthe. old. This ani
mal is of I e Ladd stock. He is a
grandson of. Upright; Maiden, an
animal of Dote among dairy stock
meB. -.-;r' i;'v"t- -iv
; -Corvallis Grange elected, officers
Sat Br day, as follows: Master, 11.
L. French; overseer, P., L. Kent;
lecturer, Miss , M. Soell ; . steward,
W. J. Kent; assistant Steward, . E.
E r w i n ; .' chaplain , ' George Coote;
tr.-a6Urr, R, L. Whitehead ; secre
tary, H. French; gate keeper. A, B.
Cordley ; pomona. Mrs. With y combe
flora, Mrs. French; ceret, Mrs. Cal
lahan; lady assistant steward, Mrs.
w. J. Kent.,.., ;:...;.' ,',. .'l
. At the regular meeting of Ells
worth corp No.;7, W. R.C.,held in
this city : Friday, the following, ofiV
erjj were elected to .saryefrjior the
ensuing , year:, 4 President,: Agnes
senior , vice presineut, Lydia
Eullis; junior vice president. Ada
Far VP ejr J chapiai o, ; : Nanoy. Wood;
reaeurer. Fanny Oren jf conductress,
Mary -n Wilkins; eecretary, ; Emily
Henkle;,Guard; L'nore Peterson.
' ' 0r.- g6hf ab'The northern rp
of lhe OregoU Agricultural College
basket-ball team has assumed ; the
proportions of a triumphaoi tour
because of .many victorlee. Every
team bas been vanquished by the
sturdy, "Agrics," and ' they have
played some of the strongest teams
in the Eyergceeh state. 'The;. tout
beiug made by the Corvallis team
is one of the longest v ndertaken by
a basketball team, on the Pacific.
Cart.' -''. "n.:
A negro preacher while speak
ing to sd audience of hie own color
chanced to make use in the course
of his remarke of ,? the .word "phtr
nomencn." Tpis rather puzzled seV",
eral of his hearers.'who at the close
cf the meeting asked to be inform ed
of its meaning. Nqt knowing quite
how to answer them, the preacher
put them, off until the following
Sunday, wen he tbas explained : "If
you see a cow, :that's not a phenom
enon,' if you see a thistle, , that's
pot a 'phenomenon.' eee a
bird that sings, that's not ,a pbe
nomeQon eilber. Bat," he said,
"if you see a cow sitting on a this
tle .and elnglng like a bird- then
that's a 'phenomenon.' " ,
At the annual business meeting
of the Congregaticnal church the
following officers were elected and
thoBe holding over r Deacons, A. B.
Cordley, W, J. Kent, Frank Wood,
R. L. Whitehead, Charles Per not
and R. J. Nichols; deaconnesees,
Mrs, Martha Burnett, Mrs. Fred
Clark, Mrs.' Martha : Bercbfold;
Jtrnetee?,; R. L.Whitehead, Charles
Pernot, Frederick Berchtold, W;" J.
Kent..' A." ; i ?CCordlcv:- Frank
Wboar'dtairth ccMrs.Fred1
Clarki treasurer, 'MierPT. Campbell
euperiDtfndent of Sabbath schools,
Charles Pernot; ' assistant superin
tendent, Mr."A.B. rWyliams;
brarian, Ruby Fowells; secretary,
Me le Hollister; organist, Margaret
Fowells. . -.
I . t -. r. Watch this space
'25 acres near small town 12 acres
timber, goocl house, Jbam, chickehusej $ sphool,, a nice c
' Good stroe and dwelling combined, barn with windmill 3 acres of ?
with fruit; a fine location (or small business, in little town, price $1,000. v
26 acres 18 in cult, balance hrnber and pasture, house and bam, soil
sandy loam Located near .own of Queensbury, Warren County New
York price $ 1 ,000, will trade for Oregon land. T -
" " J "
continued from page 1
mother, picked the baby up in her
arms and, with little. Cecil clinging
lose to her took the ; children to
the home of Mra.Sshmtd,' who lives
in the building .adjoining that in
which the murder was committed.
As she reached the bottom of the
stairs she' nearly fall over- the body
of Julia, who lay in a pool of blood
on the sidewalk. fx- ': .
Mrs. Sohmid'and Mrs. Larson
bathed the legs of the little one in
sweet oil and rater wrapped the boy
in towels soaked with cold water,
and a bandage was 'placed over the
deep wound which evidently had
been' made by the. child strlkingits
head against the corner of the red
not stove as it felljfrom its mother's
arms; vr' -r.-
Mrs. McMahon, a - friend of the
Bignani8, was sent for; She is Hao
Italian woman and speaks both her
native tongue and English: a The
details of the traeedy had not then
been learned- and'1 h ' was thought
that Cecil, as socn as ' he recovered
somewhat : from ' the excitement
which shook hie" body, woald b
able to tell of the crime. Mrs. Mc
Mahon spent nearly half an hour
questioning 1 the little fellow, ; but
earned nothing. It wbb not nntil
after sb; had reiurned to her-home
that it was learned 'the little boy
was dumb., -h ; u-.;; . '
' When the father of the two chil
dren reached home from his place
oi work be inquired immediately for
the little ones,' and upon being told
where they were - he rushed into
Mrs.' Sch raid's Bitting room where
the women were tryiBg to quiet the
screaming children: I
Otu ..sdv.raaaF? bhiv. my ba
biesl" he he frantically Held
them Id his breatt. "My wife,. I
losadberso' beeofabed,"tbesffare
all I Inrve left.'.' ' rw
Then, blinded with tears and
dazed with the grief that overpow
ered him; he put the children in the
care of the . women and . left the
house with Officer Ly tie. . -. A few
moments'- after - he ' had collected
himself and daring the: rest i of the
morning he worked quickly and in-
telligently in.directing the detaUs
and giving information to . the offi-
cers. .-.-!- ; - ' - - ;i r-- ; i i;
' Walla Walla, Wash., Dec. 28.
Sidney Sioanei the boy parricide,
arrived on. a, delayed train from
Spokane; shortly before 4 o'clock
yesterday afternoon in charge Of
Sheriff Doak of Spokane ; county.
He was nicely dressed and was not
shackled . He walked from the train
to the penitentiary by - the. aide; of
Boili and tome guards. . ;v
; Sheriff Duak refused permission
to any one to .talk with Sloace, say
ing: k"He would not talk With you,
anyway." Quite a number of peo
ple were at the etation and gazed ;at
Sjoane curiously as the . word was
passed about that he . was the hoy
murderer., Ve-y few knew that be
was coming outside of newspaper
and police circles. :V.
; He was received at the peniten
tiary as aq ordinary prisoner and
today is simply a number, in stripes.
. Sloane made no , fusp, , according
to Warden Kincaid. No legal pro
ceedings for his release, have baen
begun here. . ,Nq visitors were seen
by the prisoner this, morning. :
It is reported that Sloane took his
trip down lightly, winking at girls
on the train.. He ate a hearty lunch
in the diner eu route. -;
. Washington', Dec. 2g. ''Real
trouble, is. brewing in Cuba; the cri
sis may come sooner than . was ex
pected ; war will , probably ; be the
only way out of the difficulty." , ;
; The words quoted came from an:
exceedingly; high, administration
source and they- were uttered .with
a , distint yiew; of :;preparing . the
American public - for the extreme
of what is likely to happen.,
The statement is warranted that
President Roosevelt -and those in
pfefr touch. with, .him respecting
theg49iutivn,,o,theCubap problem
hyefsKell riighidespaUed of -satidihg
it amicably.. "V- o; rfc
j ..No telegraphic advice's' from 'Cu
ha have been received, either by the
secretarv of war ,hrthe bureau, of
ineular-affairsL' Buicebcembei.Sd,
and tbe,4r; "tment.jVwjd
for j
in ..jiviWs.:.t. Jsture and
.v-:. .4: j. -. . - o 1 , jtf&S-. v;-:.u,A.
OAC Defeated Famous Snohomish
Teem Played at Pendleton Last -
1 " Night::: --7:'
The comment of the Oregonian
on the tour of 'lhe ; OAC basfcet
bail team is . in another column.
It relates that so far the. trip- is a
triumphal march. The boys are
now at Pendleton, where-1 they
played a game last n ght j; the"' re
suit of which has not been learned.
It is planned to play at' Milton and
Weston, 'and then go to Spokane,
for a game with what is said- to
le one of the hardest teams in
the country. " After Spokane it- is
probable that the ; boys : will return
home. r- - y''r':' '1'
The baldest game of the trip so
far was at Snohomish Friday
night, j .The latter sggegation has
bcu . known as one of the , , best , in
Washington. Its players,, expecl
ed an easy victory overOACir 0 In
fact, OAC was told by the Red
Wing team when here last winter
that Snohomish could beat the
Oregon collegians. : The Snohomr
ish team weighs an average of 178
pounds,- and are rough, players
The- game Fridayr night: opened .in
their favor and at the close- of .the
first half stood i3 to 21 for the
Washingiouians. Early - in ' the
second1 half1 OAC : sent in fresK
men ani when the game closed
the score was 41 to 32 favor of
the Oreonians." The last eleven
points made in the game wee
sCjred by Oregoa while Waging
ton got none. The team left : Lao"
homish xoj Pendleton . Saturday
morning. Bilyeu and Reed were
a little oui. of condition as a re
sult of bumps at Seattle and Sno
homist, ,,'uere .the play by teams
J was very rough. Reed s trouble
a mosci oriise, and was 01 . surti-
cient gravity that that he went
out in the second half at Snoho
m?sh and was replaced by Foster
whose place at center was taken '$f
Cate. The team is expected home
bout next Monday; - '
much concerned as to late develop
ments in , the island. . .. Moderate
j leaders are declared to be . stirring
1 the negroes of the island to turbu
lence, and it is feared here! that
their tfforts In this ' direction' 'may
precipitate conditions that .will call
for drastic trea tment 60 the part .of
the gove; nment., .; ... . .
; General Bell's action in orde ing
trojps to proceed to Santa Clara
proviuce, while it is openly . pro
nounced to have been for the .' pur
pose of giviog the men, marching
practice, ia privately admilted hy
war department pfficiale hre to be
Jnter-.d6d,-a3 a movement to give
moral support to the doctnoe of depend.-:
u , v hieh our govcinment is
bent on oiakicg known, forcibly; jf
nerl be. ." . , . ' ... , ' '
W thin a few weeks one of the
laig pt litjets trat this government
has ever masted will be coucentratr
ed in Cuban - waters, ostensibly for
practice in maneuvers at s a. . The
moft eignificint. thing is . that", the
fleet, in-ide.frotio its physical prowj
ees, wiil carry about 4.000 marines,
who could be landed at a moment's
notice, if an emergency arose. ' ?
' Lincoln, Neb. Dec. 29. William
J. Bryan said tonight that in an in
terview with him at Topeka, Kan.,
he bad been quoted as . saying re
ferring to hie possible candidacy for
prfsident: " . .
: ''No one would decline a nomi
nation of that kind." .
. Mr. Bryan said to that extent
the Topeka interview was incorrect.
He insisted that be had nothing to
add to the statement given, out by
him in. London several months ago
and j repeated, several times since,
namely: tie does not tninKvtne
time has come for him to announce
that he will be a candidate or to
announce that he will not be a can
"Circumstances," saidjr.Bryan,
must determine that,-QVlj49n aD4
it ia loq.far.rom -tbe.Tffcn)o' t
fpftls nnw, , Mr'VRrvftrJ.wtllfioend
tbej' .: theliolid:ays,:;ali
hia home at Fairyisw and will de
part January .-.5, for ; tbe; -Pacific
Coaefcon a montn a ltctcre tour. ..
Or?" MondWyouat officials
were progaring to present td'dgd
8nd Mr. Woodward, upon their re-
torn" from Portland, a testimonial
of their regard for the , bridal pair,
A handsome cut glass berry - bo wl
with silver spoon was decided upon
as au appropriate gift.' 1 be- presen
tation was to be quite informal. It
was Dlanned ta place the articles
upon the judge's desk, accompanied
by a brief -statement of their eeteem
and an expression ' of . hope that
much happiness might rttend the
recipients upon their future path
of life, """he statement is signed by
Clerk Vincent, Sheriff Burnett, Re;
corder Newton, TreasurerBuchan
an, and Supt. Denman- j
FOK SAtE,an-jorgan..
Wicts, Corvallis.
Always found aUhe store of
A Full Une of General Merchan-
dise and
Bring all your eggs and butter to MOSES and get the highest
, market price. . .
A Man is Never We Dressed i
" " ' ? :
Without a good hat and shoes. We sell both, call 'and
see them. The Famour Packard Shoe $3.50, $4 and $5. The
John B. Stetson Hat $4 and $5, also a complete line of cheaper
hats arid aU men's furnishings. The new clothing store.
The only exchiave Mens Furnishing Store in-Town,
Corvallis, Oregon,
We ara notinclined to spend much time in
writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods
and customers speak for themselves.
B Borning
Greatest of - all
I V ti"'. ofl tHd Market.
In Serving. Can be bought' at
y."'" 'phone" 203: -
Groceries. , ,
Food Productions