The Corvallis times. (Corvallis, Or.) 1888-1909, December 04, 1906, Image 1

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    Vol. XIX.-No. 3
nd Prop. )efo
Chamberlain's Salve. '
This salve is intended especially for sore
nipples, burns, frost bites, chapped hands,
itching piles, chronic ftore eyes, granulated
eye lick, old chronic sores and for diseases of
the skin, such as tetter, salt-, rheum, ring
worm, scald head, herpes, barber's itch,
scabies, or itch and eczema. It has met
with unparalleled success in the treatment
of these diseases. Price 25 cents per box.
Try it. For sale by Graham & Wortham.
Winter Rates To Yaquina Bay.
A low round trip rate of fe:5o from.
Albany and $3 125 from Cor vail is and
Philomath to Yaquina has been put in
effect by the Corvallis & Eastern dar
ing the entire winterand spring, until
May 31,-1907. Tickets good, for return
60 days from date of sale. Splendid acc
ommodations for all. at low'ratea.
g Full information from C. & E. Agents
or Conductors, of J. 0. Mayo, Gen. Pass
A . tAlbany. Tickets on sale daily.
Job Printing
at Times Office.
Corv a His & Eastern
Trains From and to Yaquina
Leaves Yaqnina . . . 6 .ao a. m
Leaves Corvallis io;4o a. m
Arrives Albany .11:40 a. m
No 2
Leaves Albany :;;2op. m.
Leaves Corvallis 1:20 p. m
Arrives Yaqnina. 5 145 p. m
No 3
Leaves Albanv for Detroit. . 7:30 a. va
Arrive Detroit 12:30 p. m
No 4 -
Leaves Detroit 1:00 p. m
Arrive Albany 5:55 p. m
No 8-
Leaves Albany 7:05 a. m
Arrives Corvallis 8 :3d a. m
No 10
Leaves Albany 3:50 p.m.
Arrive Corvallis 4:30 p. m
No 6
Leaves Albany. :35 p. m
Arrives Coivallia . . 8:15 p. sn
No 5
Leaves Corvallis., .6:30 a. m
Arrive Albany.... ...7:ioa. m
No 9
Leaves Ccrvallis. 1:30 p. m
Arrives Albany 2:i0 n. m
No 7
Leaves Corvallis 6:00 p. m
Arrive Albany 6:40 p. m
No 11
Leave Corvallis 11:00 a. m
Arrive Albany 11:42 a. m
No 12
Leaves Albany.. . . . : ... . . ; . 12:45 p. m
Arrives Corvallis 1 :33 p. tn
A 11 tbe above connect with Southern
Pacific company trains both at Alban
end Corvallis as well as trains for Detroit
giving direct service to Newport and ad
jacent beaches, as well as Breitenbush
Hot Springs. r '. ' .
For further information apply to -
J. C. MAYO, Gen Pass Agt
B H. Boles agt Albany, .
H. H. Gronise, agt Corvallis.
E. R. Bryson,
Attorney At Law.
Northern Pacific.
2 Daily Trains 2
Duluth, Minneapolis ; St. Paul
and the East.
2 Trains i Dai 1 y 2
Denver, Lin coin, Omaha Kan
sas City St.-Louis and; East,
Four dally trains between Portland and Seattle
Pullman First-class sleeping cars. Pullman
Tourist sleeping cars, Dining cars night and day,
Observation and Parlor cars.
The regular Yellowstone Park Boute via. Lr-
Ineston and Gardiner, Mont., the government
omciai entrance to me raiK.
Park season I une 1st to September 20th. -
Bee Europe If yon will but see" America first.
Bran right See Yellowstone National Park
Minare a greatest wonderland. t ,, , ; . l( ,.
Wonderland Th famous Northern Pacific
book can be had lor the asking or sis cents by
The Route of the "Sorth Ooart Lsmlted" the
Only Electric Lighted Modorn Train from Port
land tq tne nasi.
The ticket office at Portland Is at 255 Morrison
street, corner Third; A. D. Carlton, Assistant
vouercu rasstMiger Agent, rortiana, ur,'
Exceeds aA
Former Purchasing
. . . , - - . . m
I Quantity, Quality & Variety I
Our store has never held such a line
in some of our Departments.
Received this week a big line of Mens' Clothing,' .
the quality higher than any of our former buys.
These goods are good fitters and the price will be
right. : . . , '
Our line of Men and Boys Shoes fill the department
to overflow; you can always find in our shoe depart
ment all the latest novelties from two of the largest
factories in the United States.
We are receiving new goods every day and Jjwill
glad to have you call and inspect our store.
Rogoways "Store
It will pay you to come in and see us before buying your winter sup
ply. We carry a full line of New and Second-Hand Furniture.
Furniture, Stoves, Ranges
Crockery, Glassware and Graniteware. Watch Friday's
paper for
Highest Market Price Paid for
Hides, Pelts and Furs.
North east Cor. 2nd and
Hew Goods, Latest Designs and
; . Our Fall Line of Jewelry and Silverware are beginning to arrive and
will be tbe largest and most complete line ever shown in Corvallis.
; "Swastikos," the Japanese lucky charm and the latest thing in the
novelty line, to be had in Fobs, Hat Pins, Lace Pins, Cuff Buttons and 0.
A. C. Pins of all kinds. ; Alarm Clocks $1. Fountain Pens $1. At
; 7 E. W. S. PRATT'S; The Jeweler and Opticians "
New Sporting Goods Store.
A new and complete line consisting of
Bicycles, Guns, Ammunition. '
Fishing Tackle, Base Ball Supplies,
i Knives, Razors, Hammocks. Bicycle Saundries
In fact anything the sportsman need can
be found at my store.
Bicycles and Guns for rent. ' General Repair Shop.
, - - All Work Guaranteed.
M. M
Ind.: Phone 126; ,
Money to Loan on all Kinds
of Security. .
Monroe Sts, Corvallis, Or. "
. Corvallis, Oregon.
Discoverers of Coal Driven Out by
Force and Threats and Fuel
Cotupatiy Fostered by Re
s bates on Rio Grande
Road. '
Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. 30.
It is understood that the Federal
ttiaad jury, now hearing testimony
coneeruincr the piantic Pratt of cnal
ana umber land by railroads aod
coal companies, has voted to return
indictments aeainst the Union Pai
ciflc Railroad Comnanv. the Ore-
eon Shortt Line, the Union Pacific
Coal Comoanv. and two officials of
these rsonn.anifcs will hn ihnlartprt
when the indictments are re'arued.
It it said ibebills would have been
reported put before this, but the
government officials are waiting to
bear additional evidence at Pueblo
and Denver next week.
The indictments will icharge the
defendants with fraud in obtaining
government, land by subornation
of rrjeriurv- in hirinsr nersons to
iinr chm lhov worn mntrino onfrv
upon the land for their own person
al use, and then turning them over
to tbe companies. .
1' A brother of a United States sen
ator, who, n is said, was implicated
in these dealines. was rnwittinelv
permitted to testify, thereby Becur-
log an immunity batn.
C The rframaiin ctnr. nt
for the Sunnyside minee, the richest
mininiT namn in Ihn nnflra -at.oU rvf
Utah, was told before the intersUte
commerce commission here today,
It was the storv of a h6rjelesa.ht22.G00.
truthless, pitiless and one-sided
m .
struggle between the man without
money on the one side and organ-
d 'millions on the: other: It wsb
Trie sort of relentless power of cor-1
purations exercised to the fullest!
extent to prevent the original dis-
coverers and possessors of the vast
riches of uhe Sunnyside district
from etjjying the fruits of their en-
terprise and labor.
ihe tale is said to aptly illustrate
the methods whereby corporate in-
terests and corporate green have
sisopeeded in eetablishiog a monop-
oly of the caal industry of the en-
tire' West. As told before the com- ened by a story in which riflae,
misB'on, the etory finds no parallel threats of violence and corporate re
UDlees it be in the methods used by venge figured. Arthur A. Sweet
the blandard Oil Company to throt-
tie com pet Ion and to maintain mo-
nopoly. incidentally it throws a
strong light upon the general coal
famine trom which the state of
Utah and other portions of the West
are now sufferiog severely, a 'ma-
noro.y-made famine. -
This pubi c indictment, coming
from the mouths of witnesses who
had fought with the "system" and
who bad suffered irreparable de
feat, went unchallenged by the cor
poration against whom it was di
rected and unanswered,' except by
protest and objection of attorneys.
TTT I - 1 1 . . a 1 "I
w nen asKea it tney aeelred to in
troduce testimony to refute the
charges which which witnesses
broupht against them, attorneys fori
the Denver & Rio Grande railroad,
the Kio Grande Western railroad,
the Utah Fuel Company and. tbe
Pleasant Valley Coal Company slat
ed tnat they bad. substantially noth
mg to oner. - v
- tieorge T. Holhday told a dra
matio etory of how be was driven
from the Sunnyside mines.; He was
me uisooverer ana ricntiui owner
of tbis tremendous Iwealtb. but
by devious method, all crooked he
was eventually dispossessed.. . His
allegations went unchallenged by
tbe attorneys for the railroads and
coal companies. Squatters; weie
sent to the lands and be was driv
en off with rifles when hi returned.
His standing with the .New, York
Surety Company was destroyed, so
that he could not find, employment.
Me finally sold out, received $900
ror property Mnich today is support-
: onirt i .
rag ovuu people ana paying enor
mous dividends to the company.;.
Arthur W. Sweet told how the
Utah Fuel Company bad J wrecked
mm. xleowned valuable coal lanl,
which he finally : sold for. $4,000.
This witness said that the telegraph
wires were relayed through the of
fices of the Fuel company, , and all
mssagss of interest to thecompaoy
were copUd aod submitted to its
officers. ;
Charles A. Livingetope and oth-
era told bow the fuel company en
joyed a railroad rate about ooe-balf
that of the public, and was thus
able to crush out all competition.
Tha government was particular to
secure all the evidence available on
tbi rebating evil, and propose to
place it before the attorney general
as material' in prosecution of the
fuel company and the railroada
granting the rebates.
Byron Groo, former secretary of
State Land Board of Utah, was
questioned as to how title to thous
ands of acres of land was passed
from the state of Utah to the coal
companies. He admitted that large
tracks of land were so disposed of
by the state land board, but said
he could riot remember the amounts
Pa or other de-alls of the transac
George D. Halliday, of Salt Lake
City, to of, his efforts to acquire
title to a tract of coal land in Whit
more Canyon, near Sunnyside. He
organized the Halliday Coal Com
DaDy and undertook to mine ooal
Robert; Forester, geologist of the
Utah Fuel Company: W. J. Kip
man and other men came to him.
he said, and told him that ""less
he got off the land they would jump
uis claim. Later, during . his ab-
s-. c, armed men went in and took
P t"r.-?ion ,of his property, to. which
8 man named Kobert Kirker set up
a claim. Halliday testified that he
attempted to contest Ktrker's claim
in the district COUrt of the" Third
Utah' district, but every decision
was against bim UDtil be secured a
transfer of,, tbe case to Salt', Lake
City. Mr. Halliday told of several
convereaiions naa wun ooeri
Clar)E npenntendent of the Pleas-
i " . a " . a - Li a
ant Ia."!y Coal company, and otb
er orhcials ot the coal companies
m wbich iBometimeB threatB were
made ajainet , him and at other
uuioo cuuiib wcro uiiuo iu uuy uiiu
, n , - . . m . .
out" JJloal'y. urIng oi tne struggle
he sold out to the coal company for
After the Phaant Valley Com
pany caused Kirker to' jump his
claim. Halliday testified, he went
back to the pronertv, but waB driv
en off by seven armed men and
Kirker fired a shot at him. From
tue time Kirker jumped the claim,
he testihed, until he sold out his
r'ght to the Pkasaot Valley Com-
pany, he was not, permitted to go
upon his land. . This land, which
Halliday located in 1897, today is
one of the most valuable coal and
coking properties owned by. tbe
v lah b uel Company.
The" afternoon session was enliv
testified that he had protested the
location of a tract of coat land by
Charles Moysten Owen, who filed
on it as agricuitnrdl land. The
protest was upheld and Sweet hied
on it as mineral land. When he
went to take po3eessioo,hecncount'
ered b. M. Wheel ng and a Mexi-
can, both armed with rifles. Dis
regarding their statement that there
J was "no coal land on tbe land," hs
went on to the propertv. As he
proceeded, he heard a gun fired.
The armed men followed him to bis
claims add told him he hid to leave.
They asked him if he would go "at
his pleasure" or by force. He con
sented to go 8t "his pleasure."
Afterward, he said, he secured
two Injunctions from tbe district
court of the state restraining tbe
fuel company from interferiog with
bim, but tbe injunctions were con-
continued on page 4.
Avoid alum and alum phos
phate baking powders.The
label law requires that all
the ingredients ! be named
oh the labels. Look out
for the alum 1 compounds.
NGTE.Safety Kes m buying only.
Royal Baking Powder, which is a
pure, cream of tartar baking powder;1
the best
Manner and Bearing of Defendant
Shows His Faith That He Will
Be Vindicated Court Room
' Portland, Dec. 2. Oregonian:
Facing his arraignment with a calm
demeanor and without the slightest
tremor of nervousness, Orlando : S.
Murray yesterday entered a plea of
not guilty to the charge of killing
Lincoln C. Whitney, the alleged
traducer of the eibler of the defend
ant. Hie trial was set for Monday
December 10. ..
Murray entf red his plea before
the judges of tbe circuit sitting ea '
banc and while tbe courtroom was
crowded with spectators. When
asked by Judge Sears to rise and ,
plead, be did so in a manner and
with a. bearing that bespoke his
confidence in acquita!. '
. Attorner Joun F. Logan asked
that tbe trial be set two weeks -ahead,
stating that it would take
thrt time to secure the evidence and
get witnesses here. The date was
first set for the 13th of the month,
but whether due to a suLcrs'iti. . 3
fear of that date, or as a matter of
convenience, the attorney for io
defendant secured the hearing of
the trial on tbe 10th.
It was announced that John H.
Jeffries would assist in the defense,
and that W. T Vaughn would ap- :
pear as an associate in the prosecuv
tion, tbe latter having been retain ,
edby the relatives of Whitney.
Portland, Dec. 2. Oregonian:
For about ten minutes late yester
day atternoon Mount Mood took: on
the glistening pink glow of the sun
set and held all spectators spell
bound by the glorious beauty of its
coloring. It is not an unusual
thin' to Bee the mountain reflect-.......
ing the pink and red of the sun, '
but there was a delicious shading
aod mellowness about it yesterday
which caused artists to gaze in ado
ration, and common, every-day in
dividuals to stop and wonder at the
beauty of it.
There have been no successful
pictures of Mount Hood showing
this wonderful coloring, as s repro
duction appears grossly unnatural
and lacks tbe transparent lightit ;;.
At sunset the changes are rapid,
and there will be brief iostancea
when the effect is that of a spot
light turned upon the peak. As
tbe sun dropped below the horizon
yesterday, the blue mists crept up
irom ioo iimoer line, gradually en
veloping tne mountain, until at last
the glowing tip was submerged and1
old Hood again stood out in'r' tbeP-
steel-blue cold Dees of a winter's day
"Where in this country or anyi v
any other country would one see
such a sight as that!" enthusiastic
ally sighed a nature-loving epecta
tor. "Nowhere but in O egon," re
plied tbe practical real eatate man
nrVtrk o A a, rm a r( n npanin ' C4 T f T i
had had that party of Eastern cus
tomers on C unci! Crest just then I
coold have Bold every lot - 00 my
Th9 artist sniffed at such rank
COtn uercialifim, but as they separat
ed e oh acknowledged to himself
that, it was tbe u.os tvautiful sight
. ver w!tnssed.
that can be made.