The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, January 01, 1907, Image 1

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    IT CM UrOTjYft JrfMfZ
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11 1-11 ill. rill 111 II I 41 I - III.- i.7 n r
; ' " . -
Vol. XIX.-No.
P. F. IKTnV W , i' .
al Proscar,
Oregon's Great Recreation and Health
Resort at the Newport Beaches.
Ticket Sales Resumed Not.
1st to May 31st, 1907. ; :i
As winter leiittb nd rcreaUoa reaovt to
Newport Is the. one par excellence. BeeogalzlDg
this, the Sontbern Fcitt sd Corvellle .A tot;
era have renamed the (ale at ticket through p
Yaqulna. From all 8. P. polnte, tickets will to
eold throughout the winter ;.'n4 aprtof QAUl
Jlar Slat, eveVy ' . :&-'X X-vj-i'.
Wednesday and. Saturday
Dd from Albany, Corrallls and Philomath on
the Corrallis & Esatera, Mcketa will be eold to
Taqulnaaua Newport DAILY. ,: : ...t; .,
The rates will be the aaine as during the earn
mer, and .will be: good tor retarn 90 days from
dateof aale. . ;. ' i ' : '
1 Dr. Mikhorn's Sanitary jBaths ,-,
Will b&lu operation daring the entire winter
and treatments will be given dally.
. Other Health. Resorts Closed., .
During tie winter nearly all other health re
sorts are closed or dlffienlt to reach, and none
of them hare the advantages ol Hewport aad
vicinity as regards climate, points of Interest,
recreation, and amusement. Fe? parties desir
ing to enjoy fishing, hunting, or seeing the
ocean in sunshine or In storm, the famous resort
Is unequalled, the surroundings are Ideal
beautiful eeenery, climate mild, healthful and
invigorating. Cottage for rent cheap'. Fresh
vegetables, milk, honey, fruit at lowest possible
eost, fish and the famous rock oyster to be had
t or the trouble of securing them.
Fuli Information from any 6. P. or O. & E.
Agent, or from the General Passenger Agent of
either company. '
Eatefrom OonaalUs to Taqaina, S3.25.
Rate fromCorrallis to Newport TS "
Our Sale for Jaritfyj
ill be-
X?m :
Cdrvallis. &xasiern
Trains From and to Yaquina
No I -. v-"-,'-. 4 - .
Leaves Yaqutna 6 .ao a. m
Leaves Corvallis io:4o a. m
Arrives .'Albhnv. ... .... . .: . . 11:40 a, m
Leaves Albany... ....... . . . i:2o p. m.
Leaves Corvallis. i:a0 . m
Arrives Yequm. ...... ' 5 -.45 p. m
No 3- ,
r Leaves Albanv for Detroit. . 7:30 a, m
. Arrive Detroit .............. 12:30 p. m
No 4
Leaves Detroit. . 1:06 p. m
Arrive Albany. . . . : 5:05 p. ru
No 8 5 -
; Leaves Albany i . v ..... 7 a . m
Arrives Corvallis ..... .... . o 130 a. m
No 10 i
Leaves Albany. . .... 3:5 p. w
Arrive Corvallis.. . ....... 4:30 !' in
No 6 ' . : - ' : -
Leaves . Albany. ...... . . . 7 :35 p. in
." Arrives Corvallis 8:15 p, m
N05 ' '''
Ieaves Corvallis. .0:30 8. m
. Arrive Albany...... ....... ..7 ao a. m
No 9
Leaves ucrvailis.,. . ... ; . . ,; 1:30 p. m
Arrives Albany 2:10 p. m
No 7-r . -v."-
. Leaves Uorvauis.-. ........ 6:00 p. m
Arrive Albany....... . 0:40 p. m
So 11
Leave uorvnins 11:00 a. n
Arrive Albany 11:42 a. m
No 12-
Leaves Albany. , -i?:45 p. m
Arrives Corvallis. 1 133 p. m
Big stock to make selection. Every article in the store
s -. reduction: " !K?, U'l'X
Big line heavy overcoats, boys and mens 25 discount
Big line rain overcoats, mens at 20 discount V
Big line ladies jackets at 50 discount ! ,
Big line gents and boys clothing at 20 discount
Big li."3 dress goods underwear, hosiery, shoes, rugs,
jewing machines and in fact every article in the '
X store at a big reduction. Now is the time. to buy V
tHiMSELF. --r, -.-v
Vengeance-of a Jilted , Lover Wo
: man Carrying Her , BabeJallB ;.
. . From He,r Arms:: on Red
Hot Stove--QthertNewB, -
XAi -x ': J
Oregon I
Highest Market Price Paid for
Hides, Ptlts and Furs.
Notice to Creditors.
n the Matter of tbe Estate
John WcGee, Deceased .,
Notice is hereby glveii to all persons concern
ed that the nnderslgned has been duly appoint
ed admlFtrator of the estate of John SlcGee, de
ceased, by the county court nf the state of Ore
gon for Benton county. All persona hnvina
clams4E8laa&ttui.efcSaieof John McGee defeased
are kereoy rei)!iUd tu prei-eut the same with the
propor vuadwrs diily verified as by law requir
ed within sis months from the nate hereof to the
uniersignea at bis residence one milejsoiiin of Cor
vallis, in Benton ceuuty .-Oregon, or at the, law
ui r. v.. tviiBun.aii u'Tvams, uregon.
Dated this November 9, 12UtS. ':
; : - p. j McGEE, ' .
Administrator of the estate of John MeGee, de
-ceased- . ,
Notice cf First Meeting of Credits??;
In tte Ditric Court of the United States tor the
- District of .,-ftv.
la Bankruptcy.
In the Matter of i
Lena (J. Kabkr, In Bankruptcy.
To the creditors of Lena C. Saber, of Corvallis, in
me county oi Benton ana district aforesaid,
bankruot. .
Notice is hereby ariven on the 3d dav of Decern
ber A. D., J9C6, the said Lena C. Raber was dulv
adjudicated bankrupt; and that the firit meet log
oi ner creaitors win oe neta at rcy omee in Gir-
valha on the 29th day of December, A. D. 1906, at
2 o'clock iathe afternoon, at which time the said
creditors may ati6nd. prove tbfelr claims, apooint a
trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such
other business as may properly coma u before the
Dated December 18,
; Before In Bankruptcy.
Kotice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby crlven 'thai 'the iiniersi;ne'l
has been duly appointed administratrix of the
estate of William F. Miller, deceased, by the
county court of the state of Oregon, for Benton
county, sitting in probate-: All persons having
claims against -said estate are required to pre
sent the same duly verif.e.i to . me at mv residettce
in Summit precinct, in sail oonnty, or at the law
office of E. Holprnte, in Corval is," Oregon, .within
Dated at Corvallis, Orsgon. Tee. IS, tWii
'i . -. ' AdmluUtrutrix.
t will pay you to come in and see us.before buying. your winter sup
ply. ;Yp carry a full . lihfe .'"of New and Second-Hand Furniture. '
Furniture, v;Stpves,; Ranges
y, Glassware and Graniteware Watch Friday's
paper for Price. ' ,
Money to Loan on all Kinds
of Security. .
"'--.. 'i - - .. .
North east Cor. 2nd an Monroe Streets
A Happy New Year insured if you
trade at
' '. . 4 V-': ' -j '.4 Jj- -a X -J
U-yiA ifV QUJ;rJJjiL WE Sell Flour.
- .....-.. -wi ,'.";.. .a,.if
"HIS HaSTCD'S VOICi1':? ."".-M f"'"
We sell them $5 down and $5 a month until Daid
for. Eeeords, needles 8 tone regulators. A fresh sup-"
ply of flash lights and batteries. ::. A complete5 line of
eutlery. .Sporting goods, guns and ammunition etc.
The SportinGoods Man,
Ind. Phone 126.
Corvallis, Oregon.
, Portland, Or., Dea. 28. Sav
ignoni, to avenge the persistent . re
fusal of his atteotlone, went; to . the
come of Arttiro Bignani, . 402 Wa
ter street, thiB moroiDg. ftabbed to
death his rrife, Guilia- Bignani:
stabbed and perhapa fatally wound
ed Anna V ismera, her mother, and
then killed himself.;,: .cJL- .
i Sa vlgnoni went to the place at 9
0 clock, thia morning; Entering the
house irom the street, he crossed the
hallway and suddenly; appeared in
the kitchen, where were Gnilia Big-
cani, her mother, Aonia Viamara,
and her two children, a . j-year-old
boy and an Infant. : .y.. -
Emerging from the house, Savigr
ooi hurried to. the Davis drug
.Store, Third and Everett streets,
where Arturo Bignani, husband of
the murdered woman, is employed.
Detectives believe he went there to
finish the extermination of the fam
uj,by the murderjiBigiiaui, but
jwas deterred bythecrowd in the
Beaching the - place, - he ehodk'
hands with a friend, .excused him
self and returned" to a rear part of
the store. . Ao hour later a clerk,
comink'sdepicions at hiB,"prolone-
ear apsence, weni to inveaugaw. oa-
vieljfjnt'ytas loujad lyihgv upon the
noor, wun p. ozrpaiiore.jrfvpiyer. .py
his,side, : There waai'a smalf, .powt
derrnarked hole in his, tetxiple. . . On
ered that he, was still &llve.and.-rer
nrorved 'him to Good Samaritan hoe
pita! where he died' two- hotusi la
ter 1-5 "i O' i-i :l '-
Tn'e dual and terhap3 triple tragi
edy was" the'result' Of - SayjghOnTs
persistent jittenUqriB ;to th.omaja.
Neighbord declare tnat. tney,, were
first acqnlnted jOJitaly.. and there
Savignoni began: lo show hia admir-:
atton -fo f the girl;; H4 continued
them on their ariivar- in thisoun.
try, and. did , not aecist ! after ! her
marrjage to, Arluro Bignanj.
1 ne eiaer (was preparing reajar-.
fast while her ,. daughter . held 'the
infant In, herrarms. . The little boy.
who is a mute, was playing on the
floor. v' : ' '
.jQaickly closing the door behind
him Savignoni ..sprang toward the
younger womna. ; As he. advanced
he drew a long ttueto from a scan-.
board and plunged it bilt deep into
her breat.' She ecreamea and stag
gered -back,". , dropping ; the baby,
wbicp fell " upon the J Stove. ' He
drew out the knife and "raised it
again. Reel) n g the : woman reached
the door, audi b tumbled down a etairr
way, tryiag vpinly to escape. ,, She
re ha shdrt distance and fell . prone
upon the sidewalk, expiring almost
Instantly. -WV j ';',-.
Startled by; the endden attack
and the screa'm: of ' her -daURhteri
the elder woman turned toward the
murderer. She stood between him
and the door, hoping to prevent hie
pursuit, v He. raised,; thJ (dripping
knife and the blade sank deep into
the woman's shoulder. He struck
again, sinking the 'knife in - her
back, 'and the woman fell bleeding
to the floor- ' ". ,'' 1J
'The assassin walked quickly
through the door by which he "had
entered, passed through . the hall
way and into the street and escap
ed.: He closed the door in leaving
the room where he had wreaked bis
vengeance. "- 4y -9
'The little mBtghd'the fnfaii
were the 6plyf Eyewitnesses ''to ;;th.e
deed.' The: child, suffering intense
ly, csreamedl while the ' little ' boy
pounded and kicked upon the walls
and doors; The; infant wae horribly
burned. p'-'- ':" i:--"'t'
vrersons wno reside in the same
houee th which 'the tragedy, was en
acted were attracted J?y . jbe scream
ing of the child and the pounding
upon- the door, by the boy, -Jfctily-ing
the police an: investigation was
began: i'i ,r Xy t i iXJ''- .
. The kitchen floor was covered
with blood. Large drops and pools
clearly indicated the direction the
woman bad taken after sbe had
been stabbed, and on opening the
door into a rear yard her .body was
discovered. She lay upon the walk
distance from the door."
The elder woman was-1 vine upon
the kitchen floor, bleeding profusely
but conscious. - She' was able.: to
give a brief account of the affair to
the officers.- She was removed to
Good Samaritan hospital,; where lit
tle hopes of recovery are . given out.
PatrousaoiMarX Jimle was the
first offioer upoh the scene and was
soon joined by others. ' It was with
the greatest efforts they kept back
the orowds of Italians -'and others
who gathered about the house soon
after the twgedy.
','Savignoni had paid attentions to
the .woman lor years," said : cna of
the neighbors who was intimately
acquainted with their affairs.. "He
was born in Venice , and there he
first knew the girl. : ,' He came" to
Portland ' during the ' Lewis and
Clark fair, when Bignani and his
wife were living here. : - -
"In order' to escape him they
went to San Frisco and Los Angeles
and he followed them there. Re
cently :. they, returned . to Portland
and he came, too. ;
"On several occasions within the
last week or so her husband has
ejected . Savignoni from tbe house
and threatened more severe punish
ment if. be returned. ' ' Savignoni
has told several of bis friends that
he swore a long time ago that the
girl should be hit and that she must
die if she did not. He kept bis
word." ' . ::-X-.:---
' About the house where Savigno
ni wreaked his veageanceh there was
an excited crowd of Italians this
morning. Dark-haired women with
babes in their arms swore vengeanoe
while men cureed deeply. Threats
erf lynching and vows to aveuge the
deed were made - by f riend & and
neighbors of the stricken ' family:; r
i ; Mr. and Mrs.'Larkia occupy the
rooms on the second . floor, of the
houBe. She beard the soreams of
the little baby as he lay, in agony
on the kitchen floor, : and thinking
perhaps the little fellow had injured
himself white the mother was out
side, she rushed down the front
stairs to his assistance. At the bot
tom of the stairs she met Cecil,
frantic with fear; .The little fellow,
too young : to . have a full under
standing of the horrible r sight, hie
childisn eyes witnessed, wrung his
bande. His little body shook with
the excitement and . the sobs that
welled up in his throat She spoke
to him, but he made only a few in
coherent Bounds.
Even then Mrs. Larson did not
realize that anything was wrong,
While ehe stood in the hallway for
a moment trying to g I isomethicg
from : Cecil, mtn from the street
broke open the front door. "What's
gone, wrong?" they asked, and when
she could give them no information
th6y told her of the bleeding woman
who had but the ' moment before
rushed dowii the ; back steps and
dropped dead on the eidewslk. v
Then she went to the kitchen.
The little baby lay on the floor close
to the body of the grandmother.
Its clothes were .covered with blood
and be lay in a, .bipod y.,pool which
had flowed from the wounds of the
old woman. Mra. Larson s'epped
over the body of the prottr ate grand
negroes' crme;
1 ?
i-Wirest Appeal foTrHelp-Mrtens)
- t !fli. 1 .....
uuig , uuciju rvusuts io- ins ' '
. Scene With Armed Posse, C
but the Blacks Make .
ir-l Goo4TheirEflcape.i !
. .iU:o, htiX .'.-:n:i v.... .
Spartensburg. S. XJ., Deo. 28.
Telegraph - Operator - Porter," ia
charge 'Of. the block station at
Mount Zi ion, six miles' trom here
on the tnaln line of the Southerar
Railway, was taken out of hia sta.
tion tonight, shortly after 7 o'clock
by a crowd of drunken negroes,
tied and whipped, '
The mob surrounded Porter, wha
barricaded himself in the station,
and shot out windows and light i.
Porter: then wired the train die-:
patchers at SpartensburgJ to send
help. : He scarcely bad finished t
message when the negroes broke in
to the. station, seized and dragged
him outside and beat him.
Sheriff Nichols and a party of of-,
fleers left on a special train, but
wnen tney arrived the negroes had;
disappeared. ; The passe is search-;
ing the woods. No arrests : havo'
been, madej : -. ; , ...
El Reno; Okla.,- Dec. 29; It i
believed that the negro, supposed
to be a soldier from Fort Reno, who
last night held up and shot a Chi-,
nese laundryman, : was the ' same'
man who last week shot and eeri-' '
ou-sly .wounded Captain Edgar A,'
MaCklirL Late yesterday a negro an
swering thcdeecriptioo of the Mack- -iin
assailant attempted to hold up
the railroad agent at Dat-lingtou,-bear
here. The agent knocked tha
negro down,;but he escaped, and it
is believed he came to El Reno. ' '
' Several days ago - bloodhounds
traced Macklin's assailant to Darl
ington, where the scent was lost.
Tne Chinaman . is not seriously
wounded. After last nighl'sshoot
ing, the cegro ia believed to have
escaped on a stolen horse.
contuced on page 4'
;' St. Petersburg, Dec. 29. Local
newspapers assert, that the book
written by General Kuropatkin on
the Russio-Japacete war, which has
just been published, has been con
fiscated by the authorities General
Kuropatkin, who has just recently
finished the fourth and last volume-'
of his history of the war, has ' just
returned to St, Petersburg. The
last volume is entitled "The Les
son? of : the- War," and in it tha
General sums up his eriticiBms of
the war office in in : administration
and coduct of the campaign.
FOR SALK a choice set of Barred Ply
mouib Rock cockerels. Independent
phone 292. Lewis F. Wilson College
Hill, C01 vallis, Oregon. -
Healtiful creamof tarta7 deriverJ solefy fifom
grapes rebned to absolute purity, b the active
principle of every pound of Royal Baking
Hence it is tfiat Rovat Bakinc Powder
renderi the food remarkable both for its fine
flavoriarid healthfulness. ; ; - - ;
" " Nojiktmt no pKosphate-whSch aire tne ;
principal elements oftke socalledcheap
baHiigpowclersand whichare derivea
. . from bones, rock and sulphuric aciL
i . . . - ; , ' -