LOCAL LORE. Tom Nolan returned yester day from a Portland v;sit. J. H. Harris left Sunday for a business visit in Poitlan.l. Floyd Kuff was a PortUnd visitor during the holidays. Chas. Cropp returned Sun day tna Pill--i wheie he .spent the vacition. Miss Helen Gaies arrived Sun day for a visit at the Johu Smith h line. Waldo Finn a member of the football t 'am arrive I iu Corv.iUis Sunday after spending a few days at his home in McCoy. Harry Fryer for Portland after o'5 !eft Sunday a visit with co!- lege friends. Miss Lamb of Portland was the guest of Miss Kate Moo e during the Thinksg ving holidays, she re turned Monday. Miss Agnes von dar Helen a member of the 'o6 class was inCor valHs for the vacation-she returned yesterday to her duties as school teacher at Yaqnina. Miss Ada McDonald of Alpha Hall was a guest at the Simpson home in Polk county during the lioiidays, she returned Surday noon. Tue annual Thanksgiving ball at the Armory Wednesday even ing -ras p very pretty one, and not withstanding the absence of many ...aiuMis va- well dUeoued. The music was furnished by Steelham mer's orchestra of Salem. A parent meeting is to be held by Supe'intendent Danmanat Sum it next Saturday. A full program me with literary and musical feat-an-s has been arranged, and thete will be a basket dinner. It takes place at the Summit School house. There will be services at the Good Samari an Episcopal church on t?uniay the 9th. conducted by the Rev. C. H. Powell of Colusa Cal. at 11 a. m. 7:30 p. m. Also services wi11 be held on Monday evening the 10th. Conducted by Bishop Scadding at 7:30 p. m. All are very cordially invited to each of these services. A much needed improvement 5s being carried out at the college under the direction of Prof. Coote. Th'. old fence along thswalk which leads from the Administration building to Alpha hill, has been removed and a new wire fence is unuergoing construction ine shrubbery is Ldng pruned into shaHi and the trash burned. noticable. The The sidetrack to be used in riiUlinx brick, lumber and other materials to the Woman's building at the college is nearly completed . and will be r. dy for use in a few 'aye. The iron and ties are all laid and only the finishing touches are to be added The siding be ; gins near Oak Creek bridge and rurs northeasterly to the 1 uilding site. Marshall Miller has received a letter from a Portland man mak ing inquiry about' the prospects ?nd opportunities fo- uuiiding an electric I'm into Corvallis. The letter doe-, not give full information and its cbaracteris such as to leave the impression that the writer is a "promoter and tha'. he expects the vicinity to furnish the cash for ' the enterprise. The appiran r" Prof Tail--andirr and Miss Sheeny at an organ recital next Friday night wi 1 b? ha;1 wih delight by the ' music loving people of Cowallis. Both of thee artists have just en tered the full zeivth of their powers and will do Etnpte justi to the dif ficult numbers on the'r program. The robust majestic tones of the organ and the sweet human v cice will be found blending in beautiful Jharmony. A citizen was in a critical frame of mind yesterday. The city, he said, had required barbed wire tor use in protecting hedges along the side walks to be taken down. Much st -ess had been laid on the enforcement of the law in that par-J ticular, and in many cases wire was actually dragged out of hedges that by growth bad completely ;. erj- ( veloped thern. At the same time: he concluded, ths city park is com pletely fenced with wire, and there l he wire is allowed to stand un challenged and unforbidden. Buy your . Thanksgiving table linens and napkins at Nolans, long range for selection. Special prices this month. New line cloaks, suits, and kirts. Rain coats and shirt waist s ost received at Nolans. J. B. Horner gave an Egyptian raiseiouary talk Sanday evening in the U. P. church at Sbedd. " The Ladi VVltUt Club is 10 be entertained tomorrow ftrtioon at the ocuutry hme of Ms. Gua hardicg Vtvk PcnuVrgr" returned Monday from a viclt with relatives at Aunty, F, I), Mclviuth rp'iit a few day In Portland during tbcThanka Slvii'is holtlaye, visiting iriende. M uio Stevens gave a diuMifi pny in Albany lat eve vunjr. Jihn Withyoomhe, Charles Sheffield, Keuton Wills and Miss Kdna AM ft attended from this city. The plumbers are at work to day putting in the pipe for heating 1 hp ucw 110M office building. The heat is to be. brought from a heat 1 apparatus located io the base ment of the bank brick. Attend the meeting of the Ben tou County Citizne Loue tonight io Firemen's lull. Pians will be discussed at that time far the organization of a Commercial club, and for the leasing and furnishing of permanent qurUrs. The Woodmen of the World have elected officers for the eosuiog vearas foliows:C. C, L. C. Porter; A L., A. K. Rups; banker, George Fuller; Clerk, W. A Buchanan; physicians, G. R Parra aod B A. Cathey.; f soort, W. J. Moore; watch man, A. E. Lewie; sentry, George E. Lilly; Manager, A. P. Johnson. The car shortage meeting at Eugene tomorrow i attracting much attention and promises to be largely attended. President John eon wiil bring the matter up at the Citizen's League-met ting tonight and will probably appoint a delega tion from Corvallis to attend. The paralysis of various industries re sultant from the car shortage is far more serious than . anything of the kind yet seen in Oregon .where, car shortage has been a disease for ma ny years,: ..., Eighty-eight business men have signed the ca'l for organization of a commercial "clob in 1 Corvallis. T went y more members are expect ed to sign a call sent out for circu lation among member? of the col lege faculty. With more than loo already on the ' list the success of the final organization of the enterprise is considered certain. Preliminaries will be discussed and action taken at a meeting of the Citizens' Lrague to be held tonight. In the probate court:' J.- F. Yates bas been authorized - to pro cure the Banton Abstract Company to complete ao abstracted digest of all property bslonging to the estate of T. E. Hogg in Lincoln arid B n ton counties. Eva I. Miller, admin istratrix of the estate of W. F. Mil ler has filed her bond for $6,000 with Titus Ranney and E. F. Strouts ae sureties. E. F. Strouts, Robert McFarland and William Claik have been appointed apprais ers. B. W. Johnson, M. M. Dvis and G. R. Farra have been appoint ed appraisers of the estate of C. ,H. Lee. Corvallis is in the embrace of a brick famine. An advertisement elsewhere relates tbt the Corvallis bri k ya d is without a supply. The chief stocK of the yard was exhaust ed by W. O. Heckert for use on the new bank brick. The brick for the woman's building comee Irom- Sa lem and along tbe Westside. The amount required . is over; 4oo,ooo and io securing this buge' quantity it is said Contractor Soook gobbled up everything in sight. A. man who wanted 250 for an extension of a flue for his Dome was unable to secure them a day or two ago. , Sunday was pleasant, and ma ny people journeyed out to inspect the work on the new Woman's building at the college, i The- exca vation is in progress and is rapidly approaching a finished stage. The frames are going up for the concrete basement and everything is moving along . with systematic precision The completion of tbe. sidirg will be of preat convenience in getting materials on the ground.. It iB probable that every phrrou who has been at the scene end observed tbe immensity of the founda'ion was astonished tt the p opo tioo cf the proposed building. Watch, this space l 25 acres near small town 12 acres in cultivation; ballance pasture and timber, good house, barn, chicken house, good orchard near school, a nice little home, price $1,250. Good stroe and dwelling combined, barn with windmill 3 acres f of with fruit; a fine location for small business, in little town, price $ 1 ,000. 26 acres 1 8 in cult; balance timber and pasture, house and bam, ' soil sandy loam' Located near .own of Queensbury, Warren County New York price $1,000, will trade for Oregon land. ' ' ", . ' AMBLER 6c WAITERS Continued from page I. tsmptuously disregarded. . Finding that he could eecuie no capital, do rates and no cars, Mr, Sweet said that he finally disposed of bis claims to J. H Judeon for $4,000 and they soon afterward passed into the hands of tbe coal company. But this did not end Sweet's troubles. He said that he secured employment 00 the Rio Grande Western railroad, but wrs discharg ed through' the influence of the cial company officials, who also exerted pressure ou a New York bonding company to have his bond canceled. He said that, while be was working aa agent and operator in the office of the Pleaeant Valley Coal compa ny at Colton, Utah, be bad instruc tions to copy from the commercial wires of the Western Union Tele graph company all messages affect ing tbe icterests of the coal compa ny. The attention of the president of tbe Western Union wbs called to this practice and the wires were re moved from the office. Slate Senator George B. Whit more told of the-armed occupation of George D. Halladay.B property by Robert. Kirker and other armed men. Mr. Whitmore eaid he bad coal land of his own, but did not work it, Uciuse the railroad com pany demanded $3 a ton for haul ing it to market. ... . "They said." Mr. Whitmore tes tified, "that they could sell me the coal cheaper in Silt Lake." ,. N-rth Yakima, Wa3h., Dec. 1. Becoming desperate over the failure of the Northern Pacific to place coal on the siding here for the relief of the people without fuel, a raid was made on a 1 oil t;ai 3 this Luoroit.g as it wa' passing through the city. When the train stopped a score or more of the people who had " beo-n waiting in line tor three days for their turn to get coal boarded' the coal cars and began ti load the fuel into their wagons, drawn . up along side of the track. TrainmeD , came along to 'stop t them, but , alter a threat to bodily barm, the trainmen left the men tak'mg the coal. Of fers were made to pay for it, but there was no one on band to receive tb price - - - Three trainloads of 100. cars parsed through during the day, and late this afternoon only four carloads were set in here. This was done after the superintendent of the division had been notified that there was a movement on foot to hold up the trains and rob them of the fuel. The situation is critical here. There is no fuel at the City hall, and many of tbe school districts are out and will have to close. Only f.iur carloads have been received here eince Wednesday. OWNER of Portland Real Esta if you want to sell write me at one;. John B. Matthew?, 722 Chamber 'of Commerce, Portland Oregon. oighCirade High Price- ' "Packed in FuJJ Mtasurr Eotf7 Merit J. A. Folger & Co. ... San Francisco for Bargins in ; . fiTjlP Always ;:the 6HGRAC I 't Sold r A SNAP Always found at the store of VICTOR P. MOSES Special 5, 10 and 15c Sale Now on. Bring all your eggs and butter to market Have You Bought that Winter Suit Yet? If not. come and let us figure with you. We have a fine line of ready-to-wear clothiag also a large line of samples we take your measure and guarantee a fit. Give us a call. " A. K. RUSS The only exclusive Mens Furnishing Store in Town. " ' Corvallis, Oregon. 23 B. Sl The Grocer. -te vWe ardt inclined writing advertisements and customers speak for OUR TRADE IS GROWING FAST, (g WE WANT YOUR TRADE. j WILLASSURE SATISFACTION U & B PUFFED RICE Greatest of all on the Market. NO TROUBLE In Serving. Can be- bought- at ' HODES' GROCERY. PHONE 1 ( i MOSES and get the highest price. to spend much time in we prefer to let our goods themselves. Rortiing Food Productions ; : :'' : : - : : 203. Mr. J. Mon Foo, an experienced com pounder of Chinese medicines, successor to the late Hong Wo Tod?, of Albany , Oregon, is now prepared to furnish Chi nese medicine to all. The undersigned recommends him and guarantees satisfaction. Call or write him at No. 117 West Sec ond Street, Albany, Oregon. Jim Westfall. Notice to Creditors. Notice ts hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed the executor of the es tate of Ann (Jomptou, deceased, by the county court of the state of Oregon, for Beutoo county, All pt rsons having clelms against wiid estate ore notified to present the same duly verified as by law rrquiied within 6lx months Irom the date hereunto the undersigned at the office ot . K. Bry.son, In the city ot Corvallis, Oreiron JAMES J. FLETT. Executor of the estate of Ann Conipton, dec'sd Economy fruit jars at Thatcher & Johnson's. CLOTHES CLEANED and pressed at lowest prices one door south of mar ble shop on Main street. B. A'. CATHEY Physician & Surgeon OSce, room 14, BanK Bldg. Hoarsi 10 to 12 and a to . ! Phone, office 83. RAiHAnAi Corvallis, Oregon. DR. E. E. JACKSON VeterinarT" Surgeon & Dentist O&ce 1011 Main st Ind 204 Residence 1220 4th st Ind 389. J. A. WOODS General Auctioneer. A Square Dea ana charges right Corvallis, . Oregon. J. FRED STATES A TTORA& I -A T-LA W. Zierolf Building. G. R. FARRA Physician & Surgeon, Office up stairs in Burnett Brick Raa idence on the corner of Madison and Seventh st. Phone at honse and office. H. S. PERNOT, Physician & Surgeon Office over nnstnfr1r.fi. Ttfiilpna rim. Fifth and Tefferson streets. Honrs 10 to 12 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m. Orders may be eft at Grabam & v'--thata's drug store. Leave orders at Zierolfs for fresh Yaquina bay oysters for delivery Sat Rogoyay's Second Hand Store. Fresh Yaquina Bay oysters at Zierolfs every Saturday. Leave orders now. 0. R. N., THE TIME SAVE R. Chicago 17 Hours Nearer via this Pop ular Columbia River Route.. Pianklin was right when he said, " Lost time is never found a- gain. " The O. R. N. in addition to giving you 200 miles along the matchless Columbia River, saves you 17 hours to Chicago. It is the Short Line to Lewiston. Short Line to Palouse. country. Short Line to Spokane, 1 Short line to the couer d'Alene country, Short Line to Sait cake City Short to Line Denver Short Line to Omaha Short Line to Chicago. Short Line to all points east Three trains east daily, 9:30 a. m. 6:15 8:15 p.m. The 'Chicago Portland Special is as fine as the iinest. Every comfort of home. For particulars ask any agent of the Southern . Pacific Company or write v . ; Wm. McMurray, Gen. Pass. Agent . Portland, Orego n WILLAMETTE VALLEY Banking Company oiv"..(, Our con. Responsibility, $100,000 . Deals In Foreign, and Domestic : - : Ezchaaga. Bays County, City and School Warrants. L Principal Correspondents. FOKTLAND ( The Bank o 8KATTT.E f California TAOOMA I NEW TOKK-Meana. J. P. Jforpan Co, CHICAGO NaUonal Bank of The.Bepnb . lk. LONDON, ENG . N M Kotbacbildi A Son; CANADA TJolce Bank ef Canada t.