The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, December 07, 1906, Image 4

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The German Lutheran congre
gation will hold thfir regular eer
viee again Sunday at the Pitabyte
rian church at 2 P. M All are wel
come. Albany Democrat: T. K. Arm
Strong, the walnut .promoter, wei.t
10 Oivailia this woming t) ta'k,
wa'nuta to Benton couDty people.
R. A. Thrahfr left yesterday
for his farm in L'nn county afier
sveril days visit with lia brother,
Cal. Tbiaher, of thie city.
Miss Florence Wicks, who has
had a month's vacnou, letutua U
Portland todty t resume her duties
hs nurse in the Good Samaritan
h'ipp t'l.
M. M Long has become the
agent for the Victor talking ma
chine. Melodious drain may 09
heard issuing, from his establish-!
ineut at all times of the day ani
Twenty members of the Y. M.
. A. of 0. A. C. left today fcrEu
.g?DB, wber thi-y went to attend
the Y M. C. A- State Convention.
Delegates are to be present from all.
the associations of Oregon.
Oieoftbebig $S0 organs to
to be given away at toe All-B?ntm
School fair next year if 1 1 be given
to the pupil that has the best ex
Whit, bispd on excejlenoeof the dis
play a d n ae oi th pupil. A
$25 phoocvrapb and $6 worth of re
nnnlH will i.e a tecond uriza in t!ie
same cla.
News was received at the col
lege this morniDg of the death of
Wallace Atwood Thompon at hi?
home In Echi, Umatilla county,
yesterday evening at five o'clock.
Mr. Thompson graduated with the
class at 0. A. C. He was a very
popular young student. The cause
of his death was consumption and
iieart failurp.
The work on the Wills build
ing, near the college, is nearing
completion. The wiring was fin
iahed some time ago and the plast
ering will be completed in a few
days. The building is to have 27
Tooms in it and will accommodate
bout 40 students. The lessee will
have no trouble in filling the build
with ivouieie. Tuis building,
MOicn at one lime etooa cioa a
firomirent eite on college hill will
co longer be recognized as the same
structure' The work of remndelincr
will be finished by the first of the
It bad been planned for the big
school fair 1 ext year to encircle the
entire court house block with a row
of electric lights but ten feet apart
and t fill ttie trees on tbe grounds
with hundreds of incandescenta pro
ducing an tttect lke tbbt at the
Lewis nd Clark Tbe Electric
Light Company had donated tbe
lights fur the purpose. It had alto,
been planned t have a 10 w of lights
Jeaitnor along Mud street to the
coort bouse, but th9 aceion of the
county coutt denylns consent for
he use of tbe courthouse for ex
hibitive purpos s has knocked the
plan in the head. The illumination
"vould have been a very attractive
jfeature of the big ecfcol fair.
Among thoe who went to Sa-
1 m fmnj O. A. C. o Ttrnd the
funeral of CU.v Snepard wtreT. W.
Shaw, C C CUrk, A. G Bouquet,
C. C. Cale, D: G. Thayer, John
Sohro-der, ihe last five mentioned
with J. C, C'ark of Portland, acted
ds pali-bear rs. It was a most im
pressive funeral, Mr. Sbepard, hav
ing arranged most of he service
before his deatb. He eelect"d the
:Soripturea and named tbe pall-bear-rs,
b sides other deta ls A pro
ifnsion of flowers were placed on tbe
s;rave, anoong thm were pieces sent
trom the Y. M. C.'A. of the O. A.
and the Crirtian Endeavor Soci
ety of the Preebyteriaa church of
this city of which be was an active
member while in college.
Geo. E. Cole was found dead
ihi a Portland hotel Monday night.
He, was posttnas'er in Corvallis in
1858, was a delegate from Wash
ington to congress in 1866, was
governor of Washington territory
in 1868 and was postmaster at
Portland. He has of late been, a
resident of Fairview, Washington.
The minister's wife was busi
ly engaged one afternoon mendit g
clothes when a neighbor called for
a friendly chat. Alter a tew , mom
ents of news and gossip the caller
xemarked, as she began to inspect
a bas ket of miscellaneous buttons,
'"You seem to. be unusually well
tsuppli ed with buttons of alt kinds..
Why there's one like my . husband
had on his last winter's snit."
"Indeed," said the minister's
wife with a slight smile. ''Well
all these buttons were found in the
contribution box, and I thought I
might as well make some use of
Continued from page I.
to Washington to secure tbe sena
torial endorsement of the bargain
he had made.
What took place at this confer
ence with Senators Fulton and
Mitchell is clearly set down in a
tuost remarkable letter. It bears
tbe date of January 18, 1q04, and
at tbe top of the first page, in the
handwrltinn of Senator Mitchell, is
tbe warning: "Strictly confiden
tial." The letter, which was sent to-
Brownell. covers four type-written
pages. Tbe important part of tbe
communication is here given," ss
'My Diar Senator and Friend: I
have received your several dispatch
es fciuce Hall left Portland, and
since he airlved here, and both Sen
ator Fulton and myself have. done
evtrytblng in our powr to protcet
you, and also Campbell, who is also
under tbe ban of Greene and others
as we learn to our very great sur
prise and regret and without go
ing into particulars I think I have
been able to so arrange matters a?
to protect you both.
'Of course, Friend Brown-11, this
letter is to you in tbe strictest con
fidence. The btfst way for the pres
ent is to drop all talk about, tbe dis
trict attorneyship and let the mat
ter reBt just precely as it stands
for tbe present. B th Fulton snd
I have, for the purpose of fnlly pre
ttying your inttrBts, gone very
mcc 1 furtl er in a certain dir otion
tbau we ever supposed we would.
I cannot explain fully to you until
I eee you just what I mean.
"Hall leaves this evenihg for
borne. My advice would be for
you to say nothing to him whatev
er, unless he says something 10 you
Just let tbe matter drift for the
present. This is all important.
"Faithfully and eincerely your
Signed. . J. H MITCHELL.
"I have read the above and fully
concur in it.
Signed. C. W. FULTON.
As to the letter, Collier.s article
"Woat Senator Fulton thinks of
th; significance of this letter may
be inferred from the fact that on the
fourth day of January, 1906, Sena
tor Fulton's brother, by appoint
ment, met tbe recipient of the letter
and offered him $500 for it. When
Brownell did not produce it G.
Clyde Fulton warned him in this
"'If you have given up the cor
respondence of Mitchell and my
brother it will be your ruin, aad
yon will be a traitor and an outcast."
The article charges that Senator
Fulton intends taking advantage of
senatorial courtesy to continue to
thwart tbe wishes ol tbe president,
who desires the confirmation of
Bristol, and in cocclusion says: '
"While the responsibility rests
on tbe senate as a whole, the direct
burden must be borne by two mem
be s of the committee cn judijlsry,
Senators Foiaker. and .Kittridge.
They know what manner of man is
their colleague from Oregon. Ytt
they gave ear to Senator Fulton
and refused to report the nomina
tion which President Roosevelt had
made to loeurs the prosecution of
the criminals engaged in stealing
fhe publicdomaine ' f tbe United
Portlanf, Or., Dec. 4. Evening
Journal: Though declared dead 2O
yars ago, Thomas Johnson, 92
years old, is etill alive at the coun
ty poor house, whsre be has lived
since bis alleged death. For 2O
years Johnson maintained a sphinx
like silence on tbe subject' of bis
going to the connty borne for the
poor, but told his story to the grand
jury when it investigated the coun
ty institutions recently.
"I was sick at the Good Samari
tan hospital more than 2O years
agoo," said Johnson. "I went into
a kind of a trance and the doctors
said I was dead. I waa conscious
of what whb going on around me,
but couldn't raove or speak.
"They put ms in o a coffin, load
ed the coffin onto a truck and start
ed me out to the poor farm to be
bnried. I knew I was going to be
buried, but waa belp'e-'e. I tried
all the way out to tbe poor house to
move, but couJdn t.
"As the truck was being .driven
Watch this space
25 acres near small town 12 acres
timber, good house, bam, chicken house, good orchard near school, a nice
little home, price $1,250. , . ; ;
' Good stroe and dwelling combined, barn with windmill 3 acres of'
with fruit; a fine location for small business, in little town, price $1,000.
26 acres 18 b cult, balance timber and pasture, house and barn, soil
sandy loam Located near .own ot lueensbury. Warren County New
Yprk price $1,000, will trade for Oregon land. 1 .
through the gate at the poor farm
one of the wheels struck apaioet a
gatepost and the shock woke mean.
The lid of the coffin wa only tack
ed on and I pu?ned it off easily.
The driver got down to close the
gate. t ; '
"When be climbed up over tne
wheel to his eeat I pushed the lid of
tbe coffin ( ff and Eat op. The dri
ver saw me, let put a whoop and
started 10 run. Nobody ever saw
that driver again, bnt several yfa'P
la'er they captured a maniac in tbe
mountains over in TillamcoK coun
t.. People paid that maniac was
tbe driver who -took me to tbe poor
bouse in a coffin.
When the driver ran away I got
op on tbe eeat and drove the team
no to the ooorhouse and I have
been out here ever since.
Johnson eavs he is a veteran cf
the civil war; that he was formerly
in business in Portland; that be
was at one time a justice of the
peace and at another a constable.
He has no relatives in the city as
far as is known.
Portland, Dec. 2. Oregouian
For atout ten minutes late yester
day afternoon Mount Hood took on
the glistening pink glow of the sun
set and held all spectators spell
bound by the glorious beauty of its
coloring. It is not an unusua
ihinz to see the mountain reflect
ing tbe pink and red of the sun
b jt there was a delicious shading
and mellowness about it yesterday
which caused artists to eazi in ado
ration, and common, tvery-day in
dividnals to stop and wonder at tbe
beauty of it. - '
There have been no succeesfu
pictures of Mount .Hood showing
this worderfui coloring, ass renm
ductiin appears pros'slv unnatura
and lacks the tran-parnt lighting
At sunset the changes -are rapid
and there will be brief instances
when the effect is that of a spot
lieht turned upon the peak. As
the sun dropped below the horizon
yesterday, tbe blue mists crept up
irnm the timber line, gradually en
veloping tbe mountain, until at last
the glowing tip was submerged and
old Hood again stood out in the
eteel-blue coldness of a winter's day
"Where in this country or any
any. other country would one eee
t-cch a sight as that! enthusiastic
ally sighed a nature-loving epecta
"Nowhere but in y.-eeon, re
plied the practical real eatate man
who trade one of a group. "It
bad had that party of Eastern cus
tomers on Council Crest just then
could have sold every xlot on m
The artist sniffed at such rank
commercialism, but as they eeparat
ed each . acknowledged to. himself
that, it was tbe most beautiful sight
ever witnessed. ,
OWNER of Portland Keal Estae
if you want to sell write me; at
once. John B. Matthews, 722
Chamber 'of Commerce,; Portland
J. A. Folger & Co.
San -Francisco
for Bargins in
in cultivation: ballance Dasture and
High Price- I
I ' 'Pmcled in Full Mtasur 'Bottln
1 l160.! - Always
I GATE1 I 6 :
vhgrab L SoTd i
Merit 1
Always found at the store of
A full line of groceries and gen
merchandise always on hand
Bring all your eggs and butter to
Have You Bought that Winter
Suit Yet?
If not. come and let us figure with you. We have
a fine line of ready-to-wear clothing also a large line
of samples we take your measure and guarantee a fit.
Give us a call.
The only exclusive Mens Furnishing Store b Town.
Corvallis, Oregon.
" We are not inclined to spend much time in
writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods
and customers speak for themselves.
B Horning.
Greatest of all
on the Market.
In Serving. Can be bought at
v 1
MOSES and get the highest
Food Productions
Mr. T. Mon Foo, an experienced com
pounder of Chinese medicines, successor
to the late Hong Wo Ion?, of Albany,
Oregon, is now prepared to furnish Chi- -
nese medicine to ail. ine nnaeraigneu
recommends him and guarantees satis
faction. Call or write him at No. 117 West Sec
ond Street, Albany, Oregon.
Jim Westfall.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
baa bean duly appointed the executor of the es
tate ol Ann Comptou, deceased, by the county
court of the state ot Oregon, for Benton county,
All person having claims against said estate
are notified to present the same duly verified as
by law required within alx months from the
date heieoitto the uuder6lRued at tbe office ot .
K. Bryson, In the city of Corvallis, Oregon
Executor of the estate ot Ann Compton, dec'sd
Economy fruit
& Johnson's.
jars at Thatcher
CLOTHES CLEANED and pressed at
lowest prices oue door Boutu of mar- 7
hie shop on Main street.
Physician & Surgeon
Office, room 14, BanK Bldg Honrsi
10 to 12 and 2 to 4.
Phone, office 83. Residence 351.
Corvallis, Oregon.
Veterinary Surgeon & Dentist
O&ce 1011 Main st Ind 204
Residence 1220 4th st Ind 389.
General Auctioneer. A Square Dea
and charges right.
Corvallis, Oregon.
Zierolf Building.
Physician & Surgeon,
Office np stairs in Burnett Brick Rea
id'ence on the corner of Madison and
Seventh et. Phone at honse and office.
Physician & Surgeon"
Office over postoEce. Residence Cor.
Fifth and Jefferson streets. Honrs 10 to
12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be
eft at Graham & v - -ham'8 drug store.
Leave orders at Zierolfs for fresh
Yaqnina bay oysters for delivery Sat
Rogoway's Second Hand Store.
Fresh Yaquina Bay oysters at
Zierolfs every Saturday. Leave
orders now.
Chicago 17 Hours Nearer via this Pop
ular Columbia River Route..
Fianklin was right when he
said, " Lost time is never found a
gain. " The O. R. N. in addition
to giving you 200 miles along the
matchless Columbia River, saves
you 17 hours to Chicago. ' Jt is the
Short Line -to Lewiston.'C
Short Line to Palouse country.
Short Line to Spokane, "
Short line to the ,couer d'Alene
country, ::: : ' '
Short Line to Salt cake City
Short to Line Denver
Short Line to Omaha"
Short Line to Chicago.
"' Short Line to all points east
Three trains east daily, 9:30 a.
m. 6:15 8:15 p.m. The'Chicago
Portland Special is Ss -fine as the
finest. Every comfort of home.
For particulars ask any agent of
the Southern Pacific Company or
write - .
'. ' I . Wtn. McMurray,
Gen. Pass. Agent
Portland, Orego n
Banking Company
orv -,- Obbcon.
Responsibility, $100,000
Dealt in Foreign and Domestic
f-: Kschaage. .:
BaysCovnty, City an School
FORTUUTD " f Thn Bulk :
8KATTIJS ' f California j
TAOOMA. J ' . :'
RKW TORK-Hom. 3. P. Morgan Co;
OHIO AGO National nana ol Tna'J
BOITDOIf, ENG. N M ttotbjehlldi 8&C
CAKASl . Unlcn Ban af Canada