The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, December 07, 1906, Image 3

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1. )
Notice to Creditors.
In the Matter of the Estate 1
Jasper Hayden, Deceased.)
Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned
that the undersigned has been duly appointed
administratrix ot the estate of Jasper Haydan,
deceased, by the county court ot the ttte ol Or
egon for Benton county. All persons baring
claims aealnst said estate of Jasper Hayden, de
ceased, are hereby required to present the same
with the proper vouchers duly verified as by law
required within six months from tbe date here
of to the undersigned at her residence in Aiaea
V lley In Benton county. Oregon, the law
office of E. r kvH"'n. In Corvallis, Oiegon,
Dated Hovciber J, 1906.
Administratrix ct 'he estate of Jasper Hayden,
Oregon's Great Recreation and Health
Resort at the Newport Beaches.
Ticket Sales Resumed Nov.
1st to May 31st, 1907.
As a winter health and recreation resort to
Newport is the one par excellence. Recognizing
this, the Southern Pacini: and Corvallis & Ea
era have resumed the sale of tickets through to
Yaqulna. From all S. P. points, tickets will be
sold throughout the winter and spring until
May 31st, every
Wednesday and Saturday
and from Albany, Coivallis and Philomath on
tbe Corvallis & Eastern, tickets will be sold to
Yaqulna and Newport DAILY.
The rateB will be the same as during the sum
mer, and. will be good for return 60 days from
date of sale.
Dr. Minthorn's Sanitary Baths
Will be In operation during the entire winter.
and treatments will be given dally.
Other Health'Resorts Closed.
During the winter nearly all other health re
sorts are closed or difficult to reach, and none
of them have tbe advantages of Newport and
vicinity as regards climate, points of interest,
recreation, and amusement. Far parties desir-
. lug to enjoy fishing, hunting, or seeing the
ocean In sunshine or In storm, the famous resort
is unequalled, the surroundings are ideal-
beautiful scenery, climate mild, healthful and
Invigorating. Cottages for rent cheap. Fresh
vegetables, milk, honey,. fruit at lowest possible
cost, fish and the famous rock oysters to be had
for the trouble of securing them.
Full Information from any S. P. or C. & E.
Agent, or from the General Passenger Agent of
either company.
Kate from Corvallis to Yaquina, $3.25. -Rate
from Corvallis to Newport $3.75.
Job Printing
is the Besti
We will give FREE a boy's suit with each
dozen sold, ages 3 to 8, 9 to 13, 1 4 to 20 yrs.
Call and see the different styles, extra good
values, all ned stock, and,
Get one FREE!
The People's Store.
Established 1864. Corvallis, Oregon
4 Hercules' suits included in trfis
When-You see it in Our Ad
fepssss'&W You Want
To Know
For advertisements in this column tbe rate
of 15 cents per line will be charged.
A New Jersey mn refused to
marry a woman because he doubted
his ability to support her.
James L. Lewis and Harper
Mecklin request the Times to ex
tend their protound gratitude to
-The plasterers are at work
putting on the plaster in the new
post-office building. In a short
time the work will be completed.
Will Beach, a well known O.
A. C. graduate, is physical direct
or at the Y. M. U. A. in loqui-
am. , Washington.
"God's Commonplace." is the
morning subject at the Presbyterian
church; "Moses" will be the
evening subject. C. E. meeting
at 6:30 p. m.
J. A. Wbitsitt who has been
employed on the Off Wilson farm
for the rpast year left Wednesday
noon for Kansas.
John Sutherland is at his home
in Shedds sick with malarial fever
which he contracted while at Sae
amento California.
The Gamma Delta Phi frater
nity boys are to entertain their
friends with a dancing party to
night at Raymond's Hall.
Miss Edna Sheehy vocal in
structor at O. A. C. makes her
debut before a Corvallis audience
this evening at the Congregational
Mr. and Mrs. Haines, who
came to - (J01 vallis to attend the
taneral ot Mrs, Mecklin, lett yes
terday for their home in Lane
America s Leading . 4
Clothes Makers .
Rogoway's Second Hand Store.
Tbe First National Bank of Corval
lis, Or-'gon, transacts a genera)
conservative hanking business.
Loan? money on approved secu
rity. Drafts bought and sold and
money transferredto the principal
cities of tbe United States, Eu
rope and foreign countries.
NOTICE. The Corvallis Brick &
Tile Works will not receive orders
for brick until orders already in
are filled.
WE CAN FILL your wants. Write
us. Do jou want to sell your
property, farms, or business. Call
on us. We furnish partners
and cash. Loan your money.
Sparkman & Company Main St.
Corvallis. Oreg.
1 J
Copyright, igoa, bjr B. KuPPHNHBIMMt ft COi
P What Smartly Dressed Men fill
Wear this! Season, CALL CN U"
Conforming to Fashion's latest
Decrees, Designed by Aatist Tailors
Frshioned by Master Workmen, Are
Some of the Reasons Why
Clothing v . , .
F. L Miller
Corvallis, 9 Oregon
Look for name in strap
The Kendal
Brains evolved the Kendal.
There' not an iota in its
material and make that
doesn t represent
skilled shoe
craft and shoe-experitnet
lace boot
seal top.
The man
who wants
to eajoy the
benefit ot
the best
, shoe-
applied for his
comfort should
wear the Kendal
Most styles are $5
Quality Store
J. M. Nolan 6c Son
&1 L
No Prizes go with our
Chase & Sanborn High
In fact noihing got-n with our coffee but cream, sugar aid
f ole agent for
Chaset & Sanborn High Grade
And see oar large new line of Pocket Knives,
Razors, Sissors etc. A large line of Footballs
aud all kinds of Sporting Goods always on hand
Umbrellas Covered and Repaired.
A new building under con
struclion on College hill is tbe
Lutheran church. The shell of
the building is about completed
It is situated across the street from
Prof Knisely's.
Work on tbe Johnscn brick is
progressing rapidly. The concrete
is being put in for the vaults, which
are three in number. The dimen
sions are twelve ty fifteen on tbe
Rev. G. H. Gibbs, pastor of
the M. E. church, South, will
reach Sundey on the following
subjects- At ii a. m.- "The Palm
Tree Christian." At 7:30 p. m.
"Transfiguration of Christ. "-
Baptist church: "Reasons for
Failure in Christian Work", is the
subject for Sunday morning, Dec
6th. For Sunday evening - "The
Joy of Salvation Resto-ed". Come
and worship with us. You will be
welcomed. Frederick W. Caretens,
"Pauls Third Heaven" with
blackboard illustrations, will be
the subject for consideration next
Sunday evening at the church of
God third block North of Mechan
ical hall . A general invitation is
extended to all.
E. L. Irvine a former Corvallis
boy, now conducting a shoe house
in Salem was in town Wednesday.
While here he arranged for S. I.
Kline; to handle the agency for his
home Manufactured shoes. If you
want heavy durable shoes ask for
them at Kline's.
J. D. Scott who graduited at
O. A. C. in 1902 , was in town yes
terday for a visit with old friends.
He is1 a son of Hon. J. H. Scott of
Linn County. He is letter carrier
at Aberdeen Washington, and is
soon !q enter the post-office there
as a clerk.";
Tuesday evening "several of
tre members of the Christian En
deavor workers of the Presbyterim
church met at Miss Mary Suther
land's for the purpose of transact
ing somaof the society's business.
Afterward a social time was in
dulged in.
Through the action of the fac
ulty at the college, the Christmas
vacation has been made shorter
than was at first intended. V ca
tion commences on Friday the 21
st. of Dec. Students will have to
return five days sooner than usual.
Reg't'dt!' n will take place Thurs
day following New Years.
The Independent telephone
company has two carload telephone
poles at the S. P. depot which are
being peeled and placed in re idi
ness for carrying the wires. As
soon as the poles are peeled the
large force which is at work " will
begin digging the holes. The com
pany is making extensive improve
ments;'""' "'"'
The work on the Woni.n's
building is progressing as- rapidly
as could be expected. "The 'frame
work is up almost 'around the ' en
tire building preparatory to putting
in the concrete. , In places the con
crete will reach a height of almost
twenty feet; already the concrete
has been laid to a height of three
feet around the building.
.-City water rent for December j
will be delinquent after the 10th.
Payable at the city hall.
Mrs. Veazie of Portland came
up to-day for a visit with her
daughter Mrs. E. R. Bryson.
Th" vaults 1 in the Johnson
brick are to be of reinforced con
crete and as good ss any in the
mse. '
The All Star basket ball team
of Monmouth arrived today at noon
The game is called at eight o'clock.
Stanley Hammel who has been
confined to his bed wiih pleurisy
for. the past week was able to be
out yesterday afternoon for the fi st
The Presbyterian ladies are to
give an afternoon social, to which
all are invited, at the home of Mrs.
F. L- Miller on Wednesday the
19th. They wish to have a few
fancy articles and home made
candies on sale during the after
Yesterday morning F. O. Gray
retired from the grocery house of
Wellsher and gray, having sold his
interest to D. D. Berman. The
nrm win nereatter be known as
Wellsher & Berman.
There is to be a basket-ball
game at the college Armory Fri
day evening. "Tne All Stars" of
Monmouth will be the opposing
team. A very lively game is an
. l don t see why they are
making so much fuss about this
new way of spelling," remarked
Rear Admiral Brownson alter the
naval review'
"No", replied Admiral Evans,
thoughtfully, it win be just aa
warm, prooaDly, wi n rne 1 as
with two." '
Walter Wells, a member of the
'03 class of OAC. and a pbarma
cist of Portland, came up on the
noon train today. After a few day's
visit with his parents, he i3 to leave
for Nevada to accept a new posi
He Wrote About Oregon in Verse
And Here u his Handiwork.
The following poem was com
posed and written January 1848,
Medders Vanrterpool in a descrip
tion of the Willamette valley to his
friends and relatives in Missouri.
Medders Vanderpool was a sur
veyor, surveying many ot tne oia
donation claims in Polk and Ben
ton count-es. He was born in Ash
county, North Carolina ia January
1798, and died in August. 1896, at
Sodaville, Linn county. He cross
ed the plains with ox team in 1846
locating on nis 01a aonauon claim
at Parker station, Polk county
- The Willamette Valley. , 7
As handsome a valley as ever wad
Lies between the Coast moun
tains and lofty Cascades.
Spotted and fringed with majestic
And bold flowing rivers abound
Adorned with ranges of grassy oak
With spring and brook and mur
muring rills,
With spreading oak trees of limited
Resembling an orchard but plant
ed by nature.
The seasons are mild, the atmos
phere pure.
The health of all living abound
Each season with blessings infalli
bly sure,
Respond to their calling through
out the whole year.fji;''"T
Of the, first in rotation is spring of
the year,
When millions of flourishing flow
ers appear.
The lily, the rose, the violet blue,
And ten thousand
more 01 every
"My dear sir," enthusiastical
ly exclaimed the young lawyer
after he had heard his new client'
story , "you certainly have a good
case. I think we can secure a
verdict without much trouble.' '
"That's what I told nay wife,"
said the man, and yet she insisted
at first that we ought to engage a
first class lawyer."
At the Opera House, Wednesday,
December 12th.
The ladies of theCatholic church
will give a Bazaar and Hot Tamale
Supper next Wednesday. There
will be on sale nice needlework. Al
so delicious candies. Ice cream and
cake will be served during the af
ternoon and evening, 1 5 cents.
Supper will be served from 5 to
8. Menu: Hot Tamales. Boston
Baked Beas. Pickles. Salad.
Ham. Bread and Butter. Jelly.
Fruit. Cake; Coffee. Ali for
15 cents. An interesting program
is furnished for the evening.
Get 00 to the line of Xmas Doll go
carts, boys wagons and childrens rockers
at Moses' Store.
LOST. Between Main street and pnbl'c
school, emus eye glasses. Finder
please leave same at A Hodes, grocery.
F r Sa'e.
We Will sell in Corvallis at auction to
the highest Hdder, December is, i9c6
100 head of Sotnhwool ewes, that will
bring lambs in January, in lots o uii
purchaser-.. LOCKE BROS.
WANTED. Men to cut 300 cords
of wood by Mike L grand. For
information apply at Wm.Brders.
A CARLOAD of dry oak will soon
arrive. Frank Francisco.
DON'T FORGET the auction sale
each Saturday at the Red Front
OAK WOOD For sle. To arrive
on cars in a few days and will be
sold cheap it ordered in time to
be delivered from car. Independ
ent phbri 195 Frank Francisco.
FOR SALE... Newly. finished
6 room house and barn and to
lots with fine garden and fruit.
Close in- very cheap- on easy
terms.' Phone - Ind. 149.
Willamette is now with calico
She's spread a new carpet all ov
er the ground.
The groves all resound with songs
of the birds.
And the hills echo with rejoicing
The next comes on is a fceallhy
cool summer;
Which passes off sweetly with
scarcely a murmur;
Fanned with the breezes of moun
tain pure air,
Giving to each creature its por
tion to share.
When fall of the year makes its
The noise of the herds don't
echo so much.
The leaves ate now fading on de
cidnous trees.
Tall evergreens merrily fauning
the breeze.
The first of November wl en winter
is near.
The drizzly south rains are sure
to appear.
When millions of geese, braats.
ducks and cranes,
Flock in from the north soon aft
ter it rains.
Which feed on green wheat and
giass of the dales,
And roost about water along the
ash swails;
What's meant by the swails is the
broad spread drains,
Which empty the water that's
made by the lains.
Through the whole winter tbe na
tive bins sing,
. And the grass as ireen as the
middle ot spring.
Tho' sometimes we have a bhort
spell of snow,
Then c mes a thaw and a great
overflow. -
And all the low lands of inunda
Float off the fence of many plant
ation. ;
Sometimes it happens that very high
Surround swine and cattle and
make them its slaughter.
Perhaps some might say keep -uch
in the dark,
Its speaks for itself by the high
water mark.
Tho very high water seldom oc
Its happened but once in several
Let's tell of the bad as well as the
good, '
And have it in order and well
Understood, : . ;
Then come to the Willamette,
' there's plenty of room
i To make" your own - choice and
take you a home.
FOR SALE. Choice heifer calves
. Ind. phone, 258. Address Cor
vallis. R. F, , D. No. I.Walter
' Fine line of shoes, and
at Moses.
rubber boots
All kinds of Xmas presents at Moses