The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, December 04, 1906, Image 3

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    Notice to Creditors.
In the Matter ot the Estate )
Jasper Hayden, Deceased.)
Notice Is hercbr Riven to all persons concerned
that the under.-lgned has been duly appointed
administratrix ol the estate of Jasper Hayden,
deceased, by the county court of the state of Or
egon for Benton county. AU persons having
claims against said estate of Jasper Hnyden, de
ceased, are hereby required to present the same
with the proper voucoers duly verified asbv law
required within six months from the date here
of to the undersigned at her residence in Alsea
V Hey In Benton county. Oregon, or, at the law
office of E. E. Wilm. iu Oorvallis, Oiegon,
Dated November a, 1906.
Administratrix of the estate of Jasper Hayden,
Oregon's Great Recreation and Health
Resort at the Newport Beaches.
Ticket Saks Resumed Nov.
1st to May 31st, 1907.
As a winter health and recreation resort to
Newport is the one par excellence. Recognizing
this, the Southern Pacific and Corvallis & East
ern have resumed the sale of tickets through to
Yaquina. From all S. P. points, tickets will be
sold throughout the winter and spring until
May 31st, every
Wednesday and Saturday
and Irom Albany, Coivallis and Philomath on i
the Corvallis & Eastern, tickets will be sold to
Taqulna and Newport DAILY.
The rates will be the same as during the stun
mer, and. will be good for return 60 days from
date of sale.
Dr. Minthorn's Sanitary Baths
Will be in operation during the entire winter,
and treatments will be given dally.
Other Health.Resorts Closed.
During the winter nearly all other health re
sorts are closed or difficult to reach, and none
of them have the advantages of Newport and
vicinity as regards climate, points of Interest,
recreation, and amusement. Fr parties desir
ing to enjoy fishing, hunting, or seeing the
ocean in sunshine or In storm, the famous resort
is unequalled, the surroundings are ideal-
beautiful scenery, climate mild, healthful and
invigorating. Cottages for rent cheap, Fresh
vegetables, milk, honey, .fruit at lowest possible
cost, fish and the famous rock oysters to be had
for the trouble of securing them.
Full information from any S. P. Or C. & E.
Agent, or from the General Passenger Agent of
either company.
Bate from Corvallis to Yaquina, $3.25.
Rate from Corvallis to Newport $3.75.
Job Printing
is the Best
For advertisements in this column the rate
of 15 cents per line will be charged.
We will give FREE a boy's suit with each
dozen sold, ages 3 to 8, 9 to 13, 1 4 to 20 yrs.
Call and see the different styles, extra good
values, all ned stock, and,
Get one FREE!
The People's Store.
Established J864. Corvallis, Oregon
'Hercules' suits included in this
WhenlYou see it in Our Ad
Made & Guaranteed by
tCuppenheimer & Co
America's Leading .
Clothes Makers . .
Rogoway's Second Hand Store.
The First National Bank of Corval
lis, Oregon, transacts a general
conservative banking business.
Loans money on approved secu
rity. Drafts bought and sold and
mooey tranefarredto the principal
cities of the United Statee, Eu
rope and foreign countries.
NOTICE. The Corvallis Brick &
Tile Works will not receive orders
for brick until orders already in
are filled.
WE CAN FILL your wants. Write
us.. Dojou want to seil your
property, farms, or business. Call
on us. We furnish partners
and cash. Loan your money
Sparkman & Company Main St,
Corvallis. Oreg.
After Five Months of Illness Death of
If You Want
To Know
1 1 What Smartly Dressed Men Will
Wear this": Season, CALL ON U
Conforming to Fashion's Latest
Decrees, Designed by Aatist Tailors
Frshioned by Master Workmen, Are
Some of the Reasons Why
Copyright, igoa, by B. KUPFBNHBIMR & CO.
Clothirf - . ,
F. L Mille r
Corvallis, Oregon
m nf m -ir
No Prizes go with our
: tor name in strap
The Kendal
Brains evolved the Kendal.
.There's not an iota in its
material and make that
doesn t represent
skilled shoe-
craft and shoe
lace boot.
seal toj5
The man
who Wants
to enjoy the
benefit ot
the best
. shoe-
applied for his
comfort should
wear the Kendal
Most styles are S3
Quality Store
J. M. Nolan 6c Son
Chase &
Sanborn High Grade
Miss Ethel Linville returned
Monday from a two weeks' visit
with relatives in Carlton.
Mrs. W. H. McBee and daugh
ter, returned Sunday evening from
a few day's' visit with Salem relatives.
Miss Inez Luckey of Fall City
is expected to arrive in Corvallis in
few days to take up work at the
Walter Gagnon and Henry
Eismann went to Eugene yesterday ;
morning where they were to meet
Clifford Benson, and the return
trip will be made down the VVil
lame from Eugene in canoes. v
James Flett left yesterday for
Roseburg to be absent a week. He
is administrator of bis late mothers
estate, and went to the Douglas
county metropolis on an errand con
nected herewith.
Butter is 3 1 cents per pound.
At Tillamook they boast that the
average for butter fat for the year
in that country has been above 27
cents. The average at Corvallis
for the year will be fully that high.
Fir wood is selling in town
now at $4 per cord and maple at
$4.50. Frank Francisco has pur
chased a quantity of oak at Wells
and is shipping it by tram. It will
be sold at a -Jess price if ordered
before it arrives.
Mrs. Hart who came to Cor
vallis thre years ago and has since
resided m Jobs addition "leaves to
morrow for Williamsburg Kansas
The residence property near the J.
L. Jones home has been sold to Mr
Howard late of Bridal Veil. Mr
Hart died August .sth. and his
body will betaken East for rein
terment. Mrs. Hart is accom
panied by Jesse Whitsitt and wife,
and all will remain in Kansas.
Mr. and Mrs. B. :W. Johnson
and Mr, and Mrs. C. M. McKellips
gve a very delightful dinner party
Saturday evening. The- dining
room decorations were smilax,
chrysanthemums, and mistletoe.
Covers were laid for twelve: The
guests were: Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. E.- R. Bry
son, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Knisely,
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Irvine.
-Mrs. John - Smith was hostess
at a dinner party given last evening
Her guests were:Mr. and Mrs. Mc
Kllips Mr. and Mrs. Taillandierr
Mr. and Mrs. Rennie. Miss Ma
Nolan, and J. W. McDougall.
After fifteen years of service
during which he has been making
trips in and out of Corvallis, Cap- j
tin Spong of the O. C. T. Com- j
pany has quit the business. He
left down the liver on his last trip
yesterday morning. He has always
been a popular and a very efficient
officer. He - goes to a town in
Washington, where he has purchas
ed an interest in a mineral spring.
They had a city election in
Philomath yesterday. There wer
two candidates for mayor and
measure of warmth was injected in
to the contest by a published at
tack on Dr. Loggan. one of the
nominees. The other candidate
was Mr. Bennett, who wss the
favorite. of the jtemperance element.
The baloticg resulted in the elec
tion of Dr. Logan by a majority of
eleven. The other officers elect
ed were W. T. Boles recorder. Chas
Davis treasurer, George Allen coun
cilman first ward, Sam Moses and
O.W White, tied in the second ward
and Robert Clark in the third ward.
Mrs. Sarah Mechlin.
After an illness of five months,
Mrs. Sarah Mecklin died at her
home on 8th street, last Sunday
evening, aged sixty years, two
months and 19 days. M-s. Mech
lin was seized with acute pain on
the 4th day of last July and has
been battling bravely with Bright's
disease since that date. Medicine
and care were of little avail and
she gradually grew weaker until
the end.
Sarah Lewis was born in Ala
bama in September 1846, and with
her father came to Oregon, settling
in Corvallis in 1875. In Novem
ber 1883, she was married to Sam
uel Mecklin, who was Jaccidentally
killed in July 1888.
Mrs. MecKlm is survived bv a
son Harper Mechlin, a brother
ames Lewis of this city and two
sisiers.Mrs. Goldsonand Mrs. Hay
nes of Lane county. Mrs. Mecklin
was an arden student of the Bible
and a devout member of the M. E.
church South. The funeral occurred
from the residence at 10 o'clock
this morning, the service being
conducted by Rev. Moses. The
interment was in Crystal Lake
Well Known 0. A. C. Student Died
Near Salem This Morning Clay
1 Separd. .
a ir?i",T(rts---s;5
m v-vux- f&. sol
In fact nothing goep with our coffee bnt cream, suar and
. - Sole agent for- -
Chase &
Sanborn High Grade
Clav Shepard, a graduate of
OAC in the class of 1904 and since
that time, secretary of the Y. M
C. A. at the institution, is dead
The news reached this city by phone
this morning from his home near
Zena, Polk county. Mr. Shepard
was a well known student, having
been an active worker inthe college
Y. M. C. A. He was largely in
strumental in the Y. M. C. A
building enterprise at the college
la fact he was the soul of that en
ter prise and it is because he was seiz
ed with illness about a year ago
that it has so long stood still.
He died of tuberculous and it is
the belief of those who know him
best that he contracted the malady
by the exposure and over-work in
cident in his campaign in tte in
terest of the building. The funer
al occurs at the family home at 1 1
o clock Thursday. He is one of
five brothers notable for their edu
cational attainments and high ideals
Walter won a fellowship at Har
vard, traveled two years on it in
Europe and is now an instructor a
his alma mater. Ray is a student
there, Ralph graduated at OAC
Robert, a younger brother is at
home on the farm.
Benton County Litigation What was
Done with the Cases.
Following is a list of the cases on
the docket in last week's term of
circuit court together with a state
ment of the disposition made of
R E. Fawver plff. vs. John W.
Fawver, William Fawver, defts.
Decree and costs for p!ff.
Halvers Harrison plff. vs. W.
W. McDonald and wf. defts. Continued.
Samnel E. Young plff. vs. Cur-
tiss Beers. Hattie Beers, et al, deft.
Action for money. Continued.
J. N. McFadden plff. vs. Agnes
McElroy and L. G. McElroy et al,
defts. Action. Continued.
W. S. Mott plff. vs. Sarah Bald
win and Edith Baldwin, defts. Ac
tion. Dismissed on motion of plff.
Minnie Clegg plff vs. J. A.
Clegg deft. Divorce. Decree
granted plff.
R. L. Taylor plff. vs. Abbie
Taylor, deft. Divorce. Decree
granted plaintiff.
J. W. Melville plff. vs. Frank
Hale et al, defts. Suit to perfect
title. Continued.
State of Oregon plff. vs. James
Gulley deft. Transcript from J. P.
Minnie Johnson plff. vs. J. W.
Johnson et al defts. Complaint.
Mary E. Herbert, T. M. Coon,
et al plffs. vs. A. L. Coon, deft.
Suit for sale of plaintiff's real prop
erty. Dismissed.
Thos. Whitehorn, J. W. Ingle,
et Bk. plffs. vs. G. W. Emery detts.
State of Oregon vs. Chas. M.
Kline, Merwin McMaines, Jack
Milne et al. Appeal from -justice
court. Continued.
State of Oregon vs. Chas. M.
Kline. Merwin McMaines and Jack
Milne. Appeal from justice court.
Minnie Johnson vs. W. J. John
son, Chris'opner Jobncor snd Dalla
Johnson. Suit divorce. Dismissed.
R. E. Fauver plff. vs. John W.
Fawver and William Fawver. deft.
Suit. Default.
OAK WOOD For sle. To arrive
;; on cars in a few days and will be
; sold cheap it ordered in time to
be delivered from car. Independ
ent phone 1 95 Frank Francisco.
More goods air the
time " at
And see birr large new line of Pocket Knives,
Razors, Sissors etc. A, large line of Footballs
and all kinds of Sporting Goods always on hand
Umbrellas" Covered and Repaired.
im 1 uu m an an iron n nn nm no n h no-.
Please Take Notice.
; All rut st-tnding accounts due
Moses Bros, mustbesettled on or be
fore Jan, 1 '07 as the firm has dis
solved a d must settled with R. J.
os.s and Sain at Philomath or
Victor P. Moses of Corvallis. ; All
accounts not settled by Jan. 1st. '07
will be put in the hands of an at
torney for sattleooent.
j; R.- J. Moses President & M r.
I Victor P. Moses Secretary.
Always Keeps ChamDerlain's Coxign
i ; ; Remedy in His House.
uW-3 would not be without Chamberk:'e
Cough Remedy. It is kept on hand contin
ually in our home," says W. W. Kearney,
editor of the Independent, Lowry City, IIo.
That is just what every family should do.
When kept at hand ready for instant use, a
cold may be checked at the ontspl. and nrrpt
m much less time than after it has become
iettled in the system. This remedy is also
without a peer for croup in children, and
will prevent the attack when given as Boon
as the child becomes hoarse, or even after
the croupy cough appears, which can only be
aone wnen the remedy is kept at hand. . For
sale by Graham & Wortham
At the C3ngrega'uonal Church Mu
sical Depaviment of 0. A. C.
Organ Recital.
At the Congregational church
Friday night, an organ recital will
be given by ProfJ Taillaridier, as
sisted by Miss Edna Sheehy, both
of the musical department at OAC.
The occasion will be of more than
usual interest by reason ot the fact
that it is the first public appear
ance of Miss Sheehy. The pro
gram is as follows:
X. Ave Maria. Arcadett. Lis;t
2. Communion in e Batiste
3. Capriccio. Lemaigre
4. March 5th Organ Svmphone
Gcard Taillandier.
5. I m Wearing awa Foote
6. Turn Thee Unto Me, from
Oratorio Eli Costa
Miss Edna Sheeby. "
7. Andante jAmbroise Thomas
8. Serenade.. Gounod
9. Toccata... 1 Dubois
Gerard Taillandier.
10. Salve Regina ..Dana
Miss Edna Sheehy.
11. Melody Lemaigre
12. "Pilgrim's Sona of Hope..
i3.,Priere: Lemaigre
14. Fantasia in C Tours
Gerard Taillandier.
G. R. Farra plff. vs
Corvallis et al, deft,
tion. Continued.
The City of
J. E. Henkle plff. vs. City of
Corvallis, deft. Dismissed on mo
tion of plff. Contined.
City of Corvallis vs. G. R. Fan a
and Taylor Kemp. Continued.
Geo. VV. Parker vs. W. H.
James. Suit for damages. Con
tinued. State of Oregon vs. Chas. M.
Kline, Merwin McMaines and C.
G. Geer. Appeal from justice
court. Continued.
et al plffs.
deft. Suit.
Stewart, Jehial
vs. Henrietta
State of Oregon, plff. vs. An
drew Campbell and Jeanette Hug
gins, defts. Dismissed.
Sta e of Oregon
vs. Wm. James.
WANTED 20 tons of choice bailed
vetch hay. .
J. P. Logan vs. The Charles K.
Spaulding Logging Co , a corpor
ation. Suit. Continued.
Garrison Sheldon vs. Ella W.
Sheldon. Suit-divorce. Decree
granted p'.ff.
Catherine Boehtinger vs. Oregon
& California Railroad Co. The
Farmers Loan & Trust Co. Con
tinued. J. T. Bridges vs Malinda Starr,
executrix of est. of Mary A Gar
linghonse. dec. Verdict for defend
ant. Plff given 90 days to file bill
of exceptions.
Lewis Hartley vs. Cora A. Hart
ley. Suit-divorce. Dismissed.
Moce v.-:
May Moore. Stip-
LOST." Small gold, pin with jas.
M,-; r Morrison . engraved . on it.
Return to Times office and re
ceive reward. ' - ,:
LOST. A bunch of keys, valuab'e
only to the owner. Finder plaase
leave at Times office end receive
1 reward.
J. W. Writsman vs. J. R. Rain
water et al. Suit to perfect title.
Decree for plff.
Faber & Neis vs. John Whitaker
et al. Plff. given 30 days to plead.
State ot Oregon vs. , Ambrose
Cain. Committed to State Reform
D. B. Farley vs. A.
trustee. Continued.
J. Shipley.
FOR SALE. Choice hei fer calves
Ind. phone, 258. Address Cor
vallis. R. F, D. No. 1. Walter